stand back, let me come

Chapter 271 271: Pengshan has no way to go here

Chapter 271 271: Pengshan has no way to go here

The scale of the bandit village is not large, but it is not small either.

A total of 430 people are gathered up and down.

After a while of teenagers rushing to kill, there are only 370 left.

Some of the bandits gathered near He Yin were ordinary people who were forced to become bandits because of life or pressure, some were rangers who were wanted for committing crimes with some kung fu, and the other part were trilogy supported by local powerful gentry.

It sounds unbelievable, but it is true. The bandits are fake, and it is true to use the name of the bandits to secretly train troops and accumulate armed forces.They are players and referees at the same time, it's no wonder that the bandits can wipe them out.

Shen Tang didn't know what banditry he was doing.

One word, and it's over!
Kill all their masters and their confidantes, and then deal with the opposing minions, use thunder to frighten the remaining bandits, and let the "atmosphere group" who mixed in beforehand howl twice.Under the effect of the herd effect, the remaining bandits will also respond accordingly, if it does not take effect——

Shen Tang didn't mind killing a few more.

Or, kill them all!
Do bandits that cannot be incorporated still have meaning?
Shen Tang raised his sword and returned to the main meeting hall, kicked away the body of the leader who had been separated from the body, and sat there by himself.

Order the bandits to submit the account records.

Looking lazily, he flipped through the books at random, and threw the account book to the ground. The group of bandits shrugging their shoulders and shrugging their heads shivered in fright—they thought they were knowledgeable, and they had seen disgusting bloody scenes before, but like The young man wiped people's necks with such a disagreement, and his head was rushed to the sky with blood, even the old bandits who had been in the industry for many years were too frightened to make a sound.

Some people have viciousness written on their faces. Such people are often not scary because they are mentally prepared.But there are some people who are beautiful and beautiful, and talk to you with a smile in the last breath, and draw the sword when they say to draw a sword in the next breath, and wipe your neck when they say to wipe your neck, which is more terrifying in comparison.Because no one knows when this person will be violent, when he will take his life——

Unknown, cloudy and cloudy, irregular.

The fear it brings is doubled.

Shen Tang sneered: "Three or four hundred people do this kind of business? Do you know how to be a bandit? Occupy a mountain, slaughter a few caravans passing by, and search for a living. You call this a 'bandit'? Tsk, What a disgrace to the 'bandits'!"

A group of bandits: "..."

A bit of confusion appeared on their fierce faces.


If you don't do the job of killing people and stealing goods, then what are you doing?
Isn't that what bandits are like?

Could it be possible to play other tricks?
Shen Tang drew his sword and pointed: "Forget it, let me teach you what a real bandit should be like. A real bandit should be a bandit! Shred them, annex them, rob them, kill them! Just like what I did to you Yes! Do you understand!"

She didn't speak very loudly.

But with the use of Wenqiyanling skills, it can be clearly conveyed to the ears of every bandit in the bandit village.Without waiting for them to think about what is wrong with these words, Shen Tang sneered and cut off their retreat: "Anyone who doesn't understand - don't need the ears!"

The killing intent was so strong that it could be substantively overwhelmed, the bandits didn't dare to breathe loudly, let alone say "no".

It's not that they were convinced, it's simply that a bandit couldn't bear it, turned around and ran, but before he could run two steps, two piercing cold streaks slid across his cheeks, and with his breath, two lumps of blood-stained flesh fell down. Dust on the ground.

When did the meat drop from the sky?

As soon as this thought came to mind, severe pain spread from the ear to the whole body!He howled!Covering the place where the ears should have been with both hands, he rolled on the ground in pain.Thick and warm blood gurgled down the fingers, and it couldn't be stopped!
Shen Tang smiled and asked, "Do you understand?"

In the crowd, the "atmosphere group" with unfamiliar faces took the opportunity to shout loudly: "Master, I understand!"

People are blind.

Especially under extreme fear, it is easier to lose the ability to think independently.With the "ambience group" taking the lead, there will naturally be a second, third, fourth...

Until the sound waves burst into waves, resounding through the mountains like overwhelming mountains and seas.

Some bandits even shouted hoarsely.

They were all afraid that they would be slaughtered if they shouted softly.

Shen Tang seemed to enjoy the sounds, and after listening to them for a while, he raised his hand to signal them to stop - of course, the real reason was to allow the bandits to vent their squeezed fear through roaring, which would be beneficial for later recruitment.She walked around with her sword in hand.

Look here, look there.

Shen Tang pretended to think about it, and brought up the atmosphere group who had been mixed up in it, and became the new little boss to manage these bandits.

The bandit villages near Heyin are very hidden.

The outside world can't find it easily.

However, this does not include the bandits themselves.

They have a special contact method with each other, and their general location is also clear.Shen Tang used thunder to capture the outermost bandit village. After gathering these bandits, he led the way to capture another bandit village. The operation went smoothly.

Made two in one day.

She doesn't plan to expand any more for the time being.

Let's get rid of these hundreds of bandits first.

"My lord!" No. [-] of the atmosphere group who followed Shen Tang came over quietly, clasped his fists and said in a low voice, "The people have been counted neatly."

This atmosphere group was originally a bandit.

However, in the hands of Gong Shuwu, he repeatedly adjusted (beating) taught (pressed), practiced (washed) and practiced (brain) intensively day after day, and obeyed orders extremely. Do it without blinking.

Shen Tang thought it was a bit silly at first.

The training made the brain degenerate.

But on second thought, this is correct.

Soldiers only need to obey military orders, execute military orders, and use high-intensity training methods to train them to form conditioned reflexes in their bodies - they cannot retreat when they should attack, they are brave and not afraid of death, and they will not love to fight when they should retreat, and they will never be greedy.

The several atmosphere groups that Shen Tang brought over were all the "results" that Gong Shuwu was quite satisfied with, so it was just right for them to bring newcomers.

"If there is chaos or escape, you should be very clear about what to do. Kill without mercy!" Glancing at the record booklet, it snapped shut, "They are not dead, please come and see them!"


Shen Tang waved his hand to signal him to go down.

Looking at the bright moon outside the window, I thought about praying for their actions - because there is a serious shortage of manpower, most of them are old, weak, women and children, Shen Tang can't bring them together to (recruit) attack (soldiers) bandits (buy) ) Village (horse).

After some discussion, we chose to divide our forces and cooperate.

Shen Tang has a high level of force, leading 25 atmosphere groups, and is in charge of two bandit dens—these two dens are information provided by Bai Su. She is a snitch and has dealings with bandits, otherwise it would be really hard to find a bandit den.

Gong Shuwu and Chu Yao stayed behind to protect the old and weak women and children hiding in the valley; Zhao Feng and Qishan were in charge of another larger bandit den; Team, Fishing Law Enforcement.

 One more chapter, morning.

  Chatting with my mother almost forgot the time.

  PS: Seeing this is the revised version.

(End of this chapter)

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