stand back, let me come

Chapter 822: 822: Learn from Shen's skills to control Shen [ask for a monthly ticket]

Chapter 822: 822: Learn from Shen's skills to control Shen [ask for a monthly ticket]

"Gong Su, something is wrong!"

When Qin Li came back, Zhao Feng came after him.

Before he could say anything about "big things", he saw Qin Li staring at the sand table with an ugly face, and his perspective was facing the Chaoliguan Mountain Range. I miscalculated..."

Zhao Feng said solemnly: "When did they appear here?"

Although Qin Li's way of literati was complete, no matter how perfect the way of literati was, it was impossible to be without some constraints.

The observable range and duration of the way of scribes are linked to the consumption of literary energy, the farther the distance, the longer the time, and the more consumption!As far as Zhao Feng knows, before there is no other means to assist, there is still a limit to the observable range.

As for where the limit is, Qin Li didn't say anything.

So far, this range is sufficient, allowing Qin Li to detect the battlefield and the enemy's camp in the rear.

Zhao Feng looked at the sand table in disbelief.

"When did this group of soldiers and horses appear here?"

The lord and Wu Gong's scouts were monitoring the enemy's movements, and Qin Li was also watching from behind. It was impossible to hide their approach to the Chaoliguan Mountain Range, and they had been discovered long ago.But the reality is that there was no relevant battle report before today.

The vanguard scouts didn't deliver the message, and Gong Su didn't notice either.

Zhao Feng opened his palm, measured the distance between the two armies on the sand table with his thumb and forefinger, roughly estimated the actual data, and frowned: "Some transferred army formations can indeed make people realize the effect of teleportation, but the two places are far apart. It’s too far away, and if you don’t consider the consumption of scribes, even the strongest 【Transferring Flowers and Trees】will need to switch battles a hundred and eighty times in the middle."

Such strong cultural fluctuations cannot escape the surveillance.

This kind of behavior is purely taking off your pants and farting!

Qin Li suddenly remembered something: "There is a way, maybe it can be done. Earlier, Shen Jun and Qiu Wenyan faced each other in Xiaocheng, and sent someone to dig a passage underground to Xiaocheng City. .”

Zhao Feng: "..."

Of course he knew.

She used this trick more than once.

The method is not afraid of old age, it has been tried repeatedly!

If you take the underground road, you can indeed avoid Gongsu's way of literati. After all, Gongsu's way of literati is not afraid of anything else, but is afraid of being blocked.After Zhao Fenglue thought about it, he thought of a question: "Gongsu, no, what to do with so much soil?"

A large amount of soil is difficult to deal with. As long as a scout discovers that Huang Lie's camp is transporting a large amount of soil, Huang Lie's plan will collapse!Maybe the lord will use his tricks and bury them all in the ground.Digging tunnels is harmful, the protagonist is a veteran.

Qin Li raised his eyebrows, leaving a light mark between them, and said, "Da Yi, I wonder if someone is targeting me..."

Wenxin scribes are unwilling to expose the ways of scribes. In addition to keeping a hand to protect themselves, there is also the fact that intelligence is controlled by the enemy, and it is easy to be targeted.At first glance, Qin Li's way of literati is incomprehensible. The enemy's formation, marching route, and dispatch are all under his nose. However, from another perspective, his way of literati is also the easiest to decipher...

One, hide under occluding objects.

Is there any shelter under the sky that is bigger than the earth?

Second, run out of the limit range that he can monitor.

This extreme distance, Qin Li never told others, including the most trusted Zhao Feng, that he wanted to bring the secret into the coffin!
Zhao Feng was shocked and worried.

"This, this is impossible, isn't it?"

Qin Li sighed and said: "The world is so big, there are no surprises. The ways of scholars with a literary heart are even more diverse, and they have everything. No one can guarantee that their ways of scholars will not have natural enemies... I hope that Wu Gong will not be here. The gutter capsized."

He didn't mind Wu Xian's life or death.

But at this juncture, death is not good for the overall situation.

As soon as Wu Xian died, the people who were already fighting hard didn't make a fuss?It is impossible to expect them to fight Huang Lie together as a single rope, and they may even secretly turn against Huang Lie when they see no hope of winning.This group of people may not be able to do this!
After all, nothing is more important than their family continuity, survival and interests!It is not a shame to change the court or something, as long as it is beneficial, today's enemy can also be tomorrow's lord.However, this is only the worst plan.

Zhao Feng was worried: "Indeed, Huang Lie and Zhang He have 30 yuan in their hands, how can the lord carry it alone?"

Of course, he didn't want Wu Xian to live simply because of this.The two have been masters for many years, and in view of this, he also hopes that the other party can live longer.It's just a pity that I don't have the right to go out of the camp without authorization, so I can't save people in time...

Zhao Feng could only pray for the other party from afar.

By the way-

"It's good for Mr. Wu to come here."

If Wu Xian and others didn't go hunting, accidentally found traces, and had an encounter with the enemy, depending on where the enemy appeared, it would take at most three days to penetrate the mountain range.

If the scouts still can't find any traces of the enemy, Huang Lie can lead the main force to attack in front, and this group of smuggled ambushes will surround them from behind, it will be a real enemy.Even if they survived, they could still set fire to the fields and granaries in the rear.

If the food supply is not enough, the troops can only be withdrawn.

If you think about it that way, it's pretty scary.

After Zhao Fenggang finished speaking, he realized that he was gloating at what he said, so he shut up awkwardly and awkwardly, and glanced at Qin Li from the corner of his eye.

Seeing that Qin Li didn't respond, I thought he didn't hear.

Unexpectedly, Qin Li nodded in agreement: "Indeed."

Anyway, there are no outsiders, so what happened to gloating? ——
"If Xiandeng wants to set up a stall someday for fortune-telling, I have to overthrow his stall—" Shen Tang rode a motorcycle, galloping towards the direction of the whistle arrow, "He said that Chaoliguan has not had any storms recently, even if there are twists and turns I was able to save the day, and that’s the end? The enemy didn’t even know when they got to the door! And that Huang Xiguang, who actually stole my old lady’s trick..."

The scouts didn't find the enemy's situation, but an enemy suddenly touched the door of the house. Shen Tang could basically conclude that someone stole the teacher to learn from her.She dug tunnels and dug so many enemies, but she didn't want to be surrounded by people stealing her house one day. This is really a cold joke from hell.

Gongxi Qiu said, "You mean that mustache?"

Still working part-time as a fortune teller?
Shen Tang gritted his teeth secretly: "It's him!"

After Jiang Sheng consummated the way of literati, he borrowed literary energy from her every day, and his hands itched twice a day, and Shen Tang did not stop him for the sake of the overall situation.Only twice, she can afford it!Jiang Sheng is busy with government affairs every day, and anyone who catches him counts as one time...

Two days ago, it was also said that there was a military disaster in Chaoli Pass recently.

Shen Tang looked at him more and more like looking at a magic stick, and complained: [This is about to start a fight, how can there be no military disaster? 】

Check the latest scout battle report, the enemy has not moved much.

Our own side is ready to take the first shot again, and everything is ready.

It's normal for the two sides to fight at this time.

Shen Tang felt sorry for his literary style: 【The result? 】

Jiang Shengdao: [There is a wave of auspiciousness coming from outside the pass, which can withstand part of the military disaster, and the result should be no danger. 】

Shen Tang: 【...Auspicious?A man from heaven? 】

Could it be that there are talents who have cast themselves...

Ah no, turn from darkness to light?
Jiang Sheng shook his head, and looked at Shen Tang with an extremely longing look: [My lord, if you wish, Sheng is willing to divination a few more times, maybe the hexagram can be seen more clearly. 】

Give him one night, and he promises to figure out what auspiciousness is.

Shen Tang was very moved and refused his attention: 【I know you really want it, but don't think about it now.That's enough...]

This is the same as krypton gold card draw more and more addictive.

African chieftains have no idea of ​​their own luck, and always feel that good luck will come next time!Jiang Sheng couldn't control his hands at all in the face of his protagonist's abundant cultural reserves.Once the switch is opened, he will not stop until there is no trace of her spirit left.

The lord refused, Jiang Sheng had no choice but to give up with regret.

Shen Tang: […]

I would rather Jiang Sheng's way of literati was not consummated. Before it was consummated, there was only one piece of literary brick, and after consummation, I wanted to empty it every day.

Xiandeng looked less and less like an aide, more like a magic stick.

She pretended to scratch her head, avoiding Jiang Sheng's longing eyes, and coughed lightly: [Cough, even so, let everyone be on guard, order everyone to be on guard!Ready to go to war anytime! 】

She never expected that the enemy who stole the teacher would also want to steal her home!
The vanguard scouts didn't notice it?

While thinking, Gong Xichou said coldly: "Here we are!"

The Chaoliguan Mountains have complex terrain, high and low, and endless stretches. It is easy for ordinary people to get lost when entering the mountains, let alone find a way to support them.Both Shen Tang and Gong Xiqiu were not ordinary people. They directly used force to climb the mountain in a straight line to a high place, and walked up and down between the peaks. According to the standard of "the shortest distance between two points and one line", the distance was shortened to the maximum and precious time was gained.

"Fuck, where are they?"

After some searching, they found the position where the sentry arrow was lifted into the air.

It's just that when they arrived, there were only messy ruins left in place.

The surroundings are filled with a lot of heterogeneous atmosphere, and there are many people!
Depending on the situation, this group of people under Wu Xian's tent should have concentrated their force on a surprise attack, and the enemy sent a large number of troops to chase and kill them...

"There!" Gong Xiqiu just made a little identification, raised his finger and pointed to two different directions, and suggested, "They have divided their forces, Mama, you are here, I will go there, okay?"

Shen Tang made a decisive decision: "Let's go!"

The two turned into streamers and chased in two directions respectively.

Reinforcements are on their way.

The Chaoliguan Mountain Range has not been this lively for a long time.

At the same time, Wu Xian and his son have different moods.

While being greeted by enemy archers, Wu Xian and others miscalculated the number of these enemies, and the enemy also miscalculated the armed forces around Wu Xian.Wu Xian and the others were not conspicuously dressed, looking like ordinary generals leading people to hunt.

I thought it would be easy to win, but unexpectedly kicked the iron board.

They also asked Wu Xian and the others to seize the opportunity to shoot arrows as a warning!

The enemy at the head stared at the sentry arrow that failed to stop, with dark eyes: 【Take this group of people, they will die! 】

The sentry arrows lifted off, which meant that their position was exposed, and the plan of working hard for more than a month was in vain. Naturally, this revenge must be repaid with the heads of this group of people!It's just that the more we fight, the more frightened we become.How could the strength of this group be ordinary personal guards?

In the melee, Wu Xian, who was protected in the middle and retreated while fighting, saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes, and he thought he had made a mistake.Wanting to take a closer look at who it was, there was a loud shout from the enemy: 【Take them down, it's Wu Zhaode! 】

Wu Xian knew who it was as soon as he heard the voice.

Cursing secretly in my heart——

[Who else could this dog be if it wasn't Zhang Yongqing? 】

As Wu Xian is the leader of the forces, the soldiers under him may not recognize his face, but Zhang Yongqing is definitely familiar with it.

At this moment, Zhang He's face was full of astonishment and shock, as if he didn't expect Wu Xian, who would squat here to hunt!The resentment that the plan was ruined disappeared and was replaced by endless ecstasy: [Cut off Wu Zhaode's head, there will be rewards! 】

Wu Xian: […]

If it weren't for the lack of people around him, he would definitely kill Zhang He in front of this ugly monster and slap him a few times!
Who wants to cut off his head?
However, Zhang He's people keep coming out one after another. At a rough estimate, they are all elites, and the generals are not bad. Although they are not as strong as the six generals under his tent, Wu Xian didn't bring any of them with him when he went hunting today. ...

For a moment, Wu Xian's heart felt a little cold.

He knew that he had encountered an elite ambush.

Wu Xian fled in front, and the pursuers chased after him.

The accompanying generals stalled behind.

They must return to their own camp as soon as possible, as long as they can join up with the soldiers and horses who saw the movement and came to support them, they will be safe.They were not the only ones who knew how to make this abacus. Zhang He knew better than them. While chasing, he ordered people to use words to interfere with their escape direction.This also led to the fact that even if someone was cut off, it was still impossible to keep a safe distance, and people on their side continued to be injured.According to this situation, the situation is not good for them!
At this time, Wu Xian made a decision.

He wants to divide the army into two groups.

Protect him all the way, protect the second son all the way.

It was the first time that the second son felt that death was so close to him. After the initial panic, he quickly calmed down.The young man was still able to calm down the earthquake, but when he turned his head, he heard Wu Xian's decision to divide the troops, and met those familiar eyes.

【...Ah, father...】

His voice trembled with a little fear.

The second son never thought that he would be abandoned by his biological father.

Time was running out, Wu Xian failed to notice the unwillingness and hatred that flashed in his son's eyes, and hastily told him: [You and my father and son, resign yourself to fate.If something happens to your father, you must help your elder brother to stabilize the family business—]

Zhang Yongqing recognized him.

Father and son divide their forces, the second child is safer.

When the Second Young Master came back to his senses, he only had time to see the familiar figure disappear into the distance, and he fled in the opposite direction under the protection of Wu Xian's confidant.Knowing Wu Xian's division of troops, Zhang He laughed and ridiculed: [Hehe, neither father nor son can run away! 】

Just before the battle, Zhang Heyou heard someone calling the young man next to Wu Xian "Second Young Master". That young man also has many similarities with Wu Xian in appearance, so he must be father and son.If the father and son can be sacrificed to the flag, the morale of Chaoliguan will be severely damaged.

It can more or less make up for the loss of the failure of the plan.

It is said that Wu Xian's eldest son is not able to support the wall. Once Wu Xian and his son both die, Wu Xian's eldest son will not be able to hold down the old man, and the power of Tianhai will definitely fall apart.And with Tianhai's pissing nature, it would not be easy for Shen Youli to nibble at them.Oh, it's lively!

Zhang He rolled his eyes around, thinking of something.

He pinched his fingers with his right hand, and sent a letter to those who sent troops to chase after the Second Young Master, asking people to follow the contents of the letter...

Murder, kill heart!

【Second Young Master, there is no way out! 】

 "Song Tan Ji Shi", a song of thorns.

  Introduction: After Xiuxian came back, I went back to my hometown to live broadcast farming!
  PS: If you like farming articles, you can poke it. It’s the first anniversary of Thorn’s book. Time flies so fast.

  PS: My Wandering Earth was stolen around stupidly assembled, and No. 7 was stolen. The elevator in the Xianggu District is not monitored, and the other party is still facing away from the courier, and then walks backwards.In order to catch her, I can only judge from the vegetable basket backpack that the other party is carrying, she just came back from get off work, and found her car along the way... I can basically lock the target, but I'm still angry, my stupid!

(End of this chapter)

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