stand back, let me come

Chapter 659 659: Movements of all parties [seeking a monthly ticket]

Chapter 659 659: Movements of all parties [seeking a monthly ticket]

Although Shen Tang can't wait to see Shen Zhi, but Shen Zhi is still in Ru Yao, and it will take a while to go back and forth.Sharpening knives does not miss woodcutters. Except for a few necessary tasks, Shen Tang transferred the extra manpower to open up barren fields and keep them ready for use.

"Yiyi, there is one more thing you need—"

Luan Xin respectfully said: "My lord, please tell me."

"The barren fields in Longwu County have been reclaimed in the past two years, and the common people in the territory can contract the land from the county government for farming according to the number of people in their families..." Shen Tang was writing in his heart, trying to express his meaning tactfully.

Luan Xin looked at her with gentle eyes, waiting for the next step.

"...Because of the continuous intake of refugees, there are not many fields left for cultivation in the territory, and the matter of cotton is related to the people of the three counties to survive the winter in the coming year. It is imminent and cannot be delayed." Shen Tang stood up and pointed to the map screen at the back of the conference hall , "The population of Sibao County is withered and the fields are deserted. If cotton is to be planted on a large scale, it will definitely be the first consideration here."

Luan Xin asked: "What does the lord mean?"

After laying the groundwork, Shen Tang was finally able to express his plan: "If you want to grow cotton on a large scale, high-quality cotton seeds are indispensable. The only people who can do this now are you and Ling De. Ling De I have to stay in Sibao County for a short period of time, but the people from her government office can't get over there, so there are some things that require you and your officials to assist her and make it easier for her."

If necessary, obey Lin Feng's dispatch orders.

After a while, Xu Jie put on his cloak and went back to his study, looked at the snow, and said, "It's good that people are fine..."

But she was also worried that asking Luan Xin to assist Lin Feng would make the other party feel dissatisfied - who made Lin Feng so young?There is no impressive record in itself that is convincing.Shen Tang's "reasoning with reason" just hoped that Luan Xin would not think too much about it.

When he asked this question, his voice trembled.

Xu Jie smiled and said, "Shen Jun?"

Luan Xin understood now, and couldn't help being dumbfounded: "Lin Hu Cao possesses extraordinary abilities, and assisting her in accomplishing this feat will benefit generations to come and save countless common people from suffering from starvation and starvation. consider."

I wish I didn't have such an embarrassing cousin.

"I can't feel at ease, and worry about him more and more."

Shen Tang whispered: "Leave this matter to you, can you?"

Even if he was seriously injured, it didn't affect Xu Quan's fuss.

"Parents are worried that Mr. Zhaode will attack Shen Jun?"

Although brave fighters are doomed to perish on the battlefield, Xu Jie still hoped that his cousin would not be among those who were shrouded in horse leather.


In this way, Xu Jie will inevitably run into Xu Quan.

Otherwise, Shen Tang's attack on Sibao County would be the best time for Wu Xian and others to eradicate their confidant's serious troubles, but Zheng Qiao is still alive, so this possibility is very small.To some extent, Zheng Qiao is still Shen Tang's shield, buying her enough time.

Luan Xin: "..."

He opened his mouth and said, "My lord, please speak frankly."

Xu Jie asked back, "How do you know you haven't surrendered?"

Shen Tang let go of his fist, scratched his nose with his right index finger, and said in embarrassment: "I mean, there are still a few warriors from Wen Yangong's old department who haven't 'redeemed their bodies', and they are idle anyway, you might as well persuade them to help Working for two months?"

The attendant held an umbrella for him and followed him step by step.

Just when Luan Xin was thinking about how to tactfully persuade him not to be killed, the news of Qiu Cheng's defeat and suicide spread everywhere.Xu Jie was the first one among them to receive it, and the tension was finally released, and he asked again: "Is there any news about Wen Shi?"

As for Qiucheng's death?


Alas, how can Shen Tang not worry too much?
Her proposal is equivalent to letting the professional elite who used to be the second-in-command of a large company go to help the semi-cute newcomer who has just entered the workplace for four years.Who feels comfortable?
She was also a social animal in the workplace, able to empathize fiercely.

If a few more open words can save a lot of misunderstandings, why should she be stingy with this bit of saliva?Seeing that Luan Xin responded sincerely, she felt relieved.Thinking of what to say next, Shen Tang crossed his hands into fists, and kept circling his thumbs: "There is one more thing—cough cough, we are short of people right now, especially senior warriors who can split mountains and rubble... ..."

To obtain a large number of high-quality cotton seeds, it is necessary to use Wenqi to produce cotton seeds over and over again, and to try out the best growing environment and planting methods for cotton seeds. This is not something that can be done by just two people.The officials of the Hucao Office are also considered professional counterparts and should be able to help.

Fortunately Zheng Qiao is still alive.

Attendant: "But the tyrant Zheng Qiao is still alive."

"There is indeed this worry. Because of that 'evil plot' Qi Yuanliang, Qin Gongsu has been on the sidelines of Longwu County for several years... If the lord also feels a sense of crisis, then kill him before he threatens to become big. It’s the best strategy…”

Xu Jie didn't answer, but just looked in the direction of Tianhai, as if he was asking himself or his attendant: "Now, my lord should know the news, right? Hand', how long can we tolerate..."

When he heard that his idol Gongxi Qiudou was defeated, he was depressed and started a hunger strike without eating or drinking, with an attitude of "I don't believe it, I don't believe it".When he heard that the relationship between the idol and the lord was inseparable, he was revived on the spot with full blood, clamoring and wanting to jump on one leg to Xiaocheng to meet the idol.With that fanatical and devout attitude, those who didn't know thought which god he was going to worship.The attendant's expression was indescribable: "It is said that General Zhao's daughter couldn't stand it anymore, so she knocked her unconscious and carried her back, and tied her to the couch before she calmed down..."

She planned to ask Luan Xin to lead a group of Cao officials to assist Lin Feng and try to prepare enough cotton seeds before planting next year.During this period, it would be better if the cotton seeds could be optimized.

"Lang Jun's strength is improving rapidly, parents can rest assured."

Xu Jie looked in the direction of Longwu County and shook his head.

Luan Xin looked at the reserved Shen Tang.

"I don't know if Mr. Shen is willing to fight against the tyrant together..." This battle has been fought for too long, and the Xu family's business has become more and more difficult every year.

The attendant said: "...But, Shen Jun is a literary scholar after all, and he is still not as strong as a warrior in terms of threats. Besides, that Gong Xiqiu did not submit to Shen Jun, generally speaking..."

"The subordinates don't understand."

Luan Xin: "..."

Attendant: "If you surrender, how can you leave?"

Xu Jie felt ashamed when he heard this.

Xu Jie said softly: "Longwu, the Four Treasures, and the Minfeng you mentioned, Shen Jun holds the land of the three counties in his hands, which is already a big threat to the existence of the Lord. How old is Shen Jun? Gong Xiqiu was defeated by him..."

Xu Jie rejoiced: "Yes, Zheng Qiao is still alive."

Finally finished.

Xu Jie didn't care at all.

It is pitifully inefficient to expect low-level warriors to move mountains and open up wasteland. As for mid-level warriors, there are not many on my side.All put into production and construction, the overall efficiency is still low.So, Shen Tang stared at those few idlers.

The attendant said: "Lang Jun is injured and is still taking care of him."

Even if he knew that Qiu Cheng's death was tricky, whether it was a family dispute, or a rivalry between brothers, or someone borrowed a knife to kill someone, but on the surface Qiu Cheng committed suicide.A coward who has been defeated and committed suicide has no value for Xu Xie's attention.

Isn't it natural for prisoners to work?

"Don't come, Zheng Qiao is down, he will be next!"

 (* ̄3 ̄)╭

  If nothing else happens, around mid-February, "Back Down, Let Me Come" will be able to rise to five stars.From five-star to four-star (July 2, 22) to the day of five-star success, the top ten reader accounts that increase fan value during this period can get exclusive five-star badges and five-star avatar pendants.

  Those who are interested in collecting can pay attention.

  PS: Liu Ye in Winter has opened a new book, pay attention to the old sayings, friends who love the old sayings can go and have a look.Liu Ye's ancient sayings are fine books, you can read them with your eyes closed, it's a pity to miss them (#^.^#)
(End of this chapter)

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