stand back, let me come

Chapter 988 988: Kill now to get "Mo" [asking for monthly votes]

Twenty or thirty pairs of eyes looked back "reluctantly".

Everyone has different thoughts about Gong Xiqiu.

Veteran ministers such as Qi Shan are no strangers to Gong Xiqiu, but there are also officials who joined in the later years or became official only after the establishment of Kang State. They have always been in a state of "only hearing his name but not seeing his person" towards Gong Xiqiu. With three points of curiosity.

Mysteries make people more attractive.

There are countless mysteries about Gong Xiqiu on one hand.

This person is majestic and beautiful, and there are many rumors among the people that the Lord fell in love with this person at first sight, and the position of the king's wife has been vacant for many years for him. In the words of the best-selling storybook author [Five Elements of Virtue], this is called "white moonlight".

"Bai Yueguang" went abroad.

From then on, the Lord sealed his heart and loved her, but he loved the whole family and he was particularly fond of men and women whose temperament and appearance were similar to Gong Xiqiu, and regarded these people as Gong Xiqiu's substitutes. To describe it using the passage "Five Elements of Bad Virtues", this is called Wan Wan's kind of Qing, and XX's kind of hatred.

In addition to his appearance, his strength is also first-class and tyrannical.

It is said that in the battle of Xiaocheng before the founding of Kang State, the Lord and he exchanged secret arrows from each other, and the troops of the two armies were greatly shocked. This scene is so outrageous that even the most popular writers can't describe it, yet it happened in real life, with tens of thousands of witnesses!

This is further evidence that Gong Xiqiu is the master "Bai Yueguang". Folk gambling houses are very vocal about Gong Xiqiu becoming the king's husband. If Gong Xiqiu hadn't been hanging out abroad all year round, he would have definitely been able to overpower Qi Shan, Chu Yao, and Qin Li, and he would have been able to defeat all enemies in one fell swoop!

In addition, his origin is also mysterious.

Many courtiers also joined in the fun and made bets for fun.

Regarding the winning or losing of the bet, when these people heard that "Returning White Moonlight" was there, they all appeared to be indifferent on the surface, but in fact they secretly went to peek at Gongxi Qiu and get a glimpse of "White Moonlight" - Gongxi Qiu Jinjin is also dressed in a typical "Gongxi Qiu style". A sharp outfit outlines his figure, making him look even more handsome, with red lips and white teeth. The aura is not as overwhelming as the rumors say. On the contrary, it is very restrained and unpretentious, and has returned to the state of nature.

Perhaps the expectations were too high at the beginning, but I was not as shocked as I imagined when I met the real person. In addition, Gong Xiqiu threatened to bury the Lord alive, and the atmosphere between the two of them was not at all ambiguous and sticky. , innocent and serious.

Oh, their eyes are too firm.

So firm that it gives people an illusion——

The two of them could relieve themselves in a row of dry toilets.

For the first time, Liang Lang resented that he had such a good memory, and the outrageous metaphors in the article "Five Elements of Bad Virtues" flashed through his mind from time to time, which really affected his work status. He bowed his head and recited the Heart Sutra silently several times, discarded the unnecessary distractions in his mind, and bowed in unison with all the ministers.

Gong Xiqiu didn't notice the looks in these people's eyes.

But he always goes his own way.

No matter whether it was under Tang Guo's tent or later as a "mercenary fighter", no amount of strange looks from the outside world could catch his eye.

Gong Xiqiu had been forced to hold the false title of General of Kang for many years, but today was the first time he participated in a more formal meeting. He didn't know where his position was, so he simply found a quiet corner to stay - he just wanted to fight and disliked brain work.

Someone beside him reminded Gong Xiqiu.

"The general should sit..."

Gong Xiqiu said: "It's relatively quiet here."

Since Gong Xiqiu didn't think it was offensive or humiliating to sit at the second table, it was hard for everyone to say anything. They and Gong Xiqiu were not even acquaintances. And because of the Lord's indulgence and preference for Gong Xiqiu, they also followed Shen Tang's wishes and no longer cared about Gong Xiqiu's offensive words outside the door. Temporarily suppress the temptation to eat melons, and turn the focus to business: "General Uncle Gong led his troops to destroy a Northern Desert army this morning, captured more than a thousand people, and beheaded 300. Important information was obtained from this army. .”

After saying that, someone presented the battle report with both hands.

As soon as I got closer, I could smell the strong smell of blood.

Shen Tang received the battle report.

Before opening it, I felt a little sticky to the touch of my fingertips.

The source of the sticky feeling is blood that has not completely dried!

This is a battle report written in human blood. Judging from the handwriting, it should have been written by Gong Shuwu himself. She was right. This battle report was indeed written by Gong Shuwu himself. At first, he planned to use ink, but in pursuit of the Northern Desert soldiers and horses, he lost the cloth bag containing the ink strips, so he had no choice but to use local materials.

Gong Shuwu was biting a writing brush in his mouth and looking worried. He glanced at the Beimo military general who was seriously injured and captured but had an unclean mouth.

This Northern Desert military general cursed people in the language of a certain tribe in the Northern Desert. The content of the curse was very dirty. Others could not understand and did not realize that he was swearing. This is the language characteristic of this tribe, and the pronunciation of strong emotions could not be heard. Soft. However, Gong Shuwu’s ancestor had been dealing with Bei Mo for several generations. He not only understood but also spoke, and asked calmly: "Aren't you going to surrender?" 】

Lu Ji, who was escorting the prisoners, looked up.

Hearing the slightly awkward but familiar pronunciation, the general's face turned blue, and his expression was vaguely grim. He maintained his momentum and said: "Hate is irreconcilable, you and I are incompatible." Our clan only has warriors who sacrificed their lives for their country, and no rebellious cowards! 】

Lu Ji asked: [What bird language did he say? 】

Gong Shuwu’s words were concise and to the point: [He said he would rather die than surrender, so let’s not waste our efforts. For such a loyal minister and good general, you and I should respect him and give him some dignity. 】

Lu Jidao: [This is a pity. 】

Gong Shuwu's topic jumped very much.

[There is a shortage of ink strips. Do you have any at Zhisong? 】

Lu Ji: [How can the general bring these things? 】

Gong Shuwu looked at the blank paper in his hand and sighed. The next breath, the soldiers who had just finished the fierce battle and were resting heard a crisp sound of bone cracking. Looking around Xun Sheng, Lu Ji patted the blood on her hands. The neck of the Northern Desert general next to her was strangely twisted. His face that should have been facing forward was facing backward. The traces of dislocated and broken bones on his neck were clearly visible, and the blood was gurgling.

With a pop, the body fell limp.

Gong Shuwu took off the brush from his mouth.

He bent down and dipped his pen into the blood on the opponent's body.

The tip of the brush was filled with warm blood.

Gong Shuwu's writing was very steady, penetrating through the back of the paper, and his writing was smooth and flowing. The battle report was brief, but every word was filled with chilling murderous intent. He finished writing it in a short time, threw the brush away and handed it to the messenger: [Give it to the Lord. 】

Lu Ji did not take his eyes away from "Mo Tiao".

Gong Shuwu asked: "What's wrong?" 】

Lu Ji worriedly said: [Isn’t it bad to just kill the captured enemy generals like this? The Lord turned around and held him to account...]

Gong Shuwu was vaguely speechless.

Lu Ji showed no signs of hesitation when he struck, especially on the battlefield. When the enemy encounters him or others, he can still retain a whole corpse, but when encountering Lu Ji, only a puddle of flesh remains. Every time I come down from the battlefield, it's like jumping into a pool of blood and rolling across it.

Would she still worry about such a small thing?

Gongshu Wudao: [It’s just a lackey. 】

For a brave warrior, being weak is a sin.

This person is willing to surrender but cannot see the Lord. He is too weak. What's more, he is not willing to surrender. Not only does he not surrender, he also insults and slanders him in all kinds of ways. With Lu Ji's temper, she didn't make the other person into a "mo stick" immediately, but she still suffered from the language barrier.

Hearing this, Lu Ji felt relieved.

This battle report written with fresh human blood came into Shen Tang's hands. Shen Tang read the ten lines at a glance and frowned: "Fortunately, the weather is cold now. If it was hotter, wouldn't it attract flies? Go back and talk to Banbu about marching and fighting. Also pay attention to hygiene.”

No other rebuke.

Someone whispered: "Your Majesty, General Uncle Gong's actions are too cruel and go against what a righteous teacher should do..."

It doesn't matter if you use the blood of the dead.

But killing "Mo" now is actually a bit out of line.

Shen Tang waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to say more about this matter.

Gong Shuwu has been under her account for nearly ten years.

Although he spends most of his time in training, he has also been on several frontal battles. He does not like to abuse prisoners of war, and he respects his opponents as much as possible. He will never kill the enemy with a second blow if he can kill him with one blow. He kills the enemy purely because the two sides have different positions. .

But towards Bei Mo, he showed a rare violent side, and Shen Tang was one of the few people who knew Gong Shuwu's true identity, and knew that Gong Shuwu's disgust for Bei Mo was deeply rooted in his bones.

What's more, the general offended him. He also asked for his own death.

The man could only swallow the rest of his words.

Liang was writing records in the corner.

Shen Tang didn't care about what Qi Julang wrote at the moment. Anyway, she had enough "dark history" and she didn't have to worry about the debt. Let future generations debate the merits and demerits. After discussing with everyone, she dispatched some elites to support Gong Shuwu, and worked together to encircle and kill the soldiers and horses from various tribes in the Northern Desert who were constantly gathering.

Then he made a feint to the east and struck in the west.

The main force of the army is approaching the Bei Desert Camp.

The meeting lasted for more than an hour.

Near the end, someone suddenly spoke up: "According to the past practice of the northwest countries, before dispatching the main force, one needs to offer sacrifices to the sky to reward the gods and comfort the heroic spirits here for protection..."

Shen Tang subconsciously looked at Chu Yao.

She didn't understand these customs, but Chu Yao should be familiar with them.

"Is there such a thing?"

Chu Yao nodded: "Yes."

The main purpose is to boost the morale of the armed forces, similar to the process of sacrificing the flag before going on an expedition. For hundreds of years, although the northwest countries have had the upper hand and built the capital temple in Tuocheng nine times in a row, it does not mean that the northwest countries have not paid the price.

Especially the last break was particularly serious.

If Chu Yao hadn't accidentally joined, the losses would have doubled.

Over hundreds of years, countless heroic souls who could not return home have been buried here, especially Yaoriguan. The number of sleeping heroic souls here is dozens of times that of Chaoliguan. Over time, the northwest countries left behind the custom of offering sacrifices to heaven to reward gods and to comfort heroic spirits.

After all, fighting affects other people too.

It’s always good to establish a good relationship in advance.

Shen Tang nodded: "Okay, let's get someone ready."

The proposer asked again: "What about the sacrifice?"

Shen Tang said: "Sacrifice?"

Chu Yao said: "That's enough, no need to prepare anything special."

Seeing that the subordinates spontaneously arranged things properly, Shen Tang felt at ease and left the shop until nightfall. It is easy to get windy in Camel City during this season, especially after nightfall, when the night wind becomes stronger. The city's flags were blown and the bonfires danced wildly.

Temporarily built general point platform.

Dozens of bonfires surrounded it.

Shen Tang was familiar with all the processes, and her specialty was to inspire and inspire the troops. The troops who were about to go on the expedition shouted in unison, boosting their morale and soaring into the sky, causing the dark clouds in the sky to break away, revealing the bright white moon. The moonlight poured on the young faces full of fighting spirit, and also illuminated the decadent and lifeless faces - nearly a hundred tied-up people were pushed out.

They are all men.

Body types range from tall to short, fat to thin, and hair colors vary.

The only thing they have in common is their luxurious and exquisite clothing - although the material of the clothes has long been dirty and the original color cannot be seen, it is not difficult to see how expensive they were originally. Shen Tang was a little surprised by their appearance, but he didn't feel comfortable asking in public.

Vaguely, she guessed something.

These are the Northern Desert nobles imprisoned in the dungeon of Tuocheng. They are the original owners of the mansion in the center of Tuocheng. Any house is filled with concubines and countless slaves. In recent years, they have been running rampant in Tuocheng, secretly extorting money. Merchants who come here to do business.

To put it bluntly, it is "protection money."

In addition to "protection money", he also embezzled a lot of other things.

Tuocheng was controlled by Shen Tang's soldiers and horses. All these people had their homes confiscated and were thrown into the dungeon. When the people of Tuocheng found out, they all clapped their hands and applauded, including many merchants from the Northern Desert.

This shows how disreputable these people are among the people.

These businessmen understand the fate of these people better than Shen Tang.

They are the sacrifices that go out to sacrifice the flag.

At the same time, it is also the most basic level of Jingguan.

Although this battle is between Kang State and Northern Desert soldiers and horses, the people are more optimistic about Kang State. Who has allowed Bei Mo to lose for so many years? Some people are even secretly talking about whether there will be a tenth Beijing visit. If it can be built, will the momentum of the Northern Desert be pushed into the abyss?

"All kneel down!"

The soldier escorting these people raised his foot and kicked the person's leg.

Plop, plop, plop—

The soldiers who were originally blushing with excitement were all silent.

The only sound left in the air was the night wind blowing the flags and the sound of the bonfire, and the sound of his knees colliding with the ground was particularly clear at this moment.

Some people just groaned, while more people were horrified, kowtowed and begged for mercy, trying to use the wealth they had accumulated over generations and the beauties they had worked so hard to collect in exchange for their own lives. Some even hoped that their sons and daughters could be beheaded on their behalf, just so that they could live. .

The soldiers did not stuff their mouths with anything.

Let them show their ugliness.

Seeing that bribery and begging for mercy are not enough, he is willing to exchange information about the Northern Desert for a glimmer of hope. At this moment, Shen Tang's expression finally changed, and she said, "Oh? What do you know?"

"I, I know, I know everything!" The speaker's hands were tied behind his back and he could not crawl. He could only kneel down in desperation. He looked eager, fearing that the opportunity would be snatched away.

"I, I know better."

"My Aweng is..."

"Who is your Aweng? My Azu is..."

He was indeed someone who could occupy a prominent position in Tuocheng. All of them had some background. Shen Tang's eyes fell on the first person.

She said: "Speak first."

The man was humble and frightened.

His voice was hoarse and his speech was difficult and slurred. Kang Guo's elegant speech was not very good, and it was difficult for outsiders to listen. Shen Tang asked people to come closer and listen carefully. His throat rolled up, and he spat out a mouthful of smelly, bloody phlegm at the person who came up to him. He laughed wildly: "Ah haha!"

The visitor reacted quickly, but his saliva got on his clothes.


The man's voice was hoarse, as if he had used the strength gained from burning his life, and shouted out his last words: "Destiny is in the north, and our clan will win!"


Did Shiitake say that the reason for losing weight was severe fatty liver and hyperlipidemia? The results were quite dangerous. Before making up his mind to lose weight, Shiigugu suffered from heart palpitations that night until his vision turned black, and he thought he couldn't survive it.

To put it bluntly, I weighed around 110 before I went to college. After I started working in the industry in my freshman year, my life and work schedule were chaotic. Coupled with the relative financial freedom (actually the royalties were very low, but for someone who once had only fifty pocket money a week, it was really (a lot of money, but still able to completely control it), I became increasingly addicted to carbonated drinks, desserts and various fried takeaways, which were heavy in oil, salt and calories, and my weight increased. My weight increased and I stayed at home after graduation, too lazy to move.

From the time I entered the industry as a freshman to now, my weight has been around 150. After my confinement this year, it reached a peak of 85.65, and dropped back to 82.9 before I started losing weight.

I lost weight ruthlessly in order to survive, not because some people spread rumors about serving in the US military. Have you ever seen people who served in the US military and failed for ten years?

Moreover, I also found a personal trainer to lose weight, and I changed my diet and exercised conscientiously. I worked hard, rain or shine, and I still have four days to go until I am three months old. During this period, I did not lose weight in extreme ways to please anyone.

PS: Currently 68.5, I plan to have a comprehensive physical examination when I reach 60 to see if the severe fatty liver has improved. (Uncle, if the value is normal, I will maintain my weight. I don’t want to lose weight anymore, and I am not relying on my face to make a living.)

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