stand back, let me come

Chapter 268: The wind and rain are coming [268]

Chapter 268 268: The storm is about to come [two thousand five]

"Fortunately, my lord is smart, otherwise this matter would be spread by Zhao Feng. With Qin Li's ingenuity, I am afraid that if he can guess the truth, it will definitely lead to murder." A murderous intent flashed in Gu Chi's eyes, "It's just ' It doesn’t matter if you use the method of absorbing energy.”

Although the "Entraining Qi Method" is also very eye-catching, after all, this thing has a high threshold-you have to have a talent as high as the raccoon power, and this will be able to screen out [-]% of the candidates-it's completely unreasonable. Tasteless, shameless chicken ribs.

Shen Tang sighed: "It is essential to be on guard against others."

Zhao Feng is Wu Xian's man after all.

In name, he came to repay the kindness, but it did not prevent him from staring at Shen Tang as Wu Xian's eyeliner.Fortunately, I don't have any hidden secrets, as long as I hide the existence of Guoxi, I can sit back and relax.Zhao Feng and the more than a thousand private parts he brought with him are the key (free labor) for his own side to become the master of Heyin, so it would be too bad not to make good use of it.

Gu Chi reminded: "Don't relax your vigilance."

Shen Tang laughed: "It's natural."

As for Baisu——

Gu Chi asked Shen Tang how he planned to arrange it.

Shen Tang looked puzzled: "How to arrange what?"

Gu Chidao: "Since Lin Feng, as a woman, can absorb the energy of the world and refine it into literary energy, then—my lord, have you ever thought that Bai Su can also absorb the energy of the world and condense the alchemy to form a martial courage? Although Bai Su is an ordinary person , but his martial arts skills are not bad. He has been a snitch for many years and is now forced into a desperate situation. It can be seen that his martial arts talent is not weak. If he can be as powerful as a raccoon..."

Shen Tang's disadvantages are obvious, but his advantages are also very obvious.

That being the case, why not make use of strengths and avoid weaknesses?
If Bai Su can also be as powerful as a raccoon, and condense the first ray of martial energy at a young age, even if he can't climb to the top, he can still be used as a helper to gallop on the battlefield and make great achievements.It is a ready-made "horse bone"!
You can buy a dead horse for five hundred gold, let alone a raw horse?

It is still too early to say these.

Shen Tang said: "Adopt more immature girls later?"

Loyalty is something that can be cultivated when one is young and the Three Views have not yet been fixed, and it is easier to cultivate.Gu Chi didn't mention it, Shen Tang and the others were also prepared for this.However, Gu Chi still corrected Shen Tang's "mistakes".

He said: "My lord's words are wrong—it is to adopt more immature girls with talent, roots, and understanding!"

There are only so few resources at hand.

It's not that Gu Chi is stingy or indifferent, but it's that the current population is still struggling to feed, and Shen Tang needs to exhaust [-] to [-]% of his energy every day to not be hungry.Ten days and a half months is fine, if the time goes on, the foundation may be damaged.Where is there any extra money and food to train ordinary people with insufficient returns?It’s not good to say in the future, but not now—no potential, no value for cultivation.

Shen Tang didn't refute when he heard the words, and took the initiative to change the topic, and shifted the focus to Bai Su: "I have to trouble Wang Chao to check Bai Su's tone and see if there is any problem with this person. If there is no problem and he is willing to be loyal to me, You can use it with confidence.”

As long as it is not deliberately controlled, a person's inner voice will not lie.To put it simply, people who can pass Gu Chi's test may not be available, but those who cannot pass must not be used.Even if you use it reluctantly, you still use your talents instead of your people.


As an ordinary person who can collect so much information, who can say that Bai Su has no talent?If she is really brave enough to add wings to a tiger, even if she can't confront the enemy head-on, she can still play a role in leading cavalry soldiers to scout the enemy's situation.

Gu Chi saluted and accepted the order.

Shen Tang rubbed his eyebrows.

Looking at the bright moon in the sky, I whispered in my heart.I also don't know how Wu Xian and Gu Ren are doing - if she can win the qualification of "righteousness" to become the leader of He Yin, she will be able to occupy the "moral high ground".

It's not good to be "morally kidnapped" by someone, but hey, it's a good taste to be "morally kidnapped" by others.In particular, He Yin's group of dancing demons cannot be dealt with by conventional means. It is necessary to use violence to control violence, and use evil to control evil, which is the best strategy.

Shen Tang still thought about this in his dream.

"Ah Qiu-"

Wu Xian sneezed a lot. He took out his handkerchief and blew his nose while handling the paperwork with the oil lamp on. He muttered to himself that he must not have caught the cold, why did he always sneeze tonight, or was there someone slandering him behind his back?
At this time, Qin Li asked to see him outside the account.

He hurriedly got up: "Qin Qing, come in quickly."

After Qin Li entered the account, Wu Xian asked anxiously, "How is the situation?"

Seeing Qin Li's serious expression, Wu Xian's heart skipped a beat.He stared nervously at Qin Li's lips, for fear of hearing bad news from him.Lord Shen left early and led his troops to Heyin, and the alliance army also cleaned up the rebels of King Zhu in Sibao County.Although he didn't get the national seal, he can almost eat half of his credit for killing the rebels.

At this time, Zheng Qiao, the lord of the country, came to order.

The Xuan alliance army went to the palace to be sealed.

While this news moved everyone's hearts, it also started to beat the drums - they were worried that Zheng Qiao would go back on his word and catch them all while they were going to be sealed.In my conscience, with Zheng Qiao's shabby reputation, this guess is not impossible.

Leader Wu Xian is the most worrying among them.

Because Zheng Qiao's palace moved to Qianzhou, which borders Lingzhou, and occupies Qushan County, which is not far from Sibao County.From the day he received the decree, leader Wu Xian's eyelids have been twitching.

Arriving at Qushan County where the Xinggong is located, all the troops were intercepted, and at most hundreds of elites were taken to the outside of Xinggong City to receive rewards.

Leader Wu Xian wanted to find an excuse to avoid it.


In the end, he was persuaded by Qin Li to give up his idea.

Escaping at this time is tantamount to telling Zheng Qiao that she has a guilty conscience, is it different from courting death?He took the initiative to see Zheng Qiao, frank and frank, no matter how bad Zheng Qiao's temper was, it was not easy to take them under the knife.

At this time, it depends on who can hold on.

Wu Xian smiled wryly in his heart, and began to envy Shen Tang.

Shen Tang ran away with his people early.

Although Heyin's place is also poor and evil, and the wicked are rampant, it is easier to deal with than Zheng Qiao, and Zheng Qiao is not as powerful as Zheng Qiao.

After arriving outside the palace city, Qin Li went out to visit his friends.

It is said to be a visit to a friend, but it is actually to ask for information—look at Zheng Qiao's recent mood and attitude towards the Allied Army. Shun win over some people.

If someone in the court speaks good words for Wu Xian, it will be beneficial to the future development.Because the circle of Wenxin scribes is not big, especially the top of the pyramid like Qin Li, who can be regarded as making friends all over the world, it really made him find out something.

The news brought back is not too bad.

Qin Li's solemn face eased.

Said: "Don't worry, my lord, the news is not bad."

With this sentence, Wu Xian was completely relieved.

"Qin Qing, sit down and talk about it."

Qin Li ran all the way, and hurried back when he received the news, before he could have a sip of tea.He took a sip of tea, moistened his dry and smoldering throat, and said, "Beside Zheng Qiao, there appeared a scholar of Wenxin, whose surname was Yan, his first name was An, and his name was Xingning."

Hearing the familiar name, Wu Xian was startled.

"Yan'an? Isn't he not going to be an official?"

Speaking of Yan Xingning, Wu Xian felt wronged.

He heard that there was a great sage living in seclusion somewhere, so he prepared generous gifts and went to invite someone out of the mountain. This person was Yan An and Yan Xingning.No matter how close Wu Xian is, how he likes him, how he respects the corporal, and how much he benefits, Yan An is always hard-hearted and unmoved.

Wu Xian was lost for a while because of this.

What you can't get is always the white moonlight.

He said "I'm lucky if I get it, and my life is lost", "If you don't have a chance, don't force it", but in fact, your heart is grumbling.Why is Wu Xian not well?You need status, reputation, reputation, manpower, high salary, and never whoring for nothing!

I don't even dare to think that someone will generate electricity for themselves and love.

Why does Yan An look down on him! ! !
Hearing the news of Yan'an again, this guy actually became an official of Zheng Qiao?

He was shocked and completely incomprehensible

Qin Li didn't know that his lord and Yan An still had such an entanglement, and said: "According to news, Yan An is Zheng Qiao's fellow apprentice, and the two have known each other since childhood. Since Yan An came out of the mountain, although Zheng Qiao's behavior is still violent, but compared Before, there was a lot of restraint. This time—"

Before he finished speaking, Wu Xian's voice suddenly rose.

Interrupted: "You said—their brothers???"

Good guy, really good guy.

He knows why Yan An always has a weird expression when he comes to ask Yan An to come out of the mountain, with a forbearance that wants to catch him in a sack, and he is always jumping back and forth on the verge of Yan An's explosion?

 _ (: 3 "∠) _
  Go out and get a courier first.

(End of this chapter)

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