stand back, let me come

Chapter 256 256: Half-brother? ? ? 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 256 256: Half-brother? ? ? 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

"Being preempted by someone? Who?"

Gong Xiqiu admitted that he was somewhat gloating.

The staff envoy didn't seem to see Gong Xichou's small expression, but replied in a low voice: "I don't know yet, I only know that the person who took the national seal was not simple. Either he had the special ability to hide the national seal or he had special items. The first two I can still vaguely feel the breath, but after that it gets weaker and fainter, and there is no trace."

The elites of this journey were originally aimed at Guoxi.

Since the Imperial Seal was no longer available, it would be useless to stay here. It would be better to send back troops to strengthen our own military and prevent Zheng Qiao from sending troops to suppress the border.Therefore, the possibility of withdrawing troops is extremely high, and it would be foolish to stay and entangle with the Union Army.

Gongxi Qiuchu listened with great interest.

When he heard the last sentence, his expression twisted, and he almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The staff envoy asked him what he meant with his eyes.

Ask again: "Did I say it early enough?"

"You said that you could still vaguely feel it in the past two days, but there was no trace in the past two days—" Gongxi rubbed his teeth with hatred, and his back molars itched, "If you said it two or three days earlier, the soldiers who fought today would not I lost my life in vain! Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Not only did the staff envoy not get angry, but an extremely treacherous sneer appeared on his face for a moment, and he said: "You will feel sorry for others."

Gong Xichou: "That's more than 2000 living lives."

He is not distressed.

Human life is the least valuable in this world.

But no matter how worthless human life is, it can be divided into valuable or worthless.Even if they died, they could have died with more value, instead of being buried here hastily!

Even if these are actually King Zhu's soldiers...

Therefore, even if the staff envoy in front of him is the only clan member left in the world, Gong Xichou can't feel any affection for him.

The staff envoy laughed at his naivety.

"Gong Xichou, do you know one thing?"

After the conversation started, he paused suspiciously again, deliberately whetting Gong Xichou's appetite, but Gong Xichou could only do what he wanted.

Asked: "Do you know what?"

"Do you know what orders the king gave me before he left? You and the soldiers and horses under your adoptive father's tent can all be sacrificed if necessary. As long as you can take the imperial seal, you don't need to sacrifice!" the staff envoy taunted Looking at Gong Xiqiu, "If necessary, your life can also be filled."

Gong Xiqiu thought it was an order.

He said, "Isn't this normal?"

He has seen a lot of similar faces, let alone a strange creature like King Zhu?In fact, Gong Xiqiu was a little surprised by the "gentleness" of this order.As King Zhu is, his orders shouldn't be so "normal"...

The staff envoy had an expression of "you are too young".

With a sneer, he spat out a sentence that was more sinister and viscous than the venom of a poisonous snake: "The meaning of the king is not what you understand, his original intention is to say——If the death and injury of Xiaocheng are not enough to force out the imperial seal of Xin Guo, you can Abandon those soldiers."

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

The envoy of the staff said in a cold voice: "So, have you seen clearly? The more than 2000 lives in your eyes are nothing but worthless in the eyes of others! Whether they died on the battlefield loyal to the king, or in other invisible places, it is today It makes no difference whether you die in battle or later. Gong Xiqiu, you really should have died on the day when the clan was exterminated, instead of leaving the clan land and wandering in the muddy world, fear—there will be no place to die!"

Gong Xiqiu looked at the staff envoy in surprise and anger.

In his memory, every member of the Gongxi clan followed the guidance of the gods and worked hard to live.They are open-minded and optimistic, bold in nature, male and female, old and young, good at singing and dancing, and any unhappiness can be vented through loud singing and wild and changeable dances.

Live in seclusion and have nothing to do with the world.

Gong Xiqiu has never seen a clansman as eerie and treacherous as the one in front of him, which is unpleasant and runs counter to the Gongxi clan's style of painting.What kind of thoughts did the other party have in order to say this to him, the only survivor of the genocide?
His eyes were so easy to understand, the staff envoy said: "The clan pattern of the Gongxi clan is the snake that the world dislikes the most. Is it against the ancestor's precepts to be cheerful and lively, and to love life? I am used to being gloomy, but you just can't see it." How can I get used to it?"

Gong Xichou: "You—"

The staff envoy said: "That's all for now."

Gong Xichou wanted to curse a few more words, but the figure of the man turned into a shadow again and completely merged into the darkness, and he was completely silent the next moment.Tuliu Gong Xichou was cursing in his heart, wishing he could dig up his ancestral grave...

Ah no, ancestral graves cannot be dug.

Their ancestral graves are the same.

Gong Xiqiu frowned depressedly.

He was more depressed than being cut off by Shen Tang repeatedly during the day. After sitting with his arms folded for a while, he suddenly got up and searched for the suitcase he took with him wherever he went.Don't look at Gong Xiqiu's life in a mess, paperwork and official duties are thrown around so that people have nowhere to go, but the things in the box are tidy and tidy, and they are regularly wiped out.

He found a thick volume of genealogy from the bottom of the box.

Every name on this volume of genealogy has been crossed out tremblingly with immature pen and ink. If you look carefully, there are still many tears and water stains on it, only Gong Xiqiu's name is still there.Skip those names, flip up and down, and compare them one by one.

"Not this one……"

The man's funeral was attended by himself.

"This is not..."

Neither is the uncle of the next-door neighbor.

"This... this... this... is not..."

Gong Xiqiu recalled that the staff envoy said that he crossed out the name of the family tree overnight, and the handwriting should be different from that of the patriarch who was in charge of the family tree at that time, so he only needed to find the one with special handwriting.

Following this clue, I found two.

Gong Xiqiu locked on the one that seemed the most likely.


His eyes widened in disbelief.

The hands holding the family tree are trembling.

"How, how is it possible—could it be him?"

Different from the outside world, children of the Gongxi clan only follow their mother's surname.They are generally raised by their mothers and uncles and other parents.In order to avoid problems with newborns caused by too close bloodlines, women can choose to intermarry within the clan as adults, or they can choose to leave the clan area to find men outside the clan area, and return to the clan area with their children after a period of time.

Gong Xichou's father was one of them.

Except for the dead mother, no one knows who the dead ghost father is.

Gong Xichou didn't know either.

There are many examples of half-brothers and sisters in the clan.

Gong Xiqiu is no exception.

He has a half-brother who is much older than him, and I heard that his elder brother was selected by the patriarch at a young age to be trained as the next patriarch, but Gong Xichou has never seen him.The mother said that the elder brother died, but the uncle leaked the truth, saying that the elder brother made a big mistake and was executed by the clan elders. The mother was heartbroken, and in order to get out of the pain, with the encouragement of the uncle, she had a second child, which is now Gongxi Qiu ...

If this gloomy fellow is the elder brother...

It's no wonder that the clan elders always look at Gong Xichou with complicated eyes.

Gong Xiqiu digs out a mirror from the mess.

Left photo, right photo.

He murmured in a trance: "I didn't notice it until I looked carefully, and there are indeed some similarities..."

 Staff Messenger: Who do you say I am? ? ?
  Gong Xichou :)
  PS: Please take a leave of absence today, hey, something happened unexpectedly, just make up for one day, and make up for it tomorrow.

  PS: Baby Waner has opened a new book, and has not signed a contract yet. You can step on the through train and jump over to have a look. You will definitely not lose money if you invest in chasing updates!
(End of this chapter)

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