Chapter 1377 Conditions
Although I don't have the impression of City Lord Yan Shan in my memory at all, but Ji Xiaoyan thinks that, compared with the current attitude of City Lord Ye Shan, this so-called City Lord Lu Shan must be better. Anyway, everyone knows that, That City Lord Ye Shan would still help him under the eyes of City Lord Ye Shan, and now he can save Xuan Mo, right?For these points, she can't be the snake in the farmer and the snake
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately strengthened his decision in his heart, no matter how Manager Qing Gong tried to persuade him, he just silently walked in the direction of the Panchi City Lord's Mansion without saying a word.

The Mansion of the Lord of Panchi City is majestic and magnificent. The doorposts of the gate are large pieces of white marble, with complicated and auspicious cloud patterns carved on it, and the threshold is engraved with beautiful lines and flying arabesque patterns. There are various patterns on each tile. This kind of dark pattern decoration makes the whole city lord's mansion firmly show a kind of luxury and solemnity in terms of appearance and momentum!

However, Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the back of City Lord Ye Shan, and sighed instantly.Such a beautiful city lord's mansion, but there are two city lords fighting for power, I don't know how much blood and rain will be faced in the future
"Ji Xiaoyan, can't you hurry up?" After entering the gate of the City Lord's Mansion, City Lord Ye Shan's attitude became a lot worse. He turned his head and gave Ji Xiaoyan a hard look, and then said, "What's wrong? What do you think?" Xuan Mo won't be able to die for a while, so don't worry or something? If the person really dies later, look at how the city lord will settle accounts with you!"

Ji Xiaoyan carefully glanced at City Lord Yeshan, and told the NPC guards behind him to quicken his pace, then ran to City Lord Yeshan, and asked in a low voice: "That... City Lord Yeshan, I want to ask, Xuan Mo What is his background like? It feels like you still care about him!"

City Lord Ye Shan continued to stare at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said sharply: "Your eye saw that I cared about him? Hmph, Ji Xiaoyan, don't talk nonsense! Also, this City Lord just talked to you What are you thinking about what you said? This is in the front palace, if you don’t give me an answer before entering the door, don’t blame me for being rude.”

Ji Xiaoyan shrunk his neck, swallowed the saliva in his mouth, then raised his eyes to Lord Ye Shan and said, "I've already made up my mind."

Manager Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan worriedly, afraid that she would say something he didn't want to hear.

"Oh? Looking at you, you must have made a very wise decision!" City Lord Ye Shan's complexion instantly improved, and he looked at Ji Xiaoyan with an enchanting smile, expecting her to say what he expected Answer.

It's a pity that Miss Ji Xiaoyan is doomed not to let them get their wish.
"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with certainty, then looked at City Lord Ye Shan with a smile on his face, and said to him: "As long as you save Xuan Mo, you can settle accounts with me any way you want! In the end, you just have to die a few times." , I can bear it!! I just hope that City Lord Yeshan will keep your word."

Director Qing Gong no longer had the strength to look at the face of Ye Shan City Lord, and immediately after Ji Xiaoyan finished speaking, he pulled Ji Xiaoyan to his side without hesitation, and then raised his neck to look at City Lord Ye Shan said: "Master Ye Shan, no matter what enmity you had with my Lord City Master in the past, it is all in the past! Now my Lord City Master came to your Panchi City on behalf of Qingcheng, if you dare to do something to my Lord City Master, If anything, it is to be an enemy of our Qing City, Refu Water City and Sha City!! City Lord Ye Shan, you have to think clearly!"

"Heh, are you threatening me!?" City Lord Ye Shan's complexion was not very good, but after hearing Manager Qing Gong's words, he smiled brightly, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and Manager Qing Gong and said : "What's the matter? After moving Ji Xiaoyan, it has something to do with River Water City? Ji Xiaoyan, you can do it! It's been a long time since I saw you. After I got the status of deputy city lord of Shacheng, this has become the owner of River Water City." Someone? Did you kill Besa of River Water City or something?"

Ji Xiaoyan looked dazedly at the smile of City Lord Ye Shan, and after a while, he heard Manager Qing Gong say: "Our Qing City has now formed an alliance with River Water City. Moreover, Master Besa of River Water City and My Lord City Lord has a marriage contract."

"Marriage?" City Lord Ye Shan glanced at Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and then laughed loudly: "This is really ridiculous! Ji Xiaoyan is a free practitioner, to put it bluntly, he is an ordinary adventurer, and he got a Qingcheng to be the city lord." That's great luck, do you want to marry and have children with us aboriginal city owners? This is simply absurd."

Director Qing Gong blushed anxiously, and when he heard what City Lord Ye Shan said, he immediately shouted: "My Lord City Lord has already received the gift of the Lord God, and he has long since ceased to be an adventurer! My Lord City Lord is now completely Aboriginal people”

As soon as these words came out, the smile on the face of the Lord Ye Shan disappeared immediately, and his gaze swept across Ji Xiaoyan's face, then he narrowed his eyes, stared at her expressionlessly and opened his lips and said: "So Come on, Ji Xiaoyan, you are no longer an adventurer, but an aborigine like us through and through?" I don't know what came to mind, but City Master Ye Shan immediately grinned and said with a smile: "Then, I It only takes one knife to kill you?"

Ji Xiaoyan shrank her neck, avoiding Ye Shan's horrifying gaze with some fear, but she really wanted to say that she would still be resurrected after death, this is a privilege!But after thinking about it, if this is true, it may not be that Ye Shan City Lord is even more annoyed, what should I do if I have nothing to do and kill her to play?A little beautiful misunderstanding seems to be good.
So, facing the words of City Lord Ye Shan, Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to say anything in his voice.

The manager Qing Gong next to him may also know that he was too eager just now and leaked a lot of things about his city lord, so when faced with the question of the city lord Ye Shan, he immediately shut his mouth and just stared fiercely. stare at him.

City Lord Ye Shan stared blankly at Ji Xiaoyan for a while, then turned around in a good mood, and while continuing to lead them to City Lord Yan Shan, he muttered: "So, This city lord really needs to think about it for a while to deal with you like this, tsk tsk, this city lord really didn't expect it! You, an adventurer like you, can actually come to the same time as us today. Just now you were super fearless He even said that I wanted to kill you several times! Hehe, Ji Xiaoyan, I see that you are really courageous. Not bad, not bad, there is still a little merit in the end."

Ji Xiaoyan secretly looked at the back of City Lord Ye Shan, and didn't dare to answer his babble.

However, when he reached the gate of a palace, City Lord Ye Shan suddenly stopped, turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, and said to her: "This City Lord has thought of an excellent deal, Ji Xiaoyan Xiaoyan, do you want to listen?"

Ji Xiaoyanmo, she doesn't think that Lord Yeshan can have any good deals to say.

"Didn't you say that you have a marriage contract with Besa of River Water City?" City Lord Ye Shan bent down with a smile, and slowly brought his face to Ji Xiaoyan, staring into her eyes, and looked at her with a bright face He said calmly: "Let's make a deal, I'll let you go in and find Xie Shan to rescue Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan, how about you marrying me?"

Not only did Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widen in disbelief, but Manager Qing Gong and Brick next to him were also surprised.They couldn't imagine how the brain circuit of the night change city lord grew.Didn't he want to compete with the city lord Yan Shan for the position of the city lord of Panchi City?Why did she suddenly think of marrying Ji Xiaoyan again?Could it be that they just want Ji Xiaoyan to break the marriage contract with Lord Besa, and then make Qingcheng and Rivershuicheng turn against each other?
This scheming is too deep.

"City Master Ye Shan, don't you think that if I am like this, you will suffer a lot if I marry you?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but roll his eyes in his heart, and calmly said something to City Master Ye Shan.Sometimes she really doesn't understand, a Lord Bessa is blind and insists on saying that he has a marriage contract, so why does this bloodthirsty and beautiful Yeshan City Lord jump out such a sentence without thinking.
In terms of appearance, she is absolutely ordinary and cannot be more ordinary!Randomly catch an NPC maid, that's prettier than her, okay?Doesn't the Lord Yeshan improve his aesthetics when he looks at his face every day?

City Lord Ye Shan rolled his eyes, then stared at Ji Xiaoyan without saying a word.

Ji Xiaoyan could feel that the air pressure around her was getting lower and lower, and she felt uncomfortable; she could feel the aura of City Lord Ye Shan gradually becoming stronger between them, as if the entire space was filled with City Lord Ye Shan With a smell; she could even see that the long eyelashes of Lord Yechang were about to brush on her eyes in a blink of an eye.
This feeling is really uncomfortable! !

Yechang City Lord is like a poisonous mandala, beautiful but must not touch it.
Just when Ji Xiaoyan felt that his body was so stiff that he couldn't control himself and was about to fall down at any moment, a male voice sounded instantly: "Ye Shan, have you played enough?"

"Heh!" With the sound of a male voice, Ji Xiaoyan clearly felt that the aura of the city lord Ye Shan around him was sucked out instantly as if he had found a breach, and disappeared in an extremely fast time.Then she watched City Lord Ye Shan straighten up in an instant, turning his back to her.

"Ye Shan, you have a lot of free time today, and you still come out to wander around when you have nothing to do!" City Lord Ye Shan had a sneer on his face, raised his eyebrows and looked at the figure slowly coming out of the palace, and couldn't help it. After stroking the hair hanging around his ear, he turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan provocatively.

"You think I don't know that you stopped the person who came to report to me, and then took him out?" City Lord Yan Shan frowned slightly, walked out facing the sunshine outside the palace door, and then looked at Ye Shan. The city lord said: "City lord Ji is the lord of Qingcheng, and he is no longer the adventurer who bullied you. Ye Shan, you should pay attention to your words and deeds."

"Xu Shan, you are not qualified to teach me!" City Lord Ye Shan sneered again and again, looked at City Lord Xi Shan and said: "We are half of us in Panchi City, let alone that you saw me bullying Ji Xiaoyan with that eye? Or, do you just want to pull her behind you and act like a protector in front of me to earn a good impression of you? You really shouldn’t be like this. Otherwise, you might even I can't even look down on you!"

City Lord Yan Shan glared at City Master Ye Shan, but did not answer, but shifted his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan, slightly eased the expression on his face, and said to her: "City Master Ji, welcome to our Panchi City."

Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened at this moment, looking at City Lord Yan Shan, and then at City Lord Ye Shan.It has to be said that the two city lords really look exactly the same!If they all assumed the same actions and poses and wore the same clothes, it would be impossible for her to tell who was who!However, she could clearly see the difference between the two standing in front of her at the moment.City Lord Yeshan exudes a charming and charming temperament all the time, while City Lord Lushan is glamorous with a hint of seriousness, making people feel that compared with City Lord Yeshan, he is much more reliable.
"My lord, the city lord is talking to you!" Director Qing Gong didn't know what Miss Ji Xiaoyan was thinking about at the moment, but seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, she quickly pushed her gently, and said in a low voice. He reminded: "City Lord Yan Tan said he welcomes us."

"Oh, thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, and quickly came back to his senses and gave a big smile to the city lord, and then quickly moved to the side, exposing the lifted Mo, and facing him. City Lord Shan said pleadingly: "City Master Yan Shan, we came to Panchi City for Xuan Mo. He was seriously injured and no one else could save him. I heard City Master Ye Shan say that you can save him. Please save Xuan Mo. "

City Lord Yan Shan glanced at Xuan Mo behind Ji Xiaoyan in surprise, and then aimed at City Lord Ye Shan.

"I was hurt by some fox people, it was really hurt very badly." City Lord Ye Shan carelessly stroked his hair, and then smiled and said to City Lord Yan Shan: "You save me!" He has no problem at all. It's just that, you know, you can save him, but I can't let you save him. Just now, I'm talking with City Lord Ji about the conditions for saving people, etc. After we have settled, you can go save people! If you say something bad, then it doesn’t matter whether this Mo can be saved. If it’s not suitable, I’ll throw him back to where he should be to live on his own. Just kill yourself! What do you think?"

 PS: Thank you "Historical Anonymous" for the monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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