stand back, let me come

Chapter 258 258: Don't Seek Progress

Chapter 258 258: Don't Seek Progress

Although Gong Xiqiu had received the news in advance, he couldn't help but change his expression when he heard the order to withdraw troops.

When he returned with his troops, he didn't even have time to drink a sip of water, he rushed to his adoptive father angrily, and before he got close, he heard the sound of silk and bamboo orchestras.Pushing open the door, the hot air mixed with the aroma of wine and rouge rushed in.He said loudly, "Father—"

The old general put down the wine bottle.

Unsurprisingly, he said, "Ah Nian is here, sit down."

Raising his eyes, he saw that Gong Xiqiu was still in armor.

From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the weapon on his waist and frowned slightly.

His expression was suddenly displeased.

"Ah Nian, what do you look like?"

Gong Xiqiu casually untied the weapon and threw it to the soldier standing by the door. He strode forward and said anxiously, "Father, the alliance army is just a mob. If you gather the strength of all the generals, sweeping them away is like picking something out of a pocket. Why do you want to withdraw the troops?" ?”

The old general thought that Gong Xichou was going to say something.

It was not surprising that this was said by Gong Xichou.

But being mentally prepared and actually hearing it are two completely different moods. The old general put down the wine bottle with an unhappy bang, and said with a somber expression, "Ah Nian, you are getting worse and worse! We just need to follow the orders carefully, For the rest, don't ask too much."

The staff envoy sitting on the lower right didn't even move his eyelids.

Gongxiqiu hesitated to speak, "But—"

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a somewhat familiar veteran, and Gong Xichou cast his cold eyes over him - he was very familiar with this old man.He is an old man who has followed his adoptive father for many years. He has no skills but he can flatter and make troubles. In addition, he has some relatives with the old general, so he is used to relying on the old to sell the old.

He said: "Young General Gongxi spoke so lightly. Before the expedition, those bold words were still in my ears, but what happened? I lost more than [-] elite soldiers in the confrontation with the rebels. I failed in sending out troops, and led my troops back in despair. The loss was heavy. What are you talking about now that the "Alliance Army is a mob"... Is this because of your own incompetence and fear of being blamed?"

The others present were silent.

These days, they feast every day, and their bodies are lazy.It's not that they don't want to fight and make meritorious service, but even Gong Xiqiu can't get cheap from the alliance army, so they feel a little bit drummed in their hearts, and the secret information is misleading - the alliance army is still quite tyrannical.

Coupled with the order from above to withdraw troops——

They pushed the boat along.

As for running on Gong Xiqiu?

Hey, there are a lot of people who can't get used to Gong Xichou's barbarian behavior, but because of Gong Xichou's invincible record and the old general's protection everywhere, they have to endure it.Now I have the opportunity to watch the "Warrior" jump out to sarcasm Gong Xiqiu, tsk tsk tsk, such a good opportunity to watch a drama should not be missed.

All of them seemed to be bowing their heads to taste wine, but they secretly pricked up their ears to "listen" to the excitement, and those who had more "foresight" were secretly accumulating energy - if Gong Xiqiu, a barbarian, suddenly went crazy, he would evacuate as soon as possible , so as not to be affected.

To their disappointment, Gong Xiqiu did not lose his temper.

He just snorted sarcastically.

His eyes fell on the old general, waiting for a reply.

The old general scolded his confidantes who were jumping up and down, and then calmed down and said with relief: "Winning or losing is a common matter in military affairs. No one dares to say that he is invincible in every battle. Underestimating the heroes of the world is no different from a frog at the bottom of a well. Sooner or later, he will suffer a big loss. Ah In [-], the withdrawal of troops was not the father's intention, but due to military orders, I had to follow."

The seemingly benevolent eyes are filled with the same sentence.

[A Nian, don't be willful. 】

Seeing that Gong Xiqiu didn't say a word, the old general was ready to make a mess again: "I see you are tired after running all the way, go down and have a rest first."

Gong Xiqiu stood in place for a long time.

The old general's face darkened.

Finally, the young man was not willing to hold his fists, turned around and walked away, his footsteps changed from the usual lightness, and every step seemed to vent his inner grievances.Without Gong Xichou, the spoiler, the music that had stopped was played again, and the wine pourers poured the wine, joking and joking.

The envoy of the staff said: "The young general's temper..."

The old general said: "Young people are very popular."

"The general won't send someone to explain to the young general?" The staff envoy spoke very calmly, but if Gong Xichou was there, he could taste a bit of ridicule from his words. He said to the old general, "So as not to hurt the father and son Be gentle, it's not worth it."

"It's okay, Ah Nian is not the kind of person who likes to be petty." The old general waved his hands indifferently, and said in a heavy tone, "This child also has a lot of forgetfulness. However, the envoy's words are not unreasonable. Ah Nian At this age, I still can't sink... It's just a miss... There are many heroes in the world, but he can't really be invincible... Sigh."

In just a few words, the old general attributed Gong Xichou's tantrum to the failure of sending troops instead of dissatisfaction with King Zhu's order.

The staff envoy just smiled and said nothing.

Gong Xiqiu turned around and walked away before regaining his usual expression.

After waiting for a long time, the subordinate officials trotted to catch up.

"Major General."

He looked a little apprehensive.

Gong Xichou is not harsh and ruthless, but a high-level warrior has an aura of calmness and self-prestige. When he is in a bad mood, the aura of the surrounding world will also be affected by it and become chilling and cold.It would be very uncomfortable for other warriors to get close.

Subconsciously afraid.

Gong Xiqiu waved his hand: "Go home."

The officer asked, "Aren't you going to the barracks?"

Gongxi Qiu said, "No! It's so boring."

The subordinate officer couldn't help his scalp tingling when he heard him complaining about being bored.

Because, every time Gong Xiqiu complains about being bored, he will find fun for himself, either singing, drinking, or dancing, or dancing while singing and drinking, or letting someone accompany him to play beads... Just thinking about it Just desperate.

"Major General..." The voice was pleading.

Gong Xichou waved his hand and generously let him go.

Back at the temporary residence, Gong Xichou keenly sensed a somewhat strange aura in his territory - this aura was not dangerous, on the contrary it was very weak and harmless.

Seeing the source of the breath, he remembered.

The dancer who was given to him by his adoptive father before.

The woman's attire this time was much more cloth than the previous one. It was tightly covered from head to toe, and wrapped in a barrel shape from top to bottom, with almost no female features. When she saw Gong Xichou coming back, she was stunned. Thinking of seeing Gong Xiqiu again so soon.

The hand that placed the plum blossom branch froze and stood still.

She was at a loss.

Stuttering: "This, this flower is..."

Gong Xiqiu waved his big hand to signal that she didn't need to explain further.

Ask: "I'm not here for a few days, can someone make things difficult for you?"

The woman shook her head: "No, everything is fine."

Seeing that Gong Xiqiu didn't leave anything of her own, she embraced herself and prepared to leave with a plum blossom branch in her arms.As soon as she took a step, she heard Gong Xiqiu ask her a strange question: "Can you play beads?"

The woman was shocked: "Huh?"


literal meaning.

It was a monkey game that all women in the boudoir disliked, but Gong Xichou never got tired of it. Women naturally couldn't do it, but she could help retrieve the pearls that had been thrown far away.Women wear thick clothes, which makes it difficult to move, and they are a little clumsy and naive when running.

After a while, fine sweat broke out on his forehead.

Gong Xichou saw it and said, "Oh, it's really different."

The woman asked puzzled, "What's the difference?"

Gong Xiqiu tossed the pearl casually, and the round and lustrous longan pearl fell into the porcelain vase in which the woman put the plum blossom branch. He smiled and said, "I know a Mama, oh, as you are used to calling 'girl', that Physical strength, you can travel eight hundred miles at night without panting!"

When the woman heard the words, she kept silent suspiciously.

"Night attack...eight hundred miles?"

Gong Xiqiu explained: "It's very serious to attack eight hundred miles at night."

The woman became more and more puzzled, she looked at Gong Xichou blankly, and said without asking for further understanding: "Is there anyone who raids eight hundred miles at night, is there anything unscrupulous?"

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

The woman carefully smacked Gong Xichou's words.

He said in amazement: "There is such a woman!"

Gong Xichou skipped over the discussion about decentness and dishonesty with a look of embarrassment, and threw beads in a fancy way—this time it was the "mother and son chasing soul style", one bead was thrown first, and when it was about to fall in mid-air, the second One bead collided with force, and two beads fell into the porcelain bottle one after another—two ding dongs, very sweet.

He said: "Well, also a great 'lady'."

Those who are called women and have scholars are called Ms.

The last time I met Shen Tang privately, the already high favorability increased a lot.He has never seen a confidant who suits him so well, it seems that everything is fine.The woman heard Gong Xichou's evaluation, and asked curiously, "But the beauty of the Major General?"


Gong Xichou expressed his incomprehension.

It's not that he doesn't understand the word "beauty", but——

Compared with "beauty", he thinks that the word bosom friend is more suitable.


Which confidante doesn't fight to the death when they meet each other.

He beat Shen Tang hard, and Shen Tang beat him the same.

Gong Xichou shook his head: "Not really."

The woman was surprised: "It's the major general who couldn't ask for it?"

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

The woman didn't know what to think of, she sighed: "It's just that to be admired by the major general must be a peerless beauty."

The lazy sitting posture instantly sat upright, and he finally realized that he and the woman were chatting like chickens and ducks, and they were not on the same channel at all.

Gong Xiqiu reminded her.

"Mama can attack eight hundred miles at night without panting."

You call this a peerless beauty who is "outstanding in Israel"? ? ?

The woman's mind also turned around, and she said embarrassingly: "I can't imagine that the matter of the military formation is not a woman's matter..."

After Gong Xichou heard this, he couldn't help complaining to the woman: "At some banquet earlier, I heard an old woman scold her daughter-in-law for saying 'talent is not a woman's business', and everyone around her praised it, but you said that the military formation is not a woman's business... ...Do you not have to learn anything when co-authoring?"

I couldn't help but look at the woman with "Why are you so lazy", I don't learn this, I don't learn that - it makes Mama rare.

If you use beads as a metaphor, it is definitely the biggest, brightest, roundest, most outstanding one among so many beads in his collection!

Gongxi Qiu raised his eyebrows upright, and said sharply, "Then what have you learned?"

The woman was frightened and trembled, taking pictures of the aura of a brave warrior, with a pale face, she said: "Learn, learn how to be in charge, how to be filial to your parents-in-law, how to serve your husband..."

She was born not bad, good-looking.

Her father also intends to use her future marriage to win over people and strengthen her strength. He also allows her to read and write, and privately hires teachers who are proficient in dance and music to teach.Women also like it, and they seem to learn it well.

Originally reserved for future boudoir fun with husband.

Unexpectedly, this became her life-saving straw.He was targeted because of his looks and figure, and was rewarded to Gong Xiqiu for his outstanding dancing skills.

Gong Xiqiu muttered, "I don't want to make progress."


When did she stop seeking improvement? ? ?

Seeing that her eyes seemed unconvinced, Gong Xiqiu opened his mouth to argue with her: "Are you unconvinced? Are your in-laws dead or disobedient and expect girls from other families to come and be filial? Is your husband taken away?" A man with four limbs can't take care of himself, so he expects you to serve him? As for being in charge, there are two meals at the court, food and clothing, isn't there someone in charge of the house?"


Gong Xichou counted on her with his fingers.

"After all, isn't it very unmotivated?"

Gong Xiqiu still can't understand it.

Listening to it now, it turned out that this one didn't learn, that one didn't learn, but she was really lazy, and it turned out that Mama worked hard and made progress!
The woman was stunned speechless.

Following Gong Xichou's logic, she felt deeply ashamed.

Seeing her start to reflect, Gongxi Qiu patted her on the shoulder with satisfaction and said, "If you know you're wrong, then you're right. There is no limit to life, and there is no limit to learning."

It is not too late to know how to return when you are lost.

The woman whose shoulders were almost knocked apart: "..."

After influencing one person, Gong Xichou was in a good mood.

The woman showed bitterness on her face: "But Major General, women can't stand the world, they have no heart, no courage, no matter how hard they try..."

It's just something that people despise.

Even women will use "XX is not a woman's business" to preach confidently - such as beauty is unlucky, "fate" is because this woman is born to bring disaster to the country and the people, or because she is talented and educated to bring disaster, or her life is low and her background is unreliable, and she never talks about the world. How, let alone the perpetrator.Every mistake is the fault of one person.

Gong Xiqiu said, "Mama is different."

Bosom friends have never had anything to do with gender.

The woman was puzzled.

It's just that Gong Xiqiu likes that "Mama" very much, so naturally he won't say a bad word.

at the same time--

Shen Tang sneezed several times.

"Who is speaking ill of me behind my back?"

Rubbing his nose, it still feels a little itchy.

Lin Feng was working hard at the side: "Perhaps it's a compliment."

Shen Tang felt the same way when she heard it, how hot is she? Well, why would anyone be willing to scold her: "Praise? Hee hee, it's not impossible. If there is such a person, besides Gong Xiqiu, don't be the second person to think about it."

Thinking this way, I feel better.

Lin Feng's expression moved slightly: "Isn't that the enemy?"

Shen Tang sat down carelessly: "The enemy is the one with the conflict of interests. Isn't there a fight yet? Besides, Gong Xichou has a very interesting temper, and I don't lose out in making friends. He has a lot of experience, blood is thick, and he lacks experience. The best time to brush him."

Lin Feng could barely understand the first two sentences, and the last sentence...

"Thick blood? More experience?"

Shen Tang explained: "Didn't those local dialects always say that you will be strong when you meet the strong? Fighting with strong people and accumulating experience means 'a lot of experience'. As for 'thick blood' means Gongxi Qiu This man is very powerful, no matter how hard he beats him, he can't die, just like the pig that Wu Hui bled to kill, and the blood didn't die after putting a pot of blood on it, that's 'thick blood'!"

She spoke plain and simple, and Lin Feng understood.


Shen Tang saw that the little girl was a little embarrassed, and she frowned slightly, as if she had encountered something that bothered her very much.

She cared: "What's the matter?"

Lin Feng sighed maturely.

"My family is thinking about how to have both loyalty and righteousness."

Shen Tang: "???"

Several question marks popped up on her forehead.

  It is quite heartbreaking to say that talent is not a woman's business.

  I just think that the person who said this is very sad and short-sighted, and he will only leave the word "Sun" in his life.

  But what is even more heart-wrenching is that when I visited Douyin earlier, many of the comments below were-the more you learn, the more tragic... There are also mothers with a few children who say that they have no children, and their brains are bad after learning...

  Really Nima is sick.

  Good guy, instead of wrapping your feet around your cerebellum? ? ?
  Mayflies who live and die at night, ordinary people who don't know what to do, people who have passed away in a daze all their lives, plausibly use this perspective to comment on the bright pearl that can leave a bright figure in the long river of history, how shameless it is? ? ?

  The face, hot - big!

(End of this chapter)

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