stand back, let me come

Chapter 213: 213: Fighting

Chapter 213 213: Brawling ([-]) [ask for a monthly ticket]

This scene is something no one expected.

Zhai Le watched Gu Chi fall down in a daze.

Cautiously asked: "Brother Shen, why did you—"

Shen Tang drooped his eyelids slightly, wiped the sharp edge of the sword indifferently, and asked Zhai Le in a low voice: "Why?"

Zhai Le saw that Shen Tang had no shame on his face, as if he was the one meddling in other people's business, so he couldn't help being dumbfounded for a moment.

Said embarrassingly: "That's, that's why you knocked him out?"

Gu Chi was kind to Shen Tang in saving his life.

Shen Tang said confidently: "In order to take him away."

Zhai Le: "..."

To be honest, he only saw that Brother Shen wanted to kill someone.

Shen Tang read Zhai Le's true thoughts from his subtle expression, and explained to him calmly: "You misunderstood, I didn't intend to kill him."

Zhai Le breathed a sigh of relief.

But before the breath was completely relieved, Brother Shen said the second half of the sentence in a low voice: "If I can't take him away, I will kill him, don't worry."

Zhai Le: "..."

No, he wasn't worried at all.

"I didn't do this to repay kindness and revenge." Perhaps because he was worried that his little partner would misunderstand, Shen Tang immediately added, "I can clearly distinguish between grace and hatred. If Gu Chi is used by me, I will be greatly favored." May I repay you tenfold; if not, then we will only have hatred!"

Zhai Le was dumbfounded again.

Shen Tang didn't intend to continue explaining here.

She rubbed her aching forehead uncomfortably.

Her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were slightly closed, and her eyebrows were never raised.

Qishan urged: "The situation is critical, so there should be no delay."

The shouts of killing outside the house were getting closer.

The footsteps were messy and the voices were noisy.

Everything shows that this is not a good place for small talk.

Chu Yao solemnly entrusted Qishan: "Take care of Goro."

If Wu Lang has three advantages and two disadvantages, he will ask Qi Yuanliang to demonstrate in person what "three advantages and two disadvantages" are!
Qi Shan rolled his eyes angrily.

Need Chu Wuhui remind me of this?

Zhai Huan allocated two people to follow Qishan to escort the seriously injured Yang Duwei and Shen Tang out of the city, agreed on a rendezvous place, and each went to the battlefield.

With the collapse of the defense line at the gate of Xiaocheng, a large number of rebels rushed in. The soldiers in the garrison had to fight and retreat, leaving behind bloody corpses along the way.These corpses were trampled into a pulp by the rebel soldiers and horses in the melee.

Zhai Huan raised his hand and got three words.

The black and white literary air flow directly into Zhai Le's body.

"Benevolence can join the crowd, courage can be decisive, and strictness can stand up!"

At the same time, he activated the spirit of morale boosting.

Although Zhai Le's martial energy was depleted in the past, Zhai Le's martial energy was not much, and now he can still sacrifice the Warrior Talisman, and with the assistance of his cousin, his actions are almost unaffected.Hundreds of ink dots turned into simple rattan armor to wrap around the vital points of the soldiers, holding spears, swords and shields in their hands.

Chu Yao is the leader of the five virtues.

He cooperated with Gong Shuwu once.

There is a natural tacit understanding between masters...


Except Qi Yuanliang!
Not long after, a large number of rebels had rushed into the lane.

Under your feet is a bloody road made of blood!

"Kill ah-"

There was a high-pitched and exciting killing cry, and the rebel army was as powerful as a rainbow, leaving no dogs or dogs wherever they passed.But no one expected that at this moment, the houses on both sides of the lane erupted with a terrifying momentum.


The voice of the visitor was like thunder.

Uncle Gong poured martial energy into his voice.

The nearest rebel soldier screamed in pain, only to feel that someone was hitting his head with a hammer, spitting blood, and unconscious.The rebels who were knocked out were even worse, and their bodies hit the ground heavily.

Before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was trampled to death by Pao Ze who charged up.

When the weapons clashed, the screams shook the sky!

After a while, there were bloodstains all over the ground.

Gong Shuwu has his eyes on the little leader of the rebel army.

He shouted loudly: "The little thief will die!"

The weapon in his hand split a beam of light that was more than ten feet long.

On the path of light, the rebels were either beaten into the air or cut off in the middle. The little boss turned pale with shock at the sight of the situation, and before he could fully react, Gong Shuwu's war horse leaped high and stepped on the rebels. The corpse came to him.

As soon as the neck was cold, the head fell to the ground.

What kind of scene is that when a high-level warrior breaks into ordinary soldiers who can't form an formation?That's the wolf breaking into the flock!

Gong Shuwu led more than 400 martial arts soldiers, blocking the not-so-spacious alleyway, and the rebels who rushed to the front naturally died the fastest.The advance of the rebels was blocked here, and the Zhai Huan brothers also achieved considerable results.

Coupled with the assistance of two Wenxin scribes, it was hard for the rebels who were advancing all the way, but the situation was still not optimistic, and soon attracted the attention of the rebel commanders.The first to kill was a brave general with an unfamiliar face, but a sixth-class official.

Gong Shuwu chopped off his horse almost as soon as they met each other.

The head soared into the sky, and blood spattered.

Gong Shuwu's expression was always dignified, his eyes were cold, like a battlefield meat grinder, he quickly and numbly harvested the lives of the rebels, and even pushed the rebels back ten feet!However, with the deaths and injuries of martial arts soldiers, the advantage was slowly equalized again.

At this time, another rebel warrior arrived.

Eighth-class public ride!

It is still about to break through in the eighth-class public transport.

Its strength is not very different from that of Gong Shuwu.

"Die! Take your life!"

Gong Shuwu didn't bother to talk nonsense, kicked the horse's hooves under his crotch, and killed the past like a black shooting star. The rebel soldiers he encountered along the way were either bumped into or trampled - the horses of Wudan warriors were basically as tall as a person. It will also be enhanced and optimized as the strength of the warriors increases.

With one hoof down, the skull can be trampled through!
The weapons in the hands of both sides danced so tightly that the water could not enter.

In the next moment, a huge and solid blood-colored light blade came!
Another eighth-class public passenger with similar strength.

Gong Shuwu's face was already stained red by the blood of the rebels, and the original facial features could not be seen, except for those scarlet and cold eyes full of cold killing intent.With a cold snort, he raised his hand and shattered the sneak attacking martial arts light blade.Hao Mai shouted: "If you have the kind, let's go together!"

One of them said angrily: "Zizi is arrogant!"

Another person slapped the horse and killed him: "Looking for death!"

One against two!

Three strokes, five strokes, ten strokes, thirty strokes, fifty strokes...

The hearts of the two eighth-class public passengers sank slightly.

Under the joint attack of the two, Gong Shuwu not only did not feel the embarrassment of being overwhelmed, but his strength never weakened.

At this time, one person shouted angrily: "Don't be arrogant!"

After saying that, he took advantage of the gap of the other person's resistance to draw out a longbow.

Dozens of cold arrows were fired together.

Not only did the eighth-class public passenger's cold arrow not hurt Gong Shuwu, but he knocked most of it away, and all of them bounced back in return.

The lanes are narrow, and most of them are soldiers from our own side.

These arrows were all laughed at by them.

The screams came one after another.

Seeing this, Gong Shuwu laughed loudly, opened his red eyes, and opened his mouth to provoke the two of them: "This is your strength? Did you come to fight without eating? Go home and eat [milk]!" Intensive attacks that are faster and heavier each time.

The two eighth-class passengers were anxious.

However, the number of soldiers who can enter the lane is limited.

Gongshu Wudu took a huge advantage here.

It's another blow!
With the sound of an explosive sound, the three people's martial qi slammed head-on, and the blasted air waves would blow away or shock the soldiers who were close to them to death, and those who survived would bleed from their seven orifices, and they had no power to fight again!

The two eighth-class passengers were retreated a few steps by Qi Qizhen, and the horses howled in pain, almost knocking them to the ground.

Although Gong Shuwu didn't retreat, he was also shocked so much that his blood surged.

Before the raised dust settled, he killed again.

At this time, the eyes of the two eighth-class passengers finally showed a hint of fear—they clearly felt that from the beginning of the fight, Gong Shuwu's aura was rising steadily at a constant speed!
The latter's martial energy seems to be inexhaustible.


This is very unreasonable!

If it is said that he used the secret method and secret medicine to forcibly improve, after such a long time, the effect of the medicine should have passed, but looking at Gong Shuwu's posture of fighting more and more bravely, killing more and more ruthlessly, is there any sign of exhaustion?

The only possibility is--

Gong Shuwu is about to break through!
Yes, Gong Shuwu is indeed about to break through.

His accumulation is already sufficient, and he only lacks an opportunity to be promoted to the tenth rank Zuo Shuzhang, but he has not encountered it, and he can't break through the bottleneck that seems to be within reach, but is actually hard to shake.

Today in the city, he saw Gong Xiqiu fighting with Yang Duwei and Zhai Le. He felt that his martial energy was restless, and the bottleneck was also showing a tendency to loosen, which was the harbinger of a breakthrough.

until now-

He laid his hands on the first rebel soldier.

The latter's blood spattered on his hands, and the heat of the blood ran along the skin, almost warming his Danfu martial arts.An inexplicable boiling impulse rolled in the blood, and Wu Qi circulated crazily along the meridians.He gradually kills red eyes,

It was as if a voice whispered in my head——

not enough!

not enough!
It's not enough!
Until the appearance of two eighth-class passengers, the scorching anxiety was finally soothed for a moment, and the voice became—kill them!kill them!kill them all!
These people are all lackeys of King Zhu!

King Xi is Zheng Qiao's brother!

Zheng Qiao is the enemy who destroyed Xin Guo and destroyed the Gong family!

As long as you kill them all, your bloodthirsty will be satisfied!

and so--

Gongshu Wu said coldly and madly: "You all deserve to die!"

After the words fell, a majestic and vast martial energy erupted from his body, followed by a bone-shaking wolf roar.Behind Gong Shuwu, a giant wolf with scarlet eyes, long black hair, and a slightly unreal figure quickly gathered.

The moment it appeared, the giant wolf leaped high and rushed towards the rebels blocking the alleyway. Its sharp claws pierced through the flesh and blood of the rebel soldiers like a knife cutting tofu. Turn pale.They released their martial energy one after another and condensed into gangs.

The two were pawed into one side of the house.

With two bangs, the house collapsed and buried them inside.

Although his life was safe, he was quite embarrassed.

The giant wolf still wanted to expand the results of the battle, but felt the fatal danger in the next moment, the wolf fur all over his body exploded, his wolf teeth clenched tightly, and a dangerous growl overflowed from his throat.A familiar dark green reticulated python was entrenched on the roof not far away.

The giant python was swallowing snake letters, looking at the giant wolf coldly.

Without the slightest hesitation, the giant wolf slaughtered the python.

There seemed to be a flash of ridicule in the eyes of the giant python.

It also ejected to meet the attack, opened its bloody mouth, and the fangs popped out, aiming at the most vulnerable part of the giant wolf's neck, while curling up the python body, trying to wrap itself around the giant wolf.The giant wolf moved nimbly and fought back with iron claws.A wolf and a python tangled together.

With several bangs, seven or eight houses collapsed.

at the same time--

Gong Shu Wu Ruo felt something, and glanced somewhere.

In the direction where the giant python appeared, a tall and burly figure stood on the roof.This person stands facing the wind, with the red tassel on the tip of the snake halberd fluttering in the wind.This person is Gong Xiqiu who forced Captain Yang to ignite his courage, forcibly leapfrog the ranks and defeat the general!

Gong Shuwu's eyes lit up, his fighting spirit was high!

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

Don't have sharp eyes...

He had played enough today, and he didn't want to warm up and loosen his muscles for the time being.


Seeing the giant python fighting excitedly, he curled his lips.

Gong Shuwu shouted to invite the battle: "Do you dare to come down and fight?"

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

Whoever dares is the grandson!
Without further ado, he picked up the double crescent snake-shaped halberd and killed it from top to bottom, and said to the two wastes crawling out of the ruins: "This man's life is mine, and you go to support other battlefields."

Two disgraced eighth-class public passengers: "..."

What else?

People came out to grab military merits, how could they get it.

He had no choice but to cup his fists and say, "Yes, the last general takes orders!"

After finishing speaking, he kicked his foot and rushed elsewhere like a cannonball.

Chu Yao, who silently assisted but had no sense of presence: "..."

To be honest, he didn't have much confidence in this fight.

However, Gong Shuwu just broke through, and his emotions are still high-pitched and aggressive, and he ran away from home rationally. In this state, Gong Shuwu only wants to fight, and he will not withdraw even if he is asked to withdraw.

So Chu Yao looked around.

He ordered the martial arts soldiers transformed by Uncle Gong to retreat.

Gong Shuwu, who was promoted to the tenth rank of Zuo Shuchang, fought with Gong Xiqiu, and the destructive power was not small, so these martial arts soldiers had to be used sparingly.

Gong Xiqiu: "Why do you seek death for mere tenth-rank Zuo Shuzhang?"

Gong Shuwu's answer was to kill him with a knife!

Start a fight without saying a word.

After a few trials, Gong Xiqiu gradually improved.

Compared with the strong enemy Lianlian here, Zhai Le's side is better. There are basically no high-ranking generals with a higher level of courage than him. The battle situation is not critical, and a certain advantage can be maintained in a short period of time.


No matter how hard the two groups of people try, it will be a drop in the bucket for the entire battle in Xiaocheng, and they will not be able to turn the tide.

In less than an hour, the outer city, four city gates, and three city gates fell one after another.

A large number of people had no time to flee.

They are crowded and slow.

Seeing the rebels coming, they were already in chaos.

Crying, begging for mercy, scolding, wailing...

The voices of men, women, young and old are intertwined.

These voices did not move the red-eyed rebels, let alone their rock-cold hearts.They raised their knives firmly in their hands, and the light and shadow of the weapons staggered, blood spattered, and the corpses fell in a pool of blood with the remaining panic on their faces.

Military orders are like mountains.

Filial piety city up and down, chickens and dogs do not stay!
Then, it is really not a dog or a chicken!

All of a sudden, a bloody human blood prison opened.

"Youli, there is still a long way to go..." Seeing Shen Xiaolang who had been killed all the way, exhausted and unconscious, Qi Shan's eyes turned into rare tenderness and complexity, "It will be more difficult than it is now..."

But he will always be there.

After he let go of his fist, he realized that at some point, the palm of his hand was gouged out with blood, but he didn't feel any pain at all.

At this moment, he wished he could close his sight and hearing, never want to see those pictures again, never want to hear those voices struggling in the blood prison on earth.I endured and endured, and finally couldn't bear it.

His throat tightened, and he spat out a mouthful of turbid scarlet blood.

(End of this chapter)

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