stand back, let me come

Chapter 293 293: "Buying New Year's Goods" [Seeking Monthly Tickets]

Chapter 293 293: "Buying New Year's goods" ([-]) [Seeking a monthly ticket]

"Escape what?"

Shen Tang looked down at the head of the Zhang family.

Seeing the anger on his face, he hehe.

"What's the use of being angry? Your eyes can't kill people, be careful that these tricks are too protruding, they pop out from your eye sockets with a 'bang'!" Shen Tang squeezed the patriarch of the Zhang family's jaw through a handkerchief, smiling Violently remove it with fingers.

However, the Patriarch of the Zhang family struggled as expected, causing his jaw to dislocate severely, causing him to roll over with his hands on his cheeks in pain.

Shen Tang regretfully said: "It's a little bit harder."

Gong Shuwu snorted coldly and said, "I'm going to die anyway."

It doesn't matter if you hit lightly or hard.

He added another sentence: "My lord, you don't need to feel guilty about this person. It would be great if he can't speak at all. Lord Yan can also listen to a few filthy words less, and keep your ears clean for a while."

Shen Tang didn't expect Gong Shuwu to be so upright.

He smiled and said, "I'm not guilty."

She just felt sorry for her handkerchief, because it was heavy and the Patriarch of the Zhang family was struggling, so it got saliva on it.

Shen Tang broke their legs one by one.

Two silences to silence the voice, double insurance.

"Half a step, let the two come over and stare at them, let's finish it." This operation was much smoother than Shen Tang expected, which was also related to her overestimation of He Yin and Zhang's strength.

Shen Tang subconsciously thought that this kind of local snake was a master with self-respect and strong strength, but he ignored that it was impossible for Zhang's guest Qing to stay in Zhang's house at twelve hours a day without moving his nest.

She also has the style of attacking suddenly when there is a disagreement. Even if He Yin's local snakes think that Shen Tang can sharpen knives, who would have thought that she would be on the second night of being in charge of He Yin, before he has figured out the complicated situation of He Yin? Just show the butcher knife?

Everything happened too suddenly!


One force breaks ten thousand methods, one force defeats ten meetings!

Ruohe Yin's powerful bosses unite to put pressure on Shen Tang, Shen Tang's strength is difficult to win with thunder - even if there are high-level warriors like Gong Shuwu and Zhao Feng, as well as those who pray for good Scholar Xin assisted at the side, but once the two sides start a battle, with He Yin as the main battlefield, even if Shen Tang wins, He Yin's place will basically be finished.

Shen Tang chose to defeat them one by one.

Shot when no one expected it.

Although the operation went smoothly, one cannot really underestimate the He Yin and Zhang family. Shen Tang has a small number of people now, and one-third of them were borrowed by Zhao Feng, so it cannot be compromised here.After settling down the Zhang family brothers, Shen Tang raised his sword and went out without blinking.

Pointing at the point of the sword, people's heads are rolling around,

In just a quarter of an hour, the screams of the Zhang family gradually died down, and everyone was tied up from top to bottom and thrown into one place for centralized monitoring.Shen Tang put a silence on every Wenxin scholar and warrior, ready to rush to the next game.

"Thief, you must not die!"

Shen Tang paused and followed the sound.

The one who spoke was a hale and hearty old man with white beard and hair. Because of proper maintenance, he looked much younger than his actual age, and he was full of anger when he cursed.Across the crowd of hundreds of people, passing through a crowd of wailing voices, they could still be heard clearly in Shen Tang's ears.

"I don't want to die? I don't want to die? I don't want a house?" A curse not only failed to break Shen Tang's defenses, but even provided the effect of a cold joke, before the person cursed again , with a silence.

"No wonder everyone wants to be an authority dog..."

Shen Tang looked at the few people nearby who were terrified.

It is better to be silenced than to be silenced.

"It's really cool." She murmured.

Regardless of whether eloquence is good or bad, whether you can speak well or not, if you disagree with one word, you can silence someone. Even if there is a lot of national abuse in that person's heart, you can't utter it. Countless anger can only be brewed and rolled in your stomach, and you can't wait to get angry. Explode!
Hey, it's really cool!
Shen Tang looked indifferent, and silenced all the loudest barkers, and soon there were only a few children crying in fear, and the other adults saw that the people around them were forced to shut up, and they felt that Shen Tang was agile. Decisive style.

For fear of offending her and causing her death.

Gong Shuwu watched from the side.

He didn't have any other ideas, but felt that the master's speech-speaking spirit was becoming more and more convenient to use, which made his heart itch.

Shen Tang looked at the Zhang family who had calmed down.

Invited an atmosphere group to warn: "All these people have been carefully watched, especially women, children, old and weak, who can intimidate, threaten, and dishonestly kick two feet, but let me find out that there are other acts of violence and harassment, no matter who they are, their heads will be taken off! "

The atmosphere group clasped their fists in response: "Wei."

These are also disciplinary details that have been brainwashed with the bandits again and again. Killing the enemy is killing the enemy, and other dirty tricks are avoided.They used to be bandits, but now they are under Shen Tang's control, especially some taboos!
You can kill because of the position of the enemy and yourself, they kill the enemy rather than a specific gender, but you can't abuse, because after winning, the positions of both sides are the winner and the prisoner, and the sadistic method is no longer aimed at the enemy but the enemy's gender.

This is naturally not allowed.

She raised her hand to greet Gong Shuwu and Qi Shan who had counted the number of people: "Time is running out, let's go to the next game."

The next target is He Yin Zhou.

The overall strength is stronger than He Yin Zhang's.

It's not like Zhang's loss of manpower in Bingfang, and the overall difficulty is even greater.The seal and ribbon of Heyin County Sheriff was also in Kang Shi's hands, Shen Tang couldn't be invited in by others in the name of Heyin Sheriff, and he was afraid of scaring the snake, so he directly attacked.

"I don't know what's going on with them."

Uncle Gong said: "I have succeeded."

There is no suspense at all.

One Chu Yao, one Zhao Feng.

The two teamed up to raid a small local family.

It is really overkill.

Not to mention the detailed information provided by Bai Su.

Shen Tang was slightly relieved upon hearing this.

"Then we have to speed up."

According to the information obtained by Bai Su's investigation, he took advantage of the shift of the guards of the Zhou family and entered from the southwest corner gate where the guards were weakest.Nearby is the servant's residence, the weakest guard, and the easiest breakthrough.

After taking down two gates in a row, they still haven't encountered patrol guards.

At this point, it is the time to enjoy the warm and fragrant nephrite after washing and drinking, and the west courtyard is lit with candles.The third house of the Zhou family is working with his concubine "Red Sleeves Add Fragrance". Both of them are masters of painting, especially good at landscape painting, but they have been busy for a long time, and only half of the landscape painting on the table has been drawn.

The concubine's winking eyes are like silk, and she has a lazy style. She is a rare beauty.The third room of the Zhou family was in a happy mood.

He likes this little concubine the most, with superb and diverse painting skills, he is on equal terms with him, the key is that he can flatter him just right every time to make him happy.Immediately prepared to mention Langhao again, and finished most of the remaining landscape pictures in one go.The concubine was about to express her coquettish anger.


With a loud bang, the closed door burst open.

The cold wind outside the house poured in, taking away the warmth of spring inside the house.The exposed skin was blown by the cold wind, and goose bumps immediately popped up.The third room of the Zhou family was ready to gather up their skirts in annoyance, and went around the screen to see what happened.

"What about people? Where are all the people dead?"

Through the screen, he could only hear the movement but not the scene. He thought it was some careless servant who made the movement, and his heart was filled with anger and murderous intent.He had just walked around the screen, and was about to open his mouth to show off his majesty, when a corpse was driven in from the outside, almost hitting him.

good guy-

He was so shocked by this scene that he had no inspiration for painting.


The rest came to an abrupt end.

A black shadow flashed in front of his eyes, and a heavy object hit the door directly. Before he could scream, his jaw was removed, followed by severe pain in his calf.He bent over in pain, and his lower abdomen was hit hard again.A set of combinations was attacked, and the combat power was completely lost.

He opened his mouth to howl.

The concubine was also terrified by this scene.

He opened his mouth to scream but couldn't make a sound.

Another silence!

Shen Tang stormed the Zhou family's house, and distributed the silence without money, and the living creatures who might sound a warning along the road received a large gift package of silence.Yes, it was a living thing, not a living person. The yellow dog that Zhou raised at Jiaomen was also banned.

Gong Shuwu: "..."

Come to one for silence and one for silence, and two for two for silence and one pair!Therefore, it was only after two walls with Zhou's main courtyard that they were discovered. Before the Wenxin literati Keqing who rushed over began to show his power, Yan Ling was forcefully silenced by her just halfway through, and she retaliated on the spot.

Gong Shuwu: "..."

Praying: "..."

At this time, praying for goodness is very regretful, very regretful.

What did he teach Shen Tang that his speech skills are not good enough to teach this.

After coming down this night, I'm afraid I'm not going to be perfect.

Finally, outside the main courtyard of the Zhou family, Shen Tang and his party encountered resistance. The servants of the Zhou family nursing home rushed in one after another. Among them were several brave warriors who took the lead, five people from the fourth class, three doctors from the fifth class, and three doctors from the sixth class. There are only officials and officials, and the Patriarch of the Zhou family is a literary scholar who is not weak in practice.

This is only the combat power that can be rushed within the Zhou family, and the others have not received the news, otherwise it will be really troublesome.

Shen Tang rolled up his sleeves and was not polite.

This time is different from that time in Bingfang.

Not only did Shen Tang have to deal with a few brave fighters and literary scholars, but he also had to focus on keeping the people she brought as much as possible to avoid large-scale casualties, which was not worth the candle.But now with Qishan and Gongshuwu, I have no worries at all.

what does this mean?
It means that she can let go of her hands and feet.

The Patriarch of the Zhou family looked at the messy scene, and his face trembled with anger—thinking that their family was considered to have a reputation in Heyin, and they secretly dealt with the nearby bandits.Not to mention attacking other people's land, even kidnapping other people's people must be considered.

"He Fangxiao is young? Get out!"

Shen Tang didn't bother to beep.

Raise the sword and kill!

In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the enemy group, kicked or assassinated, disrupted the Zhou family's team, making it impossible for them to take care of both the head and the tail, and killed them in front of the sixth-rank officials.A sword pierced the opponent's heart but was stopped by the gushing martial energy.

In the end, it only scratched the other party's skirt.

Even this is enough to make the other party startled and then afraid.

After all, this is the Zhou family's main battlefield, and the house does not belong to Shen Tang, so it doesn't hurt at all to destroy it—well, sooner or later it will be demolished and rebuilt, and the Zhou family will be used in disguise to help her demolish it.One side is afraid of hands and feet, and the other side is confident.

The overall strength of the two sides was very different, and the balance of victory fell to Shen Tang without any suspense, and he took down the Zhou family in just two quarters of an hour.

Of course, it is inevitable that some slip through the net.

Qishan: "The Patriarch of the Zhou family escaped under escort."

Uncle Gong said: "I'll go after him!"

What if the head of the Zhou family escaped?
The result of this action is directly discounted in half.

Shen Tang stopped Gong Shuwu with words: "No need, let's hurry up and hurry up. Let Ji Shou do these fish that slipped through the net. You should also find something for him to do, otherwise it will be boring."

It doesn't matter if people run away. Most of the Zhou family fell into her hands. Without manpower and assets, the Patriarch alone wants to make a comeback and pose a threat to her?Does he have this background?If so, he wouldn't be a hero in He Yin.

at the same time--

Kang Shi sneezed against the night wind.

He knew that the operation had started when he received the blue bird from the middle of the prayer, and immediately started to close all the four gates of Fugu City. The city was under martial law, and the people assigned to watch all over the city wall were watching closely, and no living things were allowed to go out. .

"I don't know how many 'turtles' we can catch."

This is the protagonist's first battle in Fugu City.

The more thorough the victory, the more stable the foothold, and the less restrained the development will be in the future. Even Kang Shi, who is used to big storms, is also a little nervous. "Turtle" ran away!
If so—

That must be the shame of Kang Shi's life!
Shen Tang and his team raided several houses, and quite a few fish slipped through the net - after all, not all clan members live in the clan land, and go back to sleep at night, and in addition to the chaotic scene during the fight, there will be people Fishing in troubled waters and slipping away.

These fish that slipped through the net learned that they were the murderous hands of the new Heyin County Sheriff, they were filled with resentment, their back molars creaked, and they wished to catch Shen Tang and cut them into pieces.Many of them didn't even know that Heyin County had a new sheriff.

When I learned that it was the sheriff who started the attack, I was shocked.

"Didn't he fall into the pond in the middle of the night and drown?"

"That's the previous one!"

"What should we do now?" He panicked.

They were going to seek refuge with a friendly family, but they were blocked by an invisible barrier of cultural energy as soon as they touched it, and they knew that this family was also in trouble!In order not to reveal his whereabouts and be discovered, he could only continue to escape, desperately preparing to escape from Fugu City!
However, where is it so easy to escape?

Just approaching the city wall, he was secretly followed and found traces.

"Why is the city wall closed?"

You must know that because Fugu City’s prefecture is too poor, the guards at the city gates are all old men with gray hair and dim eyesight. They all have no land to grow, and they only come to do this work in order not to starve to death, and for a little food. .

They are old and weak, and the guards are basically equal to none. It takes strength to open and close the gates, and the gates generally do not release keys.

Of course, another reason is that there are always a few disciples who go out to play and come back after midnight. Who dares to stop them outside the city?Previously, there was an example of an old soldier closing the city gate, only to be beaten to death on the spot by a few dandies the next day.

Over time, the city gate will not be closed.

Not only was the city gate closed today, but the long-lost city defense barrier was raised!You must know that this barrier cannot be opened unless it is the seal of the county guard, and it belongs to the defense that can only be opened for a short time during the war.

The new sheriff obviously came prepared!

With such thoughts in mind, the faces of the fish that slipped through the net everywhere were ashen, but they had to try to break out.

If you are blocked in the city, you will be arrested sooner or later.

Although they don't know whether Shen Tang's attitude towards them is purely deterrent arrest, or a deadly killing, they can't afford to bet!


  This chapter has [-] words, and the [-] words yesterday was written and uploaded in the early morning.

  I don't know if I ate something wrong, but I started to have diarrhea yesterday, nausea and vomiting, and I haven't recovered from it all day, and I have to go to my grandpa's house to visit relatives, and I sleep from two o'clock until early nine o'clock at night...

  ε=(ο`*))) alas

  PS: However, the good news is that the new job has arrived (wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow They all said it was a gift for the annual meeting, 21K can’t be less, no less than two hundred will not work, but I went to 8799 on a certain eve, and it was not closed for the New Year. Returned the machine, checked all kinds, and found that it is a brand new machine, just activated, it smells really good, and I will never fight again.)
  PPS: Every day, I ask you to enjoy the moon tickets~~~
(End of this chapter)

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