stand back, let me come

Chapter 671 Chapter 671: Zhao Wei, courtesy name Dawei [ask for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 671 Chapter 671: Zhao Wei, courtesy name Dawei [ask for a monthly ticket]

The Geng Kingdom destroyed the Xin Kingdom. According to the four prefectures of Ling, Yan, Qian, and Kun, as well as the two major counties, there was a tendency to unify, but Zheng Qiao's tyranny caused countless civil uprisings, and King Zhu was stabbed in the back.After several years of war, the situation in this area has changed again and again.

Since King Zheng Zhi died in Chengkang Temple, all the dragons under the tent had no leader, and all forces supported themselves. Kunzhou and the two big counties were completely divided by various forces, annexed and eroded by each other.Lingzhou was the first to leave Zheng Qiao.Before the Dragon Slaying Bureau started, Zheng Qiao only had Qianzhou and half of Yanzhou left in his hands. After the Dragon Slaying Bureau started, Zheng Qiao still had Qianzhou and... half of Yanzhou in his hands? ? ?

"After co-authoring and fighting for two years, the front has not advanced at all?"

These words were not made by Shen Tang, but by Xun Ding, a good boy.

The two are fishing by the river.

Shen Tang said: "It's not that they didn't advance. They took the entire Yanzhou in the middle, but the allies of the Dragon Slaying Bureau didn't notice anything else because they cared about dividing up the results. Zheng Qiao's soldiers seized the opportunity and took it back. After that, the battle situation has been stalemate. "

Xun Ding: "..."

Shen Tang laughed twice and told a dark joke.

"Who is really fighting to destroy the tyrant?"

Zhao Wei broke out completely: 【Xu!arts!release! 】

Marching is dull and boring, and there are not many opportunities for fun.It was rare to come across a river. Thinking that there were fish in the river, she and Xun Ding wanted to catch a fish and change the recipe.Disappointed, he threw the hook back to the river.

"Why is Da Yi so polite? I haven't seen you for many years. I miss you in half a step. I have a chance to get together for a drink."

Zhao Wei started late, even if his cultivation speed is not slow, it is impossible for him to catch up with Xu Quan who is a minor practitioner.But Zhao Feng is different, Zhao Feng can hang Xu Quan and beat him.

"Brother Shen is as sincere as ever."

With serious characters, it is not easy to call them by their first names.

She said, "Dawei is your daughter Zhao Wei."

She said it all, before the Wudan Tiger Talisman condenses, it must be a serious word!Some martial arts warriors who come from a slightly cold background don't know this hot knowledge, let alone words, and don't even have a serious name.As a result, after the Wudanhu Talisman was condensed, the places that should have been engraved were all nicknames such as Dazhu, Shuanzi, Heizhu, Tiegu, etc. Now there is another Dawei.

Um, how should I say this?

There are still rumors of their deep love for Tang Di in the outside world, and it is unreasonable not to say hello when they meet.Before the people from Shen Tang's side had passed, Wu Xian's envoy had already arrived.Seeing a familiar face, Shen Tang's eyes lit up, and he controlled the motorcycle to move forward.

"Wrong, don't find too many small shareholders when starting a company. Because you don't know whether they really have brains, or they seem to have brains." Shen Tang said words that Xun Ding could not understand with a serious face. Always choose to ignore.

Shen Tang: "..."

Zhao Feng looked at Shen Tang speechlessly.

"Brother Shen, tell me quickly."

But Wu Xian still has a lot of scruples.

Before the sky was completely dark, Shen Tang led a group of people to the banquet on time, and Wu Xian led people out of the camp to meet him.As soon as the two met, they were full of enthusiasm. You said "Brother Shen" and I said "Brother Wu", as if brothers who had been separated for many years reunited in a foreign country.

A bad thought flashed in Zhao Feng's mind.

After all, his purpose was not to make Shen Tang his son-in-law, but to test Shen Tang's views on the coalition forces of the Dragon Slaying Bureau.Shen Tang frowned and said: "To tell the truth, Brother Wu, I'm not very optimistic about it. In war, it's about going all out, then failing, and then exhausting. When the momentum was at its peak, Zheng Qiao couldn't be taken down. Now that all the troops are assembled, it may not be possible Can unite."

"That's good to say!"

"So, what does this tell us?"

On the other side, Zhao Feng reported back to Wu Xian with the news.

She refused, and Wu Xian didn't force it.

Why didn't he hear from Xu Quan?
He mistakenly thought that Zhao Wei was leaving, but Shen Tang didn't mean that. She pointed to the rear of the army and said, "Escort the army rations."

When she excitedly shared with Pao Ze the newly condensed Bravery Tiger Talisman, she was instantly dumbfounded when she saw the name and characters on the Tiger Talisman.Zhao Wei, the word Dawei, who is a serious person who chooses the word like that?
He mistakenly thought it was Xu Quan's ghost and killed him.

Shen Tang said honestly: "No."

In the end, Zhao Wei really didn't know.

It's unreasonable not to know about Jiangmen's background, right?

Only, today is different from the past.

Wu Xian laughed heartily and treated Shen Tang more warmly.

Shen Tang: "..."

Zhao Feng shook his head: "Next time."

"When the coalition forces join forces smoothly and fight Zheng Qiao for the first time, it would be best if they can win a big victory. If they are defeated—Brother Wu can stand up and withdraw from the dragon slaying game himself, and then the little brother will follow..." Seeing Wu Xian's face change slightly, Shen Tang smiled and continued, "It's best to contact a few like-minded allies in private and respond one by one. If there are too many people quitting, the rest will naturally panic..."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help turning his eyes to Shen Tang's soldiers and horses.

The fisherman is never in the air force!
She couldn't believe that she couldn't catch it.

The two were in a hurry to close the rod, but only a handful of aquatic plants were brought up. Shen Tang was disappointed and said, "Where's the fish? Where's my fish?"

For this banquet, Wu Xian really had no bad intentions.He just wanted to get in touch with Shen Tang, and recall the days when Xiaocheng formed an alliance with brother and brother Gong.By the way, it's just to draw Shen Tang to his side, to increase his own bargaining chip weight.

As a father, he naturally wanted to help his daughter find her place again.

Some don't even paddle, just reap the benefits.

Shen Tang: "How about I call Wen Shi over for you?"

After all, Zhao Wei is Zhao Feng's daughter.

Zhao Feng conveyed Wu Xian's meaning.

He clasped his fists in salute and said, "I have seen Mr. Shen."

But that is a private matter, and now it is still more important than official business.

Xun Ding thought about it seriously: "War must be united?"

Zhao Feng asked: "Who is Dawei?"

"Then what does Brother Shen like?" Wu Xian smiled and waved at the dancer, he went back gently and continued the dance just now, "Brother Shen is also seventeen this year, and I don't see anyone around me who knows the cold and the hot." You and I have known each other for many years, and we are not stingy with one or two beauties. If you like it, you can take it back. Although it is a man who cannot bear children for you..."

Zhao Feng was startled: "Then where did she go?"

Zhao Feng also hadn't seen Shen Tang for many years, and he felt emotional.

I asked again, saying that I would protect her as a matchmaker.

The reason is actually very simple.

Although the marching conditions are difficult, Wu Xian's family has a great business, and there are inexhaustible ATM machines, and the reception area is still rich.The smell of food wafted into the tip of his nose, making the gluttons in Shen Tang's belly rebel.She took a sip of hot goat's milk to warm her stomach, and then gorged herself: "Brother Wu is laughing, my little brother has had a hard time these few days, so you are welcome."

Wu Xian asked him to describe Shen Tang's reaction in detail, not even letting go of the subtle expressions.Hearing that Shen Tang agreed to go to the banquet without even asking about the venue, he felt a little uncomfortable.This reaction meant that Shen Tang had no defense against him.

Wu Xian sighed: "Brother also has this worry."


Shen Tang knew at a glance that he was looking for a daughter, and said in a low voice: "Don't look at Dayi, your daughter is not here."

As a result, Zhao Wei and Xu Quan had a complete enmity, and when the two met, there would be sparks and lightning all the way, who made Xu Quan call people nicknames indiscriminately!Zhao Feng heard the cause and effect, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "No wonder Xu Wenshi annotated Xu Wen's family letter and never mentioned it. He also knew that he made a mistake when he co-authored it..."

Frightened: "A man?"

Shen Tang did three things in a row.

Shen Tang also looked at him speechlessly.

"But it's also the words engraved on the Warrior Talisman..."

Almost got a bear hug.

Chu Yao read the report sent back by the scouts, and was a little surprised: "The general flag says 'Wu', so it should be Tianhai Wu Xian's soldiers and horses."

"Isn't that the nickname Xu Quan gave him?"

Huang Lie wanted to annex Zheng Qiao's forces more than anyone else.

Those who rush to the front often lose the most, and when it comes to merit, they may not be the first. Who wants to be taken advantage of?

I still want Shen Tang to pack up and leave.

Shen Tang sighed: "My righteousness..."

With his eyes open, Shen Tang was a hypocritical rainbow fart.

The two sat down separately.

Since the two families are destined, it is better to go on the road together.If interested, Wu Xian will host a banquet tonight and invite Shen Tang to have a meal and get in touch with each other.Shen Tang naturally had no reason to refuse: "Go back and tell Brother Wu about Dayi, little brother, I will definitely go to the banquet on time."

Xu Quan is completely innocent.

Wu Xian smiled gently, and said humbly: "Everywhere, they are already old, and they can't compare to Brother Shen's beauty."


Luan Xin also heard the words and looked over.

Zhao Wei's expression was stiff: [This, can it be changed? 】

Wu Xian expresses emotion to his subordinates.

Wu Xian clapped his hands and praised: "Brother Shen's move can really bring the coalition army together, but if you do this, you will inevitably offend the leader of the coalition."

Some people chanted loudly and just fired squibs.

The dry man, the dry soul, and the dry rice are all people!
Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

The fact that the Allied Forces were able to fight Zheng Qiao back and forth was due to a few people who did practical things, including Wu Xian's forces.If Wu Xian leads people away, the coalition forces will definitely be defeated in the face of Zheng Qiao.If they were slaughtered one by one by Zheng Qiao, all the earthworms in the house would be chopped up vertically!
With the fear of life, those who paddled will also start to exert their strength.

He didn't want to provoke Huang Lie for the time being.

However, this one is not her style.

Dawei's name is completely confirmed.

Just as I was about to speak, the fishing rod moved.

Huang Lie, this gloomy ghost, is not afraid of wearing shoes with bare feet.

It can be regarded as a bad breath for Zhao Wei.

Zhao Fengdao: "Fengding will tell the truth."

Marching and fighting are not spring outings, and female family members can't bring them with them, but Wu Xian is a delicate boy. He likes to listen to music and watch dances in his free time. actor.

The euphemistic name is: Call him brother, how can a brother let his younger brother be a bachelor?Coincidentally, he has a daughter of the right age under his knees, who is very good-looking, talented and emotional.Shen Tang is also a dragon and a phoenix among human beings, if the two are destined, they must be a good match between gods and gods.

Chu Yao's grilled fish is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, full of fragrance.

Wu Xian took it for granted: "Naturally."

Shen Tang didn't remind Zhao Wei, thinking that Zhao Wei knew.

A delicate and pitiful beauty.

Xu Quan hid in the beams of the house, laughing until his stomach ached: 【Impossible. 】

Shen Tang said: "Isn't it enough to ventilate in advance?"

Wu Xian's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Which ally is it?"

Realistic version of "You call me brother, I call you dad"?
Dah Dah Dah!

Among all the allies in the Dragon Slaying Bureau, Shen Tang's site is the farthest from Xingyang Road, and she set off on time—it's not that she doesn't want to advance, but there are too many trivial matters on the site, and there is not enough time at all—it stands to reason that she is older. The probability is that the last one arrives, who knows that he will run into Tianhai halfway.Tianhai is much closer to Xingyang Road than Longwu County, does Wu Xian have procrastination?
"Send someone over there to ask."

He thought the other party would do Tai Chi.

"It's been so many years since I left, brother Wu's demeanor is even better than before."

Naturally, it was for the territory and people in Zheng Qiao's hands.Forming an alliance and holding a group is also to increase the sense of security, so as not to be killed by Zheng Qiao when they are alone.When the coalition forces discovered that Zheng Qiao was a centipede who was dead but not stiff, some of them started paddling.

Watching the water surface calm down due to the ripples caused by the fishhook, Shen Tang quietly waited for her fish to take the bait.Xun Ding was sent by his own father to be his bodyguard, so he could only follow him every step of the way.The two stared at the fishing line, and after a quarter of an hour passed, there was still no movement.

Shen Tang: "..."

A slight smile appeared on Zhao Feng's serious face.

No one wants to be the one with the most casualties and the least loot. In order to preserve their own strength, they will naturally paddle.

As for Shen Tang, she has some pretty dog ​​attributes.

When did your daughter leave Longwu County?

When he left, Shen Tang couldn't help frowning.

On the side, Chu Yao sighed with emotion: "It seems that Dayi has not been very happy under Zhaodegong's account in the past few years, and he has been wronged."

Gu Chi slammed the chopsticks in his hand.

"My little brother has an immature suggestion."

"Maybe there will be such a day."

Shen Tang got on his motorcycle, and before he had marched for a long time, he received a reply from the scouts in front, and found out that there was a group of people approaching.

As a result, Zhao Wei never wore the Wudanhu Talisman again.

Wu Xian thought she was thin-skinned and embarrassed.

Zhao Feng's mood was ups and downs.

Zhao Fengruo is the vanguard general, why should he come over in person for such a simple message?Even under the banner of a good relationship between Zhao Feng and Shen Tang, this arrangement is somewhat unreasonable, and sending Zhao Feng's cronies over will have the same effect.

Unexpectedly, he agreed without even thinking about it.

Zhao Wei, courtesy name Dawei.

Wu Xian not only prepared good wine, food, and milk, but also prepared singing, dancing and vocal music. Shen Tang was secretly envious when he saw it, when would he be so generous!Seeing her staring at a "dancing girl" in a daze, Wu Xian asked with a smile, "Brother Shen has taken a fancy to this person?"


Chu Yao: "It's almost time to rest, let's go on."

Shen Tang: "..."

Shen Tang had a plan in mind.

Although he didn't catch any fish, Shen Tang still caught some fish.

Although he guessed that his daughter would not stay in Longwu County quietly, but she really came to the front line to join in the fun, Zhao Feng's complexion was a bit grim.She couldn't help yelling in a low voice: "The battlefield is not a place for her to play house, the sword has no's just nonsense!"

It was Zhao Feng and Zhao Dayi who came.

Shen Tang swallowed half of the hot goat milk and almost spit it out.

Shen Tang smiled and said, "Dawei's talent is not weak."

Shen Tang asked: "What does the leader say?"

Chu Yao looked at his lord with a smile in his eyes.

The "dancing girl" who was pointed by Wu Xian stopped dancing, and saluted Shen Tang gracefully.With black hair like a cloud, and a slender neck, even though the face was covered with layers of snow-white powder to suppress the blood color of the skin, she could still be seen as a beauty.

Wu Xian shook his head: "I don't know."

Packing food is fine, but people are fine.

She likes warm and energetic milk dogs.

Gu Chi held back all the way: "Isn't that Gongxi Qiu?"

Shen Tang had an expression of "what's your eyes?": "Can Gong Xichou be called a milk dog? It's clearly an old dog!"

(End of this chapter)

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