stand back, let me come

Chapter 917 Chapter 917: Let you see my routine [please vote]

Chapter 917 Chapter 917: Let you see my routine [please vote]

Wu Yuan's face suddenly became stiff.

Pretending not to know: "A slaughtered... hen? Haha, I don't know what Lord Kang means by this. Beimo really wants to promote this cooperation and save the people of the two places from the flames of war..."

Shen Tang raised his hand to interrupt his wheel.

Moral kidnapping can only kidnap moral people, but she calls herself barbaric and has no morals, so she is even less likely to be kidnapped.

"I am here to speak openly to the envoy, and I also hope that the envoy can be more sincere and less cunning and calculating. The envoy might as well go to the people and ask a random farmer if they are willing to use the price of eggs to increase the income of the farmers. Sell ​​you the hens that keep laying eggs? Will you? No! After all, I am not stupid, and the farmers are not stupid. Does the messenger think I will be stupid? "

Wu Yuan: "If Lord Kang is not satisfied with the price, Wu is willing to show the greatest sincerity within his authority. The price -"

Shen Tang interrupted him: "It's not the price, it has nothing to do with it. This kind of high-yield grain, in any country with a stable political situation, is a trump card that tens of thousands of elites cannot buy! No matter how sincere Beimo is, I will Bian also needs to take precautions before it happens. The main reason to blame is that there are too many records of fresh blood in the Northern Desert. If you keep your own grain, hoard it for a few years and then raise troops to go south..."

Wu Yuan's scalp was slightly numb.

The smile added a bit of stiffness that was visible to the naked eye.

"This can't happen."

Shen Tang said: "Nothing in this world will definitely happen. In order to reassure me, and in response to the kindness of the King of the Northern Desert Royal Court, grain seeds can be sold, and the ones sold are the most productive grain seeds, but - it only You can plant it once.”

Wu Yuan took a deep breath.

Which crop seeds can only be planted once?

The reason why Beimo is willing to buy seeds at a high price is naturally to stabilize planting and help Beimo overcome the last material problem.In the end, Shen Tang used such an outrageous method to trick him!But Wu Yuan couldn't get angry yet, lest Shen Tang change his mind again.

Shen Tang explained to Wu Yuan with a smile.

"Don't be angry, messenger. In fact, I am doing this for the good of the Northern Desert. Farmers with some farming experience know that the higher the crop yield, the higher the fertility required by the soil. If the fertility of the field cannot keep up, no matter how good the quality of the grain is, No matter how high the yield is, it will not lead to a bumper harvest. Once the grain is cultivated, the fields need to be left fallow or rotated to give the fields time to restore fertility."

There are also good farmers in the Northern Desert.

If Shen Tang didn't say anything and asked Wu Yuan to go back with the grain seeds, with Bei Mo's behavior, they would most likely not cultivate on a large area. They would most likely designate an area for trial planting to see the effect - Shen Tang warned Bei Mo. Mo, Bei Mo is not stupid either.

As long as they try planting, those experienced farmers will find something wrong - the yield is high, but it consumes too much fertility of the field.

This kind of grain is too overbearing. If you plant it for three or four rounds, once the fertility cannot keep up, you will not be able to harvest anything in the fourth year, and the field will be abandoned.The area of ​​cultivated land in the Northern Desert is not that of Guan Nei, and there is not much land suitable for farming. The higher-ups in the Northern Desert will definitely be cautious.

She sells disposable grain seeds for the benefit of Bei Mo.


Shen Tang was not afraid that the big customers would be scared away, and continued to output: "These high-yielding grain seeds have been treated with special secret methods, which are the highest secrets of Kang State. You can't have your cake and eat it too. In order to obtain the characteristics of high-yielding seeds, , I can only sacrifice the ability of the seeds to be passed down stably. I must sell the hens, but these hens are really special..."

Wu Yuan's expression did not change much.

But looking at the details, it has been stretched a lot.

His eyes fluctuated, as if he was weighing whether Shen Tang's words were true or false. After all, politicians' mouths were full of lies.

Shen Tang saw his reaction in her eyes: "Is the envoy doubting why I am confessing this? Of course it is because of the word 'integrity' - a person cannot stand without faith, an industry cannot prosper without faith, and a country cannot prosper without faith. Decline. The first time Kang Guo founded the country was to cooperate with Bei Mo, and it needs a good start. If this is done, the neighboring countries will naturally be willing to believe in Kang Guo, so why worry about the failure of all industries? "

If businessmen trumpet the advantages of their products and hesitate to discuss the disadvantages, even the most popular industries will go bankrupt.

After hearing this, Wu Yuan's face turned blue and white.

After all, Beimo's business reputation is even worse than Shiwu's.

It's hard to say that Shen Tang's words were not directed at Sang and Huai.

He secretly exhaled a filthy breath, took a deep breath for mental preparation, forced out an unnatural smile, and said in admiration: "Kang Guozhu's mind, Wu Mou admired him so much."

Regardless of how true or false Shen Tang's words were, the fact that the other party was willing to talk about all kinds of shortcomings instead of using them to harm Bei Mo was indeed beyond Wu Yuan's expectations.If he were Shen Tang, he would have wished Beimo had bought it back to trick him to death.


Why do you want to be reminded?

You and I are deceitful, you die and I live, it is only natural.

Wu Yuan changed the subject, and there was a bit of tangle and embarrassment between his eyebrows: "It's just that we didn't know in advance that the grain has these disadvantages. Wu Yuan is not good at it, and the purchase needs to be discussed with several staff members... I hope Lord Kang I can understand.”

Shen Tang smiled and said, "This is natural."

The look in Wu Yuan's eyes seemed to be looking at the prey that was already in the bag: "Benevolence and righteousness remain in the business, so there is no need for the messenger to worry too much."

"Thank you Lord Kang!"

Wu Yuan bowed deeply and bowed.

Although he was traveling in a light carriage and with a simple escort, he was after all a powerful prince in the Northern Desert, and he had all the attendants and staff he should have.They gathered together and discussed for more than an hour.Gong Cheng sat outside, guarding with his arms folded, not getting involved.

He doesn't care about all the decisions made in Beimo.

From time to time there were fierce quarrels inside.

These staff were obviously divided into two groups.

One group supports the purchase of disposable grain seeds. There is too little food resources in the Northern Desert. Shen Tang is not easy to talk to now. Although there is an intention to trade with each other, he will definitely open his mouth in the future.The Northern Desert must find a way to be self-sufficient, get rid of this soft control, and eliminate constraints!So what if these grains will damage the land?Beimo purchases grain from outside every year. How much more is lost?
In the past, when the forces within the pass were at war, Beimo was able to fish in troubled waters and secretly smuggle in more supplies.As soon as the man surnamed Shen came on stage, he immediately blocked the opening!No merchant would dare to commit a crime against the wind!Now is the time to untie the shackles!
One group is opposed to purchasing disposable grain seeds.

There are not many fields in the Northern Desert, and the people in Guan are not as good at farming and raising the land. If a piece of land is abandoned, it will take how many years to grow it back.The man named Shen dug a hole and waited for them to jump into it.No matter what, Beimo cannot be fooled.

Gong Cheng listened to the movement inside and gradually became quieter.

A flash of understanding flashed across his face.

Although there are many tribes and races in the Northern Desert, and they fight every day, they are strangely united when they are united to the outside world.These aides, no matter which faction they were on, never relaxed their malice and vigilance towards Shen Tang.

The two factions have different opinions, but they agree on one thing -

"The person surnamed Shen definitely has no good intentions!"

"There are so many lies, don't believe them easily!"

"It is said that grain can only be cultivated once, but the news from the people that it is harvested is not the is a clear lie!"

Heyin has had good harvests for several years.

Although the yield per mu is not as high as here in Longwu County, it is still a good year!Anyone who has farmed knows that farming means eating at the mercy of God.One year out of ten years has a great harvest, and two or three years have a small harvest. This is due to the smoke coming out of the ancestral graves.However, He Yin connected with Dafeng and picked up Xiaofeng.

Xu Wenzhu, the governor of Heyin County, took this aspect seriously.

Bei Mo had to use the contacts that had been hidden for decades to secretly obtain a batch of grain produced in Heyin and use his identity as a merchant to smuggle it to Bei Mo.It's just that I couldn't transport it out because the inspection was too strict when I passed the customs!I don’t know how poor the person surnamed Shen is. There are so many merchants passing through the customs, and everyone has to check them.They are checked one by one and turned over batch by batch. Merchants who are not qualified for export business cannot leave the customs with materials beyond the prescribed amount.Here in the Northern Desert, I broke down a few hidden lines and got a small bag of grain seeds.

These grain seeds are circulated in Heyin. The climate in Heyin is not bad, and the grain seeds do not need cold resistance, or even drought resistance.During Shen Tang's tenure, he dug canals and built reservoirs, so there was no shortage of water at all.

It is conceivable-

These grains were directly acclimatized to the soil and climate when they arrived in the Northern Desert.

The small moves made by Bei Mo were in vain.

Shen Tang said that secret techniques were used to grow these grains, and the staff believed it, but it would definitely be a lie to say that they could only be planted once.You can only plant it once just to prevent Bei Mo from saving the seeds for yourself!
There must be some secret here.

The Caotai team also has the advantages of the Caotai team. The streamlined personnel greatly reduces the links that may leak secrets.Beimo will not be able to obtain secrets in the short term. If you want to find out the real information, you can only count on the spies arranged to work hard.

The staff sighed.

Until one person became cruel and said with a gloomy look in his eyes: "I think I still need to buy grain seeds. This will not only help the country get rid of the grain shortage, but also make people named Shen relax their vigilance. The mutual trade between the two places must be completed, otherwise—— I don’t know how long the person named Shen will make things difficult for us. A century-old plan cannot be planted here!"

When the "[-]-year plan" was mentioned, the opposition no longer opposed it and fell into a dilemma of silence.The plan to go south from the Northern Desert has been planned for more than a hundred years?Now that they have finally obtained the national seal, they only need food and grass to raise troops and go south again.

Staff members are more or less gambling-minded.

Wu Yuan and other staff are no exception.

Or rather, so does he himself.

"As long as we succeed in moving south, how much land will we not have?" Wu Yuan's gloomy face was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, and his words were cold and ruthless, "Don't you believe the prophecies of sages? Destiny is in the north! The northern desert is destiny! These fields are ruined It’s useless!”

Everyone fell into a long silence again.

There is indeed a sage's prophecy in the Northern Desert that has been circulating for two to three hundred years, maybe even longer - destiny is in the north!This north is the "Northern Desert"!There are also legends passed down from generation to generation among the elderly people in the Northern Desert. Their ancestors had a noble bloodline and once commanded the entire continent.Those despicable people in the pass stole the throne of God and drove the ancestors to a barren and desolate land, making them suffer enough.

Afterwards, thieves fell from the sky, and there was no national seal in the Northern Desert. They were suppressed by the customs without any effort for more than 200 years. Enough was enough!

A sage from the Northern Desert whose name and origin are unknown.

Only two prophecies remain.

One way - destiny is in the north.

One way - the thief star comes to the world.

It is said that this thief star will bring new life to the world. According to the prophecy, it was supposed to fall in the Northern Desert, but unexpectedly it fell in the pass.The sages of that generation made a divination and said that there was a villain in the pass who had tampered with the number of days, causing the sages' prophecies to be distorted.

The destiny in the north cannot be tampered with anymore!
Greed is ingrained in human bones.

Wu Yuan wanted to bet on the fate of the country. As long as his plan to go south was successful, the loss of these fields in the Northern Desert would be insignificant.

Not long after, the pro-campaign took the lead in supporting Wu Yuan.

The opposition is also shaken.

After half a quarter of an hour, the opinions were completely unified.

Wu Yuan went to see Shen Tang again.

Beimo has great authority over Wu Yuan, and any quotation within a certain range can be accepted. If it exceeds the limit but is not outrageous, Beimo can also accept it.Shen Tang asked Beimo to pay a deposit first, and Kang Guo would deliver the goods within the specified period, but that was only the first batch.

Wu Yuan frowned: "Just the first batch?"

He looked at the drafted deed and didn't agree very much.

Shen Tang smiled and said: "The grain purchased in Bei Mo is not a small amount, and I have to prepare time. Besides, it is a rule to pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand. In view of Bei Mo's numerous criminal records, Kang Guo has just Establishment always requires caution.”

Wu Yuan was speechless and unable to speak.

In fact, Beimo really didn't want to default on his debt this time.

The grain seeds were only a one-time thing, and the mutual market had not yet been established. Taking advantage of Shen Tang at this juncture would make people angry and would not be of any benefit to Beimo.But Shen Tang was right. Beimo did not intend to default on the debt, but he did not say that he would pay on time.

Deliberately procrastinating is what they can do.

After confirming the cooperation, the only thing left is to negotiate the price.

Shen Tang left this matter to Gu Chi, Luan Xin and Lin Feng.Gu Chi can listen to people's voices and has a sharp tongue. Luan Xin speaks slowly, like a koala. If his opponents are more impatient, he will make him lose their temper. Lin Feng is the one who leads the conversation.

Grain planting and so on are all Hucao's business.

After that comes the mutual market that Wu Yuan is most looking forward to.

Shen Tang showed him another wave of operations.

Mutual trading is possible, but there are restrictions on the items that can be traded. Some commodities are prohibited from being sold and circulated. To be precise, private merchants are prohibited from trading them.Wu Yuan listened with a dark face and slowly opened the thick and long volume of prohibition regulations.

Tea, among the best.

Wu Yuan: "..."

Gong Cheng noticed that Wu Yuan's fingers were trembling.

The latter took a deep breath and suppressed the outburst of anger.

"Master Kang, why is tea banned?"

Shen Tang had already prepared his words.

"Oh, well, this is because of the war last year and floods of varying degrees in Yanzhou and Qianzhou, which directly led to a sharp decrease in tea this year. Alas, the supply of tea in Kang State exceeds demand, and the price remains high. If tea is still allowed If people can go to the border for private transactions, the price of tea in Kang State will probably be higher. Once the common people follow the trend and plant tea, not only will the grain production decrease in the coming year and there will be a risk of food shortage, but the sudden increase in tea production will also cause the price to plummet. It will harm the balance, so it is prohibited. "

Her eyes were sincere.

There is no hint of any intention to make things difficult.

Wu Yuan: "..."

  Tea and salt are both very important to the Northern Desert, and Tang Mei has banned them.
(End of this chapter)

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