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Chapter 911 Chapter 910: Two surnames [asking for monthly votes]

Chapter 911 Chapter 910: Having both surnames [please vote]

As soon as Jiang Sheng saw Gu Chi's reaction, he knew something was going on.

Test: "What does the Lord mean..."

Gu Chi put his hands in his sleeves and took two steps away, as if to draw a clear line with Jiang Sheng, who was full of bad ideas: "What can you mean, my lord? Your heart is unpredictable. If you don't know it, Gu will know it." ? Hanzhang is right, you should really restrain yourself. You can't plot against others. As long as you are not one of your own, this matter will be easy to handle. "

If Gong Shuwu is not one of our own, he can design Wu Yuan to kill him. Gong Cheng and Wu Yuan will most likely turn against each other, or he can design Gong Cheng to kill him by mistake. Gong Cheng is young and inexperienced, his character is not strong enough and tough, and his strength relies on secrets. The technique [Enlightenment] came, and the impact of that moment was enough to seriously injure him. At best, his realm would be stopped, or at worst, his realm would be regressed.

Once Gong Cheng is destroyed, Beimo will lose a trump card.

However, Gong Shuwu is one of our own and a veteran figure, so he has a very close relationship.Everyone thinks in their minds, but don't do it in action: "If my lord can exchange half a step with Bei Mo for one, gentlemen, will you really not be afraid and cold-hearted?"

Today I can sacrifice a Gong Shuwu for maximizing interests, and I can sacrifice anyone for greater interests in the future.

The lord does have the intention to plot against Gong Cheng.

But they are definitely not as ruthless as these people think.

They are all so cruel and ruthless that dogs would shake their heads just looking at them.

Working with these colleagues, Gu Chi felt a lot of pressure.Fortunately, I can pry into the secrets of people's hearts, otherwise I wouldn't even know how I was betrayed by them.Gu Chi's preaching made a few people dissatisfied - what is the difference between this and the crow laughing at the pig?
Gu Wangchao dares to touch his conscience and say that he has not had similar thoughts?
If not, how could he react so quickly?
As a counselor, your duty is to come up with all the solutions. Whether and which one to implement depends on the Lord's decision: "How could you not know?"

Jiang Sheng didn't believe his lies.

What Gu Chi is best at is figuring out the thoughts of obeying the master, and the two masters and ministers sing in harmony.He has been flattering and flattering for so many years, and suddenly he says that he is strong-willed and upright?
Gu Chi only left one sentence——

"I don't know, I really don't know."

After all, walk away.

There are still many trivial matters that need to be dealt with urgently.

Qi Shan said quietly: "Half step is a military commander. If he goes to the battlefield, it will be a matter of time before he encounters Gong Yunchi. Not to mention the relationship between uncle and nephew, there are not a few fathers and sons who fight to the death."

This matter does not depend on how they plan, but on how Gong Shuwu chooses - Gong Cheng does not know Gong Shuwu's identity, but Gong Shuwu knows Gong Cheng.If he knew that Gong Cheng was alive and still helped Bei Mo, Gong Shu Wu Pan would have climbed to the front line of Bei Mo.

With Gong Cheng's strength, Gong Shuwu will definitely die.

Xun Zhen asked: "So?"

Qi Shan: "Tell Ban Bu in private. The news that Gong Yunchi is still alive will reach his ears sooner or later."

Xun Zhen nodded when he heard this.

If the next enemy is the Northern Desert, which is going to be conquered with all the strength of the country, unless Gong Shuwu guards the rear, once he goes to the front line, what happens will be beyond human control.The lord wanted to hide it, and he probably had this in mind.

But, how can we hide it?

Gong Shuwu is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death.

If he knew Gong Cheng's choice, he would personally understand Gong Cheng's difficulty, but in the face of the overall situation and hatred, he would probably prefer to clean up the family with his own hands, even if he can't defeat him.

This secret letter was delivered to Gong Shuwu half a month later.

Gong Shuwu's reaction was just as Xun Zhen and others expected. The expression on his face changed again and again, and finally settled on determination.

Everything that can be explained in the letter has been explained.

Including but not limited to the voice information heard by Gu Chi.

Gong Shuwu looked at the dazzling words "Enlightenment" in the letter and lost control of his emotions for a moment. He pinched off the handle of the saber he used for morning exercises in his hand, exhaled a breath of turbid air, looked at the sky and murmured: "Brother... Yunchi The child suffered..."

It's just that Gong Cheng can work for anyone.

Only not for the Northern Desert.

Uncle Gong burned this private letter to ashes without leaving any trace. He repaired it slightly and went back to training as usual.

He, who was already practicing hard, became even more desperate.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

Just when this secret letter was sent, representatives of the aristocratic families also came over, nominally to wish Shen Tang a happy life, but in fact they came to deliver the "hostages" selected by each family.Aristocratic families are located all over the country. In order to reassure the royal court, it is a basic operation to send out "hostages", who are usually the younger brothers of the heirs.His status is neither too high to make the family feel distressed nor too low to make the royal court dissatisfied.

Of course, it wasn't just to reassure Wang Ting.

At the same time, it also reassures the family.

With connections in the capital, if there is any trouble, they can get the news immediately and respond quickly.

If Shen Tang refuses these "hostages", each family will be uneasy and have random thoughts, worrying whether Shen Tang wants to become a monster again, which will be detrimental to their family.Since Shen Tang didn't know how to beat around the bush, the representative of the family spoke directly.

Unexpectedly, the unlucky man launched by the family is in good health again.

Shen Tang looked at Kang Nian, who came to the door on the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and twitched the corners of his mouth slightly: "Bosui, you just came here once a year ago, and now you are here again. It takes a lot of time to come back and forth. You are here Are you going home to celebrate the New Year in a hurry and then hit the road again?"

Kang Nian's expression was numb.

Who was the person who caused him to go back and forth?

Kang Nian, who fully understood Shen Tang's brain circuit, learned from the previous two lessons and handed out a list from his arms, with the respective information of the "hostages" clearly written on it.Shen Tang glanced at the age, gender, surname, and family background. The younger one was only five years old and still needed the care of a nanny, while the older one was already 35 and currently raising a family.Shen Tang looked up at Kang Nian.

"what is this?"

Kangnian said: "Hostage."

Shen Tang raised his voice: "...hostage?"

When did she ask each family to send hostages over?

What else did these aristocratic families think behind her back?
Kang Nian felt tired inexplicably. Why should such unspoken and unspoken rules be brought to the table?It is a shame to send outstanding clan members out to be used as hostages in exchange for stability. Aristocratic families also want to have face, so they often cover this move as a fig leaf.

Now it has to be spread out to dry.

Who wouldn't feel bad if you leave it alone?
After Kang Nian forced himself to finish explaining, Shen Tang was forced to increase his knowledge. He rubbed his forehead and said with a headache: "Okay, come as soon as you come, but the ugly words are ahead. I won't cover their food, clothing, housing, and transportation. All expenses will be paid." Let each family resolve it themselves.”

These hostage expenses cannot be transferred to the public account.

Let Shen Tang pay out of his own pocket?
Haha, her pockets are cleaner than her face, and she still has a lot of debts that have not been paid off. How can she have the spare money to pay for the oil bottle sent by the family?The family's wishful thinking was very good, but it was a pity that as soon as the Mohist family understood the "holographic online remote conferencing technology" of the Society of Gods, Shen Tang planned to go on an office tour.The aristocratic family should not have any sweet dreams of having mountains high and emperors far away.

Shen Tang will appear anywhere.

Naturally, he was not prepared to tell Kang Nian this.

"I will accept these people, you can do whatever you want."

Kang Nian left a deep psychological shadow on Shen Tang. She didn't want to see the dean's face at all, so she opened her mouth to chase him away.Kangnian had also dealt with Shen Tang several times, and he had a somewhat clear idea of ​​her temperament, but he was not too afraid.only--

"Jun Shen, Kang has a merciless request."

"You said so."

Kang Nian thought carefully about the purpose.

It turns out that there are also hostages in the Kang family.

He personally selected the candidate, and he had a quarrel with his wife for two days. She was so angry that she almost returned to her parents' home overnight.Because the hostage is none other than her and Kang Nian's little daughter.This made Madam so angry that she burst into tears. How could she send a female hostage?Why send your daughter away?Could it be that he is planning to wait for his daughter to grow up in a few years and pick a husband directly in the royal capital?
Are you using your daughter's marriage as a bargaining chip?
Countless thoughts passed through Madam's mind.

Kang Nian couldn't explain much.Shen Tang picked up the terrible hostage list again.

Sure enough, I saw the person selected by the Kang family in the corner: "So, what are we going to do? Let Ji Shou take his niece?"

It’s okay to live with Kang Shi.

Kang Nian absolutely trusted his brother.

Judging from the information on the list, Kang Nian's daughter still has a talent for cultivation. At a time when there are not many female monks, it is not a bad thing to send her daughter here, because Shen Tang has accumulated enough experience in female cultivation, and Kang Shi is With an uncle in charge, how could he let his niece delay her talent?

It is a blessing rather than a curse that this daughter stays in the royal capital.

Kangnian shook his head: "No."

Shen Tang raised his eyebrows and looked at Kang Nian, waiting for the next words.

Kangnian said: "Actually, I want to meet my cousin."

Shen Tang was stunned for a moment before he remembered that the cousin Kang Nian mentioned was Qi Shan - if Tan Qu didn't take off Qi Shan's vest, his connection with the Kang family would not be broken.It's just that Kang Nian doesn't know Qishan's true identity, but Shen Tang does.

"Isn't Ji Shou bad?"

Kang Shi was his biological uncle, so Kang Nian could still take the opportunity to repair the stale relationship between his family and Kang Shi. Wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?

Kangnian smiled stiffly: "That's not appropriate."

He had seen Kang Shiwen's abilities with his own eyes.Even if this happened, Kang Shi couldn't be blamed, but Kang Shi couldn't control it. If something happened to his daughter, it would be hard for him to explain to his wife.

After thinking about it, praying for kindness is the most appropriate thing.

However, Qi Shan was Shen Tang's important minister after all, and Kang Nian was not only his cousin, but also the head of the Kang family. With their current status, if they wanted to have private contact, they had to get Shen Tang's permission.In order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and fatal disasters.

Shen Tang will not touch the time to pray for good health, but he will touch the Kang family.

This answer made Shen Tang twitch his lips.

She waved her hand and said, "I understand, you can go ahead."

Dealing with people from aristocratic families is really exhausting.Qin Li's family backgrounds are not low, so why don't they have these bad habits?

Kangnian received permission and then bowed and left.

A large number of hostages were uniformly placed in the camp.

He took his daughter to visit Qi Shan.

After receiving the information, Qi Shan was at the main camp right now.

He had carefully considered choosing Qi Shan. Choosing Kang Shi would certainly allow his younger brother, who had been away from the family for many years, to get close to the family. However, Kang Shi was in a special situation and it was not advisable for the two parties to get too close before the path of the scribes was perfected.Kang Nian thought of his cousin.

Due to the grudges of the previous generation, the two families had long lost contact. The Qi family had been in decline these years, and the Kang family could only take care of her privately.

According to Kang Shi, cousin Qi Shan has not yet gotten married and has children, and there is not even a woman around him. He is devoted to his career and is not close to women.Kang Nian looked at the record of "Evil Plan" over the years and was convinced of it.Being so busy, I really don't have any extra energy to have sex and have children.

And when he learned from Kang Shi that Qi Shan had the idea of ​​adopting a child, Kang Nian's mind came alive and he had an idea.

The daughter he brought looked very much like his aunt.

This was confirmed by my mother herself.

Because of her appearance, her mother also loved her granddaughter very much and often said that her granddaughter looked exactly like her nephew Qi Shan.

[Everyone in the world says that a nephew is like an uncle, so he is naturally similar. 】

Kangnian narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to recall Qi Shan's face.

He and Qi Shan are not of the same age. As the eldest son of Kang and the future patriarch, he has a lot to learn and cannot play together with Qi Shan.In Kangnian's memory, he had seen Qi Shan once or twice.At that time, Qi Shan was still short, white and fat. He wore many clothes in winter and looked like a ball.

The unopened eyebrows are somewhat similar to those of my daughter when she was young.

"Do you remember clearly what your father told you?" Kangnian pulled back from his memory and whispered to his daughter on the side.

The daughter nodded: "My daughter remembers."

Kangnian sighed and stroked her bun: "That's good."

As a father, he naturally wants to find a good future for his children.This daughter has been taught as a boudoir daughter since she was born, and she has been taught to grow into a qualified patriarchal wife of an aristocratic family.All Kangnian can do is to find a well-matched husband's family for her, choose a husband who is reliable and can protect her for the rest of her life, and give her a generous dowry when she gets married.


These are so insignificant compared to everything her brother inherited.Kangnian did not originally plan to send his daughter, but his second son.The eldest son inherited a large amount of the family property, while the second son had to make his own future and could not inherit much property.

He is also willing to give the opportunity to his second son.

As for where you go in the future, it depends on your destiny.

It just so happened that my daughter came to wish me New Year greetings.

While the family was watching the New Year's Eve, Kang Nian looked at his daughter's quiet and docile appearance, and in his ears was his wife's voice talking about the men of the right age for each family. His daughter sat beside him with her head slightly lowered.There was no shyness, no joy, and no trace of apprehension on his face.

Those childish eyes were more blank.

She only vaguely knew what "husband-in-law" and "law-in-law" were, which were the guarantee of a stable life for the rest of her life, but she was terrified about the transformation from a daughter of a boudoir to a wife of another family.Kang Nian stared at his daughter in a daze, as if she was a wife he first met when they were young and married, and she was also a few years older.

He asked his daughter: "Do you have any thoughts about your husband?" 】

She timidly said: "Father and mother can make the decision." 】

Kang Nian had a bold idea in his mind for no reason.He chose his daughter as a hostage and brought her to Qi Shan, who was guilty and confused: "Cousin, long time no see."

Qishan showed a false smile: "Brother."

Kang Nian turned sideways and gave way to his daughter behind him.

He didn't notice that Qi Shan's face was blank for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened, staring at Kang Nian's daughter.The girl was startled. She suppressed her fear of being unfamiliar. She bowed dignifiedly and called out in a low voice, "I've seen uncle."

Qishan was awakened by the sound of "uncle".

Kang Nian saw the legendary "Evil Plot" perform in situ with his hands and feet doing his own thing, as if it had just been installed.

"Ah? Ah...ah!"

"I wasn't prepared for the first meeting..."

Qi Shan frantically touched his waist with his hands and feet.

Without looking at it, he pulled off an accessory and handed it out as a gift. Kangnian was almost speechless: "Cousin, this is the monogram."

Can the Wen Xin Monogram be given away?

  My eyelids seemed to be stuck when I woke up today, but they were much better in the afternoon, and the pain in my throat was reduced by half.I think it will be better tomorrow.

  PS: Qi Shan and the Kang brothers are cousins. Should Kang Nian’s daughter be called Uncle Qi Shan?I change it
  PPS: No, it’s hard to figure out this relationship. Are they cousins ​​or first cousins?

(End of this chapter)

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