stand back, let me come

Chapter 230 230: Choosing the Lord is like a marriage [seeking a monthly ticket]

Chapter 230 230: Choosing the Lord is like a marriage [seeking a monthly ticket]

"Ahem, cough, don't be nervous, it's me."

A boy with an unfamiliar face appeared outside the cave.

Although this boy is male, he looks like a girl, and his round and bright almond eyes are very impressive.The facial features are deeper than those of ordinary people, and at first glance, they have a bit of foreign style.

Anyone who reads it will say "what a handsome young man".

The young man was completely unaware of being caught, and walked into the cave with a smile, waving his little hand at Chu Yao beside the young man.

Called loudly: "Wuhui!"

Surprise flashed away in Chu Yao's eyes, but he still said helplessly, "How could Wulang put himself in danger? That guy Qi Yuanliang didn't keep an eye on him, as expected, he can't be counted on..."

Shen Tang lifted the hem of his clothes and walked forward with small steps while smiling.

"I really can't blame him for this." Seeing with his own eyes that Chu Yao's spirit was a little sluggish, and his body was still stained, but the general condition was good, Shen Tang took a long breath, and the smile on his face really spread out. He smiled and said a good word for Qishan.

Chu Yao said, "Don't you blame him for Goro?"

Shen Tang choked for a moment, and said: "It's my fault. From Xiaofang and the others, I know that you and Banbu are missing, so I'm worried. Follow the direction Zhai Yuewen pointed to, maybe there is God's will in the dark. I have a hunch you're here!"

She seemed to be asking for credit: "I found it all at once!"

Even when Chu Yao was holding it, Shen Tang's words made her face turn red.

What is the will of God?

In order to regain Wenxin, he pledged his property and life to Shen Tang—because of this bond, as long as Goro thinks, Goro can know his location.Chu Yao only felt that Goro was a little glib, but after thinking about it for a while, it must have been caused by Qi Yuanliang.

In my heart, I silently made a note of Qi Shan.

Seeing that Shen Tang and Chu Yao knew each other, the young man's tense nerves relaxed, and at the same time, new doubts arose - he had set up a maze outside, although it was not lethal, it could trap people invisible.

How did this little man get close without anyone noticing?
"Wuhui, who is this gentleman?"

Although Shen Tang was overjoyed, he did not ignore the young man who was born.

Chu Yao replied seriously: "This is Yao's savior."

Shen Tang quickly saluted the young man.

With Chu Yao's ability to make him say this, it can be seen that the young man really played a big role, and she should be solemnly grateful for both emotion and reason, and the young man accepted it generously.Shen Tang said: "My surname is Shen, my first name is Tang, and my name is Youli. How do you call me, sir?"

It is still necessary to find out the name of the savior.

I will repay you in the future.

Looking at Shen Tang, who is young but well-organized, the young man replied: "People from the countryside, their surname is Kang, and their first name is Jishou."

Shen Tang called out: "Mr. Kang."

Kang Shi said: "Kang has doubts, can Mr. Shen clarify the doubts?"

"Mr. Kang, but it's okay to ask."

"Kang has set up a maze outside, and he still has some skills, how did Mr. Shen break through the formation so quietly?"

Shen Tang was dumbfounded by the question.

"Maze? What maze?"

Seeing that her expression did not seem to be fake, Kang Shi also felt a little puzzled: "Did Mr. Shen not notice the maze outside the cave?"

Shen Tang shook his head: "I don't know..."

Before Kang could ask again, an angry and funny male voice came from outside the cave: "Of course Shen Lang doesn't know about the maze that I'm solving."

Shen Tang stretched his neck and looked out of the cave.

"Why is Mr. Gu here?"

It was Gu Chi who came.

Gu Chi's smile was somewhat unfriendly.

It's not his fault, which normal person can compete in endurance with a husky who is full of energy, exuberant and running around?

He hurried and hurried but could only look at Shen Tang's back, and he was so angry that he was extremely upset——

What made him even more upset was that Shen Tang didn't notice that he was following him like this, and his full attention was on Chu Yao.


"Whether Shen Lang rushes forward, he is not afraid of bumping into the hands of the rebels and folding himself into it? I will follow you just in case." After Gu Chi finished speaking, he added, "If you are in my hands Li Diu, can Qi Yuanliang let me go?"

Certainly not!

The moment Gu Chi appeared, Kang Shi noticed him.

When he rushed to Kang, he performed a peer salute.

Kang Shi also returned a gift.

The heart is alive, and secretly said "strange".

Isn't it strange?
One Chu Yao, the second grade Shangzhongxin.

A Gu Chi can pass through the maze he set up without anyone noticing—even if he didn't put much thought into this maze, but ordinary scribes would have a hard time encountering it—and Gu Chi can not only come and go freely, It can also help Shen Tang.

Literary scholars of this level are rare.

And he met the two overnight.

He also has a close relationship with the same boy.


He couldn't help being curious again.

On the other hand, Gu Chi listened to Kang Shi's inner voice calmly, lowered his eyelids, and restrained the fleeting thoughts in his eyes.

Several people sat down in the not-so-spacious cave.

Gu Chi took the initiative to provoke the topic: "I heard you two talk about Tianhai Wu Xian and Shangnan Guren, Mr. Kang is not satisfied with them?"

Kang Shi said bluntly, "I'm not satisfied."

Gu Chi chatted with him: "I think of a good candidate—this person was born in Yiru, Lingzhou. His surname is Zhang, his first name is He, and his style name is Yongqing. He is very famous in Lingzhou and loved by the people. What do you think of him, sir?"

Without even thinking about it, Kang Shi said: "Him? Neither."

Gu Chi asked again: "Why not?"

Zhang Yongqing has a decisive and sharp personality, never soft-hearted, and has no habit of worshiping. There is no such thing as "twelve sister-in-laws will come to meet you as soon as you enter the door". He has been rooted in Lingzhou for many years.

Now when you raise your arms and call out, countless people will follow you...

Anyway, it's a good choice.

He wanted to hear what Kang Shi had to say.

Who knows, Kang Shi said: "This person's appearance is not satisfactory."

Gu Chi: "???"

Chu Yao: "???"

Shen Tang: "???"

Does it depend on the face? ? ?
Naturally, at least here in Kangshi.

He has two hobbies in his life.

One is to gamble, and the other is to look at beauties.

The Zhang Yongqing that Gu Chi was talking about, he had met once before, was not ugly, but he was not really good-looking, except for his good temperament, his appearance was that of an ordinary person.As for Zhang He's ability, in Kang Shi's opinion, he was short and tall.

The conditions are not good enough to allow myself to make do with it.

Naturally it will not be considered.

The corner of Shen Tang's mouth twitched slightly: "Can it still be like this?"

Kang Shi smiled and said: "Of course it is possible. After all, it is a major event that only happens once in life. It is better to lack than to overuse. Choosing a master is like a marriage between a man and a woman. Instead of finding someone who doesn't suit you, why can't you wait and find someone who is satisfied in all aspects?" of?"

It's not that he can't wait.

If you can't wait, you can go to seclusion, and you don't have to pay for your life.

Shen Tang: "..."

It sounds reasonable.

There are too many wounded, it is not suitable to travel in the dark, everyone can only wait for dawn in the col.With Shen Tang and Gu Chi joining in, Chu Yao was no longer worried, and fell asleep after a little relaxation.Gu Chi took the initiative to take over the night watch job, Shen Tang hugged his knees in a daze in boredom.

At this time, she heard the crisp sound of the dice colliding with each other from Kang Shi who got up, and looked over curiously.

Kang Shi noticed her gaze.

He thought that Shen Tang didn't know what this was.

Mysteriously said: "Good baby."

Shen Tang asked: "Baby?"

Kang Shi: "Yes, take it with you at any time to satisfy your cravings."

Shen Tang was puzzled: "Satisfaction?"

Satisfy your hunger with dice?
At this time, she hadn't realized that Kang Shi was still a "gambling fanatic". After all, in her impression, literati were all gentle and restrained, and they sneered at such heresy things as gambling.

She really couldn't imagine that a literati would bare his sleeves, step on a stool, swing his arms round and throw the dice, shouting at the gaming table with red faces, which would really detract from the literati's dignity.

Kang Shi took off the exquisite canned accessories from his waist.

The accessories were opened, and three delicate dice carved from clear white jade were poured out, Shen Tang was dumbfounded.

Ah this-

That accessory is an exquisite gaming tool!

Seeing Shen Tang's funny expression, Kang Shi came up with the idea of ​​showing off his gambling skills: "Mr. Shen, do you want to play two games?"

The corner of Shen Tang's mouth twitched: "How do you play this?"

She felt that there seemed to be cracks in her literati filter.

Kang Shi: "The easiest way is to bet on size. You and I each roll the three dice once, and the points on the three dice are added up to determine who is bigger and who is smaller."

Speaking of this, Kang Shi also had tears to say.

His gambling skills can be described as consummate.

But it's the way of the scribes who suffer thousands of knives.

Even if the opponent only rolls four points, his next move will either lose or break the dice, or roll out only three points.

In short, every bet is bound to lose.

This is outrageous.

No matter how Kang Shi honed his gambling skills or changed his gambling method, he would lose. It was the same in fighting cards and rolling dice...

Play steady.

 The remaining [-] words are in the early morning, everyone go to bed early.

  Hey, I spent more than 30 minutes thinking about the name in ink... I hate naming it the most.

(End of this chapter)

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