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Chapter 909: Chapter 909: Hunting Doctor [Please vote for me]

Chapter 909: Chapter 909: Hunting Doctor [Please vote for me]

Except for the color, the long green needle was very similar to the needles Shen Tang recognized, exuding a refreshing vitality.Although Dr. Dong is its owner, this is also the first time that luck has turned into an acupuncture: "I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen others use their word spirits. I have seen many war horses and armors transformed from martial energy, but none of them like today. So strong..."

This kind of emotion was something he could never simulate even with all his imagination. Only by experiencing it personally did he know that mortals could really possess the methods rumored to be only available to gods.The moment he held the long needle, the breath flowed in his body, and an inexplicable self-confidence suddenly emerged - the judge's pen seduces the soul, and the person is snatched in front of the King of Hell's Palace.

The words of the old man in the dream couldn't help but come to mind.

[Life and death, flesh and bones, what’s wrong with that! 】

Doctor Dong was distracted for a few seconds, but was brought back by Shen Tang's curious question: "Mr. Dong, can this be used for acupuncture?"

He replied: "Yes, yes."

Shen Tang asked again: "Can it be used to kill people?"

Dr. Dong was almost confused by her question. He had saved people for most of his life, but he had never killed anyone before. He said, "I can kill people, but I don't touch human lives..."

Even if you encounter an enemy, you will at most die without saving him.

As for killing people——

Who knows the vital points of the human body better than a doctor?

It is simply not too convenient for doctors to kill people.

However, this kind of "convenience" is only for ordinary people, and literary scholars and courageous warriors do not belong to this category.These people have aura to protect their bodies. Unless they are beheaded, even if the poison penetrates the intestines and stomach, or even the heart is pierced, they can theoretically survive for a while, which is enough time for them to fight back.It is more likely that the injury will be discovered before it is done.

Shen Tang said: "As long as you can kill him."

Dr. Dong was silent for a moment, looking troubled, as if he was engaged in a battle between heaven and man: "Is Mr. Shen trying to assassinate someone?"

Indeed, there is no profession where it is easier to get close to the target and gain the trust of the target than the doctor.They are also imported, and the dishes cooked by the chef will be tested for poisons, and the prescriptions prescribed by doctors are not easy, because some doctors like to fight poison with poison. Dr. Dong has also seen a card filled with various poisons. The prescription contains half the weight of aconite alone!

This dose is enough to kill an entire village.

If Shen Jun really has this need, Dr. Dong doesn't know whether he should agree to it.He is a doctor and shouldn't kill people, but he is also under Lord Shen, and it is his duty to share his worries.In the end, the latter overwhelmed the former with a clear advantage.

Shen Tang didn't know why the topic jumped so fast.


Dr. Dong: "Wu Gong or the Northern Desert noble?"

"...Uh, no, I just want to confirm whether you have the ability to protect yourself. After all, doctors are of a special nature, and I am worried that there will be internal regulations such as 'no killing', or that this 'qi' can only save people but not kill. That would be troublesome.”

Judging from the strengthening of scribes, warriors and Mohists by Yanling, healers should be about the same. They can save lives and heal the wounded. Who can say for sure how abnormal they will be now?Can it make people immortal?Or even come back from the dead?
Some people will be fearful, and some people will be greedy.

Greedy people have no bottom line.

If they target healers, and healers have no ability to protect themselves, this means that healers will become a profession that cannot fight back under any circumstances, and they will have no choice but to be slaughtered in the face of medical trouble.

A doctor who can pass the examination of the Medical Temple has at least 15 years of hard work behind him, and Dr. Dong in front of him has spent 49 years.Shen Tang didn't want him to go to the clinic one day, and the patient or the patient's family would stab him to death because the treatment effect was not up to expectations.Ordinary people may not dare, but those powerful and noble families dare.

Dr. Dong did not expect this reason, and felt warm in his heart: "Shen Jun, you can rest assured, not to mention now, even in the past, I am not without the power to fight back..."

How could he be a wandering doctor in a chaotic world, go into the mountains every now and then to collect herbs, and still live to this age? How could he not have any skills in his hands?Just because he's old doesn't mean he can't fight.Just because he doesn't like killing doesn't mean he won't kill.

"That's good."

After saying that, I still felt uneasy.

Simply select a few young men from the army to be his guards.

"Mr. Dong, do you still remember those test questions?"

Dr. Dong said: "Remember."

Shen Tang said: "I will send someone to follow you and copy those test questions. After these questions are integrated, they can be given to other doctors."

Healers, the more the better.

However, the threshold for doctors is too high, and it is impossible to cheat even if you take the exam in a dream.She could only use the stupidest method, the question-sea tactic, so that latecomers would not have to repeat the nightmare of taking the exam for five consecutive years.Dr. Dong guessed Shen Tang's intention and bowed again.

"Shen Jun is so righteous."

This proves that the other party is really worried about the future of the doctor.

Because Dr. Dong’s training depends on treating patients, Shen Tang asked him to give priority to soldiers who were feeling unwell to gain experience: “...I don’t know the specific criteria for ‘treating patients’, the effects of mild and severe conditions. Is it the same? Mr. Dong will look back and pay attention. If it is better to cure the serious disease, I will send someone to find out which family has the serious disease..."

Doctor Dong is currently the only Xinglin physician.

Natural resources will be tilted towards him.

Not only patients, but also more medical classics should be collected.

"Thank you Shen Jun."

Dr. Dong also knew Shen Tang's intention, so he naturally wanted to seize the opportunity. Relying on his own aura to protect the body and his youthful physique, he wished he could sit in the clinic twelve hours a day.He was able to hold on, because the healing of the body with medical Qi greatly outweighed Wen Qi/Wu Qi/Mo Qi, but in the end he didn't do it like this - he could hold on, but the patient couldn't hold on, and they also had to sleep. .

Shen Tang, who learned about his schedule these days: "..."

I am 66 years old, is this a bit too curly?
She thought Beijiu and the Mo family, who were always copying people, had enough papers, but she didn't expect that the doctors were the kings of papers! ——
Chu Yao and his grandfather and grandson exited the main tent together.

"You seem to have something on your mind?"

Dr. Dong found that Chu Yao was in a low mood.

Chu Yao: "If Dr. Dong has doctors he knows well, it would be best to write a letter and call them all, otherwise there will be a big disaster."

Dr. Dong was puzzled: "Where to start?"

Chu Yao: "As the saying goes, 'Every man is not guilty of his own crime.' The ability of healers will arouse fear and greed. No matter which one it is, it is not a good thing. Either you can keep it for yourself, or you can kill them all. A little incitement by a thoughtful person can make the ignorant people scream and kill them. Those people are not as lucky as Dr. Dong, who has the full protection of the master..."

"Doctor hunting" is bound to happen.

Dr. Dong was greatly shocked: "But..."

"If it's just about 'treating diseases and saving lives', ordinary doctors with more advanced medical skills can also be satisfied. As long as they pay enough for consultation, they can impress any Xinglin sage, but doctors are different. They are not irreplaceable or indispensable!"

Chu Yao's tone contained no emotion.

Resources are for grabbing, not for respecting.

Dr. Dong said solemnly: "I understand."

Chu Yao reminded again: "Remember to screen people."

"The colleagues I have made friends with..." Dr. Dong knew that Chu Yao believed that some of his friends had evil intentions. Even if the other party reminded him like this, it was within his duty, but it still made him feel a little uncomfortable. He felt that those old friends were looked down upon.

Chu Yao smiled and said: "People's hearts are separated from each other. It's better for Dr. Dong not to be too gullible in talents. Chu's assertion that there will be a 'doctor hunting' storm in the future is not just nonsense. You also said that doctors' practice depends on 'curing patients'." ', which at first sounds like a good thing that benefits others and oneself, but - 'patient' is too general. What kind of 'disease' can be cured as spiritual practice?"

Dr. Dong: "People who are sick are sick."

Is there anything wrong with this?

In medical clinics, patients are just patients, and their status in the secular world does not affect their treatment by doctors.Even if a person who has committed a serious crime comes to seek medical treatment, the doctor will still see him and prescribe medicine.Because it was the official who convicted them, the executioner who beheaded them, and the doctor's duty was only to save lives and heal the wounded.Patients can just walk out of the hospital healthy.

What happens after that is beyond the scope of the physician's responsibility.

Chu Yao looked at him with a half-smile.

The questions he asked were more and more sharp and horrifying: "Dr. Dong misunderstood. What Chu meant is - if there are not enough patients, can you personally poison and then save people? Can you personally create a plague and then save people? Can you put it to death?" Can people become disabled and then save others? Can this kind of 'patient' improve the cultivation of a doctor? If not, can two doctors create 'patients' for each other and treat each other's 'patients'? 'Diseases' under the sun The disease will never end, just like the greed of the human heart."

Dr. Dong's grandson was almost dumbfounded.

He blurted out: "Who would do this?"

Chu Yao asked: "Why not?"

The young man closed his mouth calmly.

Chu Yao shook his head: "Doctors are indeed admirable, but medical skills are not necessarily related to character. There are people with excellent medical skills but poor character. Who can guarantee that in the future, no doctor will secretly control plague and cholera for the sake of practice?"

The young man could not answer.

"Suppose a plague breaks out in a place, local officials fail to manage it well, the higher ups are held accountable, and the people below are filled with resentment, and there happens to be a doctor in the territory, guess what to do at this time? Recruit the doctor? No, send someone. Spread rumors, frame the source of the plague on that person, kill the people to make the people angry, and then ask the court for help and send medical officers to ask for help. It is a merit to kill the thieves, a merit to control the plague, and a merit to calm the people's anger...then ask for merit and reward, and your official career will be prosperous. It’s not impossible.”

The boy's face turned pale with fright.

He didn't expect that there were such dirty tricks in the world.

Chu Yao's words also poured cold water on Dr. Dong. His joy disappeared and was replaced by deep worry.

At this moment, he understood the seriousness of the matter.

It's just an open door, where can it be closed?

Chu Yao: "If I can save one, I think Dr. Dong should know what is best for the medical family..."

There was an incomprehensible depth in his eyes.

Doctor Dong agreed.

"Dong knows what to do."

Chu Yao nodded and went to do his own business.

Shen Tang, who was sitting in the tent and listened clearly: "..."

Intimidation is quite useful.

Although Wu Hui's analysis is very reasonable and does involve great risks, it is a bit unethical for him to scare the elderly like this.Shen Tang shook his head at this and did not stop him.I feel sorry for Mr. Dong. It is a good thing for all the powerful doctors to enter the Kang state.

The first day of the first lunar month is busy.

On the second day of the first lunar month, I worked overtime.

The third day of the first lunar month...

Shen Tang sorted out the official information collected from various places and prepared to hold a meeting. Everyone decided that before the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, the news of the year name would be sent to the entire Kang State.She, a grassroots team, has been working hard, and finally it will be officially listed on the market!

And before that—

I also have to deal with my ex-fiancé.

Wu Yuan and his party were more anxious than she imagined, so they sent an envoy over on the morning of the fourth day of the Lunar New Year to convey the request for cooperation.

Shen Tang ordered people to entertain them and didn't see them until noon.

Wu Yuan also didn't expect Shen Tang's mobility to be so explosive. They thought it would take ten days and a half.

Being in the camp is still a bit difficult to recover from.

"Yunchi, do you think she will agree?"

Gong Cheng remained silent.

Wu Yuan thought to himself and said: "She should agree. Kang Guo lacks everything now. If she can cooperate with Bei Mo, she can rest and recuperate for a few years and regain her strength. Speaking of not seeing each other for so many years, I don't know this Jun Shen." What does Chuluo look like?"

Gong Cheng then opened his eyes and looked at his friend.

Said: "Be careful what you say."

No matter what his status is, Shen Youli is not a character that Wu Yuan can look down on, let alone describe it with words like "chuluo" with an appreciative nature.Gong Cheng reminded him that he also didn't want Wu Yuan to die on someone else's territory.

This is their base camp.

"Why should Yunchi avoid suspicion like this? After all, we had gotten along with him for a while back then, and we had a friendship in Xiaocheng where we were in need."

Wu Yuan didn't have much contact with Shen Tang, but Gong Cheng was different. He had cooperated with Shen Tang, who was a man, several times.There is some friendship between the two parties, but Gong Cheng doesn't want to reminisce about old times?
Gong Cheng looked at Wu Yuan with deep eyes.

Wu Yuan was very bored.

"That's all, you've become increasingly incapable of making jokes in the past two years."

Since falling into the clouds, Gong Cheng's character has become more and more reticent, completely unlike Wu Yuan's familiar look.

Gong Cheng sighed and said: "Wengzhi, you have to know that even I can't protect you..."

No matter how strong a brave warrior is, he is only as brave as an ordinary man. In the future, a stronger ordinary man will always appear and kill him.Wu Yuan's mentality becomes more and more frivolous and unrestrained, and he will suffer big losses in the future.

"You are now -" Wu Yuan swallowed the rest of his words, and expressed his dissatisfaction with Gong Cheng's repeated admonitions, muttering, "With your strength, as long as you have the intention, there are few people in this world who can go past you and hurt me. ?”

Gong Cheng stopped talking after hearing this.

Wu Yuan also realized what was going on and stopped using Shen Tang as a topic.He lowered his head and concentrated on preparing for the cooperation matter that he would discuss with Shen Tang later - Beimo's resources were severely biased, and Shen was still stuck in their necks. This time, they had to persuade her to do business.

Until a voice came from outside the tent.

"I want to see you."

Wu Yuan was polite: "Please lead the way."

"The messenger from the Northern Desert is here to meet you!"

Listening to the singing of the guards guarding outside the camp, Wu Yuan lowered his head and made a gesture of respect, but he was laughing a little in his heart - the person named Shen had not yet announced to the world that he had ascended the throne, but he was showing off his dignity.

The decoration of Shen Tang's tent was simple and shabby.

Wu Yuan and a group of people sat down below, secretly looking at the layout of the camp from the corner of his eye.The front hall of the main tent is used for business meetings, and there is only a small area behind it for living. This size is not even comparable to the tent of an ordinary tribe leader in the Northern Desert.

  I was dragged out by my mother today. She really followed the crowd. She didn't do anything at the end of the day. She was so tired that she didn't want to move... I won't listen to her next time.

  PS: Today’s chapter is a bit short, so I’ll add some words for free.

  PPS: Completed.

(End of this chapter)

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