stand back, let me come

Chapter 254: The person who raises Gu [254 in 2]

Chapter 254 254: The person who raises Gu [two in one]

Gu Ren barely adjusted his mood.

He said in a hoarse voice, "I made Mr. Shen laugh."

Shen Tang shook his head and said it was okay, and said with relief: "This matter involves siblings, if it were me, I am afraid that I am not as sensible as Duke Gu. How does Duke Gu plan to deal with this matter?"

"I'm not afraid of Mr. Shen's jokes. Gu Mou is also a man of six spirits now, without a charter..." Gu Ren admitted his "incompetence" without hesitation, and he looked at Qi Shan with hopeful eyes, "Since Mr. Qi knows this , is there a cure for Shisan? As long as Shisan can be healed, sir, if you ask, you will be kind.”

Gu Ren's promise is quite heavy.

As long as he still has a reputation, he won't smash his own brand.


Where is there any way to pray?
The so-called method was conveyed by Gong Xiqiurang.

He said: "No killing."

Upon hearing this, Gu Ren smiled wryly: "It's forbidden to kill? Mr. Qi doesn't know something, and Thirteen murders have unavoidable reasons..."

This thing went straight into an endless loop.

If he doesn't kill people to see blood, Shao Chong's madness will attack every once in a while. Even if he is locked up and forced to survive, the time interval between the next madness attack will be shortened, and the pain will be more painful and the degree of self-harm will be even higher. Floor, can Gu Ren watch?

If you see blood when you kill someone, the desire for blood will be relieved a lot when the madness attack occurs. Although the attack is painful, it is better than ten thousand ants biting the bone, and after the madness is over, you can be awake for a while. Gu Ren has adopted less rush for so many years, Every time he was about to go mad, he would either be released to kill a few bandits and condemned to death, or catch some wolves, tigers and leopards for him to tear up and play with...

But the news brought by Shen Tang also blocked this road.

Shao Chong's madness is not a strange disease but a Gu bug.

Killing is death, not killing is also death.

Gu Ren is really one head and two big, but he still feels a little bit grateful in his heart: "Mr. Qi, is there a way to lure the Gu worm out? As long as you take it out, won't Thirteen be able to get rid of it? No matter how much it costs, As long as people can live!"

Shen Tang asked: "How much is the price?"

Gu Ren's tone was firm: "Yes, what a price! No matter if it's wealth, fame, fortune or genius, as long as it can be paid by benevolence, it's fine! Speaking of it, I'm not afraid of Shen Langjun's jokes. Shisan is not only Gu's righteous brother, but also It’s half son, the meaning is different.”

Shen Tang: "What if the little general Shao Chong becomes useless?"

This question caught Gu Ren off guard.

He was stunned for a while, and after a while he realized that Gu Ren, who was always smiling and had no airs of superiors, was rarely angry, but he still knew how to restrain himself rationally.His face flushed, he was ashamed and annoyed, and he endured intense embarrassment.

The expression was displeased: "Master Shen, what are you talking about? Gu is not very well-reviewed in the outside world, and he is always criticized by others privately for 'restraining his wife' and 'hypocrisy'. Ask yourself, he is not a good person, and he is not a good person. I never dare to call myself a good person, but I am definitely not a heinous person, let alone sell my brothers in exchange for glory, wealth, fame and fortune!"

It still seems to feel a little wronged.

"If the loss of Thirteen's strength can make him stable for the rest of his life, so that he will no longer be tortured by Gu insect madness, as long as Gu is alive for a day, he will definitely not be wronged for a day!"

After Gu Ren had vented his emotions, Shen Tang smiled and said, "Don't be angry, Mr. Gu, Tang didn't mean that..."

Seeing that Gu Ren's complexion hadn't improved, she changed the topic: "I just asked that, actually because besides the road of 'ban killing', the other road is more difficult and difficult, and there is a possibility of falling short and becoming a useless person at every turn. Ask clearly..."

Gu Ren's eyes brightened.

Hastily asked: "What method?"

Shen Tang said slowly: "Once this kind of Gu worm is planted, there is no second way to get Gu unless it breaks its belly. However, it is not without a solution. Duke Gu can find a strong A powerful martial artist or a literary scholar can also gather the strength of several people to help the little general Shao Chong suppress and control the Gu insects, but..."

Gu Ren is about to die.

"Just what?"

Shen Tang: "It's just treating the symptoms, not the root cause."

Gu Ren, who had countless things to say at the moment: "..."

Talked for a long time, talked about loneliness? ? ?
Gu Ren also knew that his appetite was hanging, but he had to cooperate with Shen Tang, saluted, and said patiently: "How can we cure the root cause?"

Shen Tang also asked Gong Xiqiu this question.

Gong Xiqiu's answer was very simple and rude.

[It's not difficult, think about it, Mama, how do you raise Gu?Lock a bunch of Gu together and let them fight each other until only one dies!The same goes for people, whoever is stronger will survive.The host is not only the parasite that is parasitized by the Gu, but also the humanoid 'Gu' that competes with the Gu.kill!Strong enough to melt that Gu and swallow it, the host will be the new 'Mother Gu'! 】

Shen Tang felt unreliable: [Is this method feasible? 】

She always felt a little wicked.

Gong Xiqiu smiled and said: [Someone has succeeded, but this method also has disadvantages, Mama must think carefully before telling Gu Ren. 】

Shen Tang asked: [What disadvantages? 】

It is still necessary to ask clearly.

Otherwise, if something happened later, it wouldn't be on her fault?

Gong Xiqiu suddenly looked serious, looked at Shen Tang solemnly and said: [Once successful, this Shao Chong will become a formidable enemy that even I fear and be careful of. You are raising yourself a serious problem!So, does Mama still want him to live?Better to watch him die. 】

Shen Tang: [A serious problem? 】

Gong Xiqiu sighed, and asked with a smile: 【Once he really becomes the 'Gu King', the starting point is the fourteenth class right shift, within a few years, it is very likely to break through to the sixteenth class, or even the seventeenth class. Siche Shuchang... How is it not a serious problem? 】

In the northwest of the mainland, where there are many small countries, a brave fighter with such strength may even determine the world.

Shen Tang: […]

She looked at Gong Xiqiu with complicated eyes.

Gong Xiqiu also looked at himself calmly.

[At first I thought you were honest and honest, but I didn't expect that you would also have a bad stomach and betray my trust. 】

I thought the martial artist would be simpler.

Is Gongxiqiu testing himself?

But he said: [Why didn't I remind you? 】

Shen Tang frowned, suspecting that Gong Xichou was humiliating his IQ: 【...almost killed me during the day, my body is still in pain, and then you came to remind me at night? 】

If you tell ghosts this, they won't believe you.

However, since it was Gong Xiqiu who said it - since the little friend is a soul confidant in the realm of music, she believed it.


【You just told me so casually, it shows that you don’t really want to save the little general’s life... I’m poor and white now, except I can’t die of hunger, and my pockets are cleaner than my face.Rather than saying that I raise tigers, Shao Chong is a greater threat to you, right? 】

Gong Xichou is setting up a strong enemy for himself.

Shen Tang didn't care.

【You don't mind, why do I mind? 】

Just say it.

Therefore, Shen Tang truthfully told Gu Ren how to "raise Gu".

Qi Shan didn't speak until he left the tent.

"My lord, this matter is—very inappropriate."

He will not stop Shen Tang from making a decision.

But it doesn't mean that he will agree with Shen Tang's decision.

Gu Ren's reputation is so good, his sworn brothers are all capable, and there are too many disciples who are loyal to him without compensation. Once he is less powerful, he will be promoted again, and he will not worry about sudden death due to madness. The battle of Xiaocheng is over. I don't know how many people came to join him.

On the other hand, my protagonist is born with insufficient development.

The disadvantages are those who are young and have little experience.

Shen Tang's voice changed from the usual smile and relaxed, with a bit of indescribable solemnity, she asked Qi Shan: "Who does Yuan Liang think is raising Gu? Is it Little General Shao Chong? The one who planted Gu worms when he was young?"

Qishan didn't answer, but Shen Tang revealed the answer.

She said: "Neither!"

Immediately afterwards, he said: "It's Gongxiqiu!"

As Shen Tang said before, when Shao Chong grows up, Gu Ren gets the most help. The first person to be threatened will not be Shen Tang, nor the lord Wu Xian, nor even the lord Zheng Qiao, but Gong Xiqiu, who worked under the account of King Shu's rebel army.

Martial arts fighters are mostly absorbed by big and small forces.

This group is the standard pyramid.

The higher you go the less you get.

As long as Gu Ren doesn't turn against Zheng Qiao completely, when Zheng Qiao needs to mobilize troops to fight against the rebels, Gu Ren will also send someone out.He has such a trump card in his hand, how dare Gu Ren hide it?

Once the card is played, who will it be played in the end?
Anyway, it won't fall on Shen Tang for a while.

She is only twelve now.

The northwest of the mainland is more chaotic than a pot of porridge.

It is hard to say whether she will be able to produce a "chosen person" who will integrate the Northwest before she reaches adulthood—what should Shen Tang worry about?

Shen Tang said: "Gong Xichou made a special trip here, and it's impossible for him to be really idle. It's hard to say whether it was a coincidence or he did it on purpose when he met us. The strong, lonely as snow, there will always be The arrogance that ordinary people can't understand..."

Qishan: "Cultivate yourself an opponent and then kill it with your own hands? It is indeed quite arrogant, but it is not afraid of death at all..."

Shen Tang said with a smile: "Is there any fear of death among brave fighters?"

Praying: "..."

As far as he knew, not many.In this era where the average person is in their thirties, time flies and life is short. Compared with certain pursuits, life is indeed so cheap that it is not worth mentioning.

Indulging in singing, singing and doing, is the most common nowadays.

"And—" Shen Tang paused, she turned her head and asked Qi Shan, "Does Yuan Liang know the true meaning of 'I have a friend'?"

"I have a friend?"

Where does Qishan understand this trick.

"Suppose, you have a friend who suddenly told you one day - 'I have a friend who suddenly becomes a woman one day' and asked you what do you think? When you say this, there is no doubt that the 'friend' in your friend's mouth is mostly your friend yourself."

The same goes for Gong Xiqiu.

It took Qi Shan a while to figure out Shen Tang's tongue-twister words, and his expression became strange: "Is this friend the lord?"

Shen Tang: "..."

She looked at Qishan in surprise—good guy, when did Qi Yuanliang go for vision correction surgery?Not blind anymore!

Qishan: "My lord was injured during the day."

He added: "Lin Feng replaced it."

Shen Tang: "... Does anyone know?"

Not many people know about it.

At present, there are only Qishan, Chu Yao and Lin Feng.

Kang Shi didn't even tell him.

Firstly, Kang Shi was not deep in the situation, and Qishan felt that he needed to observe for a while, and secondly, this matter really challenged the inherent common sense, and there are not too many people who need to know about it for the time being, so as not to cause surprises.

The plan of Qishan and Chu Yao is to wait for Lin Feng's literary heart to reach a high level, or to train a few more female literary scholars and warriors, so that Shen Tang can't be considered "isolated and helpless", or——

Shen Tang killed Gong Xichou with his own hands, and stepped on his corpse to ascend to the throne.

In this world, strength always trumps gender.

Shen Tang: "Where's Gu Chi?"

Qishan smiled unceremoniously and said: "With his scribe's way, coupled with the lord's extraordinarily active inner thoughts, Shanshan doesn't think he will be the last person to know."

Perhaps Gu Chi was the first to know about it.

Shen Tang: "..."

Qishan brought the topic back, and the slightly active atmosphere became dignified again: "My lord thinks that Gong Xichou is also a victim of Gu?"

"He said someone had succeeded. I'm more inclined that this "someone" is himself. Earlier, he also admitted that the extermination of their clan was related to Gu disaster. A small clan that can't hide from the world, even if the whole clan was killed by the disaster , and there is no one to avenge, right?"

Qishan's expression suddenly became subtle.

"My lord, did you misunderstand something?"

Shen Tang was surprised: "What did I misunderstand?"

Qishan smiled and shook his head: "My lord thinks that is a small clan with little strength? They are not fake, but their strength is not bad. A small clan that can live in peace and quiet without being disturbed by the outside world for more than 200 years, has no ability at all." How is it possible? However, it is not impossible for Gong Xichou to be planted with a Gu..."

There is still a great possibility.

But these are their guesses, and there is no evidence.

After the two of Shen Tang went back, Gu Renwu pondered for a long time, until the sixth brother hadn't seen anyone for a long time and came to him.

"Big brother?"

Gu Ren woke up startled: "Sixth Brother, you are here."

The sixth younger brother looked around, the tea at the guest's place on the table was already cold, it could be seen that Shen Tang had been away for a long time.

He asked, "What's so preoccupied, brother?"

Gu Ren said: "Master Shen just came to tell me some news, brother, I'm not sure, you come to give advice."

The sixth younger brother listened attentively: "Brother, it's okay to say."

Gu Ren asked: "Have you ever heard of the Wu Kingdom's curse?"

"Big brother, why are you so good at mentioning this unlucky thing?" The sixth younger brother's reaction was beyond Gu Ren's expectation. Seeing Gu Ren's expression was surprised, the sixth younger brother asked, "But what did Lord Shen come and say?"

Gu Ren murmured: "Lord Shen said that Thirteen's insanity is not a strange disease, but caused by Gu insects, and Thirteen was poisoned by evil people... Sixth brother, do you think this statement is credible?"

The sixth brother frowned and thought carefully: "It's not impossible."


The sixth brother said frankly: "The eldest brother also knows that the younger brother was once the imperial physician of Xin's inner court, and he was best at treating women and children. Later, he was convicted of a concubine's miscarriage. Fortunately, his life was saved, and he resigned and retired..."

Gu Ren nodded repeatedly.

Of course he knew about it.

He got acquainted with Sixth Brother because of seeking medical treatment for Thirteen.At that time, I heard that there was a pediatric expert living in seclusion nearby, so I rushed to the door with my young master. During the process of seeking medical treatment, I chatted with my sixth brother very well, so I thought of making friends.

The sixth younger brother said: "Before my younger brother entered the medical office, the former imperial physician was ordered to secretly study the curse of the Wu Kingdom. It is said that he got something from the Geng Kingdom... I don't know what happened in the end, I only know that a certain day , the Imperial Physician Ling suddenly disappeared... Outsiders say that he was secretly executed, but I am sure that he is still alive. Brother, you have seen it..."

Gu Ren was confused: "When did I see you?"

Sixth brother: "Zhang He, Yiru, Lingzhou."


  Happy New Years Day Duck.

  See you in 2021.

  Hello 2022.

  New year, new guaranteed monthly pass, ask for a ticket

  Although I didn't get any rankings this month (Shiitake is too poor, I can't afford gold, so I can only count on one vote for one vote from readers), but I also got more than 7000 two hundred monthly tickets, which is gratifying (applause, applause, monthly pass There will be a guarantee of 700 yuan in the lottery, a lot of canned cat food and canned cats, or two new keyboards)
  All in all, this year is still very happy
  Thank you for your support of the new book
  Shiitake mushrooms will continue to refuel and update in the new year

  Come on, come on ヾ(°°)
(End of this chapter)

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