stand back, let me come

Chapter 313 313: Sports Meeting Project (4) [Seeking Monthly Pass]

Chapter 313 313: Sports Events ([-]) [Seeking Monthly Pass]

"Too deceiving!"

"It's really deceiving!"

As soon as Zhao Feng's subordinates approached the tent, they heard their general chattering inside. Although the words were angry, the tone did not sound angry.He calmed down and was about to make an announcement when Zhao Feng's dissatisfied voice came from inside the tent.

"Come in! How about drinking the northwest wind outside?"

The confidant officer opened the tent with a smile.

He joked: "Just now I heard the general say 'too much deceit', but that Shen Jun gave you a problem again?"

The wind howled outside.

Inside the tent is warmth.

Zhao Feng was even more bare-armed—a brave fighter is so self-willed, with first-class anti-freezing ability—sitting on a spacious makeshift bed, the wooden basin for soaking his feet was filled with mist, and there was a curling mask in his hand. brief book.

Seeing him coming, Zhao Feng pointed to the mat on one side.

Said: "I never made things difficult, it's just..."

Zhao Feng's expression was indescribable.

I think he is at least one of the six generals under the command of the lord Wu Xian, a brave fighter who gained fame when he was young, and a master who can recruit good fighters.In order to repay Shen Tang for saving his life before the battle, he brought a thousand private followers and followed Shen Tang to Heyin County.

"It may be a wrong decision for this general to repay his favor!" He wrung out the hot cloth with both hands, and complained while wiping his feet, "I just killed a few bandits at the beginning. Carrying the wreckage on chariots, and now people are plowing the fields! It’s too much to deceive! It’s too much to deceive! I think I am also the twelfth waiter..."

I have never suffered such grievances!
Confidant officer: "..."

He lowered his eyelids and glanced at his general's basin of footwashing water—the bottom of the water was muddy, full of washed sand.

The corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.

General Zhao of his own family was very resistant in words, but he was very cooperative in actions.Zhao Feng noticed the gaze of his confidant officer, his old face blushed slightly, and said: "Look? Can your general refuse? Damn it! Uncle Gong didn't refuse even half a step! There is no trace of pride that a warrior should have... ..."

Plowing, isn't that the job of plowing cattle?

It really makes the brave fighters look like cows and horses...

Zhao Feng murmured in his mouth.

The confidant official shook his head helplessly.Gong Shuwu is loyal to Shen Jun, so he can't disobey Shen Jun's order. His general is here to repay his kindness, and he is a "noble guest".If the general refused firmly, Shen Jun would not be able to force him to plow the land.

After all, the general is too easy to talk to.

The confidant officer was curious: "How many acres has the general plowed?"

Zhao Feng replied subconsciously: "Not much, about fifty acres."

There was a little pride in his tone.


He competed with Gong Shuwu.

In the end, he beat Gong Shuwu to take the lead.

Hearing this, the confidant officer gasped.

The quick-talking Zhao Feng: "..."

The confidant officials didn't pay attention to the stiffness on his face - after all, there is nothing to be proud of when a [-]th-rank Zuoshu chief and a [-]th-rank left watchman compete to plow the field.

Proud of what?
What more can you do if you are proud of yourself than a farm ox?

Where does this place the dignity of a brave warrior?
The confidant officer was shocked: "Fifty mu?"

Zhao Fengdao: "Yes."

That's still half a day's work.

Plowing a piece of land requires a lot.

The depth should not be less than ten inches, and the operation standard is "ploughing, plowing, and raking". It also includes straw crushing business, simple fertilization, and weeds and branches on the field are cleaned up by special personnel.In order to ensure the quality of plowing, he and Gong Shuwu also pay attention to the direction of the force of the move, to ensure that the turning is good, the plowing is straight, and the surface is flat, and strive not to miss an inch of land...

The ground is tidy and the ground is plowed well.

In order to achieve this, they rotated all eighteen kinds of martial arts in the field, exhausting their bodies and minds.

Zhao Feng has almost summed up a set of farming experience.

He twisted the cloth towel viciously.

My teeth itch with anger.

The confidant said: "This, this is really amazing."

In his memory, it is usually the oxen dragging the heavy straight-shaft wood plow, swinging the oxtail slowly, and helping the farmers plow the land calmly.In addition, the straight-shaft wooden plow is heavy and difficult to turn, so one can imagine how inefficient the plowing is.

Farm cattle are not available in every household.

Generally, several families share it together.

After plowing for a while, you have to rest for a few days.

At the peak of the farming season, even if the common people plow the land with manpower, they cannot make the cattle overwork, because its life is more precious than the common people.The farming efficiency is very low, and the common people have to work for a whole year, and the whole family will still be hungry.

My general only went out for half a day, and when he came back, he actually told him that he had plowed fifty acres?

It's really fifty acres, not fifty cents?

He repeatedly confirmed with Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng also answered affirmatively again and again with a good temper.

Seeing the expression of his confidant officer, he guessed something, and muttered: "So what if you have this ability? To do this, you have to be at least tenth class Zuoshu, with slightly lower strength, so you can't do so much work." Son……"

Although the working time is not long, but the arable land requires a lot.In such a short period of time, his Dan family's martial energy was emptied twice. If it hadn't been for Chu Yao's help to recover, he would not have come back by himself on horseback today but was carried back by someone.

Who can ask a tenth-rank Zuoshu elder and a second-rank upper-class Chinese heart literati to plow fifty acres of land well?
That is to say, he came to repay his kindness (self-throwing into the net), Gong Shuwu couldn't refuse his lord, and Chu Wuhui let Shen Jun do whatever he wanted—then there was a scene of two warriors plowing the land.

How much profit does fifty acres of land produce?
The confidant officer didn't think so, he said: "Other brave warriors can't plow so much land in a short period of time like the general, but they can divide it into a few days, or send more brave warriors, such as Moliu Gongshi, Second-class construction..."

Zhao Feng sneered when he heard this.

Throwing the wrung cloth towel aside, he got up.

"Things are not that simple. How many valiant fighters do not want to be a master? To find a decent job without facing the loess and back to the sky? Who would like to raise the strength of a family, practice hard for several years, and finally run to the mud roll?"

Zhao Feng saw this very clearly.

He did not want to refuse out of gratitude.

In addition, Shen Tang was asking himself for help, not deliberately humiliating himself, nor did he mean to let him work in the field.

Zhao Feng's willingness to do it is also out of a "game" mentality, purely competing with Gong Shuwu to pass the time.

What about the other warriors?

Those who are willing are very few.

Lack of food?

Just attack those who have food.

Looting is more efficient than honest farming.

In the past, it was not that there were no monarchs who had the whims of the warriors to do this, but the result was either that the high-level warriors were renounced and rebelled, or they were diligent in farming and neglected to cultivate, and were finally destroyed by neighboring countries.In this world, strength is the foundation of everything!


Due to frequent natural and man-made disasters, good harvests are extremely rare in three out of ten years, and most of the rest are disaster years... The output of one mu of land is really too little, and that little value is not worthy of the warrior "Zun Zun" Downgrade".

The confidants and officials heard this and said no more.

Zhao Feng asked again: "What are you doing here?"

Skip previous topics.

Only then did the confidant officer remember what he was doing.

"Bring wine to the general."

Zhao Fengdao: "Wine?"

Wine is made from grain.

That is a "luxury", and there is no place to buy it in a poor place like Fugu City, so Shen Jun has a lot of fine wine.

Zhao Feng went to ask for it if he wanted to drink it.

However, considering Shen Jun's financial constraints, he also tried his best to restrain his drinking.Counting carefully, he has not had a good drink for several days.The several jars brought by the confidant officials actually contained wine?Then he is welcome.

"Why does this wine look like Shen Jun's?"

Zhao Feng found out the problem as soon as he tasted it.

Drinks are rare, and fine wine is even rarer.

Since leaving the lord Wu Xian, he has only tasted such high-quality wine from Shen Jun.These wines are either from the wine cellars of Fugu's local snakes or Shen Jun's.

Guess the latter is more likely.

Unexpectedly, the confidant official's answer was no, he said: "No, I bought it with 'wine sticks' at the 'Fugu Department Store'."

Zhao Feng was surprised: "Fugu Department Store?"

Literally, Zhao Feng knew what it was, but according to his understanding, there seemed to be no such place in Fugu City.

The confidant officer smiled and said: "After two days off work, Shen Jun settled a lot of strange bills. After the subordinates went to understand, they gathered enough 'wine bills' with a group of brothers and went to Fugu Department Store. The miscellaneous shop brought you a few jars of fine wine."

Fugu Department Store is affiliated to Zhisuo.

Although the shop is simple, it sells a lot of things.

Except for a small number of items, most of them are in limited supply every day, and can only be purchased with the "slips" that are settled after work every day.Every day, there will be a sign in front of the store, saying that there are discounted products today, and the price is very affordable.

For the 1000 people brought by Zhao Feng, Shen Tang had to take care of their meals, and would also be paid a certain amount of wages for their daily work.

The soldiers have no place to spend, and they have a lot of notes in their hands.

The confidant subordinate accidentally entered the temporary "Fugu Department Store" and saw a lot of good things in it, especially the price of fine wine, which was even more exciting.These two days were taken away by him, and he shared the drink with a group of brothers, beautiful!
There are two altars left to share with General Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng muttered: "It's a novelty."

It is indeed very novel.

At the beginning, no one cared about Fugu Department Store.

Even if someone came to exchange, they would exchange pancakes and take them home for family members to eat. Afterwards, someone brave enough to go in and found that there were quite a lot of items inside.The key is that the price is [-]% cheaper than other places. If you want to buy more, you can't buy it.

It is said that it cannot affect the interests of other merchants.

Daily limited supply.

And you have to take the corresponding "slip" in exchange.

Not only that, but there are also "special offers" every day.

Someone counted with their fingers——

After a calculation, I was completely moved.

If you don't buy it, you will lose money!

Especially items such as "cloth" and "salt" must be purchased, and it is a good deal to buy them during the event.Coupled with the publicity of small officials walking around the streets and beating gongs and drums, other products have gradually caught the eyes of the common people, and the number of customers in the store has increased visibly with the naked eye.After work every day, common people with all kinds of notes come in to exchange needed items...

There are even ordinary people who use their own things to exchange equivalent notes with other workers, and each takes what he needs.

The most difficult to buy in Fugu Department Store, or the most expensive, is the "house" on the highest shelf!
There are too many "rooms" required!

But in real terms, this is the most affordable.

The lot ranges from the southwest corner of Fugu City to the northeast corner, and the area ranges from a family of three to three and five. They are displayed in the most conspicuous place of Fugu Department Store.Almost every guest who comes in from the door can see them...

"Here are three pancakes..."

"A piece of coarse cloth..."

"Is there any salt left?"

"Take three or two oils."

"Where are the shoes? Are the shoes sold out?"

Outside Fugu Department Store.

The common people who have been off work have already formed a long line.

One exit, one entrance.

On both sides of the store, there are young guards who are not easy to mess with. Behind the counter is a burly middle-aged man.His hair is quite grey, but his mental outlook is not bad.Even though he was dressed plainly, he gave off an even more intimidating feeling than the two young men at the door.Zhao Feng was taken aback when he saw this person.

He called out in astonishment, "Why is Duke Yang here?"

Yes, the middle-aged man behind the counter is Yang Duwei.

Although the injury has been fully healed, after all, his vitality has been severely injured, and now he has no martial energy to protect his body, and the weather is cold, so he will get sick every once in a while.Zhao Feng hadn't seen him for several days, and he didn't expect to see him here.

Yang Duwei raised his eyes with a calm expression.

Asked, "What do you want to buy?"

The next sentence is the answer to Zhao Feng's question.

"Find something to do, and you can't be an idler."

He was ill last time, and it cost a lot of money to buy medicine.

You can't rely on Shen Jun to take care of you, and you can't cause trouble to your former subordinate Robe Ze. Yang Duwei feels that he is going to be bored.He also heard that Shen Tang had set up a Fugu department store, so he took the initiative to ask Ying to help, so that he could feel more at ease.

Captain Yang didn't feel ashamed either.

At this point in middle age, there is still no airs that can't be let go, and the work is still leisurely, which suits him.

When the weather is a little warmer, I will help Shen Tang train his soldiers—others can’t fight anymore, but the experience of military training is still in his mind, so it’s not a complete waste—do some work here now, so that he doesn’t have to worry about it when he’s free. Thinking about things.

Zhao Feng looked at Yang Duwei, who looked indifferent and seemed to be returning to the basics, and felt uncomfortable.

Although Yang Duwei's martial courage has been abolished, his martial will has increased a lot. If the foundation is not destroyed, his strength should have made great progress... Sigh, what a pity.Zhao Feng restrained the emotions in his eyes, and said with a normal expression: "I'm not late for the wine exchange, am I?"

It is said that the supply of each kind is limited, if you come late, you will be replaced by the group of brothers under you.

Captain Yang glanced at the booklet inventory.

Said: "There are still two altars of Dukang."

He paused: "It is said that it has been 18 years."

That's a good thing.

Aged and full-bodied.

Zhao Feng naturally wouldn't miss it.

Dang even took out enough "wine sticks".

Yang Duwei teased: "Where did you find it?"

Zhao Fenghu frowned, and retorted: "It's stupid! It's all from the filial piety of the brothers below, how can you say it's a search?"

Besides, half of it was obtained by himself through hard work in farming land. Duwei Yang's words were clearly a false accusation!

Yang Duwei smiled without saying a word, fetched it for him, and asked casually: "In ten days or so, there will be an event, do you want to go to see it?"


  I was scared to death. The wireless network at home suddenly went on strike for a while, and I thought it would be late.

  A false alarm.

(End of this chapter)

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