stand back, let me come

Chapter 323 323: Fighting the Autumn Wind

Chapter 323 323: Fighting the Autumn Wind

"This is?"

Xu Jie showed curiosity.

Gu Chi smiled and invited him to go in and have a look.

While introducing: "This is the shop opened by Zhisuo."

"The shop opened by Zhi? Is it Shen Jun's meaning?"


"That's a strange thing."

Xu Jie did not expect this young Shen Jun to know about merchants. You must know that no matter in the past or now, the policies of various places mainly suppress business. Merchants do not engage in production but control a lot of money. fear.

Small merchants are nothing more than doing a small business to support their families, and those big merchants all have the shadow of a powerful family behind them.They usually have a group of private soldiers in their hands, and when they go out for business, they line up, and the horses and horses are at their peak.

Otherwise, how to protect the safety of valuable goods?

The bigger the merchant, the stronger the private armed forces in his hands, which itself is also a dreadful factor of instability.

Therefore, it has always been necessary to limit the status of merchants and set high city taxes, which is also conducive to the stability of people's livelihood under the rule.

Merchants are not in the mainstream, and their status is low.Even the Xu family behind Xu Jie seldom touches the business personally, it is all left to servants, relatives or distant relatives to take care of it.There are very few county guards in one place who do business in person.

It's actually pretty embarrassing to say it.

However, Xu Jie, as the head of the Xu family, naturally wouldn't think so. The Xu family can have all kinds of basic industries in the family today. Without these, how can the children of the clan rely on food, clothing and chewing?No matter how tall a person grows, his legs still have to touch the ground.

He followed Gu Chi into the "Fugu Department Store" talking and laughing, and was stuffed with a small bamboo basket as soon as he entered.

"This is?"

Gu Chi said: "It's a bamboo basket."

Of course Xu Jie knew it was a bamboo basket.

I even know that there is a bamboo forest near Fugu.

But hand him a bamboo basket for what?
Gu Chi also asked the "shopping guide" for a bamboo basket, and hung it on his forearm: "My lord calls it a 'shopping basket', which is used to hold the goods in the grocery store. Note, if you want something on the shelf, just call it Someone come over, just open it and take it down for you.”

After a period of development, the variety of goods in the department store has also increased. It is not like the shabby ones at the beginning. The shelves have been rebuilt and small doors made of bamboo have been added.

When customers want to buy, let the "shopping guide" open the door and take it down.

This is also done for security reasons.

Shen Tang is not stingy about using the worst side to speculate on human nature. After all, Fugu is a poor place, where there are troublemakers, and open shelves are prone to frequent theft.It is not realistic to send someone to watch every customer, so simply press a door on the shelf.

Customers enter the store to select the goods, and then let people pick them up.

Of course, some of the more expensive items are not placed on the shelves, and there is only one type of item, so you have to go to the warehouse to pick it up.

Then go to the counter to check out.

Xu Jie listened intently, and murmured: "Can it still be like this?
The area of ​​the department store is much larger than before.

Two people can easily stand between the shelves.

Xu Jie also noticed bamboo pieces hanging under the shelves.

This kind of bamboo is usually used to mark prices, and he knows it, but the novelty is that there are some strange patterns on the bamboo instead of familiar words, and he asked: "This is it?"

Gu Chi said: "Price. Shen Jun felt that it was difficult for ordinary people to understand complex numbers, so he took a few simpler patterns to replace different numbers. The first line of the sign outside the shop is written with numbers from zero to nine. It is easy for ordinary people to remember, remember the number corresponding to each pattern, and no longer need to ask the price frequently when entering the store, just look at the price tag."

Xu Jie carefully memorized while listening carefully.

"So that's how it is, it's really novel." The words and numbers are also simple, but they are still difficult for ordinary people to remember.

Under normal circumstances, a store as large as the Fugu Department Store requires a lot of people to manage it, but customers can see the prices and choose products by themselves, which invisibly reduces the cost of the store and makes management more convenient.

From Xu Jie's point of view, these are all "business secrets", but Gu Chi didn't mean to hide anything. He was surprisingly frank and straightforward. He not only let him read it generously, but also explained it to him carefully. Xie was flattered.It even caused Xu Jie to have a little bit of doubt—this frail young man in front of him, is he really... a literary scholar?
This style of painting is not quite right.

When he went in for a stroll and didn't buy anything, Xu Jie couldn't keep up his face, so he just bought something expensive, which was considered a "shuxiu".

From the point of view of the head of the Xu family, the goods in the miscellaneous shop are not high-grade, which can be understood after thinking about it. After all, it is a shop for the common people, and even people can't afford the good things.

Accompanied by Gu Chi, Xu Jie went through every shelf, which really made him discover some interesting patterns.

For example, the goods will be classified according to the way of use, which can greatly save the time of staying in the grocery store and finding the goods, and the purpose will be more clear; such as the more commonly used goods will be placed where they can be easily reached by hand, too high or too low Place objects that will not be used too frequently in the appropriate position...

Xu Jie thought about these things.

Said: "Shen Jun's move is not for profit."

Gu Chi asked what he meant.

Xu Jie smiled and raised his finger to point to the surrounding shelves: "If you are a merchant, you must try to make the customers who enter the store stay longer in the store, so that you can buy more, and then put the expensive and high-profit items in the most convenient position... It's just that looking at the layout of the miscellaneous shop, it's completely contrary to this, so Shen Jun doesn't care about profit."

Gu Chi: "..."

good guy! ! !
As expected of being the head of Xu's family in Tianhai, this guy is really a profiteer!I just entered the store for a while and thought about it! ! !
Oh, and it's still the head of the house now.

As expected of a man who can become the head of the house!
Gu Chi adjusted his micro-expressions so as not to reveal his secrets.

At this time, Xu Jie also invited a "shopping guide" to ask for some jars of wine.

The "shopping guide" is a man of five big and three rough.

Previously, he was a bandit.

Later, she was incorporated into Shen Tang's banner. Because of her sensitivity to numbers, good arithmetic skills, and a more friendly appearance, she was transferred to work here.He glanced at Gu Chi, with a look of embarrassment on his face: "This is a daily limited supply, in exchange for 'wine sticks'..."

Xu Jie was stunned for a moment.

What "limited supply"?
What "in exchange for wine bars"?
Another unfamiliar word.

Just ask Gu Chi these questions, but Gu Chi indicated with his eyes that he would elaborate on it later, then turned to the "shopping guide" and said, "Wen Zhu is Shen Jun's distinguished customer, which is different from others. Just go and get it, if someone Ask me and say what I mean.”

"But this is against the rules..."

"Shopping guide" is getting more and more difficult.

Xu Jie was thinking about what this meant, but he heard a male voice full of air in his ears, with some inexplicable ridicule: "What is the old man thinking? Rules are rules, why don't you ignore the rules just because you Gu Wangchao? "

Xu Jie followed the sound and his eyes lit up.

Without him, this person would be extraordinary at first glance.

Gu Chi smiled bitterly: "Mr. Yang."

He turned sideways to reveal Xu Jie behind him.

Yang Duwei just glanced at him and knew that this person was really a "distinguished guest", and his whole body was full of "expensive", which also dispelled Gu Chi's desire to see the excitement.He waved to the "shopping guide" and said, "Go to the back and fetch my jars, hurry up."

After speaking, he said to Gu Chi: "You pay for the wine."

Gu Chi laughed: "All right, all right, you won't break the rules."

After a while, all the jars of wine were brought.

At the counter, Captain Yang asked Xu Jie to check everything for any problems, and then said to Gu Chi, "Check out."

Only then did Xu Jie see the so-called "wine bar".

Just plain wood chips.

It looks like something like a deed.

Xu Jie was puzzled and asked, "Can't you pay with cash?"

What kind of way is this?
Yang Duwei recorded the account and said: "Others are fine, but the daily limited supply is not acceptable, and the bill must be settled with a 'wine ticket' contract. In the future, when the common people become a little richer, perhaps this restriction will be removed."

Xu Jie nodded, he should abide by the rules when he came to his site, he didn't have to do something special, he just converted the money according to the normal price and gave it to Gu Chi.After all, he was the one who had to pay "Shu Xiu", how could Gu Chi pay for it?
It's just that he didn't expect such a good wine to exist in this remote area - he just inspected the goods and checked, and the clear aroma of the wine came out. Judging from his experience, this is definitely a good quality wine.

No wonder there is a "limited supply".

Should the supply be scarce?
When Xu Jie asked, he realized that this was not the case.

There was a lot of wine, a lot.

Gu Chi started his nonsense performance with his eyes open——Shen Jun ran a wine business in his ancestors, and he passed down many good wine making recipes from his ancestors, which can brew the highest quality wine with the least consumption.

Guaranteed that each jar is of similar quality!
the most important is--

Gu Chi paused on purpose, as a trick.

After Xu Jie looked at him with curiosity and seeking knowledge, he continued to write down. These ancestral wine-making recipes in Shen Jun's hands were all inspired from the words and spirits, improved, and passed through generations. refinement.

Therefore, these wines also have some more magical effects than ordinary wines, which are quite beneficial to literary scholars and warriors.

Xu Jie was startled when he heard this, and hurriedly asked.

"Is this true?"

"Of course it is true! My lord regards Mr. Wu as his elder brother. How could he lie about such a trivial matter?" Gu Chi seemed offended, showing a look of "How can you doubt the pure brother/sister friendship between the two lords? Are the real brothers and sisters who keep the secrets?" The expression of true feelings made Xu Jie confused.

My heart couldn't help but beat a drum.

The two of them have such a good relationship?


When Shen Jun was young, he took his lord's brotherhood as a joke, so he didn't hide anything and treated each other with sincerity?Xu Jie, who had this guess in his mind, was slightly flustered, as if a shameless liar had deceived an innocent child.

However, Xu Jie was not so easy to coax.

Whether it is true or not, you will know when you go back and check.

If it is such a precious and rare fine wine, there is no reason for it to be placed on the shelf of a grocery store. Ordinary people can also exchange it with "wine sticks". Xu Jie also saw other notes of different categories.

However, there is no need to tell lies that are easy to be exposed.

Xu Jie had to try it out.

Test what?
Try this "touching brotherhood"!
He didn't believe that there were people who took the play seriously.

Xu Jie pretended to be curious about those "notes".

Gu Chi said: "The text commentary said about those deeds? It's not because the lord has food and the family property confiscated by Fugu's local snake, but he doesn't have enough copper coins. It's just that private coining is illegal! Common people's transactions are often used Copper coins. In desperation, I exchanged the money and food in my hands for these deeds, temporarily replacing the copper coins, so I can get through this for a while..."

He spoke with reason and context.

At least logically it makes perfect sense.

"Tiaozi" represents copper coins.

It represents the money in Shen Tang's hands.

But it didn't disclose the real big use of "tiaozi"!Not to mention that Shen Tang used these "notes" to recycle the limited resources. These "notes" can be used as money!And on the premise of not breaking down, she can do as much as she wants.

Gu Chi warmly entertained Xu Jie.

Take him to visit the corners of Fugu.

Let Xu Jie see Fugu's poverty, but also see Fugu's radiant vitality and potential vitality. After a heart-to-heart confession, it seems that Xu Jie's defensive heart seems to be a villain.

Two hours have passed since a round of visits and explanations.

Gu Chi looked at the sky and smiled cleanly: "At this time, Dayi should have returned from outside the city. I heard from the lord that Wenzhu and Dayi are best friends and have a very close personal relationship?"

The corner of Xu Jie's mouth twitched slightly: "..."

I wonder if there is something wrong with Shen Tang's account.

Three points of politeness can be an exaggeration of ten points.

One point of friendship can be regarded as twelve points of truth.

He and Zhao Feng had some personal friendships, but the two families were just friends. Xu Jie also had a good relationship with the other five generals under Wu Xian's account. After all, it would be of no benefit to offend these powerful generals.

If you can make friends, make friends, and if you can't make friends, don't offend.

  This chapter is three thousand and five, and there are two thousand and five more to write.

  There are still a few chapters of monthly ticket red envelopes here, remember not to forget to get them, fast hands and slow hands.

  At the starting point, we have climbed to the first place for the time being (it’s really not easy), but this gap is like water for the second krypton gold boss, who may be stolen at any time.Therefore, in the last hour, 10 minutes, shiitake mushrooms have to work hard to ask for a monthly pass, please.

(End of this chapter)

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