stand back, let me come

Chapter 828 Chapter 828: The Death of Zhang He 【Ask for a monthly ticket】

Chapter 828 Chapter 828: The Death of Zhang He 【Ask for a monthly ticket】


There was a slight crisp sound.

The literary scholar next to Zhang He spit out a mouthful of blood.

The illusion shattered, and the war-filled battlefield was replaced by a messy wilderness.The moment Zhang He escaped from the illusion, his eyes were about to burst, and his chest heaved with anger.Because the first thing he saw was a familiar head cut off by a sickle.

The latter's eyes that have not been closed are full of reluctance.

As if to say——

[My lord, run! 】

The body of the scribe who lost his head was stepped on by Shen Tang in a posture facing the ground.The latter holds a huge scythe as tall as a man in his right hand!She used this sickle to behead the scribes!His expression was full of indifference.

Just at this time——

The hot night wind brought a stronger smell of blood.

They rushed into Zhang He's nasal cavity, causing a physiological spasm of the throat.At his feet, lay dead corpses in disorder.Judging from the traces of struggle left beside the corpses, they died very abruptly.

Zhang He was able to break free from [One Leaf Obstacle], all because of the scholar's burning literary heart, otherwise Zhang He would only know that he had never escaped from the beginning to the end until the moment of death.He squatted down and picked up the head, and wiped the blood on the other's face with his sleeve.

After finishing these, he slapped the scribe on the face again.

Zhang He's throat overflowed with a smirk.

"Shen Youli, you won."

It's not that he doesn't want to run away, but he knows better that he can't run away - how can a hare running wildly in the wilderness avoid a falcon that is targeting it?Although he has the heart to kick an eagle, he has no power to push an eagle.Instead of struggling to be seen as a joke, it is better to accept it calmly.

Shen Tang's gaze was still calm, neither sad nor happy.

Zhang He looked down at the head with closed eyes in his arms, and scanned the corpses all over the ground. His heart was desolate and painful, and his face twitched unnaturally: "However, do you think you are the final winner? You! No! Yes! You will follow in my footsteps soon... Hahahaha, we are all Gu worms in a pot, even if we win a Gu king, it is just a tool in the hands of others. Shen Jun, Shen Youli, you are the same."

Shen Tang looked coldly at Zhang Yongqing who was speaking incoherently and confusedly, and said in a low voice, "What do you mean by that?"

What the hell is the "other person" in Zhang He's mouth?

"Shen Jun is also curious?" Zhang He put his head down carefully - if he closed his eyes and didn't look at the appearance of the two of them at this moment, just listening to their conversation, he would think it was an ordinary chat - he bent down and picked up someone's saber, staggered up, looked up at Shen Tang who seemed unconscious, and a sense of malice arose in his heart.

"It means that the closer you are to success, the worse you will fall. You and I are just Gu worms fighting each other, who is more proud than the other? Huang Lie is the same!" He raised his hand and put the long sword across his neck, and laughed maniacally, "There are some truths that Shen Jun will be kept in the dark until he dies. Although Zhang has a short life, he is destined to die here today, but at least he can be an understanding ghost."

After finishing speaking, Zhang He swiped his long sword hard towards the neck.

With the blood splattering, he was also unable to support his body, and his legs softened and he fell to his knees.Suicide is not an easy way to die, especially for someone like Zhang He.Before death really comes, one has to endure extremely painful suffocation.

Shen Tang stepped forward and took a look.

Facing Zhang He's not-so-big black eyes, there was a hint of pleading in them—not begging Shen Tang to save him, but begging Shen Tang to help him and give him a good time.His lips were like a fish landing on the shore, murmuring silently, unable to utter a word.

Shen Tang showed great kindness and helped him.

"This guy doesn't have a national seal?"

Shen Tang took Zhang He's head and raised his hand to touch him all over, but he didn't feel the existence of Guoxi, but touched a piece of blackened cowhide in his arms.The cowhide was placed close to the heart, curiosity prompted Shen Tang to open it.There is nothing dangerous about this thing, there is only a piece of silk inside.

She shook the silk cloth open.

By the moonlight, I can clearly see a pattern drawn in ink, with a narrow circle on the outside and three identical fan shapes inside the circle, which at first glance looks like a clover.In addition to this pattern, the whole silk cloth also has a strange address.

"Which family pattern is this?"

Whose family pattern uses such an unlucky pattern?
Shen Tang put away the silk cloth and rushed towards Chaoli Pass with Zhang He's head in hand. Huang Lie led his troops to besiege. It is not known how long Wei Shou and others can last.As for Gong Xiqiu, Shen Tang asked Jade Bird to send him a letter, asking him to break out and join up as soon as possible.
"I saw the lord and the second son!"

Wu Xian's confidant generals led troops to help.

Finally, near the foot of the Chaoliguan Mountain Range, they ran into Wu Xian and his son who were in a state of distress. Their confidant generals dismounted to greet them, their eyes flushed with excitement, "My lord, it's too late to save you."

With the help of the not-so-bright moonlight, Wu Xian saw clearly the identity of the person who came, his tense heartstrings were finally relaxed, and a sense of happiness that he had escaped from the sky spontaneously arose.Enduring the pain, he struggled to help the general: "How many soldiers and horses did you bring?"

The general answered truthfully.

He thought that Wu Xian was worried about not having enough troops, so he immediately issued a military order: "There are not many troops, but the general will swear to protect the safety of the lord! He will never let the lord and the second son be in danger again! My lord, the second son, please get on the horse quickly."

Wu Xian said: "Lead your troops to the mountains."

He still misses Shen Tang now.

Zhang He brought too many elites, Wu Xian didn't know how many heavy shield fighters there were, and was worried that Shen Tang would capsize in the gutter.Even if Gong Xichou came to support later, as an ally, he should put on a show and express his attitude so as not to leave any talk.

The confidant general looked at the direction of the mountains, and then at Wu Xian.

Wu Xian said: "I'm fine, you just do it."

The confidant general immediately took the order with his fists in his arms: "Wei!"

There are not a few generals who came out to rescue this time, even if he is not in charge, the lord will not be in danger.After being safe, Wu Xian looked at his silent second son and sorted out the loss. He couldn't help crying, and his heart was full of regret.

"Father, it's my son's fault!"

The second son finally came back to his senses.

With a plop, he knelt down in front of Wu Xian, who was dealing with the wound, and kowtowed heavily without waiting for everyone's reaction.After two knocks, his head was covered with blood, and the left and right were so frightened that they hurried forward to help.

"Second Young Master, what is this for?"

As a father, Wu Xian didn't intend to speak.

The second son burst into tears and said: "This time it's all my son's fault. If it wasn't for my son's insistence on hunting in the mountains, my father wouldn't have lost so many right-hand men. It's all because of my son's ignorance and harm. Father, please punish my son..."

His injury was the lightest of all.

At this moment, there was a commotion, and neither of the two big men could hold it back.

The second young master made two thuds again, the muffled sound and the blood dripping from his forehead made everyone feel distressed.

"Father and skin, it's my parents! The second son is so uncaring, did you ever think that the lord will feel sorry for you?" A general saw that the second son was about to knock his head to death, and hurried forward to stop him, restrained the second son, and then pleaded with Wu Xian, "My lord, this happened suddenly because of the enemy's cunning and viciousness. How can the second son be blamed? Please persuade him!"

"Yeah, don't make a fuss about it."

One by one, the generals stepped forward to intercede.

Hearing their consolation, the Second Young Master wept bitterly, his mouth was still full of self-loathing, his father still had no intention of forgiving.The second young master was heartbroken, rushed forward, and suddenly grabbed the saber from one of them.The brush was pulled out and prepared to commit suicide, apologizing with death.

Don't think his strength is not enough in front of the old seniors, but his explosive agility caught everyone by surprise.When he successfully grabbed the knife, there was already a bloodstain on the second young master's neck.The skin was ripped open, and the blood was gurgling.

good guy-

If this is slower, people's lives will be lost!
Wu Xian raised his hand and shattered the boulder beside him. The loud sound of the shattering of the stone frightened everyone so that they dared not make a sound. The second son, who was about to die, was also photographed by his father's murderous eyes, and he was so frightened that he turned into a quail.Seeing the messy scene, Wu Xian stepped forward and slapped his son.

He still couldn't understand his hatred after doing so, and kicked him.

"Who are you looking for to see?"

"How many people saved your life?"

"I don't want to be angry and avenge them, but to quarrel here. If they know that they saved a coward like you, they will not be able to rest in peace! You bastard, are you still my son of Wu Zhaode? Are you!"

As he spoke, Wu Xian himself broke down and wept.

Holding his son and crying loudly.

Non-vegetation, ruthless Practice makes perfect?
Most of the people who died this time were single-handedly picked up by him, and he poured countless efforts into it.The two parties have been together for many years, and their relationship is deep, and it was completely broken tonight.It is impossible for Wu Xian not to be sad or sad, but he can't show it, he can only suppress his emotions.It was his son who was pure and kind-hearted, which comforted his battered heart a little.

In the eyes of outsiders, Wu Xian cried because he was afraid of hurting his son, but he didn't know that he was crying for his right hand.

The negative emotions that had been accumulated for a long time finally found an outlet.

Wu Xian wiped away his tears and regained his composure.

Just after the wound was bandaged, an urgent report came.


The messenger soldiers whose facial features were blackened by soot came galloping on their horses. Seeing this scene, Wu Xian's heart skipped a beat subconsciously.

He said, "What's the matter?"

In addition to soot and blood, the messenger soldier's body was still bleeding from several large wounds.It is not difficult to see that he passed the urgent report here after going through a bloody battle.The messenger soldier panted and said: " lord, the camp has been attacked!"

Wu Xian grabbed the clothes on his knees tightly.

Asked with a dark face: "How many enemies?"

If there are not many soldiers and horses, the camp can still handle it.But the number given by the messenger soldier made him feel like falling into an ice cellar, and his heart felt cold. He glanced at the people protecting him with red eyes.All these people are here, how can the camp block so many people?

At first there were only 3 enemy soldiers, but as the defense of the camp was breached, reinforcements continued to arrive. By the time the messenger soldiers risked their lives to break through, the number had increased to 3.It is said to be [-] people, and most of them are refugees with hoes and sticks.

Even though they are not very lethal individually, if there are too many locusts gathered together, they can also cause staggering losses.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wu Xian spat out a mouthful of blood.He was seriously injured, and he just tried to suppress it with force, but the news brought back by the messenger soldier was too great, which made him feel ups and downs.Counterattack from internal injuries, this is the only way to spurt blood in public!

Before Wu Xian fell down, he was supported by someone. His eyes were red, and he spat out two words with all his strength: "Return!"

Use the fastest speed to return to camp for support.

Wu Xian's camp.

It was shrouded in thick fog that could not be seen.

The vision is blocked, and I can't see anything, but I can still hear the screams and screams here and there, and there are gusts of wind and waves of air from time to time.If it was an ordinary fog, it would have been cleaned up long ago, but this thick fog is weird.

It has just been blown away and new ones are coming.

Continuously, very strange.

Ordinary people were already in a hurry when they were in it, but the soldiers under Wu Xian felt at ease, because they knew that it was the military adviser Qin Li who made the move.His way of literati was born for the battlefield, and he has led them to countless victories in the past few years!

Sure enough, with the introduction of Qin Li's way of literati, Wu Xian's battalion, which had been defeated by night raids, quickly stabilized its position, and the casualties gradually decreased.They followed Qin Li's instructions to move and rendezvous, and the five formed a unit.

With both offense and defense, he is not a lamb to be slaughtered.

It's just that there are Wenxin scribes on the enemy's side, and the latter seems to have found Qin Li's weakness. The two fought, and the thick fog that stretched out his hands disappeared for a short time.But soon, the thick fog returned.The soldiers didn't know what happened, and Qin Li was also puzzled.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his fingers.

He murmured, "Is this going to be withdrawn?"

Outsiders might misunderstand that it was Qin Li or someone else who defeated the enemy scribes, but Qin Li himself knew very well that the opponent had taken the initiative to stop, and the stop was very abrupt.However, no matter what the other party's calculations are, it will always be beneficial to one's own side.

Qin Li withdrew his thoughts and concentrated on commanding the battlefield.

"I don't know what's going on at Chaoli Pass..."

Wu Xian was ambushed while hunting, and was attacked by the enemy right after his camp. No one would believe what happened without premeditation.In such a big game of chess, the goal cannot be just Wu Zhaode's forces, and the ultimate goal is Chaoli Pass.

Even if you think about it with your feet, you know that Chaoli Pass must be besieged by heavy troops.

"Shen Jun, I just hope that this test can be passed safely..." Qin Li murmured in his heart.They are also unable to protect themselves now, and they have no spare energy to rush to the Chaoli Pass.But he also knew that if he could win this battle, Huang Liezhi would not be far away from dying.

There is no other way but to pray.

For ordinary people, this is an extremely ordinary night, but for the Northwest Continent, it is destined to be an important turning point in changing the wars that have lasted for hundreds of years.Wei Shou and Chu Jie joined forces to meet the enemy. Behind them, Chu Wuhui looked calmly at the army approaching below the city, his brows furrowed, as if hesitating.

Ning Yan restrained her murderous aura: "Is there a problem?"

"Huang Xiguang doesn't seem to be in the Chinese army."

Ning Yan was startled: "Not here?"

This is obviously impossible.

Judging by the size of the enemy soldiers under the city, they definitely came out in full force. How could Huang Lie, as the leader of the faction, not be there to sit in charge?
Chu Yao said: "I didn't sense the national seal."

Because the lord is also an important combat force, it is not safe to take the national seal to kill the enemy all day long, so he entrusted the national seal to Chu Yao for safekeeping.As the temporary holder of the Great Seal, he didn't feel that there was another Great Seal under the city, which was not right.

How could Huang Lie not come?

In other words, if he came, where is the Imperial Seal?
  The pattern in this chapter is a clue, the description should be very clear, you can draw it to see what it is, hehe.

(End of this chapter)

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