stand back, let me come

Chapter 905 905: Dr. Dong regains the second spring in his life [please vote]

Chapter 905 905: Dr. Dong regains his second spring in life [Please vote]

It's late at night and people are quiet. It's past the third quarter of Haizheng.

The New Year is less than a quarter of an hour away.

This house covers an extremely large area. The house is brightly lit with lights and jewels, which shows that the owner has strong financial resources.The former main club had no time to appreciate it, so he ducked into the rockery. The entrance was narrow and could only allow one person to pass through. The place was remote and quiet, and the sound of silk and bamboo orchestral music coming from the banquet hall changed from clear to blurry.

He prepared to leave through the weakly guarded side door.

When he reached the depths of the rockery, he stopped as if feeling something. His right hand in his sleeve quietly pressed the hilt of his sword, and his eyes kept moving left and right, showing high vigilance.After a few more breaths, and seeing no movement around him, he hesitantly let go of his hand: "Am I suspicious?"

"Didn't the host just say that he needed to go to the bathroom? Why are you here? Could it be that you're not familiar with the place and you got lost?"

A smile that was not his own penetrated his eardrums.

The tone was smiling, but without warmth.

The former host felt chills all over his body. He suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the voice. He saw a young man sitting in a lazy posture on the rockery that should have been empty.The young man has eyes that are too round and childish compared to men, which makes his appearance more youthful.Wearing a pure black scholar's shirt, it almost blended into the night, making her skin color extremely white.He was not any of the attendees at the table!
How did the stranger get in?

No, he is not a stranger.

The former main publisher guessed: "Qi Yuanliang?"

The young man said calmly: "The boss has great eyesight!"

As soon as the former hostess heard this, he turned around and ran away. It wasn't that he didn't want to use the word spirit, but that when he wanted to use it just now, he found that someone had tampered with him nearby and he couldn't use it.He couldn't use it, and neither could the young man. Both sides were evenly matched...

My thigh suddenly hurt.

A sword blade penetrated the hem of his clothes from back to front.

The back of the neck was pinched by a large, cold hand.

There was a muffled sound.

Half of his cheek hit the rugged and cold rockery wall.

Ignoring the sting on his face, he shouted angrily: "Qi Yuanliang, don't be too arrogant! If you kill me now, do you think those people outside are stupid? Can they not guess that it was you? ? You have obtained the position of the head club that you want, why are you still dissatisfied? What benefit does it bring to you to kill them all?"

The young man came close to his ear, his breath was lower than that of a normal person, and his smile was a bit ferocious: "Master Club, this is not called 'killing them all', this is called 'eliminating future troubles forever', 'eliminating the roots'!" It’s my fault that you are too arrogant!”

The former hostess gritted his teeth and growled a threat.

"Aren't you afraid that your family members will be slaughtered?"

He couldn't see the playful color in the eyes of the young man behind him.

"My relatives?"

The former hostess felt more confident and said sternly: "Pei Cheng, if you kill me today, tomorrow I will be waiting to collect the bodies of your entire Pei family, including the whole family of your married sisters!"

This Pei Cheng is Qi Yuanliang’s true identity.

He was born in the market, his biological father was a villain, and his biological mother made a living by harvesting waste. There were six sisters and brothers in the family, but Pei Cheng was the only one who stood out. Because of his outstanding qualifications, he was bought by a wealthy family as a book boy.He just doesn't change his evil deeds in his heart and steals the identity of "Prayer for Good" to make up for his shortcomings.At that time, the Qi family was in decline and the population was declining. "Qi Shan" was exiled for killing his classmates.

It happened to be the perfect opportunity for Pei Cheng to take action.

No one knows that he replaced "Pray for Good".

With Qi's current situation, it is difficult to discover the truth, and even if the truth is discovered, "Qi Shan" cannot be redressed.

Pei Cheng could hide it from outsiders, but he couldn't hide it from the Assembly of Gods.He was thoroughly investigated on the first day he joined, but the gods only looked at his ability and not his background.According to internal rules, member information is top secret, and only the main club can see the entire content.

"...You are indeed cautious, but there is no impermeable wall in the world. In order to support the Pei family's parents, sisters and brothers, you transferred a sum of money to more than a dozen hands. How painstakingly you worked, but you can't stand up to your incompetent father's loose mouth... Ha, no Thinking of the cold-blooded 'evil conspiracy', it actually has a weakness and is well hidden. You might as well guess where they are now? That is a place you will never find, you..."

Before he could finish the rest of his words, he felt a stinging pain in his throat.

Blood flowed down the wound and wet the young man's right hand.

He stroked horizontally with indifferent eyes.

The former host clutched his neck in pain and fell to the ground. The difficulty in breathing made his face quickly turn the color of pig liver. He scratched the ground with his other hand and kept trying to escape.The young man was compassionate and drew his sword to pierce his heart. The sword's edge broke through the vital point, allowing the former host to be completely freed.

The young man ignored the pool of blood at his feet and sat next to the body of the former host, chatting: "I heard people say that the last thing that disappears is hearing, so even though you are dead, you can still hear my voice. I What I want to tell you is——"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

A familiar coughing sound came from behind.

The young man turned his head and looked at the sneaky Shen Tang.

"The villain dies because he talks too much. Some secrets should not be told even if it is a corpse. Who knows if they will use the corpse to bring back the soul?" Many stories are based on this routine. The villain talks too much. After the protagonist is reborn, he will take the opportunity to seek revenge against the villain. .

The young man lowered his eyes: "Then you will die in peace?"

Shen Tang looked at the corpse: "It's rare for a ghost to be confused."

The young man returned the sword to its scabbard.

Standing up, he bent down and grabbed the collar of the former hostess.

Shen Tang was leaning against the stone wall and staring at the young man's face carefully.

She smiled and teased: "Yuanliang, I found that you are quite good at pinching faces. Every face is very recognizable."

The young man obviously didn't want to talk to Shen Tang, but Shen Tang could just talk to him: "When did you call yourself 'Pei Cheng' again? Do the gods still misunderstand that Pei Cheng is your true identity?"

The young man, that is, Qishan, could not withstand her harassment.

He opened his mouth to explain: "Besides Pei Cheng, there are more than a dozen people with similar identities, and they are all in my hands... Hehe. There are only old, weak, sick and disabled people left in the Qi family, so we can't let anyone target them. To ensure nothing is lost, naturally we must Arrange a few scapegoats to serve as backup."

No matter how much the outside world investigates, it is impossible to find out everything.

Even if it is found out, it is impossible to tell whether it is true or false.

Pei Cheng's identity was also something that Qishan worked hard on.

The father who is a villain and the mother who collects wasteland are from the same town as Tan Qu's ancestral home.The so-called "real identities" he arranged were all from the bottom of the market without exception.He scattered all the real information about "Praying for Good" and "Tanqu", deleting and deleting them.

In the end, each formed a dozen different identities.

He deliberately spread the news that went viral outside the club.

False and true, true and false.

Who can tell the difference clearly?

Shen Tang complained: " are not afraid of picking the wrong number."

Not only did he create a small account crazily, but he also stole other people's accounts to frame them.One person can play with so many numbers without worrying about not being able to play.The most amazing thing is that he was able to do it with ease, and Shen Tang was jealous - who doesn't envy unlimited skins among those who play games!

Qishan continued to drag the body of the former host.

A long trail of blood was left on the ground.

"Where are you going to dump the body?"

"The latrine."

"Are you really prepared to let him go to the toilet and fall into a trap?"

"One word from a gentleman, one quick whip."

Do what you say you say.

Shen Tang: "...There is no need to keep your promise like this."

In the end, it was Shen Tang who helped carry the body and throw it away. As expected of a wealthy family, a lot of herbs were used in the latrine to cover the smell.Throwing the body in, Shen Tang came out holding his nose: "Yuanliang, I'm curious about how much hatred you have against him?"

Qishan changed into the face of a maid again.

Her figure is much more graceful than Shen Tang's. "Having made a grudge, why don't you kill and keep the Qingming Festival to worship your ancestors?" Maid Qi Shan said the coldest words in the sweetest voice, "How to make a grudge... He once served the Xin State and protected Yan Cheng. , and has quite a lot of interest entanglements with Beimo."

Shen Tang understood immediately.

The other reasons are all secondary. They protected Yan Cheng, but Yan Cheng killed the real Qishan. This was the main reason for the grudge.Poor former boss, he really didn't know why he died until his death: "The body was thrown in, what are you going to do now?"

Maid Qi Shansheng has a pair of apricot eyes, which are very similar to Shen Tang's.He just glanced at her casually, and there seemed to be all kinds of amorous feelings flowing in the corners of his eyes and brows, making Shen Tang feel ashamed.She is a real woman, and her eyes are not as beguiling as praying for good.

"Ahem, I understand."

Shen Tang made an OK gesture.

Raise your hands to release the incarnation of literary energy and return to your original form.

The body of the deity who was doing the meal stiffened, but returned to normal in an instant. He glanced at Qishan with a calm expression from the corner of his eye.She put down her chopsticks to wipe her mouth, and just as she put away her handkerchief, a cry for help came from outside the hall. It seemed like someone had died.Everyone in the hall was shocked.

Qishan said indifferently: "Gentlemen, what are you doing?"

"People, people are dead..."

They all looked at him like a murderer.

Qi Shan said calmly: "Has Qi taken half a step away?"

Everyone: "..."

Who kills someone himself?
It's too perfunctory to use this excuse to absolve yourself.

When everyone saw the former host again, the latter was already a corpse that had been washed several times and still exuded a stench.Shen Tang found that the scars on his neck and heart had disappeared, so he didn't say anything about it, and he played the role of Tan Mad Dog Shao dutifully: "Does anyone know how to do an autopsy? Let's do an examination, or pray that the owner is innocent?"

"Who killed the person? Needless to say, Qi Zhushe just said that he would drown in the latrine, and he died in less than half a quarter of an hour." Someone died during the Chinese New Year. This incident was not only unlucky, but also made everyone feel that Qi was good. This method is really cruel!

Shen Tang smiled instead of getting angry: "Are you saying that the Qi Zhu Society doesn't use the spirit of speech, but only says a few words to curse people to death? That's ridiculous!"

It's not Kang Jishou.

Everyone's knowledge is very complicated, but some people really know how to do autopsies.

I checked it up and down, inside and out, and came to the conclusion that the shit was so thick that it stuck to my throat and suffocated me to death.

Everyone: "..."

The person who conducted the autopsy and Qi Shan were known to be at odds with each other, and would not cover up for each other at all.So, what a surprise?

Qi Shan is not keen on "the truth".

He said quietly: "Let's give him a good burial."

Many people felt unlucky about this farce. Seeing that there were fewer and fewer people who were not from the Qi Shan family, the three or two remaining kittens felt uncomfortable and went to the guest house to rest early.In the end, only Qishan's group was left, and there were still several hours before dawn.

Those who play chess play chess, and those who play cards play cards.

Shen Tang refused to sit at the same table as Kang Shi.

Shen Tang played his cards: "How did you do it just now?"

How to cover the injuries on the body?

How could the autopsy results be concealed?
Qi Shan glanced at the two IOUs written by Shen Tang - he was a good guy and fun-loving, he was talking about his lord, he lost when he first came up, and he couldn't give in even if he wanted to.Qin Li was very slow in playing the cards, and while Qi Shan was waiting, he casually replied: "It was painted in the way of a scribe."

Qin Li seemed to be thinking about the cards, but in fact he was distracted.

Shen Tang looked around at the others: "The way of a scribe?"

Not many people know that praying for good deeds is the way of two scribes.

Talking about this in public, has he changed his gender?

Surprised: "You can actually deceive so many people?"

"After all, it is the perfect scribe's way."

Shen Tang: "???"

"When did this happen?"

Qin Li finally played his cards.

Even though he played slowly, he was about [-]-[-] winners with Qi Shan.

When Shen Tang suggested that it would be too boring to sit around and watch the New Year, Qin Li took the initiative to join the table and almost shocked her jaw.

Smoking, drinking, and playing cards, you can actually do it!

All I need is a perm_(:з」∠)_
Qi Shan had a strange yin and yang aura: "If Gong Su's complicated scribe's way can be perfected, let alone such a useless thing? A method that has no great effect is rarely used. I forgot when."

Shen Tang: "..."

Qishan actually has the nerve to say that [Miaoshou Painting] is used sparingly?

No one here believed him.

This New Year was spent in a state of chaos and commotion.

When the rooster crows, Shen Tang has a lot more debts and a lot of IOUs. He felt distressed at first, but later became numb.Don’t worry if you have too many lice, just owe them what you owe.Kang Jishou was present. Only if she could win could the sun come out to the west.

New Year's Day.

Avoid fishing and go to work.

The mansion that was bustling with activity last night was deserted this morning, without any joy, as if what happened last night was just a dream.The envoys of the gods left with the lead box, and the members dispersed. Shen Tang and others also returned to their original appearance and set off back to the camp.

Qishan was promoted to the head club, and the list of branch members in the northwest was obtained, as well as the intricate relationship between them.Shen Tang wants to completely control the country under his rule, and some people want to be eradicated.

"Wuhui, was there anything unusual in the camp last night?"

As soon as I came back, I saw a new set of clothes sent by Chu Yao.

"Everything is fine. Master, why don't you try on your new clothes?"

"The clothes are enough to wear." He said this, but he still tried it on. If it didn't fit, he had to modify it. However, "There is no tailor in the camp. Wuhui bought it outside?"


Shen Tang opened his almond-shaped eyes: "Did you do it yourself?"

"As soon as the New Year is over, my lord is eighteen, and it coincides with the change of Yuan Dynasty. It's even more joyous, and the meaning is different." Chu Yao's needlework has been honed over the years in Yuehua Building. He does all the sewing and mending by himself. , "My lord, have you thought about the year name?"

He said he wanted to, but in fact he just let Shen Tang choose.

It's just that she has been busy lately and she completely forgot about it.

When Chu Yao mentioned it, she opened her eyes and told lies: "After much thought, I still feel that the word 'Yuanhuang' is the most popular."

"Then it's 'Yuanhuang'." Chu Yao wrote down the size data to be modified, "This year is the first year of 'Yuanhuang'."

Shen Tang thought briefly and shared with him what he had seen yesterday.

Chu Yao was not very interested in other content, but he was very interested in Wu Yuan's desire to buy grain seeds: "Bei Desert is ambitious. If we can get them to work together on this matter, we must not miss the opportunity."

Shen Tang smiled and said, "This is natural."

Chu Yao continued to talk about today's matters.

"A group of military doctors will be on duty this afternoon."

  Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone. Have you eaten the mooncakes?
  Alas, poor mushrooms are now losing weight and cannot eat moon cakes. They boil purple sweet potatoes, cabbage and prawns every day.

(End of this chapter)

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