stand back, let me come

Chapter 902 Chapter 902: Queen Dowager [Asking for monthly votes]

Chapter 902 Chapter 902: Queen Dowager [Asking for monthly votes]

Gu Chi: […]

Listening to other people's voices, and then hearing the voices of my own lord, it was really disconnected.Everyone else is thinking about how to plan for their own side, using the connections and resources of the Society of Gods to attack their opponents and win the fight. Only the Lord is thinking about how to work overtime to get involved.

Extend your sinful little hands to the Gods.

When I think about holding court meetings anytime and anywhere in the future, even if I am transferred to a local office, I still have to clock in and communicate with my boss every day.If things are done well, you can get a few smiles, but if things are done poorly, you will have to listen to her yelling and cursing.

Gu Chi's already unhealthy complexion became even more sickly.

The feeling of being weak and broken, as if he was about to hold his breath in the next second, made people feel pity for him. Even strangers couldn't be hard-hearted and secretly broke into a cold sweat for him.Luan Xin, who was beside him, put his hands in his sleeves and noticed something strange about Gu Chi from the corner of his eye.

Luan Xin didn't like Gu Chi's kindness, but he also didn't want Gu Chi to kick his legs during the Chinese New Year. It was really unlucky: "What's wrong with you?"

Gu Chi covered his cough with his sleeve.

Whisper: "The future is as dark as life is hopeless."

Luan Xin didn't know what nonsense he was talking about. He was only sure of one thing - Gu Chi was not feeling cold, so he withdrew his peripheral vision and continued to observe his surroundings attentively.Although he didn't know where this place was, he was certain that this space was void, and the hundreds of figures he saw were all illusions.Judging from the attire of the shadows, the seasons, customs, culture and even politics of their respective regions are different, and their accents also prove this.

These people actually come from different regions of the mainland!

How did the Gods do it?
Let people from different places all over the world appear together at the same time?Even if it is not the real person but a phantom, this method can be called miraculous!Luan Xin noticed that many people had uncontrollable surprise and greed on their faces.

How powerful is this method?

It allows the Royal Court to control information from various places at any time, suppress any local abnormality as soon as possible, and deliver Royal Court orders to every corner as quickly as possible.Throughout the ages, which person in power has not been troubled by the problem of "the sky is high and the emperor is far away"?If you can control local forces, you can greatly consolidate your dominance.Come to think of it, no high-ranking person can refuse this temptation.

About half an hour passed.

The twelve chamber members finished their speeches one by one.

After that, it became the home ground of the main clubs and auxiliary clubs of various places.

Compared with the drowsy speeches made by the members of the internal committee, the "year-end reports" of these main publishers and subsidiaries are actually refreshing, because these seemingly short contents contain bloodless smoke and interests in every word. entanglement.Either this force will fall, or that force will rise.I dare not say everything, but [-]% of them are achievements they can show off.

Pray for good, close your eyes and rest your mind, cross your hands and place them on your lower abdomen.It seems that the mind is far away from the world, but actually it has these contents in mind.

My lord has the ambition to dominate the world, and this corner of the northwest is not her, let alone their ultimate goal.They need to accurately understand the information trends of other forces in the mainland. External information channels are not accurate and there is a lag. The Gods Association has first-hand accurate information.Know thyself, ever-victorious!

"...The leader of the southeast branch, Yu Hai, whose courtesy name is Guilong, has met all of you friends." The young man's voice was extremely ethereal, and it aroused a thin itching sensation in his ears. He has a peerless voice!
Just hearing the sound makes people feel good about it.

She couldn't help but follow the sound and looked over - their shadows were not on the same plane, but seemed to be inside a sphere. Shen Tang only had to raise his head slightly to see the people from the Southeast Branch - relying on the skills of both civil and military practitioners She has good eyesight and can clearly see the appearance of young people.The young man was dressed as a scribe, and the color of his clothes was light. But judging from the texture of the material, he was a low-key yet luxurious wealthy man. He wore a pure white mask on his face. At first glance, one might have thought that he had come to some mourning hall to pay his respects.


"Whose parents were killed for naming their children..." Gui Long is grand, and Hai is also a good word, but he can't stand the surname metaphor.

Although Shen Tang's voice was very low, and other club members also communicated in low voices, the people present were all literary scholars/valiant warriors, and her words almost made many people stunned.Seeing that it was the northwest branch area and standing next to the deputy branch, they guessed Shen Tang's identity even though Shen Tang was wearing a mask——

One of the mad dogs under "Evil Plot".

They did not have a direct conflict and simply pretended to be deaf and dumb.

The "killed" young man also looked over.

Qi Shan nodded slightly at him.

The eyes of the "murdered" young man under the mask were calm.

Later, Shen Tang also heard other people's discussions about the "murdered" young man.This person is the main publisher who has appeared in the past two years. There are rumors that the previous main publisher was assassinated by him.Now he is assisting a very young country: "It seems to be Qu Country?"

There was a lot of discussion among the phantoms in various areas.

"It sounds like another 'evil plot'."

"Indeed, some experiences are very similar..."

"Yu Guilong's reputation is much better than that of 'Evil Plot'."

These comments poured into Shen Tang's ears one after another. She was very unconvinced. If you can reach the position of branch leader in the Society of Gods, what's the use of having a good reputation?This only proves that this person is more secretive in his actions and is better at managing his reputation to the outside world...

Although praying for good is an "evil plan", how could it have happened if the previous seven protagonists were not incompetent and suspicious, and refused to trust their sincerity?Yuan Liang sincerely assists his lord every time!
Shen Tang felt indignant.

As a result, I no longer have a good impression of the "murdered" young man.

She glared at Yu Guilong, but this time her attention was not on Yu Hai, but on the tall black-clothed warrior beside Yu Hai.This warrior has a restrained aura, standing behind Yu Hai with his hands folded across his chest. A pair of golden armbands clearly outline his wrists. His long hair is tied up with a pearl-white rope, and he wears a terrifying grimace on his face. mask.

At first glance, he looks like an insignificant guard.

But it vaguely gave her an indescribable sense of familiarity.

When Shen Tang looked at him, he just turned his head and retracted his intimidating eyes, which were a pair of peach blossom eyes with a natural smile.This person's aura and stature are that of an adult, but there is always a bit of youthful spirit mixed in, contradictory yet harmonious.

The warrior in black murmured in a low voice: "Evil plot?"

The people from the Southeast Branch reminded: "Pray for Yuanliang."

The voice of the warrior in black was a bit strange: "Pray for good?"

The person from the Southeast Branch added: "This is the identity to the outside world, but there is a rumor circulating within the branch that he was not called by this name originally, and now his identity has been stolen. Who is the real name? I am afraid only his henchmen know it. .”

The infamy of evil plots extends beyond regicide.

The warrior in black glanced at the direction of the northwest branch again.

The tone was unpredictable: "Oh, that's it."

At the same time, Shen Tang also remembered an old friend.

[Are these eyes those of Zhai Xiaofang? 】The two have very similar atmospheres. Zhai Le also said that his hometown is in a place called Qudian, but Qudian is in the State of Shen rather than the State of Qu.Could it be that after Zhai Le returned, his nationality changed again?
Shen Tang was not sure and made no additional moves.

Regardless of whether the warrior in black is his childhood friend Zhai Le, the two have been separated for many years, and things have changed. It is difficult to say that the other person's character is still the same as before.She still remembered that Zhai Le was very attached to his cousin Zhai Huan and was not prepared to help anyone except Zhai Huan.

With Zhai Le's relatively simple mind, it is impossible for him to come to the Gods Society to wade through troubled waters, but his cousin Zhai Huan is not here. Zhai Huan is not afraid that his cousin will be sold by the Gods Society and pay for it?unless--

This "murdered" young man was Zhai Huan's vest.

It's not impossible.

Just when she was reminiscing about the past, she heard her own name in her ears, which was not a good thing.

"...I heard that a small country named Kang emerged in the northwest region. The leader of the country is surnamed Shen, named Tang, and given the name Youli. She is a daughter in both civil and military cultivation. Since she appeared, many women in the territory have also been able to practice inexplicably. I don't know what you guys think. What do you think of this?"

The "murdered" young man and the warrior in black also looked over.

The shadows were in an uproar, and the movement increased from small to large, shaking the sky and the earth.

Except for the nearby areas, other places have not received this news, which is like throwing a bomb into the crowd!
"Sichen the hen, the beginning of heresy."

"Since it is a small country, it is better to get rid of it!"

Some insiders also joined the discussion and sneered: "What a small country in the northwest? Although I can't stand the arrogance and domineering person surnamed Shen, but they are serious about dominating one country. Our place is not as prosperous as yours, and there is nothing else but a vast territory!"

Talking about a small country?

She is almost the one who speaks in the Northwest!

When the man surnamed Shen was still weak, he dared to lead his troops deep into Shiwu and cause an uproar. So far, Shiwu has split into more than 30 fragments, and they are fighting among themselves, and the more they fight, the more fierce they become.I'm afraid that if the son of destiny comes to this world, his body will be divided into more than 30 pieces, and his troops will be divided into more than 30 ways, there is no way he can reunite Shiwu.

This woman is so vicious!Of course, the evil conspiracy is now operating under her account. It should be the evil conspiracy again.In their hearts, they were unwilling to admit that Shen Tang was really talented. According to some reports, the person named Shen didn't look very smart.

Qishan said: "What do you think? If your waist doesn't hurt, just stand and watch. If your back hurts, just sit and watch. If your butt hurts, you can lie down and watch. Northwest Kang Country is within the territory of our branch. Please don't stretch your hands too far. If you are envious , allowing well-established women of the right age to disguise themselves and enter the country. Qi will turn a blind eye because of the reputation of his colleagues."

That’s what I said——

But if you're caught as a spy, you'll still have to die.

Qi Shan’s words successfully silenced many people.

No one wants to offend the evil plotter who secretly manipulates the puppet king at this juncture. They still have a piece of shit on their side that they haven’t wiped clean.What surprised Shen Tang was that, with such a good opportunity to start a fight, Wu Yuan, the representative of Beimo, did not join in to speak.

Naturally, Wu Yuanliang didn’t discover this.

It's just that he still needs Shen Tang now.

Compared to Shiwu, who was arrogant and arrogant, was serially deceived by Zheng Qiao, and was defeated by Shen Tang in one battle, Beimo was better at plotting and causing mischief in secret.They are waiting for the perfect time!Anyway, we have been planning for many years, and we don’t care if it takes another two or three years.

People who were scolded by Qi Shan could not keep their face.

Just as he was about to retort, Yu Hai from the Southeast Branch suddenly intervened: "So there have been examples of women being able to practice? This makes Yu feel relieved."

The man subconsciously asked, "What do you mean?"

Yu Hai said in a very ordinary tone: "My lord only has two daughters, and the children are not fertile. The mistress is too weak to have children. A year ago, he overcame everyone's opinions and appointed the second queen Ji as the queen's daughter-in-law. In order to ensure that the queen's wife When a daughter succeeds to the throne, a palace for the crown prince will be established."

The Crown Princess is naturally her counterpart to the Crown Prince.

The so-called Princess's Mansion is equivalent to a small imperial court.Under normal circumstances, the old king is awesome, and this team can directly and seamlessly connect.In other words, the officials of the Princess's Mansion are also official.In order to reduce the opposition from the aristocratic families in the territory, including clans, many of the female officers in the Tainu Mansion were selected from within the aristocratic families.

Give them benefits and they will not be in trouble anymore.

It is a definite fact that women cannot practice cultivation.They also firmly believe that the king of the country cannot have only one woman in his life. As long as he has second, third, and fourth... women, these women will naturally give birth to heirs for him.These heirs can't all be daughters, there must be a son, right?At that time, the courtiers will unite again and submit a report to abolish the queen's daughter and establish the king's prince.

In the past, it was not without a sudden thought that the crown princess was appointed as the head of the country, but this was just for fun. No palace was established, and female officials were not promoted to increase political chips. The younger brother was defeated.

No matter how many times I calculated, I didn’t expect——

The Princess's Mansion was established, and everything was on the right track. The king tried his best to increase the leverage for his daughter, win over a group of aristocratic families, and beat a group of aristocratic families. At each court meeting, he did not forget to use subtle ways to get more official positions for the Princess's Mansion. Ten times in total. Successful once or twice.

One day, there was a bolt from the blue.

News spread from the Princess's Mansion that there is a female official who can store the energy of heaven and earth.The reason why women cannot practice cultivation is that they cannot retain the energy of heaven and earth. Being able to store it means that they can open up the alchemy palace.The officials of Qu State were shocked by the news.

If it were anyone else, they would definitely kill him.

But the Queen Mother has the qualifications to practice.

Can the king allow them to report the death of the queen concubine?

I'm afraid if I don't speak out with my front foot, blood will be splashed in the court.

The king of the country did it himself.

The most powerful people in the court were all the confidants left behind by the previous king. News that should have caused an uproar was suppressed. Some old ministers privately murmured that Qu Guo's reign was not going to last long.If the king of the country is allowed to make a fuss, he doesn't believe that the queen can really survive until she successfully succeeds to the throne, squatting on their heads and peeing on their heads.

Never thought--

Qu Guo is actually not the first one!
With Yu Hai speaking out, the commotion in Xuying became louder again.

"Ahem, cough, cough - this, it seems we have the same here -" The Southwest branch, which has always had no sense of presence, also hesitated and hesitated to speak.A few months ago, a legendary Queen Ji was born in the Southwest Continent. She launched a coup and ascended to the throne over her father and brother. No one knows where her national seal came from or why she has sixteen high-ranking officials. Help each other.

In short, there is a female literary scholar beside her.

I heard that they came from the Northwest Continent.

Although there are no local women who can practice cultivation yet, judging from the current trend, it will be a matter of time.

Qi Shan and others were a little shocked, but mostly relieved. A tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind, and it is not a good thing to stand alone.Now it's not the only thing, it's a good thing.

  I know that some readers don’t like the existence of the Society of Gods and find it awkward. Alas, this is just a matter of Shiitake’s writing power.
  (Actually, there were also details before. The timeline of this article is the timeline after the doomsday caused by the radiation of war. New civilization sprouted again on the corpse of the old civilization. As for why everyone knows the doomsday. The gods will be the old and the new. The connection point of quasi-civilization, or it is the tombstone of old civilization).

  The current Gods Association is regarded as a talent platform trying to monopolize, and it belongs to the background?The real fight is between the members who have their own agendas.

(End of this chapter)

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