stand back, let me come

Chapter 240: Chapter 240: The First Battle

Chapter 240 240: The First Battle [Seeking a Monthly Pass]


There was a loud noise as the weapons collided.

Zhao Feng single-handedly copied the 120-jin bronze mace, dancing so airtightly that his martial energy could almost be intertwined into a net.

Regardless of whether the enemy's attack was as fast as lightning or in a storm, he sat firmly on the back of the horse, with his feet clamping the horse's belly.

It looks relaxed on the surface, but the alarm is sounding inside.

The bearded military general in front of him is by no means incomparable to those opponents in the past.Whether it is speed, strength and combat experience, they are almost on par with him!It seems impossible to take off everyone's head in thirty to forty rounds as expected.

The flags are flying, and the cold wind is howling.

Everyone couldn't feel the slightest coldness.

All of them stared intently at the anxious battle situation.

In the center of the battlefield, dust is flying, and martial energy is raging.

Shen Tang put his hands in front of his eyebrows as eyelids, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong, but it was a pity that several generals he knew were recovering from injuries—Needless to say, Captain Yang, he would never be able to go to the battlefield again in this life. When he returned to his peak, he stayed behind.

As for brothers Zhai Le and Zhai Huan——

They were hunted down all the way when they fled from Xiaocheng before, and they also encountered Shao Chong's insanity, and they haven't fully recovered their vitality yet.

In other words-

She is the only "general" in Shen Tang's journey.

Ah, does anyone still remember that she is a literary scholar?
At this time, Gu Chi's words awakened the dreamer.

He said: "Bronze maces are usually dual weapons, right?"

These words were heard clearly in Shen Tang's ears.

Only then did Shen Tang fully realize that something was wrong.

Bronze maces generally appear in pairs.

Why did Zhao Feng use a single mace?

Most of the one-handed weapons are more lethal than a copper mace, and are more convenient for immediate melee combat.Furthermore, Zhao Feng's two arms are equally strong and strong, and it seems that there is no possibility of "partial science".

Could it be—

A guess appeared in her mind, is Zhao Fengzang clumsy?
Leader Wu Xian is also paying close attention to the battle situation.

All of them are brave warriors or literary scholars with excellent hearing and eyesight.Seeing Zhao Feng and the rebel generals fighting hard, someone broke into a cold sweat secretly.The rebels can't afford to lose the first battle, but the allies can't afford to lose even more.

The Union Army was improvised by small forces.

Although the number is far more than ten thousand rebels, the hearts of the people are far less tidy than theirs, and their morale is also easily shaken.Once the morale drops and people's hearts are not in harmony, if the rebels launch a general attack, their own side may be defeated... Everyone secretly observes the leader Wu Xian.

Gu Ren on the side said: "Leader Wu, this—"

They have to be prepared.

Even if Zhao Feng loses, the head cannot be taken away.

Losing is somewhat different from losing completely.

Unexpectedly, leader Wu Xian was still as stable as Mount Tai, with a confident attitude, and he was not at all worried that Zhao Feng would lose his life in the battle.Gu Ren guessed that Wu Xian should have left behind here, and forcibly suppressed the worries surging in his heart for the time being.

Although he wanted to wait and see what happened, just in case, Gu Ren made a secret gesture to the soldiers under his tent.The soldiers received the order and quietly rushed to Chao Lian's side.When Chao Lian saw the soldiers, he had an idea in his mind and asked, "What instructions does my lord have?"

The soldier whispered in his ear, Chao Lian nodded in understanding.

"Go and reply to the lord, and tell me that I know."

The soldier got a reply before going back in peace.

Gu Ren could hold his breath, but the others didn't have the patience. They were all on pins and needles, anxious and panicked, not knowing what to do.One person pretended to discuss in a low voice with the person next to him: "President Wu, isn't he worried that the general under his tent will be here?"

Such a brave warrior naturally wants to play his best role.

It would be too worthless to discount here.

Another person laughed lowly: "Leader Wu is not like those of us who have a poor family. He has a lot of talents. I heard that there are six generals in the tent, each of whom has an extraordinary background. Maybe they have their own considerations." Although he spoke in a low voice, who is not hearing and seeing?

These words passed into Wu Xian's ears verbatim.

The fingers resting on his lap tapped again and again, seemingly messy but following a strange melody.Finally, he had a reaction, turned his head and chatted with his confidant, the soap-shirted scribe, with a smile.

"Gongsu, it's rare to see Dayi so happy..."

The scholar in soap shirt said softly: "If you meet an opponent in chess, you will meet a good talent."

Martial warriors are different from literary scholars.

The latter can use mental calculations to make up for the lack of literary strength. The middle heart of the second rank can also be beaten by the lower heart of the ninth rank, but the martial arts are different.Each level is separated by a ravine.The higher the level of martial arts, the bigger the gully.

Among high-level martial arts fighters, unless they are desperate, it is difficult to challenge the challenge, let alone succeed in the challenge - typical examples are Yang Duwei and Gong Xiqiu.This group is like a pyramid, the number decreases as you go up, and the chance of encountering each other decreases.

With Zhao Feng's strength, apart from cultivating alone, he usually competes with a few acquaintances. There are a few familiar faces coming and going, knowing each other's ways and details, and he can't completely let go of his hands and feet to fight life and death. Bend.

He is also a slow player.

When competing with others, he often feels that the warm-up is complete, the foreplay is sufficient, and the opponent has already finished fighting, which is completely aggrieved plus!

Don't look at Zhao Feng's stalemate with others, but anyone who knows him well knows that he is completely excited after his warm-up is over!
Leader Wu Xian smiled and said, "Hahaha, that's true."

The scribe in soap shirt withdrew his gaze from the battlefield, turned his gaze to pray for goodness beside Shen Tang in the distance.The latter seemed to feel something, and turned his head to look over.The eyes of the two met in the air, and they turned away tacitly.The scholar in soap shirt frowned and pursed his lips.

Just at this moment, a huge impact suddenly erupted on the battlefield, making the ground tremble.Under the attention of the two armies, Zhao Feng's aura suddenly rose, and his strong martial aura almost seeped out from under his skin, forming a layer of light red mist.

"Take your life--"

Zhao Feng has one left hand.

Another copper mace appeared in the palm of his hand.

He blocked the enemy general's weapon with his right hand, and swung a copper mace with his left hand to strike Tianling Gai heavily.The strength of this blow was far stronger than before, and the enemy general neighed as if his horse was overwhelmed.

Zhao Feng's war horse took advantage of the victory and bumped into it, raising his hoof and kicking.

The bearded general was not a vegetarian either.

Unexpectedly, he did not evade, and took the move with martial energy.

Zhao Feng shouted loudly, and the martial energy from the iron mace left a gully tens of feet long on the ground.All of a sudden, the dust flew up, and Wu Qi unreservedly vented towards the bearded general.


In the blink of an eye, there were dozens of rounds of trembling.

Almost at the same time, the two of them released their martial qi and condensed into fierce beast shadows, biting and killing each other.As the saying goes, laymen watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway. Everyone can see that Zhao Feng's body seems to have turned on some kind of switch after using a pair of copper maces.

Better than the beasts out of the gate, the momentum is rising steadily.

The situation was originally fairly evenly matched, but after dozens of rounds, the balance began to slowly but firmly tilt towards him.

Chao Lian's grip on the horse's reins was also slightly loosened.

If there are no accidents, this game can be won.

  Ah, it's so annoying, I didn't save the manuscript...

(End of this chapter)

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