stand back, let me come

Chapter 971 971: It’s better to come early than to come by chance [please vote]

If it had been a few years earlier, Su Shiyilu would never have dreamed of what he would be like now - he would rush to the same battlefield with his enemies, and there would also be elite soldiers from Wuzhou Zhechong Prefecture in the army. He lowered his eyes and thought for a few breaths, then couldn't help but look up.

As a literary scholar, Lin Feng has keen senses.

Of course she couldn't ignore this sight.

I was not in the mood to care about the rush of the journey.

Su Shiyilu was holding back a nameless rage in his heart that could not be extinguished even after drinking several large gulps of cold water. His internal organs were almost twisted and knotted. At night, the military order was finally issued ordering the army to rest in place. He put his hands on his hips and exhaled turbid air, but it did not relieve the feeling of hatred licking his insides. Feeling troubled in his heart, Su Shiyilu caught a glimpse of some soldiers in the military formation who were relaxed.

Without thinking, he transformed into a long whip and whipped it.

This whip will not cause serious injury, but the pain will definitely be unforgettable. He looked sinister: "Who told you to do this?"

The beaten soldier let out a cry of pain.

That soldier was also a soldier from Zhechong Mansion in Wuzhou.

The hurried walking all the way caused blisters on his feet. The blisters broke out and appeared again and again. In addition, after several days of hurried walking, his body and spirit were a little overwhelmed, and he felt a little relaxed for a while. The severe pain caused by this whip made him completely sober and conscious, but he did not dare to complain at all, and he accepted it honestly. All the old people who follow Su Shiyilu know that this person has a bad temper at all.

Seeing that he was interested, Su Shiyilu did not whip the second whip, but glanced at the rest of the people with murderous eyes, and finally landed on Lin Feng, who was sitting on horseback, holding the map in both hands and meditating. Lin Feng had no reaction to what happened here.

But he couldn't see her being so aloof.

"Commander Lin, don't you think General General is strict in running the army?"

Lin Feng finally raised his head. Unexpectedly, Su Shiyilu would challenge him. While covering his head, he said lightly: "These soldiers are the soldiers of the government. They were also the general's headquarters in Wuzhou. They have already had a tacit understanding. Lin Mou rashly said To interfere is to overstep."

This answer didn't give Su Shiyilu any reason to continue his attack, but he didn't let it go: "Huh, I thought that Military Advisor Lin would be the kind of sour scholar who admired 'loving soldiers like sons' and regarded it as a model. In his heart, He is also decisive in killing."

It's hard to tell whether this is a compliment or a sarcastic statement.

Lin Feng was not angered by him, and was not interested in Su Shiyilu's provocation. He said calmly: "The general's duty is to lead the soldiers to win the battle. If the soldiers are really indulged and pampered as children, it will inevitably lead to a lack of military discipline. So. What battle can be won with soldiers and horses? Moreover, a person who truly 'loves his soldiers as his own children' would push his children onto the battlefield? There is nothing wrong with the general's behavior."

As long as they are not looking for trouble to beat or maim soldiers, there is no problem in being moderately strict. Su Shiyilu's foundation lies in these veterans of his headquarters. Why would he beat people to death when he was full and had nothing to do?
After saying this, Lin Feng lowered his head to look at the map again.

Su Shiyilu's anger became even more suppressed.

Of course, he couldn't kill Lin Feng, nor could he lead his troops and give up. If the soldiers and horses here mutiny, it won't take long for the rest of the main force to kill them all. Thinking of this, Su Shiyilu once again scolded Shen Tang in his heart for being a despicable villain.

In order to prevent rebellion in Wuzhou during the war between Kang State and Beimo, she used the reason of "valuing Wuzhou, regardless of you and me" to transfer important officials of Wuzhou headed by Su Shiyilu to various places. Except for Su Shiyilu who can lead troops in battle, the others - only people, no soldiers, they are all mere commanders!

These people could not cause chaos in other parts of Kang State.

Wuzhou's elite were transferred to the front line.

The people leading the army were Su Shiyilu and several old troops.

On the surface, this arrangement was really about using Wuzhou soldiers and horses regardless of past suspicions, but behind the scenes, it was extremely uncomfortable. Su Shiyilu is not stupid, he knows what Shen Tang is planning.

If Kang Guo loses to Bei Mo, Shen Tang will not let him live.

A vicious, despicable person!
The person named Shen deserves to receive thousands of blows!

What makes people even more uncomfortable is that the military advisor accompanying the army is Lin Feng.

Su Shiyilu had no impression of Lin Feng. He only knew that she was the highest-ranked literary scholar among the female officials. She was the only literary scholar in Kang Guo who had a second-rank Chinese literary heart. She was an excellent person. Until, he unexpectedly learned that Lin Feng was the murderer of his nephew.

Hate from the past comes flooding back.

In the past two years, Su Shiyilu had never met her face to face. Although there was deliberate arrangement by the surname Shen, there was also deliberate avoidance by Lin Feng. It's just that the two of them were officials in the same dynasty. Even if one was in the royal capital and the other was in Wuzhou, it was impossible for them to run into each other for the rest of their lives.

This time not only did they meet, but they also had to cooperate.

Su Shiyilu scolded Shen Tang louder in his heart.

If this wasn't intentional on behalf of Shen, he would have had his head chopped off!

Just as Su Shiyilu was secretly brewing, an ordinary bird landed on her shoulder, and Lin Feng tilted his head in the direction of the bird. After a few breaths, she looked at Su Shiyilu with a smile and asked: "General, there is a military merit, do you want it?"

Su Shiyilu: "..."

Inwardly cursing the blacklist plus Lin Feng.

"If you have the guts to give it, I'll have the guts to take it!"

If Kang Guo loses this battle, he will find an opportunity to cut off Lin Feng's head and avenge his nephew before he dies. If Kang Guo wins, but Lin Feng’s battlefield situation is not right, he will also find an opportunity to cut off Lin Feng’s head——

Su Shiyilu stared at Lin Feng's neck with cold eyes.

Such a delicate and white existence, cut off with one knife——

Su Shiyilu's remaining thoughts were interrupted by a female voice that reached his ears. The voice was crisp and a little confusing: "Then it depends on whether the general has this ability. If Kang Guo is defeated, your sword will The ax must be faster than someone Lin's sword."

His eyes suddenly widened.


Lin Feng had already left on horseback.

It won't be long before he turns back again.

He held a military order in his hand.

"General, this military merit is going to be secured!"

The border between Kang State and the Northern Desert is very long. In order to relieve the pressure caused by the long front line, the northwest countries jointly dispatched dozens of powerful warriors and 30 million corvees to build mountains similar to the Chaoliguan Mountains on the border. man-made natural hazards. It took 30 years and two generations to use the national destiny to bless each city stone, which weighs hundreds of pounds, and it is said to be impregnable.

Every ten to twenty years there will be some reinforcement of the national destiny.

They also built endless city defenses on top of natural dangers.

There are one large, two small, and three important passes on it.

The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants took the shade.

This operation of the first generation of northwest kingdoms gave later generations the confidence to face the attack of the Northern Desert. It's just that no matter how many old people there are, they can't stand it. After Xin and Geng took turns taking charge, and then Shen Tang emerged as a new force, during this period of more than 20 years, this city defense was no longer as indestructible as it was back then. Shen Tang agreed to the mutual trade in Beimo because he also wanted to buy time to repair the city's defenses.

The Northern Desert knows very well that national destiny is hard to come by.

If Shen Tang repairs the city defense, the country's fortune will not be much better.

Both sides are betting, and the winner is unknown.

According to the military order, Su Shiyilu led some elite troops to break away from the large army and change the marching route. The original route was planned to support the main pass, but now it was changed to another secondary pass. He couldn't help but look back at the soldiers and horses behind him, and there were 3000 people in total.

What can a person like this do?
But if he asked Lin Feng, he couldn't make him lose his temper.

Lin Feng took the initiative and said: "There is a batch of food and grass."

According to the information received by Lin Feng, most of the troops in the Northern Desert are currently concentrated at the main passes near Tuocheng, including the warrior surnamed Yun who suddenly appeared in the Northern Desert camp. The main force is there, and the troops in other places are relatively weak, which is a weakness.

Su Shiyilu asked: "Where did you know?"

Even the scouts are not that fast.

Lin Feng said: "This is a unique secret technique."

Su Shiyilu choked for a moment and almost choked on the wind that poured into his mouth. He knew that Lin Feng was cunning and was wary of himself and refused to tell the truth. This guess is somewhat unfair.

Lin Feng didn't say it was not because she was wary of him, but because her methods were somewhat shady - ever since Gong Xi Qiu embarked on a five-year long journey to find his brother, Gong Xi had been responsible for taking care of the things of the Gong Xi clan. As Gong Xi Qiu's benefactor, before he left, he specifically asked Gong Xi to come and satisfy Lin Feng's needs as much as possible. Therefore, the documents of the Gongxi clan were completely open to her. There are many secrets in this clan, and they are always new to you.

Lin Feng inevitably came into contact with many secrets, including but not limited to weird plants like the [Corpse Vine] and various breeding manuals for Gu insects. Reason told her to stop, but she got deeper and deeper into the trap. The ocean is inextricable.

There has been some success over the years.

One kind of voodoo bugs are specifically parasitic on birds and animals. They use them to form a surveillance network. With the help of Qin Li, the Minister of Rites who works part-time in the Taishi Bureau, many of these voodoo bugs are secretly transported to the Northern Desert. They parasitize various small animals and gradually bring the northern desert into the scope of monitoring.

However, this kind of monitoring effect is limited and the scope is very small.

In order to maximize the effect, the important minister collected the combat records of Bei Mo over the years, simulated the war between Kang State and Bei Mo, and the combat actions that Bei Mo would take, delineated several possible garrison areas and marching routes, and deployed spies in advance.

Early deployment also has multiple benefits.

First, Gu insects can integrate more perfectly into the local biosphere and are less likely to be detected by people with keen senses. Secondly, as long as the Northern Desert army enters the monitoring range, Kang Guo can obtain military intelligence secrets as quickly as possible. Coupled with the information network of the post station and the Dingding meeting, the risk of military intelligence delays is minimized.

The only flaw——

After all, animals are not humans, and the information they brought back was fragmentary.

Lin Feng could only analyze it based on the information sent back.

These contents cannot be informed to Su Shiyilu yet, because similar treatment is also available in Wuzhou. Based on Su Shiyilu's experience, it is estimated that he has a clear mind and knows that Kang Guo will not completely trust Shiwu, but he did not find the spy.

The main force of troops rushed to the main pass according to the original plan.

A group of people arrived faster than the main force.

Naturally, it was Shen Tang and his party who broke away from the large army.

When they were about to arrive, the interior of the pass was calm and there were no signs of fighting, nor did it seem that there was an enemy ambushing them, waiting for help. Shen Tang felt relieved, wiped his face, and wiped his yellowed palms on the hem of his clothes.

"We haven't even reached the Northern Desert yet. The wind is blowing in the face, and the accumulated sand can be used as concealer..." The high mountains here can already see the key passes. Shen Tang finished complaining and laughed, "I speak from experience. As long as you don’t take Ji Shou with you, everything will go well!”

If Kangshi was brought along, it would be impossible to tell.

Perhaps something had happened to the pass when she arrived.

Qishan also showed a rare sense of relief on his face: "I heard from Ji Shou that he has already figured out how to perfect the way of being a scribe."

Shen Tang had the urge to roll his eyes: "Then I have to praise him, right? Half of the students he brought have already walked ahead of him, and he has just figured it out now. By the way, what are the conditions for success?"

Qishan said: "He didn't elaborate."

It is estimated that the conditions for consummation are rather stringent.

"Well, I'll ask him later." In order for Kang Jishou not to plague her anymore, she risked her life to bring him consummation.

When his feet stepped onto the key point, Shen Tang completely relaxed.

She was also in a mood to tease: "I'm really not the heroine."

Gong Xiqiu, who was inspecting the surroundings, turned to look.

Shen Tang said: "If it is a female protagonist, it usually comes at a moment's notice. For example, if a powerful enemy invades, the general will fight hard against the enemy. At the critical moment, I will appear on the scene to save her from danger."

"This is not good."

Jimoqiu, who had been silent along the way, suddenly spoke.

Shen Tang smiled and asked, "Why?"

Jimo Qiu didn't answer, but Gong Xiqiu had a tacit understanding: "If he sneezes and you take action so late, will this person die by the enemy's hand or by a sneeze?"

Shen Tang: "'s not a good habit to get stuck."

Alas, but the excitement is addictive.

When we arrived at the key pass, it was almost midnight.

They didn't conceal their presence when they came. Chu Jie was the first to know and rushed over immediately: "See you, Lord."

The reinforcements were so busy that they obviously did not delay on the road.

Shen Tang said: "Is there anything unusual in the Northern Desert?"

Chu Jie, who was not panicking at all, now took reassurance. He replied: "According to the scout's report, at noon in the daytime, the soldiers and horses of the Northern Desert advanced more than sixty miles to Tuocheng and set up the expedition altar. The soldiers should be here in these three days."

Shen Tang looked strange: "Have they mobilized their troops?"

Due to its special circumstances, the Northern Desert has its own system.

Generally speaking, it is similar to Zhechong Mansion, except that it is not as systematic and the scheduling is not as efficient. Not to mention that Shen Tang had also penetrated the North Desert, which intensified this shortcoming. They should have mobilized their troops and horses at least half a month later than our own.

We don't have all the troops at this moment...

Once the expedition altar is set up, is it now on? ? ?

Or is it that the foreign aid of the warrior surnamed Yun gave Beimo full confidence? Can you fight even if you don't have all the troops?
Chu Jie said: "No."

Soldiers and horses from the Northern Desert are still arriving in a steady stream.

Shen Tang glanced in the direction of Bei Mo.

He smiled and said: "I would like to meet the ace of the Northern Desert for a while. There is an old saying that it is better to arrive early than to arrive in time."

It is better to wait and see if someone is stuck and save people.


At this time, the breeze blew on my face.

There was a faint air of frost and snow in the wind.

Shen Tang was very familiar with this kind of scent.

This is Yun Ce's unique method. His martial energy can make liquid freeze into ice and snow, and every time he strikes, there will be ice crystals and snow accompanying him. Not to mention the lethality, the visual effects alone are unmatched. Even when his enemies died in his hands, it was as beautiful as a painting.

She looked casually towards the direction the wind was blowing.

Gong Xiqiu and Jimo Qiu, one transformed into a halberd and the other grabbed the wooden stick. Shen Tang stepped sideways to stop Chu Jie who was about to step forward.

"Don't take action yet."

Su Shiyilu's sister, the only son of Queen Shiwu, was beheaded by Lin Feng.

Ahem, this only son has a special status, so he can't let go.

PS: It’s rare for a friend to open a book again, it’s not easy.

"Jinghong Tower", author: Yao Yingyi

The doting eldest daughter of the He family is fake, and there is a waste in the family who is a real daughter.

The real daughter only does three small things in her life - raising an emperor at will, destroying a city at will, and opening a chain of Jinghong Towers.

You ask about the fake daughter?
Oh, I became a little brother.

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