stand back, let me come

Chapter 204: Chapter 204: Chaos in Xiaocheng [2 in 1]

Chapter 204 Chapter 204: Xiaocheng Chaos (44) [Two in One]

Robbing the rich to help the poor?

Gu Chi frowned subconsciously.

"Which 'rich' are you going to rob?"

Now the most "rich" is the rebels, right?

There was a big fire before that didn't hurt their foundation, and there was a lot of food and grass brought by reinforcements, which can be described as "too rich".

"If you are planning to attack the rebels, I advise you to give up this idea, not to mention Xiaocheng's manpower shortage, there is no way to recruit extra people. Even if they can, they will only be able to rob us."

Gu Chi thought he had predicted Shen Tang's prediction.

Block this way pre-emptively.

Unexpectedly, Shen Tang said arrogantly and authentically in Versailles: "I have burned their luggage. No matter how stupid the rebels are, they will not fall twice in the same pit. What are they doing? I mean, do you want to follow them?" The big families in Xiaocheng... borrow some money?"

Gu Chi: "..."

This development was something he never expected.

He asked: "The big family you mentioned means..."

Gu Chi had vaguely guessed it, but he didn't dare to think that Shen Tang would have such courage.However, Shen Tang really dared: "How can Xiaocheng be the state capital of Sibao County? It is also the place with the most prosperous economy and the largest population in Sibao County. Those who are rich, powerful, and well-established... the family or the gentry should A lot?"

The corner of Gu Chi's mouth twitched.

Said: "These people you mentioned have escaped."

Those are the best informed group.

The rebels attacked the granary of the garrison outside the city. Not long after the fire started, the people in the city sensed that something was wrong. They packed up their bags overnight and left with the most important members of their family.

In the past, this group of people might not be willing to leave - the fall of the city is just a change of subject for them.In order to take over the city as quickly as possible, the newly appointed chief will generally not move this group of people.

Not only will they not be moved, but they will continue to be employed.

This is one of their confidence.

At the same time, it is also the unspoken rule of war between various countries and forces.

However, Zheng Qiao didn't play his cards according to reason.

When Sibao County was captured for the first time, this group of people was going to put on airs at first, but they misjudged Zheng Qiao's brutality and decisiveness.Everyone who sang against Zheng Qiao, ranging from head to head, or even a few family members canceling their household registration books.

In addition, Zheng Qiao deliberately condoned the soldiers under the tent to burn, kill and loot, which directly frightened them, so when King Zhu's rebels came, they had already oiled the soles of their feet, for fear of following in the footsteps.

Shen Tang had also heard about these news.

"I know they escaped, but time is so tight, if they can take away their valuables, they will definitely not be able to take away grains and rice... Isn't this exactly what we need? We need them, just right!" Shen Tang said again, "And It’s not for nothing, it’s an IOU.”

Gu Chi: "...???"

He wasn't surprised by the IOU.

He was surprised why Shen Lang took it for granted.

Gu Chi: "You said...borrowing food from those family gentry?"

Shen Tang said: "Yes."

After all, he nodded heavily.

The landlord's house must have food.

Gu Chi asked again: "Then have you thought about how to pay it back?"

Shen Tang shrugged his shoulders, and the matter had nothing to do with him: "Well, it's simple. If Xiaocheng can be defended, let them take the IOU to the state capital to pay it back, and if the state capital doesn't pay it back to the imperial court. If Xiaocheng can't keep it, My little life is gone, so how can I care if the debt is bad or not?"

Gu Chi: "..."

I have to say that this nonsense sounds a bit reasonable, but normal people wouldn't hit those people with their ideas.Gu Chi was in deep thought, but did not give Shen Tang an answer.Shen Tang didn't urge her either, she was the one who came up with an idea, it was none of her business to adopt it or not.

Gu Chi asked again: "They won't borrow it?"

Shen Tang tentatively asked, "Steal it?"

Gu Chi: "..."

The seemingly frail young man looked gloomy, and asked an unsuitable question: "Qi Yuanliang, haven't you taken less Baoxin pills recently?"

He even had some faint gloat.

Meeting such a reckless young man, he must be devastated.

Shen Tang looked nervous: "You mean Baoxin Pill? Yuan Liang brought a few bottles of medicine with him, but he didn't see him taking it, so he didn't know what the effect was. That thing is Baoxin Pill? Yuan Liang has a heart disease?"

Why doesn't she know?
With current medical conditions, heart disease is basically an incurable disease.

Gu Chi: "..."

He just wanted to gloat, nothing else.

He changed the topic and brought back the distorted topic: "Rooting is not acceptable. Once you anger these people, maybe when you are still asleep, they will already open the city gates from inside and outside to welcome the rebels into the city. Don't underestimate them."

Shen Tang's idea is also quite dangerous.

I really don't know how prayers are taught.

Shen Tang didn't understand the logic at all.

She was puzzled and said: "This is angered? Isn't Xiaocheng their foundation? The rebels are a common enemy. The enemy should put aside all grievances and defend the enemy together. Money contributes money, someone contributes people, and strength contributes. Only then can we defend our homeland!"

Gu Chi was taken aback by Shen Tang's seemingly logical words, and then laughed again: "How can this be the same?"

Shen Tang looked at him puzzled, begging for an answer.

"They never cared who owned Xiaocheng, or even which country Xiaocheng belonged to. If they hadn't met Zheng Qiao, a tyrant who broke the rules, they wouldn't even have escaped. Because no matter who is in power, their assets belong to them. It belongs to them, and it will not affect their enjoyment of glory and wealth, and it may even be improved to a higher level because of the reuse of the new owner."

It is impossible for the situation that Shen Tang said to happen.

Because interests and positions are never the same.

Shen Tang opened his mouth, as if he didn't expect this to happen.

She really didn't expect it.

The subtext of Gu Chi's words is that the gentry have food, but they can't borrow it.But in her subconscious mind, it should be a very normal thing to do her best to defend her home and country. On the contrary, it is not normal to watch from the sidelines.

Shen Tang was only silent for a while.

She asked: "The new rice that should have been put into the warehouse is gone, and only [-]% of the old rice in the emergency reserve is damp and moldy. Where did the rice go? Whether it was eaten, sold, or lost, there must be someone. Where to go. Can I check this one?"

Gu Chi asked: "Do you suspect that they were embezzled?"

"It may not be them, but if you want to eat such a large amount of rice, how can you do it if you don't have any family background? Not only do you need a family background, but it is best to have a legally operated rice shop under your name. The large and small rice shops in the city are almost front and back. It’s a tacit coincidence that the price has been raised, and the front and back are saying that the rice is insufficient, or it’s a coincidence, or it’s intentional... Most of these rice shops are their property.”

Shen Tang asked again: "Two days before the siege of Xiaocheng, did these rice shops collect grain at high prices? If so, it is estimated that there is a lot of grain in their hands. How could it be sold out so quickly? Follow this line to investigate, maybe What can I really find out..."

Then use the handle to blackmail...

Ah no, borrowing food, I can definitely borrow it.

Gu Chi: "The grain depot is not an easy place to operate. If it is really embezzled, the former prefect Yancheng must participate."

Shen Tang said: "Then you can check Yancheng's study, maybe there is such an account book? Isn't it iron proof?"

Gu Chi: "..."

No, that's not what he meant.

What he meant was——Yancheng's participation is a "deal", and they may not accept it, let alone use it as a threat to make them spit out the benefits of eating it. They are not soft persimmons.

If there is really no food channel.

As a last resort, maybe you can try this method.

Gu Chi lowered his eyelids, not really making up his mind.

This matter still needs to be discussed with Wu Yuan, or at least let him know.He tapped his knuckles on the table again and again, but what he was thinking about was Shen Tang and the phantom of the giant dragon above Xiaocheng.

No one is more aware of the source of the phrase [Ziwei goes out of the Northwest to protect the unification of the world], and he knows that it is not a prophecy, but it just "come true".Not sooner or later, after Shen Tang and the others showed up.Was there some connection here that he didn't know about?

Waiting for Gu Chi to recover——

The words "Guoxi", "Shen Tang", "Gong Shuwu", "Pray for Good", and "Chu Yao" were impressively written on the white paper on the table.Chu Yao's sudden recovery of Wenxin is also a very intriguing detail.So far, the only way to restore the Wenxin of the abolished Dan Mansion.

If you go that way, there is a detail that ordinary people can easily overlook——During the recovery process, Chu Yao should not be too far away from his loyalists.

The closer the distance, the better the recovery.

Chu Yao's loyalists are nearby.

In other words, the one who owns the Great Seal is nearby.

Could this person be Shen Tang?

Will Xin Guo's imperial seal be in the hands of the Shen family?

Thinking about it this way, it doesn't seem unreasonable.

Just as Gu Chi was thinking, he heard Gong Cheng's heartfelt voice across a few walls.Normally, Gu Chi would just ignore it, but this time his heartfelt voice mentioned a key word—Second Uncle.

Isn't Gong Cheng's second uncle the same Gong Wen who disappeared for a long time?
Wu Yuan was greedy for Gong Wen, and always wanted to recruit Gong Wen when he met him, but God failed, and Gong Wen disappeared as if the world had evaporated.Gong Cheng mentioned a detail in his heartfelt - that uncle Wu gave Gong Cheng the feeling of his second uncle.

At this moment, Gu Chi was struck by lightning.

He suddenly understood something.

Pick up a pen and write the word Gong Wen next to Gong Shuwu.

"Uncle Gong, Uncle Gong, half-step; Gong Wen, Gong Yili-half step is martial, and the righteousness of propriety is writing. So it is so, haha, so it is so!" The details that Gu Chi could not understand before suddenly became clear, and also It is further confirmed that Shen Tang has a national seal on his body!
This imperial seal was given by Gong Shuwu!
Shen Tang is the heir of the Shen family again...

Could it be that Shen Lang is a legacy of King Xin's family?
If you guess like this, everything can make sense.

Otherwise, Gong Wen would have no reason to follow Shen Tang.

Gu Chi clicked his tongue: "Gong Wen is really loyal to the royal family of Xin. Guoxi would rather hand it over to the descendants of the Shen family and choose a hopeless road to restoration of the country than to pull his own nephew. Hiding his identity, what a loyal one!"


What does this have to do with him?
Gu Chi suddenly smiled, with a treacherous and cold smile, he rolled up the piece of paper on the table, took out a torch and burned it.

Until the paper was reduced to ashes in the firelight.

at the same time--

Uncle Gong suddenly sneezed loudly.

Helpless to keep up with the nephew in front of him and his wife and brother.

Not long ago, Shen Tang approached Gong Cheng with a worried face, saying that there was a shortage of food in the city and that the grain depot was suspected of being corrupted by the former county guard.When my nephew heard it, he immediately supported it!

Gong Shuwu felt that the two children were naive.

Is the evidence so easy to find?

If you find it, can you recover the food?
Nor look at the current situation of being besieged by rebels.

Gong Shuwu wanted to spend more time with his nephew, so he came up to watch the fun. Unexpectedly, the two children rummaged through the study of the former sheriff and found a wooden box under a floor tile.

The wooden box is full of booklets, which are very important at first glance!
Gong Shuwu: "..."

He watched Shen Wulang enter the study with his own eyes, and went straight to the lamp shelf, wall, and ground. After a while, he had a great harvest, and people couldn't help but suspect that she buried the box.

He didn't ask, but Gong Cheng did.

"How does brother-in-law know he's here?"

Shen Tang flipped through the booklets one by one, without raising his head, he said, "Isn't this simple? It's all an old-fashioned routine."

You don’t know if you don’t read the account book, but if you look at it——

Good guy, the former sheriff has a lot of business.

After flipping through a few books, I found the relevant content of the grain depot.

Coincidentally, she really hit the spot.

"Take these... how much food can we get?"

Xiaocheng can last at least half a month!
Gong Cheng looked at the number above and took a deep breath.


What audacity!

At the same time, there is a secret joy of a windfall.

But Gong Cheng hesitated when he went to ask for food with the evidence.

He is also from a family, and he knows best what these people will do if they are offended, but if they don't get food, the garrison will have to starve to defend the city within two days, and the people in the city will mutiny.

For a while, it seemed that no choice was wrong.

Shen Tang patted him on the shoulder.

"Gong Cheng, can you do it?"

Gong Cheng was caught off guard and staggered when he was photographed. He blushed suddenly and said, "This matter is of great importance, so don't be hasty."

"You dare not do it?" Shen Tang asked him bluntly.

Gong Cheng said helplessly, "It's not easy to offend."

Shen Tang rolled his eyes, thinking that he had a bad idea.

She hooked her fingers at Gong Cheng, and Gong Cheng hesitated, but still couldn't hold back his curiosity, and stepped forward to hear what Shen Tang had in mind.Shen Tang's ingenious strategy is not only harmful but also very stupid.

After Gong Cheng heard this, his eyes widened in astonishment, and he hesitated, "Why, how can this method be used, isn't this robbery?"

Shen Tang said: "It's just grabbing!"

Since you can't borrow it, grab it.

Anyway, give her food.

The landlord’s family has food, but they are unwilling to take it out, and want to sit on the ground and raise the price, taking the opportunity to make war fortune?It's really against them!
Not to mention that the food is still greedy.

The account book is the proof!

The grain in the granary was originally intended to deal with natural and man-made disasters. If it is not used now, when will it be used?How is moving them different from rebellion?

It would be good if they didn't come to cancel their household registration.

Gong Cheng said: "If they are pushed into a hurry..."

Shen Tang: "What's the urgency? Has the county government come forward to force them to provide grain? Don't talk nonsense! No! Those who robbed their granaries were 'mobs', 'common people' who couldn't afford rice shops and could only choose to take risks. "The 'common people' have been bitter landlords for a long time. As a local parent official, the incarnation of justice, the representative of justice, how could the county do such a thing as robbery? Don't you think so?"

As for how those "mobs" knew the location of the granary, and there were so many people, well, how could a county government with a severe shortage of manpower and everyone wishing their parents had three hands, know?
You can't wrong the honest people!
Gong Cheng was a little moved.


Wu Yuan struggled all night, and made up his mind to let Gu Chi have a try—hold a banquet and invite the principals of each family to find out about "borrowing food". As a result, the principals had already come to cry before he stepped out of the threshold of the county mansion.

Wu Yuan: "???"


  On a whim, I wanted to keep a cat. I checked and found that there was a cattery near my house, so I went to the cattery in the afternoon and brought back a silver point English short.The proprietress said it was four months, but I always feel that this cat is so fat, it doesn't look so small...

(End of this chapter)

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