stand back, let me come

Chapter 649 649: The Rumored "White Moonlight"

Chapter 649 649: The Rumored "White Moonlight"

Gong Xichou asked her, "So what if I beat you?"

Yang Ying was so questioned that she couldn't speak.

Really can not how.

Not to mention that my father is already an ordinary person, even if he still has the strength, facing Gong Xichou, who is a fifteenth-rank young man, is still giving food.However, Yang Ying hugged Yang Gong's arm: "It's not that good, I just complained to my father about my grievances."

The blood relatives are still there, she is no longer alone, and there is still a reason for her life, as if she has infinite courage to face the future.

Yang Ying shrank half of her body behind Yang Gong, and asked Shangfeng in a soft voice: "Didn't the general do this when he was young?"

Gong Xichou: "...Are you still young?"

He really hadn't done it, after all, Jimo Can wasn't around.

I used to be coquettish with my uncle, and I vaguely remember that I was still at an age when I couldn’t walk steadily. I jumped and fell on the road and broke a front tooth. In order to "revenge" him, my uncle forced the road to "revenge" Bruised bones and ashes."

Gong Xiqiu was so frightened by the news that he never dared to complain again.

Yang Gong: "In the eyes of this old man, Ah Ying will always be a child. Why can't I confide in any grievances outside?"

Gong Xiqiu: "..."

"Mama, come!" He didn't want to see the father and daughter for the time being, so he threw a wooden stick at Shen Tang, "Come and loosen your muscles with me."

"It's exactly what I want." Shen Tang also wanted to get the father and daughter together, and agreed to Gong Xiqiu's "invitation to fight".

This time, the two of them didn't use martial energy or language skills, they only relied on their moves to fight each other. The fight was inseparable, and they were sweating from the success.In the end, they sat side by side on the roof without any image. The terrain here is so high that you can see the depressed market outside the courtyard.

Shen Tang used his hand as a fan.

"Xiaocheng is much cooler."

Gong Xiqiu remained silent on this topic.

Shen Tang realized that the topic was inappropriate, and turned away with a smile: "Ordinary brave fighters lose the strength of half a lifetime of penance, not to mention completely crazy, and their mentality must not be adjusted... When Yang Gong was rescued, he was full of vigor and energy. not too good……"

It was only then that Gongxiqiu was willing to talk about the topic.

"But I think his mood has improved."

"When he woke up, I went to see him. Mr. Yang never asked about Wudan in Danfu. I was curious, and he said bluntly, 'the old husband's family is gone, the old parents are gone, the wife and children are gone...the lonely family, then Is physical strength still important?'. Fortunately, God had mercy on him, allowing him to reunite with his blood relatives after many years, and he is no longer alone, and he has something to rely on for the rest of his life."

Compared with the loss of blood relatives, strength is not worth mentioning.

That's why Yang Gong came out slowly.

But Gongxi Qiu used to spoil the fun.

He said: "Yang Ying is going to the battlefield."

Shen Tang said: "A girl inherits her father's career, so naturally she must go."

Gong Xiqiu said harshly: "With her little strength, she met a difficult person, and she didn't know where she died in the battle. Yang Gong would have to suffer once from a white-haired man to a black-haired man. After she lost it and regained it, she regained it." There is nothing more painful than loss.”

For example, Jimo Can is to him.

But Shen Tang said: "Which fierce general didn't grow from weak to strong? Didn't he pile up one life after another? Either you die or I live. Once a general succeeds, his bones will die. This is the only way for every famous general. I look at Yang Ying is not short-lived."

As if just remembering, Shen Tang asked Gong Xichou: "Yang Ying is a woman, when did she start to practice?"

Gongxi Qiu said, "Two years ago."

Shen Tang: "Do you know why she can practice?"

Gong Xiqiu was puzzled: "Mama can also practice? Isn't Mama also has female warriors under her tent? Is this strange?"

Shen Tang shook his head: "It's not the same."

Her situation is different from that of Yang Ying.

Yang Ying's situation is different from Bai Su's.

Bai Su is not the same as the students of Longwu County College.

Shen Tang's ability to practice is mostly related to this imperial seal that he didn't know when he owned it; Bai Su was able to practice because she chose to serve Shen Tang when she was in his infancy; those carefully selected students in Longwu County are because their household registration is in Longwu County ——The rise of the national border barrier means the establishment of a "Kangguo", all subjects within the national border, and Shen Tang treats men and women equally, and everyone can practice.

Yang Ying does not belong to the above three situations.

So how did she start practicing as a daughter?

On this point, Gong Xiqiu was not very sure.

In Shen Tang's puzzled eyes, he guessed: "...Maybe it has something to do with my brother or his descendants... A new generation of high priests is born, and they pray to the gods every day, and the gods will bless them. Yang Ying is for me. In theory, she is also a vassal of the Gongxi clan, so she can naturally enjoy the blessings of the gods. Maybe... it is because of this that she can practice?"

Shen Tang found a blind spot: "It's not the first day that the Gongxi clan had a high priest, didn't women also not be able to practice before?"

Gongxi Qiu scratched his head: "To be precise, women other than the high priest cannot practice. There have been several high-level priestesses in succession in our ancestors." Referenceability.

Is it not because of the gods?

Then why is Yang Ying able to practice?

Shen Tang suggested: "It's not difficult to verify. You will meet a woman with a talent for cultivation in the future and collect it as a trilogy. If you can also practice, it means that you really have something to do with the Gongxi clan. If you can't, it means that Yang Ying's situation is different." reason."

Gong Xichou thought about it too.

There will be opportunities to verify in the future.

Shen Tang asked him: "When do you plan to leave?"

Gong Xichou: "In a few days, heal the injury."

Shen Tang bent his elbows, put his arm on his shoulders politely, and said, "After the spring plowing next year, I will send troops to fight against Zheng Qiao. If you are not far from the battlefield at that time, remember to come and make a stand. We are best friends, so this is not the case You don’t even give me a place, do you?”

Gong Xiqiu tilted his head and thought for a while: "How much?"

Shen Tang: "... talking about money hurts feelings."

She is a close friend and bosom friend.

Gong Xiqiu treats her like an ATM machine! ! !
He took out singing and reading to do kung fu, and even cried poorly: "To tell you the truth, these subordinates under my account either want money or die, and the landlord's family has no extra money and food to pay you!"

Gong Xiqiu exposes her unceremoniously.

"You just don't want to give money, but you still want to eat the overlord's meal."

Shen Tang: "..."

It's not easy to fool a silly boy.

People are in good spirits on happy occasions, and their beloved daughter is found again after being lost. How can the joy on Yang Gong's face be suppressed?He laughed at everyone, leaving everyone at a loss.Yang Ying experienced the joy of the initial reunion, but seeing her father who was too old, she felt sad.

Yang Gong knew what she was sad about.

Caressing her daughter's hair bun, said: "Why are you sad? No matter how good a general can be, there will be a day of twilight. But, Ah Ying, God treats my father well. Let my father have a chance to watch you in his lifetime, so that you can go well." higher than being a father."

Although Gong Xiqiu is ruthless, he is a good master.

Yang Ying's talent is much better than him.She has the opportunity to go higher and stronger, and Yang Gong is just as honored.

Gong Xiqiu was about to leave, and the happiest person was his good son, Xun Ding, who wished to celebrate with his forehead and say, "The disaster is gone well"!
I'm in a good mood and I work hard.

The walls of Xiaocheng were on the verge of scrapping after several wars.

Because of the lack of manpower, Xun Ding was thrown over by his old father, and he had no choice but to do it bitterly—the debt owed to the King of Hades cannot be owed to his own father.Even though it was the twelfth lunar month of winter, he was easily sweating from the heat, so he simply took off half of his sleeves, stuffed the sleeves into the heels, and shuttled around the tower with the repair equipment on his shoulders.

He has a bright and generous personality, without airs, and easily fights with other soldiers, laughing and talking all day long.

On this day, a group of people came to Xiaocheng.

The soldiers initially guessed that they were here to send money to redeem people.

Xun Ding slapped the other party on the back of the head: "Nonsense, didn't you see the big 'Shen' written on the flag displayed by the team?"

It must be my own people.

Xun Ding didn't care about this team at first.

When the team reached the city gate, Xun Ding glanced casually and saw the curtain of the carriage lifted, revealing a familiar face.

He was overjoyed and jumped down directly.

"It is you!"

The sudden move of Xun Ding frightened the guards near the convoy, and they all drew their weapons and surrounded him.

Praying for the goodness of the people in the carriage: "..."

Before he entered the city, God had already given him a big surprise, and he broke away in one breath, coughing violently.

As a brave fighter, Xun Ding also has some insight: "Why do you look at the deficiency of Qi and blood? Is it sick or injured?"

Qi Shan waved at the guards, signaling them to back off.

He forced a faint smile.

"Why is Mr. Xun Lang here?"

One month before meeting Shen Tang, Qishan met Xun Ding in a teahouse in a remote post station, using the current vest, and the two had a very happy chat.It's been more than four years since that farewell. I didn't expect that Xun Ding, a brat with a good memory, still remembers him now.


Xun Zhen is also in Xiaocheng.

Could it be that the father and son have reunited?
Qishan's scalp felt numb all of a sudden, looking at the cratered city walls of Xiaocheng, for the first time, he had the idea of ​​shrinking back...

He doesn't want to die.

However, Xun Ding's words extinguished his happiness.

"I came with my father." Hao Da'er's words are not a lie, he was indeed brought here by Xun Zhen's captive.

"... Your father is Xun Hanzhang?"

"It's my father, do you know him?"

Qi Shan said with a chuckle, "I am a colleague of him."

Now that he turned around and returned to Linshan County, would it be too late for Chu Wuhui to come over?If he had known that there was a disaster waiting for him in Xiaocheng, he would not have robbed Chu Wuhui.Qishan's injuries were not healed, and his complexion was paler than usual, and Xun Ding could not see any flaws.

"What a coincidence? I had a good chat with Mr. at the post station before, patronizing drinking and singing, and I haven't had time to ask Mr. about his name in the future."

"My surname is Qi, my name is Shan, and my characters are good."

Xun Ding was not stingy with compliments: "Good name, good characters!"

He then recommended himself to take Qishan and others to the official office.Qishan knew that he couldn't escape, so he just closed his eyes and said, "Okay."

Shen Tang and the others were not very busy because they absorbed part of Qiu Cheng's team and let the prisoners who hadn't been redeemed temporarily make the best use of them to help with some unimportant and trivial government affairs.Moreover, Xiaocheng has long-standing disadvantages. For example, the former prefect Yancheng built brothels to restore the economy, which caused the atmosphere here to be bad, and it took time to repair it.

Qi Shan waited for someone to come over, but they were all in vain.

When I asked the sheriff where did he go?
The official said: "Send off a friend."

The city gate where Shen Tang sent Gong Xiqiu was not the same as the gate where Qi Shan came. The official said again: "Mr. Xun is on duty today."

Praying: "..."

Speaking of Cao Cao, Xun Zhen from Cao Cao: "..."

The eyes of the two intertwined, and thunder and lightning flashed.

  Qishan said that the fleeting time is not good.

(End of this chapter)

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