Chapter 1326 Clean Up

Director Qing Gong's fear of Master Bessa, Ji Xiaoyan can clearly see it!However, she didn't say anything.

Whether it's for Chief Qing Gong or Lord Bessa, they are all strangers to her who has lost her memory in this world.What she has experienced with them before, or what she has discovered, what she needs to be vigilant about, at this moment, she has no idea at all!Like an ignorant child, she suddenly broke into this inexplicable world, and then there appeared Master Besa and others who claimed to be familiar with her!If she believed what they said, and believed that they were the same on the surface, then it was very possible that she would be wiped out before she knew it!
As far as Ji Xiaoyan's previous workplace was concerned, there were quite a few such situations.She saw too many colleagues who were smiling at you one second ago and fighting for your injustice, and then sneaked up to the leader in the next second, sued you for a black mark, and looked back with a face that didn't know anything. A mask to comfort you, to be your most intimate girlfriend.
As everyone knows, the person who hurt you is the so-called most caring person!

So, judging from the current situation, she can absorb some information and cognitions given to her by Lord Bessa and Manager Qing Gong, but she cannot completely relax and accept them in this short period of time. trust them
Know people, know face, but not heart!This proverb is very useful.

After sitting comfortably on the high platform of the main hall of the City Lord's Mansion and eating, Ji Xiaoyan obeyed the arrangement of Chief Qing Gong, watched Lord Besa and Xuan Mo leave with a few maids to wash up, and then followed the other four The maid went all the way into the place that was said to be her bedroom, and then she was about to take a bath and change clothes.

And all of this is a situation that Ji Xiaoyan has never imagined!The spacious and gorgeous bedroom, the antique decorative buildings, and the amazingly sized big bed engraved with patterns, decorated with various gemstones and gorgeous veils. All of them are not the ones that Ji Xiaoyan would not even dare to think about. Imagine the luxury scenario!

And when she saw those maids leading her into the running water bath of the small spring that opened out of the bedroom, Ji Xiaoyan really fell into the corrupt whirlpool of Qingcheng City Lord, and he couldn't even struggle. !That's not a small bath, it's the size of a whole house that she couldn't afford in her lifetime!In the middle of the bath is a circular design, with three faucets embedded in the wall at one end. The mouth of the faucet is spewing steaming water into the bath at the moment, stirring some reddish petals floating on the surface of the bath.

The bathing pool is surrounded by stone slabs carved with various patterns, and some animal-shaped statues are stacked at a certain distance above the slate. According to their movements, there are round or square trays designed to store clothes, food and drinks.

Ji Xiaoyan stared at this bathing pool that was definitely enjoyed by nobles, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart: How can this be treated like a city lord!This is simply queen-level treatment! !

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan didn't see where the water outlet of the bath was after looking for a long time.Standing by the edge of the bath, Ji Xiaoyan wondered how the maids of Qingcheng would get all the water away after she finished washing! !
"My lord, please take off your clothes." The maid next to her said to Ji Xiaoyan with a respectful smile, "What do you think of the aromatherapy prepared for you today? Do you just use it for bathing, or do you want to change it?"

Ji Xiaoyan came back to his senses, glanced at the maid, closed his eyes and sniffed the light yet elegant fragrance in the air. He wanted to ask what kind of fragrance it was, but after thinking about it, if he opened his mouth, he would Wouldn't it be leaking the vulgarity that I haven't seen high-end gadgets before?If you are ridiculed by these maids later, is it okay?When the time comes, how will I, the city lord, gain a firm foothold in this Qing city?

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan, who seemed to be sniffing the fragrance seriously, just nodded to the maid in a muffled voice, said no, and then said directly to the other maids: "You all go down, I will wash it myself. Alright!!" After a pause, Ji Xiaoyan asked, "By the way, how do we get rid of the water later?"

She, Ji Xiaoyan, is not hypocritical, saying that she is not used to being served by others, or that she feels embarrassed to be seen by others.When she was poor, didn't she often go to the bathhouse and spend some money to bathe with many women who went to the public baths like her?I don't know how many people have seen it, do you still care about these maids watching it again?However, at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan has a strong feeling that he wants to stay by himself for a while!
She wants to take a good look at herself, in this new world, what her current body looks like!Could there be some secret things hidden under the clothes on her body that she doesn't know?Maybe the "Ji Xiaoyan" who used to be in this world left some words on his body?right?

When the maids in Qingcheng heard Ji Xiaoyan's order, they looked at each other twice, seeing that she didn't intend to look at them. After thinking about it, the leading maid said to Ji Xiaoyan: "In the pool There is a slate engraved with fish patterns on the bottom of the bath. There is a mechanism at the fish eye. Once you press it, the faucet will stop flowing. After you have finished bathing, Master of Outflow City, call us! These are what we should do, you just need to recruit us to serve you!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, did not agree or refuse, just said that he knew, then looked at the maids with a little helplessness in their eyes, and then retreated respectfully, leaving only a few Gilt dishes of clothes and saucers of fruit were placed on the plates of the beast statues around the baths
On the other side, Lord Bessa and Xuan Mo's treatment is not as good as Ji Xiaoyan's!There are no baths waiting for them, what they use are just large wooden barrels of different sizes and patterns, filled with warm water and flower petals for bathing
As for the clothes, because Xuan Mo and the others are Miss Ji Xiaoyan's attendants, Manager Qing Gong naturally thought about it and prepared them for them; and Lord Besa, as the city lord of Refu Water City, the city lord of their Qing City has always been Girl, so Manager Qing Gong has a headache how to prepare this dress
In the end, before Manager Qing Gong could make up his mind, Master Bessa had already changed his clothes and left the house, and started wandering around the City Lord's Mansion! !Manager Qing Gong finally realized that the co-author, the city lord of River Water City, had already prepared for it, and brought a change of clothes with him! !
And just after Ji Xiaoyan and the others returned to Qingcheng from Mochen Town, the main brain light smiled gratifiedly, withdrew the attention that had been allocated to observe Ji Xiaoyan, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the transformation of the game world In the process of upgrading; and the game companies outside the game world are also running at full capacity at the moment!They need to discuss what the game world will look like after the game is upgraded, and how they will deal with some foreseeable problems when encountering questions from the family and seeking help from players
However, after discussing for many days, in the end these game designers did not come up with any good results!The previous game upgrades were all within their design and controllable range, but now the game upgrade this time is completely decided and implemented by the master brain. What it wants to upgrade and modify, no matter how they do it Prediction, when the game starts again, it is very likely to be different from what they imagined.
So, after all, after a few days of discussion, the game designers gave up.

Instead of wasting time here, it's better to do something practical.

For example, yes, for example, Yu Muqing who went to Longcheng to find Ji Xiaoyan's game storehouse, why hasn't he come back yet!Is there something wrong with Longcheng?

Yu Muqing and his party had indeed encountered trouble in Longcheng!Because the game hadn't been opened, the strangers were determined not to let them take away Miss Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin, and dragged them all day long to the underground of Longcheng to "experience". Let them know a lot of things they usually do Some things that I dare not even think about, scared several researchers so that they could not sleep well at night, and they were always worried that they would be silenced by people like Longcheng.
The strangers didn't let Yu Muqing and the others go back to their flying ship again, and he took people to find the bottom of the flying ship, and then found the protective fluid that he predicted Zhongji Xiaoyan needed, and then gave it to her. Ji Xiaoyan injected it directly into the game cabin
"Xiaoyan, are you still in the game?" There was a trace of helpless sadness in the eyes of the strangers, touched the glass of Ji Xiaoyan's game cabin, and stroked her cheeks, and finally Smiling slightly, he continued: "When the game is updated, I will be able to come to you! You have to stay in Xishan honestly, and I will be able to come to the top of the mountain soon. I don't know where you are in the game now. What does it look like now? Is it the same as now, or is the mastermind allowing you to modify your appearance? Don’t change too much. If I don’t recognize it by then, I’ll be in trouble.”

Yu Qisi and Lu Wu stood by the door, watching the protective liquid being pushed into the game compartment, while staring at the unfamiliar movements.Although they couldn't hear what he was saying, it didn't prevent them from feeling his attitude towards Ji Xiaoyan.

"This young master is really nice to Miss Xiaoyan!" Yu Qisi said with some emotion.

Lu Wubai glanced at her, and said in a low voice: "So what if it's not bad? We can't interfere with who Miss Xiaoyan will be with in the future. Besides, July [-]th, don't forget, who belonged to us before." Man, why do you think Young Master Jiang Xia sent us to Miss Xiaoyan to protect her? Just because of what they said, Miss Xiaoyan is very lucky to be alone, so let us take care of her?"

Yu Qisi pursed his lips and frowned and looked at Lu Wu.

"Don't be stupid! Qisi!" Lu Wu shook his head at Yu Qisi, and then said: "Although the young master didn't say anything himself, I can still feel that he treats Miss Xiaoyan differently. So, you Don't find any wrong mandarin ducks for Miss Xiaoyan to write."

"You know a lot!" Yu Qisi glared at Lu Wu, turned his head to look in the door, and then said: "Master Jiang Xia's attitude and feelings towards Miss Xiaoyan, this is not what we say. Yes. Don't make wild guesses, and disturb Miss Xiaoyan's feelings in the future. Anyway, we can do what Miss Xiaoyan tells us to do, and the rest of the things, just keep it in mind!"

Lu Wu glanced at Yu Qisi and didn't say anything, as if he had expressed his agreement in silence.

The strangers in the room didn't know what they said standing in front of Ji Xiaoyan's game room, and they stayed for a long time before leaving!Afterwards, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu entered the room. After taking a closer look at Ji Xiaoyan, they each found a place to sit down in the room and went to do their own things.

When the game starts, they have more things to do!
The researchers of the game company tried to contact Yu Muqing and his party, but found that either no one answered the video call all the time, or the answerers were not Yu Muqing and the others at all, but some men in military uniforms who kept changing faces. When they heard the news about Yu Muqing, the men in military uniforms all said in one voice: They went out!What's the matter, please contact me later
So, after a few days of research together, the game researchers finally came to a conclusion, that is, Yu Muqing and his party probably offended the owner of the city like those who went to the city last time. So it was detained by others!As for whether they should send someone to check the situation, or urge Longcheng to bring Miss Ji Xiaoyan's game warehouse back as soon as possible, there are different opinions among the game researchers.

This time the dispute has not come to any result. Someone suggested to send someone to Longcheng to get Miss Ji Xiaoyan’s game warehouse back to study earlier, and bring Yu Muqing and his party back by the way, lest they be imprisoned in Longcheng and be punished. What a grievance; but someone suggested to follow the current situation and observe and observe!Because now the main brain has also said that if it does not get the consent of Ji Xiaoyan who is already in the game, it will not give those data to them for research. Therefore, in the current situation, Ji Xiaoyan's game warehouse Come back, there is no use for the time being!Therefore, the opinions of the two parties are not unified, and they get together every day to argue about where. In the end, Li Xiangyu was really hurt by their arguing, so he directly announced, just wait, when the game upgrade is over, Longcheng There is still no news of Yu Muqing and Ji Xiaoyan, they plan again! !
As Li Xiangyu's rival at work, it would be more perfect if Yu Muqing could not be around every day
 PS: Thanks to "BenSharles" for the two pink tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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