stand back, let me come

Chapter 810 810: Funeral [ask for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 810 810: Funeral [ask for a monthly ticket]

There was chaos in the delivery room.

There was chaos outside the delivery room.

【Please come?Can't invite any of them? 】The woman grabbed the only second son in the family who could run errands in disbelief. The eldest son was still injured, and the youngest son couldn't bear the shock. The second son was ordered to ask the midwife doctor to nearly break his leg, but in the end, such a bad news came, she broke down and said, [Did you tell them that there is a big thank you?As long as you are willing to come, you will get a hundred taels of gold! 】

[Auntie, I said it, I said it all! 】

The second son also had a look of collapse and despair.

He even ignored the family rules and directly threatened the man with a knife around his neck, even if it was kidnapping, he would have to tie him back.Unexpectedly, they knelt down, kowtowed and said: [Zhao Lang don't make things difficult for me, if you leave this door, the whole family will die! 】

He said angrily: [Aren't you afraid of dying now? 】

The doctor was cornered, and desperately prepared to hit the wall and commit suicide.If he hadn't reacted quickly, the opponent's head would have been blown open.He had no choice but to return without success, the doctor said with a wry smile.

[Zhao Lang, it’s not that I’m waiting to die, there’s really no way to save him, and you don’t even think about who owns this clinic! 】

The medical center is not accessible to ordinary people.

Most of the owners behind the medical center have a reputation.

Although these owners have different surnames, it doesn't mean it doesn't matter.Just say hello, who would not save face in terms of in-laws/classmates/clan relationship?They didn't kill or set fire, but they just found an excuse to close the clinic for a few days.

As for offending Zhao Feng?
They are not familiar with Zhao Feng.

My own medical clinic can be open if it wants to open, and rest if it wants to rest. Why is a general without foundation so lenient?
Doctors also have young and old, so they can only act against their conscience.

The woman was so angry that her chest hurt and her eyes turned black.

[The doctor dare not come to the door, where is the midwife? 】

The second son said: [I can't find it, I'm not at home. 】

I asked them all over the place, and all of them worked overnight, whether they went to the next county to deliver the childbirth or returned home due to an accident at home.

Not to mention the figure of the midwife, you can't even see half of the ghost.

This posture is obviously aimed at their family.

Squeak, the door of the delivery room was pushed open.

[Husband, madam, hurry up, she's dying! 】

A shrill scream came from the delivery room, and the hairs of everyone outside the room exploded, and their legs went limp in an instant.The woman was helped into the delivery room, and the strong smell of blood stimulated her sense of smell. She was covered in cold sweat after walking a few steps, and she was about to faint in a second.

The husband and mother-in-law of the parturient were surrounded by the bed, helpless, their eyes lit up when they saw the woman approaching.The weak parturient also seemed to be returning to the light, stretched out her swollen but fat right hand, and said with pain: [Sister-in-law, sister-in-law——]

[Sister-in-law is here, sister-in-law is here! 】It took several times for the woman to grab the hand of the parturient, and tears rolled down her face.

The mother was the younger sister of Zhao Feng's family. Both of her parents died, and she survived starvation after eating hundreds of meals for several years. When she was seven or eight years old, she really couldn't survive.When Zhao Feng heard about her background, he kept her and grew up with Zhao Wei, who was considered half a daughter.When the age is reached, the woman will act as a mediator and tell the official's son.

Taking advantage of the interval between contractions, she regained some strength.

Frail begged the woman to do her a favor.

The woman said: [Tell me, my sister-in-law has done it for you! 】

Everyone knew that this was the last words.

【I can't do it, sister-in-law—please, this child must survive, please open my stomach!If you procrastinate, you will die, why not take out the child while there is still a chance, at least one can survive!please! 】

The mother's request shocked everyone.

The woman said in pain: "How can this be possible! 】

However, time must not be delayed.

Seeing that the miracle didn't happen, and the child's foot was stuck outside, the woman could only do so ruthlessly, and ordered the mother's limbs to be tied to the four corners of the bed.Unexpectedly, the pregnant woman was already numb from the pain, and the movement of her belly did not make her react too violently.

In a trance, the tense belly suddenly loosened.

I don't know if it was amniotic fluid or blood, the warm liquid dripped out from the wound and wet the bedding underneath, followed by a cat-like cry.She blinked, endured her darkened eyes, and tried her best to see the child in the woman's arms.

It's just that the hands and feet are cold, and it's becoming more difficult to breathe.

[Sister-in-law, sister-in-law——]

Her voice was low and inaudible.

The woman hugged the child and moved closer to her face, brushed the hair on her forehead with her sticky and bloody hands, and whispered: [Look at him, he is your son, his eyebrows and eyes are very similar to yours...]

The baby's skin was bruised and purple at the beginning, and she was worried that it was stillbirth. Fortunately, he was very upbeat and tried his best to make a sound.

However, the person on the bed did not respond.

The maid serving the woman checked her breath and shook her head.

After handing over the child to his grandmother, the woman had no time to grieve and ordered someone to fetch needles and threads.When she was stitching up her stomach, she hesitated for a while, and she made up her mind to ask the servants to fetch the wheat bran pillow and take it apart.With tears in her eyes, she sewed the wheat bran together.

After suturing, clean her body with clean water.

Put on clean clothes, comb your hair, and put on makeup.

After finishing the work with her own hands, the woman had no strength left, but she could not fall down, and was about to ask the servant how the child was, when she heard another scream from outside the house.Immediately after the second son rushed in, his face was three points paler than the body on the bed.

He opened and closed his mouth, but the woman couldn't hear clearly.

【Who did you say died? 】

The second son opened and closed his mouth again, but she still couldn't hear clearly.

She numbly said: [I'll go and have a look. 】

In the middle of getting up, the eyes were completely dark.

She only had time to see her son's frightened and distorted face.When I woke up again, the strong discomfort subsided.

She looked at the three neat coffins dragged out of the warehouse——As a military general, Zhao Feng came and went in the flames of war, and he didn't know when it would disappear, so he was keen to make a coffin for himself, and he would make a coffin whenever he had good wood. It was customized according to Zhao Feng's body shape, and it was twice the size of an ordinary coffin - three ordinary corpses were parked inside, making it small and pitiful.

This scene gave her an absurd feeling of being in a dream.

The second son stood behind her, blaming himself: [Aniang, my son was not good at taking care of them, and I couldn't save them...]

The mother and son knew that the entire Tianhai Medical Center was closed and the midwife could not be invited, and they witnessed the tragic death of their daughter-in-law/wife, and their emotions collapsed.They left a suicide note, bluntly saying that they couldn't bear to implicate the Zhao family anymore, they took turns hugging the newborn child, finding excuses to send the servants away, and committed suicide together.Since they came to their house, as long as their bodies get out, there will be an explanation.

In this way, the crisis of the Zhao Mansion can be solved.

The child troubled them to find a reliable family for adoption.

Only when they die can the children live.

They don't even know their husband/father is dead until they die.
"It's unreasonable! It's unreasonable!" Yun Ce was charged with anger, and his killing intent almost got out of control, "Using such despicable means to force pregnant women to death, beheading them... is unheard of! Such stupid thieves don't die, there are still people in this world Righteousness?"

The woman interrupted Yun Ce's anger charging progress.

After these seven days of vigil, her emotions have settled a lot, and she has become more rational: "I accepted the wishes of Yishi Yun on their behalf. It's just that it's not appropriate to make extravagant incidents now. Dayi is still on the front line and hasn't come back. A house full of old and weak can't take risks."

Nothing can be done until Zhao Feng comes back.

Looking at the three coffins, Yun Ce panicked.

The woman said: "Yun Yishi, you come with me."

She took Yun Ce to a small dark house in the backyard, outside the small house nailed a lot of firewood and bedding.As a successful martial artist, Yun Ce clearly heard two breathing sounds in the room, one of them was pacing in the room.

With a creak, the small door opened.

Yun Ce followed and bent down to enter.

The air in the house is a little hot and dry.

The servant woman was holding a swaddled baby and coaxing it warmly. The baby in her arms was humming and chirping uncomfortably, not loudly, not as energetic as the domestic cats in heat in the yard.In order to hide the existence of this child, the woman ordered people to beat and beat all night to cover up the movement, and made such a soundproof small room.

The servant woman was like a bird frightened when she heard the movement, and she didn't let go of her guard until she saw the identity of the person through the bean lamp.


The woman asked her, "How is the child today?"

The maid sent the child to her arms: "Xiao Lang held it for three days, and finally pulled it a quarter of an hour ago. It doesn't look thin, but there is no milk to drink, and he is so hungry that he has no energy..."

The child was born without a mother, and there was no nanny in the house to feed him, so he could only eat some rice cereal or corn porridge for a few days.How can the stomach of a child who is only a few days old eat these?The servants and women took care of him day and night, for fear that he would die.

The woman hugged the child reluctantly.

Turn around and entrust the child to Yun Ce.

Seeing this, the servant woman hesitated to speak.

"Yun Yishi, this kid will trouble you first."

Yun Ce looked young, but he was proficient in holding the child. He controlled his posture and strength and said, "Madam, please rest assured, Yun dares to swear on his life that he will put the child in a proper place."

The woman bowed solemnly to Yun Ce.

With Yun Ce's strength, it was too easy to take this child away quietly. The guard Ding Sanbu stood guard outside the old house and didn't notice that anyone was coming and going freely.Yun Ce was not familiar with Tianhai, so he didn't stay here much, and went straight to Heyin.

According to the lord, He Yin and Xu Wen's annotations are reliable.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the rapid changes.

Before leaving the territory of Tianhai, the child was already starving.Cry when hungry, and whine when tired.Where can Yun Ce feed a man?Reluctantly, he went to the nearest village.

They looked from house to house, looking for the house where there were small clothes hanging outside, which made the owner tremble all over with fright.

"Do not move!"

In the darkness, Yun Ce lowered his voice to warn.

"Shut up!"

The couple saw the cold light of the weapon in Yun Ce's hand through the moonlight. The man was so frightened that he kowtowed and begged for mercy, while the woman subconsciously protected the child who was sleeping next to him.Yun Ce endured the embarrassment and embarrassment, and asked the man: "Do you still have milk, Mrs. Zun?"

The man's face contorted for a moment.

Probably did not expect bandits to play this game.

But with the knife resting on his neck, he dared not make any noise.

The woman was afraid that the answer would be late, and Yun Ce would be impatient to kill her man, so she endured her fear: "Yes, and..."

Chief Yun breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, Madam, please give me a little bit of the baby in my arms, and Yun will be rewarded!"

The couple did not expect this development.

They were too terrified just now, and they really didn't notice that there was a weak voice. The two looked at each other, and finally the woman was more courageous: "You bring the child."

As a man, it is inconvenient for Yun Ce to stare at people and breastfeed, but he is afraid that something will happen to the child, so he takes the man and his child hostage: "After feeding, madam, please tell me."

The child was very hungry and it took a long time to finish.

The woman returned the fed baby to Yun Ce in exchange for her husband and her own child.Even though she was curious about the identities of the two of Yun Ce, she was an ordinary person who didn't dare to ask more.It was just out of a mother's instinct to remind Yun Ce to be careful when holding the child.

It is easy to spit up milk when you are full.

Yun Ce took out a heavy piece of silver from his bosom, and said apologetically, "I've frightened you by taking action in a hurry. This is a reward and an apology for the other party's offense."

Without waiting for the couple to say anything, they disappeared.Looking at Suiyin, the husband and wife thought they were dreaming.

On the way to Heyin, Yun Ce borrowed a few more times in the same way, rubbed a few diapers, and finally arrived at Fugu City, where Heyin ruled, before he was covered in feces and urine.The prosperity and excitement of this city made Yun Ce feel that time and space were out of place.

Don't delay, find out the location, and come directly to the door.

Xu Jie, who was practicing calligraphy, trembled in fright, ruining half a day of hard work.Several guards rushed out to block him, their blades pointing at Yun Ce.Xu Jie glanced at Yun Ce's appearance, then at the baby in his arms, and his heart turned a few times.

He waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you all step back."

The guard then retracted the blade.

Before Yun Ce reported to his family, Xu Jie had already yelled out his identity: "This gentleman, is he under Shen Jun's account?"

Yun Ce nodded in acknowledgment.

Xu Jie asked again: "Who is this child?"

Yun Ce: "The only survivor of that family, my lord wants to trouble Governor Xu to take over temporarily and take care of it for a few days."

Sending it to Longwu County is too time-consuming.

Xu Jie is the most reliable candidate in the shortest distance.

"Leave it to me." Xu Jie agreed without much hesitation.If he refused to help, he would not have taken the risk to help deliver the secret letter before, and now is also a good opportunity to show his favor.It's hard for the Xu family to get along in Tianhai when things get to this point.

"Come here, go and post a notice." Fugu City is densely populated, so finding a healthy nanny is not a problem.

Seeing that the child has been settled properly, Yun Ce left with peace of mind.During this period, Xu Jie served as the host to pick him up and have a good meal.Xu Jie is old and cunning, and while getting close to Yun Ce, he also tricked him a lot, especially about the situation on the front line.

"Oh, Mr. Wu is confused..."

Xu Jie also understood Zhao Feng's temperament.

Once Zhao Feng knows the series of things that happened recently, he will definitely not work for Wu Xian again, even if these are not Wu Xian's orders, the relationship between the two principals will also be broken.

Qin Li's family seems to be scattered, but in fact they are the most united.

This unity is not based on interests, but on feelings.

Walk one, follow a string.

Yun Ce took the child and left, and the Zhao family had no worries at all, and the long-closed door was opened at dawn.

The door creaked heavily.

The servants and guards who had surrounded the courtyard for several days came up one after another.

The common people passing by also looked this way.

Behind the gate, everyone wore plain clothes and solemn expressions.

Vaguely saw a coffin being carried at the front.

Mrs. Zhao Feng walked in the front, with a knife in her hand, and was supported by her second son to step over the threshold. She looked at the people outside the door with a sneer: "Why, come to be a filial son and grandson to see you off?"

(End of this chapter)

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