stand back, let me come

Chapter 216 216: Camp

Chapter 216 216: Camp

Even though the soldier was an ordinary person, he could still feel the mysterious "murderous aura". When he recovered, he realized that his back was covered with cold sweat.

He kept his voice extremely low, for fear of being heard by the secret enemy.

"Sir, do you want to change the road..."

In fact, both options are very risky.

There is such a road nearby.

If you turn back and choose another road, you are worried that you will encounter rebels, but if you continue on this road, you are afraid that you will encounter dangers no less than that of rebels, which is really embarrassing.The soldier was also filled with remorse, and luckily Qishan did not blame him.

Unexpectedly, Qi Shan raised his hand to stop it: "No, continue."

The soldier rolled his throat nervously, swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and glanced hesitantly and fearfully at the direction where the cold arrow came from earlier.That time just now was the closest he was to death.Qishan gave him a reassurance, and said lightly: "It's okay!"

Qishan did not return to the carriage, but sat directly outside the carriage.

Inside the carriage, Shen Tang asked what was going on outside.

Qishan replied, "It's nothing."

Shen Tang was not satisfied with this response.

The arrow that came just now was menacing, no matter how you looked at it, it did not belong to the category of "nothing".So, she turned her gaze to Gu Chi and asked.Gu Chi's way of literati is simply an assassin's mastery, all hiding, lurking, and assassination have nothing to hide!

The facts are as she guessed.

Gu Chi had indeed discovered that there was someone hiding in the forest early on.

He mouthed silently: "There are a few little guys in the forest."

Only then did Shen Tang feel relieved, and continued to close his eyes and meditate.

She has to seize the time to restore part of her culture, so as not to be unable to help when encountering difficult dangers—a group of people, two soldiers are better than ordinary people, Gu Chi has a sick face, and he has to rely on soup to hang his life, Qi Shan's expression is not good Well, thinking about it, I was exhausted trying to get out of Xiaocheng, Yang Duwei was seriously injured and unconscious...

After a detailed count, only oneself is the most reliable.

Gu Chi who was forced to hear Shen Lang's heartfelt voice: "..."

What does it mean that he looks sick?
What do you mean he hanged himself by decoction?

Gu Chi pouted secretly.

Outside, soldiers drove the carriage carefully.

For a distance of hundreds of feet, he was as tired as if he had run for several miles.Nervous and nervous.Unknowingly, fine cold sweat oozes from his forehead, and his eyes move up and down uncontrollably, grunting wildly, for fear that another cold arrow will appear somewhere.


Didn't touch Lengjian and touched several corpses.

These corpses are so incomplete, the remains of broken limbs are scattered not far away, and the clothes on their bodies are new and old, but they look like soldiers of a certain force.After walking for a while, the soldiers saw several corpses whose heads had been beheaded, all dressed up as rebels!
The soldier was so nervous that he couldn't hold the reins.

He whispered: "Sir, this—"

After seeing so many corpses with miserable appearances and the horrific scenes of broken limbs scattered all over the ground, Qishan's expression remained calm.

He said: "We should have entered the battlefield by mistake."

The rebels suddenly changed their stance of encircling and not attacking, assembled a large army to besiege Xiaocheng aggressively, and even sent Gong Xichou such a big killer move, there must be tricks in it.It seems that this is the crux of the problem - the Guoxi incident alarmed Zheng Qiao, and Zheng Qiao took action.

It's just that they underestimated the resoluteness of the rebels.

He also underestimated the speed of Zheng Qiao's actions.

Those small soldiers on the ground should belong to the forces that came to help Xiaocheng, but they just misjudged the strength of the rebels. ...

The soldier trembled nervously: "Then, what should I do..."

Qi Shan said: "Don't be afraid, keep going."

They are the people who escaped from Xiaocheng, not the rebels.

What's there to be afraid of?

The soldier was really scared, he murmured timidly, "I'm not afraid of being caught and beheaded by someone with a thousand knives..."

This kind of thing is obviously forbidden.

However, there are always people who do it in private.

If you want to climb up, you must have military merits.

But the heads are all grown on the enemy's neck, so it's not so easy to take, and there is even a risk of being counter-killed, so some soldiers like to use the heads of innocent people to make up the number.There are not many frauds, but even if there are only one or two, it is still one or two lives!
Qi Shan laughed and said, "It's best if they dare to come."

He doesn't mind hanging a few more heads on the carriage for deterrence!
After walking for another distance, it is estimated that it is close to the center of the battlefield. More and more corpses are seen, and a person dressed as a young general is seen running in this direction from a distance.The soldiers leading the way ran wildly leading the way with bows and arrows on their backs, blocking the way.

After a closer look, I realized that the young general is not a young general.

It was a middle-aged man who was not tall and burly, and his facial features were slightly sharp-mouthed. He was not good-looking, but his eyes were sharp, and the murderous aura that had come down from the battlefield was still lingering around him.He said: "You wait!"

The sound is slightly sharp.

The soldier hastily pulled on the rein: "Woo——"

The middle-aged man snapped: "Who are you waiting for?"

Qishan stood up and flicked the thin ashes on his sleeves, calmly got out of the car, and bowed: "Below are the people who escaped from Xiaocheng."

The middle-aged man obviously didn't believe it very much.

He rode his horse a few steps forward, condescendingly watching Qi Shan.

His eyes glanced at the Wenxin monogram on his waist, and his face softened a little - Wenxin scribes and warriors in this era have a high status, and they can enjoy the bonus brought by this status even when they go out - but the middle-aged man still didn't Let your guard down.

He asked again, "Who is in the car?"

The Wudan Warrior's five senses are very keen—there are several living people in the carriage, and the condition of the living people can be sensed through information such as heartbeat intensity and breathing rate.If Qishan deliberately concealed it, he could turn his face and kill him in the next second.

During combat, it is most taboo to approach unidentified people.

Qishan: "One is my lord, the other is the accountant recruited by the lord, the other is the martial artist at home, and the other is the nursing home."

The middle-aged man said again: "Let them come out."

"I encountered danger on the way to escape, and now..."

Before finishing speaking, Shen Tang lifted the curtain of the car, bent down and jumped out of the car.

Gu Chi also followed down to watch the excitement.

Duwei Yang was seriously injured and unconscious. Most of the cloth strips wrapped around his body were soaked in blood, and he couldn't move, let alone get off.The middle-aged man felt that the weakest aura was him, and he didn't force it.Just seeing that Shen Tang and Gu Chi had Wenxin monograms on their waists, their pupils changed slightly, and their expressions became more subtle.

Wenxin scribes are not Chinese cabbage sold on the street.

I met three at once...

He thought for a while, got off his horse, and clasped his fists in return.

His eyes flicked between Shen Tang and Gu Chi.

Asked Qishan, "I don't know who is your master?"

Shen Tang said: "It's me."

The middle-aged man was slightly surprised when he heard this.

He didn't seem to have thought that this skinny little kid was in charge of several people, but he didn't despise Shen Tang because of his age.At this age, two Wenxin scribes can accompany each other, either because of their amazing talent, or because of their amazing family background!

Look at Shen Tang's appearance...

Although she is dressed in ordinary clothes, she has clear eyesight, vigor in all seasons, and brows that are bright and open-minded. No matter how you look at it, it is not something that ordinary people can raise.The middle-aged man looked at Shen Tanghao in his heart and guessed, and his first impression was very good.

Gu Chi was forced to listen to a rainbow fart: "..."

This person said he knew him, was it the same person?

Middle-aged man: "Hi, Mr. Xiao Lang."

Shen Tang also responded kindly: "The general is good."

"You guys really escaped from Xiaocheng?"

Shen Tang said: "Yes."

The middle-aged man asked again: "How is the battle over there?"

Shen Tang's expression darkened visibly with the naked eye, the middle-aged man saw it, his heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly asked again.Shen Tang took a deep breath, suppressed the thoughts surging in his heart, and said in a low voice: "When we fled, Xiaocheng had already been captured by King Zhu's rebels."

The middle-aged man said in surprise: "How could this happen?"

Shen Tang looked at the other party in doubt: "What does the general mean by that?"

The middle-aged man made a calculation for Shen Tang.

It turned out that the rebels had dispatched more than half of their troops to ambush the forces that came to support them, and the remaining troops should not be enough to capture Xiaocheng, even if they could, it would take three to five days. With 1 or [-] rebels, the Xiaocheng garrison can't stand the convenience of the city?

Siege is no better than defense.

The attacking party was already at a disadvantage, and if they wanted to take down a well-defended city, they would need more than twice as many troops.

Shen Tang was about to speak, but heard Qishan's voice.

"Because the battle will be defeated by one person, losing three games in a row..."

Fighting will be about morale.

Morale matters in the outcome of a war.

Two sides fighting generals, one of them winning three games in a row and one general winning three games in a row are completely different concepts.This is also why, Mr. Shen Xiaolang consumed nearly half of the morale of the rebels, and when the rebels launched a general offensive, they could use their morale to transform into five giant catapults!
The occurrence of this situation also means that the high-end combat power of both sides is completely one-sided. Otherwise, the rebels would have to fight hard for two or three days to take down Xiaocheng if they wanted to attack the city.After hearing this, the middle-aged man was so surprised that he opened his mouth slightly, and remained silent for a while.

Without warning, he suddenly flew into a rage.

A string of strange syllables came out of the mouth.

Which dialect should it be...

Judging from the tone of voice, most of them are still cursing.

Shen Tang really guessed right, the middle-aged man was just swearing, and the words he used were quite ugly.Qishan was worried that these words would dirty Shen Tang's ears, but when he lowered his head, he found that Mr. Shen's expression was confused, obviously he didn't understand, so he felt relieved.

He explained: "It's not that Xiaocheng Lord will be incompetent..."

The middle-aged man said angrily: "Why not?"

Qi Shan said: "For generals, the bravery is at least the thirteenth grade, and they broke through the shackles when they were generals..."

Xiaocheng is an unlucky place that has been ravaged back and forth.

What background can it have?

The level of the thirteenth middle class is really a random killing!

Seeing the middle-aged man's complexion change slightly, Qi Shan said: "The leader of Xiaocheng's garrison, that Lieutenant Yang surnamed Yang spontaneously ignited his courage and forcibly leaped over the ranks to fight for the general, so he failed to win that man. The man's name is ' Gong Xichou', young, with terrifying talent..."

But the middle-aged man said: "Hmph."

It seems that he is very disdainful of the admiration in the words of prayer.

"Okay, you guys will get tired first and run with Ben."

Shen Tang asked: "Why?"

They are just passing by.

The middle-aged man said: "Naturally, it is for the sake of caution. Our army is setting up camp nearby, and not long ago, we repelled the invading lackeys of King Zhu. Who knows if the people who came here at this time are spies sent by the enemy? Please Xiao Lang cooperates."

His attitude is tough.

Other soldiers who were cleaning the battlefield also gradually surrounded them.

This posture makes it clear that if you don't go, you have to go.

Shen Tang secretly asked the meaning of praying with his eyes.

Qi Shan nodded.

"In that case, well, please send someone to lead the way."

The middle-aged man pulled the rein and turned the horse's head.

He said, "Follow me."


Three Wenxin scribes, how can ordinary soldiers keep an eye on them?

He can only go out on his own.

Shen Tang asked Qishan to go back to the carriage, and stayed outside by himself, how could Qishan agree?However, since the middle-aged man was also there, Shen Tang, as the "lord of the house", couldn't resist it openly.In the end, Shen Tang summoned the motorcycle he hadn't seen for a long time, and jumped onto the mule's back.

She cupped her hands at the middle-aged man: "Please, General."

The middle-aged man glanced at the motorcycle.

"Isn't this a horse?" he asked.

As we all know, Wenxin scholars have no horses.

No matter how exquisite and beautiful Shen Tang's motorcycle looks, it is still a mule. At most, it is taller, stronger, muscular, and well-proportioned than ordinary mules. There are beautiful jingling accessories around its neck, and even the tied reins are also braided. Red thick rope.

Red rope, brass bells, and white mules.

Shen Tang patted the motorcycle with some enthusiasm.

He laughed and said, "A motorcycle is a mule."

Although it is a mule, its running speed and explosive power are not inferior to war horses with excellent bloodlines. In addition, mules have amazing endurance, and they are even better than war horses in terms of battery life.The middle-aged man muttered in a low voice, and looked at Shen Tang strangely.

Literary scholars are more foolish.

People like Qishan would rather walk than ride a mule.

Shen Tang's unburdened appearance made him doubt his previous judgment - could it be that this is not a child from a prominent family, but a rising star with astonishing talent?

Shen Tang and his party followed the middle-aged man, and vaguely saw a little cooking smoke rising in the distance, and when they got closer, they could see the outline of the temporary camp.The scale of the camp was not small, and the soldiers patrolled in an orderly manner, and the clang of armor colliding shook people's spirits.

She asked: "This camp...why is it weird..."

The middle-aged man asked, "What's so strange?"

Setting up a camp is a science.

He is very satisfied with his results.

Shen Tang's words obviously touched his nerve.

She pointed to the weirdness.

"...Why is there such a clear distinction here?"

Not a style at all.

The middle-aged man looked over and understood.

He said: "Because it is the camp of two forces."

Shen Tang: "Both sides?"

"They were all ordered to attack Wudao rebels. When they meet, they will be together, and both sides will take care of them."

In fact, the forces heading towards Xiaocheng were not limited to these two places, and several other roads were blocked and ambushed by the rebels, and they had not yet met.As for the farthest and slowest forces, they can arrive within three to five days no matter how hard they try.

Where are these talents now?

Shen Tang raised his head, but saw several large flags waving in the wind at the gate of the camp, with the word "Valley" embroidered on them.

The layout of the camp is neat, implying the way of changing the formation.

Obviously not a disorderly motley crew.

Before entering, another general in full armor rode up to meet him and shouted, "Ninth brother, how's the harvest?"


  Alas, I try to take titles for each chapter...

  but it's really hard

(End of this chapter)

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