stand back, let me come

Chapter 995 995: It’s too early to cry in mourning [please vote]

It is known that there are no two identical sets of military armor in the world.

He also knew that the skeleton in front of him was wearing the general's exclusive military armor, and he still spoke with a familiar tone to them.

Finally, who is this skeleton?

As soon as Gong Shuwu opened his mouth, the cerebellums of everyone present shrank. The sadness on his face was frozen there, with only the remaining tears rolling down from his eyes, leaving two tear stains on his face that were dried by the wind on the battlefield. As he blew, the tears in his eyes dried up.

Uncle Gong drew his weapon.

He tutted: "You really came to attend my funeral."

There wasn't much emotion in his tone.

The deputy general who was promoted by Gong Shuwu was the first to react. Her back teeth were trembling and trembling. She pointed at Gong Shuwu Qiqi Aiai and said, "General, are you the general?"

Gong Shuwu asked back: "Do you want to see the tiger talisman to prove your identity?"

Although he couldn't see his own appearance at the moment, he also knew that a skeleton wearing armor and talking could stop a child from crying at night and give people a strong sense of horror. Gong Shuwu scratched his head with his white-bone claws across his pocket. In fact, he was no less doubtful than his generals - he and his benefactor worked together to fight against Gong Cheng. They didn't take any advantage, but they didn't suffer too much either. On the contrary, they were beaten. At the end, Gong Cheng's expression changed inexplicably, and he ran away at the cost of being poked in two four holes and having his armor broken.

As soon as Gong Cheng ran away, the ancestors also went back.

Gong Shuwu looked at his ancestors. Even though he had lost his eyes, he still had the illusion of tears in his eyes. He patted the shoulders of his old father who had been broken countless times by Gong Cheng tonight, trying to comfort him. Then he turned around and looked at his face full of disappointment. Shaochong clasped his fists in gratitude: [Thank you so much, brave man, for your righteous action! I don’t say thank you for a great kindness. If there is an afterlife, Gong will definitely tie a grass ring to repay the benefactor for his great kindness! 】

After saying that, he gave his old father, whose eyes were burning with fire, a bear hug.

The bones made a clanging sound.

In layman's terms, it means the snap falls apart.

Gong Shuwu's mood at this moment was clear and clear, and he was only relieved to die calmly. He said in a good mood: "Father, my son has not seen you for many years." Hahaha, the father-son reunion begins today. After going to hell, my son will not return until he is drunk with you and your eldest brother! 】

The fire in the old father's eyes jumped a few times.

He raised his bone-white palm and almost knocked Gong Shuwu's skull crooked.

[Don’t mention that big brother of yours. 】

[I get angry when I mention him! 】

[Other people’s ancestral graves are filled with smoke, while my ancestral graves are filled with floods! 】

The dozens of Gong clan members who were watching moved away in tacit agreement.

Then I heard a series of curses that would lead to being reviewed.

The old father was cursing. He greeted his second son Gong Wen, then his eldest son Gong Wu, and then Gong Wu's son Gong Cheng. If he had known that his eldest son's only heir was such a piss-poor, he would rather hold it in than have sex with his mother-in-law, even if he gave birth to a child. The eldest son also had his son castrated to avoid having such an unfilial descendant. He was dragged out and beaten by his grandson after he had been dead for so many years. It was so filial!

Gong Shuwu hugged his skull.

Hearing his old father's unrestrained words, Gong Shuwu also rebelled: "How can you blame the elder brother for this?" Instead of castrating your eldest brother, it would be better for you to eliminate the root cause of the problem, don’t you think? 】

Because my father is away at war all year round and is away from home all year round; my mother has a heavy responsibility as the mistress. She not only has to take care of the Gong family, but also takes care of the family affairs as a clan wife, and even takes care of her father's family members, even the widows. He was lonely, so Gong Shuwu was raised by his eldest brother.

According to the old man in the house, the first time Gong Shuwu called "Father" after he spoke was to Gong Wu. For a long time, Gong Shuwu couldn't tell the difference between "brother" and "father".

In Gong Shuwu's heart, the eldest brother is like a brother and a father.

His feelings for his eldest brother are deeper than those for his old father.

It is better for the old father to eunuch his eldest son than to castrate himself.

This is called truly eradicating the root cause and never causing future troubles!

The old father poked his son's skull with his finger and said angrily: "If I castrate myself, do you still want to crawl out of your mother's belly?" You are such a filial son! 】

Gong Shuwu didn't respond.

It's not that he can't refute it, but that if he refutes it, he will slander his own mother's reputation, and he can only silently endure the verbal violence from his old father. The old father cursed impassionedly and was so emotional that the flames in his eyes were stronger than ever.

Gong Shuwu can guarantee this.

The fight against Gong Cheng just now was not so intense.

In the end, a grandparent couldn't stand it.

He stepped forward and patted Gong Shuwu's old father on the shoulder and said: "Stop scolding me. If the child scolds you, you will call him stupid. I know you are reluctant to let go of this child, but you can't scold him like this." I'm not afraid of scolding him too much, or even peeing on your grave one day. 】

The old father's shoulders shook and he bounced away.

He looked rude, but his breath was obviously a bit weaker, but it wasn't because he was peeing and peeing as a warning, but because someone poked his secret mind, but he said reluctantly: [He looks like a ghost now, he is a thing to carry on the family line. It’s all gone, why are you still peeing on my grave? He squatted down and took a look, and he could tell that my surname was his! Now I really have no descendants. 】

Gong Shuwu: [……]

Whether it was an illusion or not, he also heard someone snickering.

To be honest, under such a serious topic, you can still laugh. It is really a model of "loving each other and being a family".

Several Gong clan members patted his old father on the shoulder.

Comforting: [Oh, look at it. 】

Some people also revealed their own scars: "Who is not the one who has no descendants?" You think so? Our old brothers have been here for so long and haven’t seen any incense offerings. This shows that the incense is all a lie. Like your grandson, if it breaks, it will break. 】

[That is, I can't beat him now, but I believe that in ten, twenty, thirty years... one hundred, two hundred years, he, Gong Yunchi, will die one day! Let’s see how arrogant he can be then! Oh, by the way, boy Giri, if you meet your 'filial nephew' later, ask him to change his surname. He can take whatever surname he likes, and his future children will not be named Gong. 】

Old father Gong Shuwu was unhappy and approached with force: "Why do you say that?" If you are an unworthy descendant, you are also an unworthy descendant of me. I can say it, but you can’t! 】

The opponent slapped his skull and bent it 180 degrees.

He said angrily: [Who did my grandson tell me about me? 】

Gong Shuwu: [……]

What a wonderful drama about family ethics.

He had no business interrupting at all. In the relaxed (coaxing) (tang) happy (great) joy (filial piety) atmosphere, Gong Shuwu suddenly had no expectations for the future life in the underworld, but he was already dead, and it was not up to him whether he could leave or not. The one who calls the shots.

[Father, great-grandfather, if we have anything to say, let’s talk about it slowly. Don’t let your benefactor see the joke here...] Why is it so embarrassing to die? Bracing your scalp and clasping fists at your benefactor, [The green hills will not change, but the green waters will last forever. Flow, see you in the next life! 】


Then the ancestors left.

Only Gong Shuwu, who was still holding his fists with his hands, and Shao Chong, who was trying to digest these strange conversations, were left on the spot.

The two looked at each other.

Until Shaochong asked: [Aren’t you leaving? 】

Gong Shuwu: [……]

Why don't I feel like leaving at all? ? ?

The flames in his eyes showed a bit of embarrassment, and he said sarcastically: [Maybe it’s not time yet and the sun needs to rise? ]    Don’t all folk tales say that ghosts are afraid of the sun?

It was normal for him to be newly mourned and not be able to "come and go freely" like his old father and others who had been ghosts for several years. Gong Shuwu believed that the truth was true. Because of the excessive consumption, he could only barely maintain his skeleton at the moment and had no extra energy to support him.

If you force yourself to walk across it, it will fall apart halfway.

Judging from the aura, the battle over there ended earlier than here.

I just don’t know what the outcome will be.

Gong Shuwu is full of worries.

I caught a glimpse of my benefactor stuffing a piece of armor into his clothes. This scene was really spicy. If I read it correctly, this piece of armor was torn off from Gong Cheng's martial armor, right? Gong Shuwu hesitated to speak, but finally couldn't help but ask: "What is my benefactor doing?" 】

It's a pity that Shaochong's tone is: [Collect! 】

Gong Shuwu: [Collect, collect? 】

Two words destroyed his non-existent brain.

[Yes, collection! Didn't he escape? If he escapes, he is defeated, and if he is defeated, my generals are defeated. If I defeat him, I can collect his calf-nosed robe. This is the consensus among the rangers! Everyone must abide by it! But he cheated... Ji Jia, reluctantly made do. 】If his quick eyes and hands hadn't ripped off this piece of armor quickly, how could he prove that he defeated Gong Cheng?

This man is so despicable and shameless!

I can’t afford to lose!

Shao Chong was so angry that his stomach was full.

Gong Shuwu: [……]

When he was young, he also rebelled for a while, chasing fashion and imitating the rangers. Although it was just for fun, he had never heard of such weird customs in the ranger circle. But, after all, that happened more than ten or twenty years ago, and I don’t know what it is like now.

No wonder...

When Gong Cheng started to think about retreating, his benefactor suddenly pulled his belt.

Gong Shuwu seriously told his benefactor a cruel truth: [This piece of armor is part of the armor. When Yunchi takes back the armor, this piece of armor will disappear and you can't keep it. 】

This news was like a bolt from the blue for Shaochong.

He was completely stunned!

His expression was confused and confused at first, then his face fell down, and he cried sadly: "How could this be possible?" I couldn't get the military merit of killing a general, but now I don't even have the trophies to prove that I defeated him. How can I distinguish the sixth brother and the twelfth brother with just the military merit of rescue? 】

He was busy all night and didn't get better.

It hurt so much when Gong Cheng hit someone, and he was even injured and bleeding.

What a big loss!

Gong Shuwu could only comfort his benefactor with a gentle voice: "Don't worry, benefactor. The boy is not wearing a calf-sleeve pants now, but the diaper he used when he was a child... Well, maybe you can find it if you look for it." 】

Back then, Zheng Qiao suddenly launched an attack, taking advantage of the marriage between Gong Chen's family and all the Gong clan members to attend the wedding banquet. The whole clan was caught off guard. All the Gong family property was confiscated and returned to the Geng Kingdom treasury, and corrupt people were indispensable in the middle.

After the establishment of the Kang State, he served as the general of Tianxuan Guard and opened the general's palace. Although he did not restore Gong Wen's identity, he secretly searched for the Gong family's relics and even spread the news. Not long after, people who wanted to please him began to send Gong's old things one after another.

There were even Gong's servants who were lucky enough to survive and came over with not-so-valuable items. When they ransacked the house, they fished in troubled waters and took away a lot of things. Expensive items were pawned and sold, such as old clothes that couldn't be sold, so they were remade and used as linings.

Among them, there are actually diapers from Gong Cheng’s childhood.

Gong Shuwu was in a dilemma: […it’s just that not only Yunchi used this diaper when he was a child, but his servants also gave it to his own children and grandchildren for washing, sewing and mending. Now only the faded embroidery at the corner of the cloth is left to prove the use of this cloth. . If your benefactor doesn't mind it, you can go to General Tianxuanwei's mansion to get it after the army returns in triumph. I am alone and have nothing to worry about. I shouldn’t be stingy with this little bit of wealth...]

Normally, one should give all the inheritance to the benefactor as repayment.

But whenever Gong Shuwu had money, he used it to take care of the widows, children, and old parents of the fallen soldiers. In the eyes of outsiders, the General's Mansion is grand, but in fact, its family fortune is not very rich. Even Gong Shuwu felt embarrassed that he couldn't get this thing to express his gratitude to his benefactor.

Shaochong heard this and thought for a long time.

At this moment, there was a sound of horse hooves.

It was Yu Zi who led the remaining half of the troops to pick them up.

So, there was the opening scene.

Gong Shuwu and the other generals, with big "flames" staring at their little eyes, had to admit an embarrassing fact - they were crying early! However, as soon as Gong Shuwu said that he would leave when the sun rose, everyone's faces turned sad again.

I will cry morning and night, so it is better to start crying now.

Thinking about this, sadness comes from it.

The deputy general hugged Gong Shuwu's thigh and cried loudly. She had never been so sad even after her own father died. She was one of the few female generals who was not from the female camp. She was picked up by Gong Shuwu when she was about to starve to death on the run. Then he entered his camp as a pawn.

Because he is quite talented, he has been going smoothly in recent years.

Gong Shuwu was almost half her father. Her parents gave her the first life, and Gong Shuwu gave her the second. One night, she became like this, and she was about to lose her soul. It was such a huge blow.

When others are buried, relatives and friends can still look at the body's remains and express their condolences in memory. It takes a year and a half to lay in the coffin before it turns into bones. However, Gong Shuwu was quick to do so and put the bones into the coffin directly.

How can this not be heartbreaking?

Her voice stirred up the emotions that Dajun had just recovered from, and he cried loudly. Gong Shuwu also saw white flags being hung up in the army one after another - it has always been the custom for armies to carry these things when they go on expeditions. White flags, paper money, mourning clothes, shrouds and coffins were all available in case of emergency. But he didn't expect to see his white flag fluttering in the wind with his own eyes.

Until Yu Zi reminded her with a pale face.

"It's already dawn."

The bones of Wu Dan warriors are different from ordinary ones. They are dense, delicate and smooth. Gong Shuwu's bones are even more unique, crystal clear like jade, with a clear luster. It is more like a beautiful handicraft than a human skeleton, almost dyed gold by the sunlight.

Is this like a posture where one's soul is shattered as soon as the sun rises?

Gong Shuwu: "..."

Yu Ziqiang held up her eyelids and shouted with all her strength.

"Don't be in a hurry to mourn!"

After saying that, he closed his eyes and fell down from the horse.

This head-down position is really going to hit the porcelain, not to mention the Tianling Cap, the neck will be broken! The nearest military commander was so frightened that he hurriedly went to pick her up. Gong Shuwu ran forward with a jingling skeleton frame, pinched Yu Zi's wrist, felt her pulse, and said in a hurry: "Physician, physician, hurry up and call Physician Xinglin over." !”

Yu Zi's breath was so weak that it was almost nonexistent.

When mourning in the army, don't give it to her last! Gong Shuwu didn't have any extra energy to think about why Gong Cheng suddenly withdrew.


Naturally, it’s because the Bei Desert Camp is in emergency!

(~ ̄▽ ̄)~

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