stand back, let me come

Chapter 572 572: Fight, fight [seeking a monthly ticket]

Chapter 572 572: Fight, fight [seeking a monthly ticket]

As we all know, Zheng Qiao has massacred the city several times to vent his anger.

It's just that some massacres are not as simple as killing people, because there is no profit.Why do you fight in the army?In the final analysis, they are just asking for food. Except for a few bloodthirsty perverts and dehumanized people, very few people regard killing as entertainment.

Close the city, besiege.

The ultimate goal is to search for money.At the same time, it is also a "reward" for the soldiers and horses under the account.Because the military pay is usually low, in order to make the soldiers more loyal and charge themselves hard, they need "rewards".Robbing money, food, and women, whoever snatches it will belong to him.

The first to bear the brunt are the wealthy households in the city.

One counts as one, and no one can escape.

The second is the "middle class" in the city.

The last is the common people with the largest group.

The common people in the city can live for a day if they are willing to hand over their money, but no one is without brains.How could the latter hand over all his property so easily?How could the former believe that such a little thing was the family's life savings?
The more money the common people hide, the less the soldiers who come to search will get less, and there is an irreconcilable "contradiction" between the two.Some soldiers can't bear it at first and are moved by the pleas of the common people, but the end result of doing so is to watch others get rich.

These soldiers have to make a living by themselves. There are children waiting to be fed at home, and parents waiting to be served. Feeding these people requires money and food.Only by getting rich can they live a good life.How to get rich?Naturally, they tried their best to force out more money.

These soldiers began to "involve".

The means of coercion and threats gradually escalated.

From intimidation to beating, it was effective at the beginning, but soon the beating method was difficult for the common people to pay, so it was upgraded to hurting people with sharp weapons, beheading people's brothers and feet, and finally killing the "poor" to scare the "rich".While squeezing the last oil and water from the common people, they gradually lost their way.

The common people who are cruel and helpless no longer have any psychological burden, and even experience a little secret and treacherous pleasure from it.

Cut off the abdomen and intestines, and measure the corpse with Ze.

Corpses littered the field, bleeding for thousands of miles.

For the common people in the besieged city, death is a relief.The horror of the massacre lies in that it gives hope again and again, and aggravates despair again and again.Being squeezed out of the last drop of oil and water, waiting for the butcher to raise the knife and drop it.

Huang Lie's wife and daughter are one of them.

One time, when I saw a poor old man, the old man asked him if he had a family, and when he found out, he gave him his granddaughter who couldn't afford it, and said, "My granddaughter is very honest, so I might as well be your wife."You give her a bite to eat, as long as she doesn't starve to death. 】

The woman just followed Huang Lie.

She was a country woman with an ordinary appearance. She gave birth to a son with mediocre aptitude and a daughter with mediocre looks and a cowardly and docile personality. younger brother.

Huang Lie also knew that he owed her.

Saved some money and rented a house.

The original intention is to let women and children live here.

Unexpectedly, Zheng Qiao attacked and slaughtered the city.

The enemy soldiers broke in, and there was only old grain and rice bran left in the woman's house, and there was no other oil and water after a search.The enemy soldiers naturally didn't believe it, threatened their son's life and saw that the effect was not good, so they believed that this family was really poor.He gave the woman's son a knife with a look of unhappiness.

Right fossa.

The woman went mad instantly, wanting to fight the enemy soldiers desperately.

Enraged, the group of enemy soldiers defiled her and her daughter in front of her son's body in turn, and finally cut off her head.The cloud of massacre lasted for five days, and the number of people living in the city was less than [-]% as before.By the time Huang Lie and the others returned home after collecting herbs, the corpses had already stink.

This story made those who heard it sigh and sympathize.

Jiang Sheng frowned: "This person still has such a past? It's a pity - what he did after that is no more kind than Zheng Qiao."

Poor and hateful!

Liao Jia was not touched.

It's still the same sentence - in this world, who can survive without a wound?The difference is that this "wound" heals and scabs, or rots and produces maggots.He asked: "After that, Huang Lie used his years of fame to gain momentum?"

Xun Zhen shook her head: "No."

It's not so easy for a mere bell doctor.

"But he did bury this enmity in his heart. Before, he practiced medicine only to save people, but after that, he practiced medicine to accumulate prestige and contacts, and to find opportunities. By the way, his noble master does have some skills, and the unique knowledge passed down to Huang Lie is a bit evil. .”

Jiang Sheng asked: "Where is the evil door?"

Xun Zhen has not been in contact with Huang Lie for too long, and only knows a little: "Huang Lie used his noble master's unique skills to train a group of heavy shield fighters. Not surprisingly, during the battle in Luxia County, the lord and these important men Shield fighters fought against each other..."

"You said those heavy shield fighters were cultivated by Huang Lie using evil methods?" At this time, Kang Shi's voice came from outside the door.

"It should be close to ten."

The appearance of those heavy shield fighters appeared in Kang Shi's mind. Although it had been a long time, he still remembered that these heavy shield fighters were very strange: "They are all Qing Yishui's second-class top-notch creations. What is the pain?"

Liao Jia said: "It doesn't sound like a living person."

"It's more like a puppet." Kang Shi sat down, and then added a detail, "The unobscured [Sink into Fire] doesn't work."

Xun Zhen secretly gasped.

He had cooperated with Chu Yao in the battle of Yongguguan, and he knew very well how powerful the other party's skill of speech is. How can a mere second-class master be immune?It is possible that one or two can resist [Sinking into Fire] with willpower, but everyone is immune...

The possibility is even slimmer than Qi Yuanliang going ashore to join Liang.

Kang Shi also found it difficult, and asked: "Hanzhang, do you know how many such heavy shield warriors Huang Lie has under his command?"

Xun Zhen said solemnly, "Zhen was put into Huang Lie's tent at that time, and his tent only had two thousand five thousand, but I heard Huang Lie say by chance that there would be five thousand in any time. Now, the heavy shield fighters only I'm afraid—only a little more..."

"It's ten thousand."

A voice joins.

It is the lord.

Several people wanted to stand up to greet each other.

Shen Tang waved his hand to signal them to be excused.

She was seated at the top, and there was an open letter in her hand, which should be the main reason for this urgent call.

"I just received a letter from Yiruzhang."

"Zhang He? Zhang Yongqing?"

Everyone was surprised.

Longwu County is the closest to Tianhai, followed by Shangnan, and Yiru is limited to the previous epidemic cooperation and medicinal material trading.Other than that, there is almost no contact between the two.Why did Zhang He come out so suddenly, and what was written in the letter?
Shen Tang didn't give a damn either.

Pass the letter over.

Several people circulated it one by one, and at this time other colleagues also arrived one after another, and the empty meeting hall was quickly filled with familiar faces.Zhang He's wording was simple, and he only wrote two things.

"First, it is rumored that Huang Lie has [-] shield warriors under his tent. These people have something to do with the epidemic disease we discovered in Heyin and other places. This Huang Lie's hands are not clean. Even if he didn't do it, it is related to He's inextricably linked."

"Secondly, Huang Lie invited forces from Tianhai, Shangnan, Yiru and other places, hoping to form a dragon-slaying bureau, and pushed Zheng Qiao's royal court in one go. What do you think--how?"


  As a pregnant woman, I found that I actually prefer to write plots of fighting and killing at the moment. I can farm and build infrastructure with peace of mind, but now Tangmei's power is really too weak, and I can't make waves.

(End of this chapter)

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