stand back, let me come

Chapter 976 976: Yuan Liang, please listen to my quibbles [please vote]

Chu Jie keenly noticed Qi Shan's negative emotions.

I was a little confused.

Isn't it a good thing that the Lord's battle went smoothly and he was unscathed?

Chu Jie only found out about the fact that the Lord was injured and Qi Shan was also injured in the past two years. The Lord himself revealed it himself, just to clean up Qi Shan's mess and wipe his butt.

Let's start with Tie Yushi, the head of the Yushitai.

It is a well-known fact that Qi Shan was born in the Qi family, a declining noble family. Anyone who is interested can find out the approximate amount of the wealth of Qi family's generation. Qishan's expenses over the years have far exceeded his normal income and the Qi family's financial resources. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that he must have black income that cannot be seen in the light. The Yushitai has been keeping an eye on him because of this matter.

However, Qishan is the head of the branch of the Society of Gods and he is free and embezzled in the Society of Gods. These things cannot be made public or told to the outside world. As the head of the country, Shen Tang cannot rebuke the conscientious censor. There must be an explanation.

No matter how ridiculous the reason is, it is better than ignoring it.

So Shen Tang held a small meeting about this matter and bluntly said that praying for kindness is his other life. There is no one in this world who would betray him. Apart from Chu Yao and Ning Yan, number three is Qi Shan. As for Qi Shan's financial and economic problems, she has already found out clearly, and you can rest assured that there will be absolutely no problem.

As for the evidence proving that praying for kindness is okay?

No, Shen Tang used herself as a guarantee.

However, some cunning old foxes will figure it out on their own - which king in ancient times has not been suspicious and not afraid of death? Praying for good is another life of Shen Tang, and praying for good is her life. The winks stopped, and only Tou Tie continued.

It's not that the head-tied censor is blind and deliberately goes against Shen Tang, but he knows that there is no absolutely incorruptible existence in this world, and no matter how perfect the system is, it will be corroded and destroyed, not to mention the complicated and changeable people. ? Must be on guard!
Keeping an eye on it at all times can help the Qi Zhongshu maintain a sense of crisis, so that he won't get carried away and make mistakes one day!
Like most people, Chu Jie only knew that Qishan could bear the injury for Shen Tang, but he did not know the prerequisites for bearing the injury.

He said: "It's a good thing that he wasn't injured."

Qishan didn't answer.

Chu Jie inexplicably felt the indescribable oppression and suffocation, and said bravely: "The battlefield on the ground is the home field of the Jimo High Priest. With his full assistance, the Lord has always been alert. Even if he is praying for a book, he will not be easily injured... Right?"

He racked his brains to find this reason.

For the sake of credibility, Jimo Qiu was also involved.

Jimo Qiu was named and looked over.

Lying was what he was worst at. The answer was choked in his throat and he couldn't spit it out. He simply chose to remain silent and let Qishan and Chu Jie guess the rest. He had arranged all the formation traps on the ground. How could he not know the battle situation inside? Lord Shen was not only injured, but also lost a lot of blood. Her blood is a great tonic for these plants, and any contact with it will make them extremely excited.

The heart-like relaxation and contraction are proof.

Qishan's eyes were dark. His size was not a deterrent to Jimo Qiu, who was minoring in martial arts, but his aura was much more powerful. Every word he said carried the ultimate oppressive force of a superior: "It seems that the high priest is not How could you lie?"

One sentence struck a chord with Jimo Qiu.

The young man's eyes were slightly panicked.

Naturally, he didn't notice Qishan's livid face.

Chu Jie also smelled something strange in the breath.

Only Qi Shan, his breath was disordered, his eyes were covered with dense and terrifying bloodshot eyes, and he stared at the palms of his hands, panicking and eagerly expecting the dazzling red color to appear on them. But, no, the palm of his hand was intact and he didn't feel any pain.

The palms were tense and veins popped out.

Chu Jie stepped back to the side.

Jimo Qiu whispered: "It's so scary..."

Chu Jie's eyes warned Jimo Qiu not to add fuel to the fire.

His intuition told him that the fact that his master was injured in the battle but Qi Shan was not injured made Qi Shan's mood explode and worsened to the extreme.

Jimo Qiu: "The energy of heaven and earth around him has changed."

"What has become?"


Chu Jie lost control of his mouth: "'s really not like..."

His colleagues all seemed to be suffering from serious illnesses.

Shen Tang didn't know the source of all this.

After Werda was swallowed by the "giant tumor", she also killed her on the back foot. As the hole above his head healed, the little bit of moonlight was cut off, and his field of vision was filled with endless darkness. However, brave warriors do not rely solely on their eyesight to fight.

Unable to see with the eyes, other senses are amplified to the extreme.

Shen Tang is like this, and so is Yunda.

What's more, brave warriors can also use martial energy to illuminate.

Yunda waved his hand and formed three groups of martial energy that lingered around him, acting as lighting objects. The light blue light dispels the darkness, making it easier for Werder to see clearly his surroundings. This place is a section of cave. The overall shape of the cave is oblate. The widest point is about two feet and three feet, and the narrowest point is also one foot and five feet. It was quiet inside the cave, not a sound could be heard, and no breath outside of one's own body could be sensed.

He didn't even want to use violence to clear the way.

The shadow of the gun penetrated directly above the head.

Several bangs, bangs, bangs.

Yunda jumped up lightly and went straight up, passing through more than 20 holes in a row, but he did not continue. One cave is more than two feet high, and more than 20 people have been penetrated in a row. This height is enough to escape. The truth is, the layers of caverns never end.

He frowned slightly, planning to start from the cave.

The walls of the cave don't feel as cold and hard as rocks. They feel rough to the touch, and it feels like stroking the bark of a tree. Yunda had a cold expression on his face, while he was vigilantly walking through the cave, and at the same time vigilant about the enemies that might come out. He walked quickly for ten breaths, and when his feet stepped on a certain position, he immediately dodged to avoid it, and a silvery-white light containing murderous intent erupted from bottom to top.

If he had moved slower, half of his foot would have been cut off. Before he could see the enemy clearly, the murderous intent was approaching.


The clash of weapons instantly sparked brilliant sparks.

Reflect the person's face.

There was a childlike smile on that face.

"I found you!"

Yunda sneered in his heart, and the gun's momentum changed.

The spear tip made of ice and snow grazed Shen Tang's cheek and stabbed out. At the same time, the sharp sword also penetrated flowers and picked leaves, piercing Yunda's vitals at an extremely tricky angle. The blade of the sword pressed against the barrel of the gun, creating a dense stream of sparks.

Yunda just used his wrist skillfully, and the tip of the spear hit Shen Tang's back at a weird angle - Yunda is just the embodiment of martial energy, whether he is seriously injured or dead, it will not affect his body, but Shen Tang is a flesh and blood body , She couldn't afford to trade injury for injury.

Shen Tang really didn't want to trade injuries with him.

A powerful wave of energy burst out from the lightning.

After two dings, Yunda only took half a step back, but Shen Tang was forced to the wall. He placed one foot in the cave, took advantage of the situation to spin around, and raised his sword to kill the enemy in front of him again. In the dark cave, sword lights and gun shadows intersected densely, and the caves continued to collapse and annihilate in their path.

Hit from one layer to another.

Werder soon realized something strange.

Even though Shen Tang was right in front of him, he couldn't lock on to the other person's aura. Even the other person's aura was fading at an extremely fast speed, completely integrating with the surrounding environment. He knew clearly that this was the high priest of the Gongxi tribe who was causing trouble. "It's just a small trick!"

Werder did not take this to heart.

The strength of his incarnation is far superior to the person in front of him.

Even if the high priest of the Gongxi tribe assists her in targeting her, the gap in strength cannot be easily bridged. Shen Tang raised a cheerful smile: "It's just a trick, right? Hehe, in that case, let's play a game."

Shen Tang changed his moves from offense to defense.

Let Werder press forward step by step with deadly moves.

She retreated and blended into the cave walls.

There is only one sentence left: "This name is called 'catching ghosts'. The 'ghosts' caught by Youli will be killed with a sword!"

Laughter echoed in the small cave.

"Now, the game begins."

Wen Da's state of mind was not affected in the slightest.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

He raised his hand to withdraw the martial energy for lighting, and walked a hundred steps quickly with the spear in hand. The spear in his hand suddenly stabbed out, and the tip of the spear accurately touched some kind of hard metal. The flying sparks reflected Shen Tang's face for a moment. The face zoomed in quickly in the darkness, and a cold wind came from the air. The cold wind blew right at Yunda's neck.

Yunda actually refused to evade and allowed the sword to hit the scales on Dun's neck. The sword edge only left shallow marks on the layers of scales, but his palms had already prepared killing moves.

Powerful suction bursts out from the palm of your hand.

There are also hundreds of "needles" as thin as an ox's hair that are shot out. These "needles" are all ice crystals containing explosive martial energy. With the blessing of powerful force, this object has amazing penetrating power. At such a close distance, even the armor of a warrior of the same class as Yunda's incarnation would have difficulty resisting. Once it pierces the surface of an object, it will explode inside. The concentrated explosion can even destroy half a mountain.

Shen Tang did not take this risk.

Her body sank rapidly and merged into the ground beneath her feet.

All the missing ice crystals popped into the wall not far away, and exploded one after another at close range. Several crystal shields made of thick hexagonal ice crystals rose up in front of Yunda. The explosion at such a close range only caused cracks in them.

In the blink of an eye, the crack heals perfectly.

Shen Tang's voice sounded behind him.

The cold sword edge passed by Yunda's eyes.

"Only a turtle carries such a thick shield wherever he goes -" The giggles echoed in Wenda's ears along with the remnants of the explosion. An ice spear moved with Wen Da's thoughts, and the tip of the spear struck her directly in front of her face. The shaft of the ice spear in her hand stood up against the hand holding her sword. Shen Tang failed and fell into the darkness again, "Hey, old man, you don't know what it means to love children?"

She's such a peerless cutie, but she's also capable of being ruthless.

Wen Da spit out two words: "Witch!"

"I'm not a demon. Why do you, an old guy, want to change people's race and place of origin?" Shen Tang seemed to like this elusive feeling. He would come out from time to time to harass Yunda, without stopping with his hands and mouth. Belt closed, "Oh, why are there always fights and fights every time we go out for fun? It's really boring. Youli is not a martial artist, he fights and exploits children every day."

The voice was charming and naive, with a hint of softness and grievance.

It seemed like she would really get angry and drop her sword in the next second.

Werder didn't take these nonsense to heart at all.

The next second, Shen Tang's voice became much calmer, and her tone was more like that of an adult in her early twenties. She gritted her teeth and complained: "What is 'letting go'? Did I want you to come out? Didn't you have to run out on your own? Even if we are the same person, can you inform me before you sign up? It’s as if I can’t beat this old man and I want you to fight for me. I don’t want to lose face?”

"You really can't beat him."

Another soft and charming voice replied.

The mature voice became angry with embarrassment and scolded: "Shit, I can't beat a mere incarnation? I only used one of the new tricks I have learned in the past few years. If you hadn't suddenly come out to disturb him, I would have wiped out all his shit from last year's New Year's Eve dinner. It’s typed!”

"How vulgar."

"Don't you have a poop or a poop? Why are you so vulgar? Three years old? Three years old is still an age where you can't control your poop or poop."

"Alas, young pears don't have these..."

Two voices were criticizing each other.

Even though Yunda was well-informed, he still had some hairs on his back.

Shen Tang's body was trying hard to cause trouble for Wen Da, but her mouth seemed to be controlled by two people, talking to herself.

Wen Da narrowed his eyes: "Who are you?"

This is the first time I have seen this weird phenomenon.

Shen Tang raised his sword to kill Yunda Tianling Gai from above, but unfortunately the sword light pierced the air and the cave was torn open with cracks dozens of feet long. The two were forced to fall into the cave three levels below. As soon as they gained a foothold, Shen Tang came at him again with a sword. Yunda used offense as defense, the tip of the spear facing the edge of the sword, and the dense sparks that exploded flickered in the darkness. At the same time, he said : "Hehe, a young pear is a young pear/I am your ancestor!"

The childish voice said helplessly: "Don't mistakenly identify your grandson."

Not just any cat or dog can call her ancestor.

The mature voice is a little crazy.

"When you get the number, just fight hard and don't get hurt - ah ah ah ah, this is my body, it's okay if I get hurt, Yuan Liang is suffering from the same old sin. I said, avoid it ah ah ah!"

A childish voice: "If it's not heavy, you won't die."

Another voice was still howling like ghosts and wolves.

"You won't force me to come here, you noob! You have to suffer an injury like this when you can obviously avoid it. Yuanliang, the one with tender skin and tender flesh, has suffered a lot. If you don't feel sorry for my body, I feel sorry for it."

The childish voice said impatiently: "It's so noisy!"

Even his brows were furrowed.

Another voice was unyielding, and the anger level was still rising: "Rookie! I'm so messed with the keyboard, but I can beat the chicken better than you!"

A childish voice: "Because we need blood to feed the baby, and it's impossible for Pear to stop and draw blood for himself. Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! Who is the weakest? You are obviously the weakest among the three. , you still have the nerve to talk about baby pear!"

As for that Yuanliang?
"That little brother won't be hurt." She said as if she was taking credit, "Youli cut off the bond between you when he came up. I'll reconnect you after the beating. Be good."

Hearing this, Shen Tang was quiet for three breaths.

Immediately, a sharper and harsher explosion broke out.

The sonic boom even caught Werder off guard.

"It's over, it's over -"

"Damn kid, you killed me -"

Qi Yuanliang is extremely insecure and has masochistic tendencies. Once he finds out, how can he coax her back?


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