stand back, let me come

Chapter 578 Chapter 578: A Crow Split into Four and Five

Chapter 578 Chapter 578: The Torn Crow

"Dead? Who did you say died again?"

Since the defeat in the battle of Yongguguan, the smooth life of Shiwu King has fallen into a strange circle, and the ups and downs of his life have begun to rise and fall...Nine out of ten things will go wrong.What bothered him the most was that the Ten Wu Kings were all destroyed, most of the confidantes he cultivated and wooed were lost, and the elite suffered heavy losses.It made him obviously feel that his control over other tribes was not as good as before.

The tribal forces that used to rely on their noses have recently begun to act obediently and viciously, and they continue to make small moves in private, trying to replace him.The Ten Wu King Gan Gang has been arbitrarily assertive for many years, and he has long been used to being the only one who respects himself. How can he endure this unfavorable situation?
It's not that he doesn't have a city, but he doesn't use any means to achieve his goal.If it weren't for this, in order to win over Su Shiyilu's tribal forces, he would not have married a woman who was not clear with his brother, and even arranged for the "death" of the original wife to be pitted.

I was able to bear it back then, and I can do it now.

In order to wipe out all these disobedient things, King Shiwu began to pretend to be depressed, drinking heavily every day, singing and singing every night, and the women in the camp continued.Every day before noon, I don't see him get up, and the sound of snoring can be transmitted from the king's tent to another tent. The smell of alcohol seems to disappear forever, and he ignores political affairs every day.After that, the medical officer was summoned every three days.

There are gradually more rumors in the outside world that "the life of King Shiwu is not long", coupled with the chaos within the royal court, people will naturally believe that he is very satisfied with the effect.But, I never thought about it—the rebel still couldn't sit still, and several adult sons started fighting among themselves.

More than one life was lost.

He shook his head, which had been heavily eroded by alcohol, and was about to raise his hands to rub his temples. A pair of small hands with a fragrant fragrance helped him out of his worries and problems with moderate strength.King Shiwu glanced at it.Remember this beauty who had a crush on him last night—this beauty has good eyesight, and she doesn't mind pampering her for two more days.

" is the fifth prince."

The servants were uneasy and did not dare to breathe.

"The fifth child is dead?"

"How did you die?"

"When did you die?"

The King of Shiwu exported three times.After thinking for a while, he managed to dig out the appearance of this son from his mind.Although it was a white-haired man who sent a black-haired man, as his biological father, he did not feel any grief.First, there are too many sons, and second, he has no relationship with his sons.

To him, children are just a one-night pleasure, the product of a woman whose face he can't even remember after October.

If he can grow into a qualified heir like a wolf, he is willing to look at him with high regard and devote his energy to cultivating him, but if he dies halfway... then it is not worth wasting his affection.

As a great king, a man with the top status, power, and prestige of the Shiwu clan, he can easily have countless women and countless heirs, so he naturally disdains to cherish them.The fifth prince's biological mother was also a lowly horse slave.

Because of his pretty looks, he was lucky enough to be on the spot when he was suddenly interested in horse racing, and that time he had the fifth prince.Interestingly, the fifth prince's name means "stable" in Shiwu language, which shows how casual he is with this son.

The servant shrank his shoulders: "It is said that he drank too much, went to the toilet in the middle of the night and fell into the pit and drowned, and was only discovered this morning at dawn..."

The corner of Shiwu King's mouth twitched.

Unbelievable: "Did you fall into a shithole and drown?"

This method of death has only been seen in books.

The servant added: "I also choked a lot..."

Because of living habits, Shiwu's latrines were dug on the spot, extremely deep, and the height from the bottom to the top of the pit was as high as two or three people.When the fifth prince was dug out, he still maintained his climbing posture, feeding his mouth full of fermented maggots.

This kind of death is actually not uncommon. Occasionally, some unlucky ghosts who get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night fall in and cannot get out...

Fifty thousand sons are the one with the highest status.


With his background, he didn't need to go out to freeze his butt in the cold like ordinary people, let alone fall in and drown.

He is still a warrior!
Drowning in a latrine is simply absurd!
Hearing that his son died in such a useless and smelly way, he, who didn't care about his heirs, became even more disgusted.With a wave of his hand, let the people below watch and deal with the fifth prince's affairs.After waiting for people to leave, King Shiwu, who was relaxed just now, suddenly turned cold.

He was moody, grabbed the beauty who rubbed his temples, and threw him off the bed without mercy: "Get lost!"

The beauty turned pale.

Regardless of the nakedness of his clothes, he wrapped himself in a blanket and backed away.Until only the king was left in the tent, he waved his palm and split the nearest candlestick.He murmured towards no one: "This time it's the fifth child who died..."

In fact, not long ago, a son died.

The third prince.

The way of death is also outrageous.

It is said that the third prince accidentally hunted an adult stag, and he happily drank a few large pots of deer blood that day, and ate half of the deer meat. A beautiful girl came over and wanted to have a 1V7 all-night battle.Unexpectedly, when the excitement reached its peak, his whole body suddenly stiffened and twitched, his right hand tightly grasped his left chest, and he died.

In layman's terms, it is death from horse wind.

When the medical officer came, the body was cold.

He is still a warrior!
Counting the twelve princes who died during his adult experience, he lost three sons in just half a year, all of whom were adults.

In fact, Shiwu King was the first to suspect Su Shiyilu, but after the defeat at Yongguguan, Su Shiyilu was dissatisfied with the military arrangements for this battle, and had a conflict with him, so he simply handed over his military power and resigned at home.King Shiwu was still worried and sent people to closely monitor him.

As a result, the dark guard reported that Su Shiyilu either drank heavily or went out to hunt every day, and did not have any abnormal movements at all.

There is no time for murder.

On the contrary, the other sons... were even more suspicious. When they heard about the death of their brother, they gloated in private more than once.

Almost everyone has a motive for killing them.

King Shiwu thought for a while, but he was still worried, so he raised his hand to call in the hidden guards, and asked them to investigate the death of the fifth child closely. However, the result has not yet come out, and the seventh prince, who is closely related to the fifth prince, has followed in his brother's footsteps.Likewise, the way to die is chic.

He played a game of darts with a group of honorable children.

Usually slaves are used as targets, and different targets around the target get different points.If you shoot the slave, you will not score, but if you shoot the slave, you will lose money.It's boring to use slaves all the time. This time, it's a little exciting, and I choose one of them as a target by drawing lots.

The Seventh Prince was drawn.

He was then killed by a single dart.

The person who shot him crushed the poison hidden under his tongue on the spot, and his seven orifices bled to death.

After further investigation, this person's relatives were almost dead when Shen Tang attacked Wangdu.The outside world reasonably guessed that this person was dissatisfied with Shiwu Royal Court's wrong military action, and then retaliated.After hearing this, King Shiwu was even more angry and cursed.

Damn old seven is also a warrior!My brain was really kicked by a donkey, and I shouldn't agree to be a target!It's fine to be a target, but to die so defenseless?Does he really think that he has nothing to fear when he has the status of a prince?

The death of his sons one after another, the king of Shiwu couldn't bear it no matter how he cared about it, most of his energy was taken up by this matter, and the rest had to beware of the backlash from his subordinates.How can there be any extra energy to pay attention to the bottom layer, the prairie fire ignited by slaves?
To really pay attention to it, it is already besieged on all sides.

at the same time--

A secret room.

It is said that Su Shiyilu, who was unemployed at home, extinguished an oil lamp with "seven" engraved on it with a snap of his fingers.He lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the remaining unextinguished oil lamps, sneered, and his dark tone was like a lonely ghost: "...this is just interest..."

The death of the twelve princes was a hurdle he couldn't get over, and even half of his beard and hair turned white.He swore to his sister that he would make the murderers who killed them Twelve pay the price, including King Shiwu who was indifferent and indifferent to Twelve's death.

How much Su Shiyilu admired him before, how disappointed he is now.Since he doesn't care about heirs so much, and cares so much about glory, it seems that it is not bad to die one or all of them, or die in the most useless and humiliating way...?

He did receive information that the group of slaves were causing trouble, but he didn't care.It's not because he is short-sighted, but looking at the entire history of Shiwu, it's not that there have been mass escapes and rebellions by slaves.But no matter how many slaves there are, they are just a group of ordinary mortals without special abilities.In the face of orderly armed forces to suppress, it is nothing more than death in vain.

This kind of contempt is also the natural arrogance of warriors facing ordinary groups, or the ants in their eyes.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

The salt sellers returned with a full load, the carts were heavy, and the wheel marks were deeply eaten, which shows how many spoils were inside!

When I went, I was full of confidence, and when I returned, my face was rosy.

Longwu County has completely entered summer.

Shen Tang was also surprised when she got the account book. She knew that the smuggling in Shiwu was making huge profits, but she never thought of such huge profits.She kept her face under wraps, closed the account book, and according to her previous promise, gave [-]% of the profit to the salt seller and [-]% to her private treasury.

The remaining [-]% belonged to the official treasury.

There are a lot of places in Longwu County that cost money, and they also need to pay salaries to the staff under the account, so they have to live on a budget.

As soon as the deed was signed and stamped, Yu Zi rushed over: "My lord, when the treasury is credited—"

Shen Tang calmed down: "The money flew?"

Yu Zi pointed to the top of her head, still terrified.

"Yes, money, money all flew up."

"Pay back the bank loan, don't be alarmed."

This man Xun Hanzhang is so damn hard to keep!

She doesn't know how long she will have

I don't know how much LPR is...

I only know that I am still in debt!
Yu Zi: "..."

Shen Tang covered his face with his hands: "Go down, there is probably a shortage of manpower on Lingde's side, go over and have a look..."

She finally passed 996, allowing her subordinates to live the life she dreamed of, what a fucking day.

As for Shiwu——

The next morning at the meeting, Shen Tang appropriated a fresh and hot budget from the public treasury: "To sow dissension and add fuel to the fire, shall we? Let General Chu Jie figure it out, buy more spies, and stand aside. The bigger the better."

He looked at Gu Chi again.

"The Shiwu inscription was also written by Wangchao before, one thing does not bother the two masters, and you write the rest, and let General Chu send it later to help every Shiwu slave who has the dream of Guangzong Yaozu... Ah no, it should be' The descendants of the Protoss who will make Shi Wu once again glorious'. The more chaotic they are, the less resources they have, and the more beneficial they are to us. I count on them for my loan..."

The enemy's national calamity and wealth are fragrant.

Shen Tang didn't have the slightest moral burden.

Longwu County is located in the border area, there is not much oil and water, and the forces from all sides outside have not affected her here, and the years have been quiet for a while.In addition to the endless government affairs, the endless 996, the money that is never enough to spend, the loan that is never paid off, and the money bag that disappears every day... Shen Tang asked himself, this day is still comfortable and smooth of.

Not long after, I heard that the silkworm row house had a good harvest. As the lord, she also participated in (touching) feast (fish) picking silkworm cocoons and harvested them herself.Followed by learning how to cook silkworm cocoons, preparing to make a silk quilt for myself.

Originally, she wanted to arrange it for Wu Hui and the others, but after cutting silkworm cocoons for a day and cleaning several barrels of silkworm chrysalis, she didn't have enough six catties, so she had no choice but to hand over the work of silk quilts to the work of the silkworm row house the mulberry woman.

She is only suitable for official office 996.

At the end of the year, she can hand in the silk quilt she needs.

This is the year-end award!

As long as the benefits are in place, employees will work overtime fearlessly!
The days passed slowly.

She also grew slowly.

Summer clothes were replaced by autumn clothes.

Even Shen Zhi's baby girl, who was successfully born at the turn of spring and summer, would giggle when she saw people now.On this day, the weather became slightly cooler, and the official office received a reply letter that Shen Tang almost forgot——

The envelope was scrawled.

The pawn who delivered the letter had a vicissitudes of life and beard.

"Why are you replying now?"

This letter was sent out years ago. In order to ease Xun Zhen's longing for her eldest son, and at the same time ease the conflict between him and Qishan, Shen Tang deliberately sent someone to Minfeng County to find someone and deliver the letter. He is so big in his hands.

It is best if the other party is willing to return a letter home.

Unexpectedly, there has been no movement.

Shen Tang was so busy that he could hardly think about it.

  Finally got heparin sodium today.

  It's not easy.

  Hopefully it will be unblocked before the 14th.

(End of this chapter)

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