The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1379 The painting style has changed

Chapter 1379 The painting style has changed

Ji Xiaoyan looked at City Lord Ye Shan, and then at the NPC man lying on the ground, and believed in what Chief Qing Gong said in his heart.

However, City Lord Ye Shan glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, without any intention of explaining, and directly said to the NPC guard beside him: "Clean up this place." Then he looked straight at Ji Xiaoyan , and asked her jokingly: "Ji Xiaoyan, you really know how to choose a place to visit! Our Panchi City Lord's Mansion is so big that you can come to my place. I really have to admire you. It's been so long, but where can I find my bedroom!"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at City Lord Ye Shan in confusion, but did not dare to respond.Hearing what he said, it seems that she has been here before?

"My lord, my lord." Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's silence, Director Qing Gong hurriedly said, "You really can't be fooled by City Lord Ye Shan just because he has such a good skin! He He is a murderer without blinking an eye. Let's get out of here quickly." Anyway, the marriage contract is just talking, and he doesn't believe that his Lord City Lord will really stay here!Besides, if Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord of his family, is unwilling to stay, as long as he sends a message to River Water City, he doesn't believe that Master Besa won't come to help.
Then what kind of fox assassins and the like, how can it be important to have your own city lord!

Thinking of this, Manager Qing Gong hurriedly gave Ji Xiaoyan another hand.

However, City Lord Ye Shan looked at Director Qing Gong with disgust at this moment, then stood up from the big chair, walked up to Ji Xiaoyan, squinted his eyes and bent down to look at her face to face, After a while, he hooked his lips evilly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Thinking about it, this is also the old place of Ji Xiaoyan, you and the city lord. Now that you are here, let's go, the city lord wants you to go to the old place." Revisit."

After finishing speaking, no matter how Chief Qing Gong wanted to stop him, City Lord Ye Shan grabbed Ji Xiaoyan's back from behind, half hugged and half dragged Ji Xiaoyan to the depths of the palace.
"City Master Ye Shan, what do you want to do? You can't take my Lord City Master away." Director Qing Gong looked terrified, grabbed Brick from behind, and quickly followed in the footsteps of City Lord Ye Shan, "City Master Ye Shan, I But let me tell you, if our Lord City Master has anything to do, I, our Qingcheng will never let it go."

"Heh!" City Lord Ye Shan chuckled twice, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, who had been struggling in his hand with bulging eyes, and said, "You are a good manager. If Panchi City has a The guy who is so loyal to the city lord, the city lord doesn't have to worry about it so much. Ji Xiaoyan, why don't you give your manager to the city lord. Well, if you give him to the city lord, the city lord can think about it more in the future. take care of you."

Ji Xiaoyan raised his eyes and glanced at City Lord Yeshan, seeing him staring at him seriously, couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then said to him: "City Lord Yeshan, why don't you own such a big city? Do you lack someone who is loyal to you? If you kill fewer people, you may not be able to find ten or eight people who are more loyal than Chief Qing Gong."

"Oh, I don't think so." City Master Ye Shan said in a low voice with some self-deprecation, seeing Ji Xiaoyan looking at him with some doubts, he snorted coldly, and muttered in a low voice: "Some things are not yours. This little girl can see it."

"What?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked and couldn't help asking.As a result, he looked at City Lord Ye Shan and looked away uncomfortably. After thinking for a while, he asked, "That. City Lord Ye Shan, where are we going?"

"What? Don't remember?" City Lord Ye Shan didn't look at Ji Xiaoyan, just smiled and said lightly.

Ji Xiaoyan pondered for a while, then nodded and said: "Well, I really don't remember."

Hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan finally looked straight at Ji Xiaoyan.

"Maybe it broke my brain at some point." Ji Xiaoyan smiled self-deprecatingly, and said to Lord Yeshan: "I don't remember anything from the past, and neither do everyone. "So, what she wants to express is that since she doesn't remember anything, please don't revisit the old place and bring up the previous grievances, and finally prepare to abuse her again when she has nothing to do!By the way, it would be more perfect if all the previous grievances could be brought over in one stroke
Of course, Ji Xiaoyan was just thinking about it, and didn't dare to hope that these ideas would really come true.

So, after saying this, Ji Xiaoyan lowered his head and stopped looking at City Lord Ye Shan.She was afraid that a shrewd man like City Lord Ye Shan would see the little excitement and expectation in her eyes
"Amnesia?" City Master Ye Shan's tone was very puzzled, he paused for several seconds, when Ji Xiaoyan thought he was still in shock, he suddenly heard City Master Ye Shan's chuckle, "Hehe, Ji Xiaoyan, Ji Xiaoyan, What you said really surprised the owner of the city! Can you think of an excuse like amnesia?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at City Master Ye Shan, seeing his disbelief, shrugged his shoulders, but said indifferently: "I'm telling the truth, if you don't believe City Master Ye Shan, there's nothing I can do about it It's just that I want to tell you, don't tell me about the old grievances and grievances, I really don't remember any of them, even if you remind me again, I don't have any impression!"

City Lord Ye Shan finally stopped in his tracks, turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and met her fearless gaze, City Lord Ye Shan also felt a little guilty in his heart.To be honest, when he first met Ji Xiaoyan outside the city gate, he felt that the girl was different. Later, when he heard Manager Qing Gong talk about Ji Xiaoyan's identity, he thought that the reason for this girl's changes was all because of her. It's because her identity is different, so her mentality has changed, so she can have such an attitude. But, thinking about it now, maybe this has nothing to do with Miss Ji Xiaoyan's identity and mentality at all!

The reason why she was not afraid when she saw him in Panchi City this time, nor did she have the expressions and demeanor she had when she saw him before, was probably because she said that she lost her memory and couldn't remember anything!Therefore, the ability is the same as now, and dare to look directly into his eyes
So, does it mean that the current Ji Xiaoyan is a brand new Ji Xiaoyan, and will not be the same as before, so blindly believing that Lu Shan came to fight against him?
Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help rolling his eyes.

Could he take advantage of the situation and pull Ji Xiaoyan and Qing Cheng into his camp to deal with Xi Shan?Thinking of this, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help applauding the marriage conditions he proposed to Ji Xiaoyan!It's a really good step forward.
"Since I don't remember it, I won't mention it anymore!" City Lord Ye Shan said something to Ji Xiaoyan with a big smile, and after looking her up and down, he said again: "However, the matter of getting married can't be forgotten. You stole the important thing of the city lord from the treasure house of the city lord, even if you owed the city lord! That thing should be returned now. Is it on you?"

Ji Xiaoyan almost reached out to pinch the collar.

"After all, you took that thing away, so it should be regarded as a token of love!" City Lord Ye Shan smiled with an incomparable evil charm, and after whispering something to Ji Xiaoyan, he didn't know what he thought of. Only then did he reach out and wrap his arms around Ji Xiaoyan's shoulders, pointing her in the direction she came and went, and continued: "Since you don't remember this place, then don't go in. Well, since the city lord and you are going to get married, naturally Don’t be stingy. Let’s go, my city lord will take you to the treasure house. As the city lord’s bride, you can’t be too shabby, go to the city lord’s treasure house and choose something.”

Ji Xiaoyan can't accept Ye Shan's current style of painting and handling things at all! !

He was still looking like he was going to beat her up and kill her just now, why did he suddenly become a caring fiancé now?Is this change too big?She can't accept it! !
Director Qing Gong was also dumbfounded at the moment, after seeing the city lord Ye Shan gave him a friendly smile, Manager Qing Gong immediately grabbed Ji Xiaoyan's sleeve in a jerk, and stared at Ji Xiaoyan with wide eyes. Xiaoyan said: "My lord, you must not be deceived!! There were more than one or two people who were killed outside just now! I heard from the maids that the Lord Yeshan was quite bloodthirsty in Panchi City. .You can’t be deceived by him about the treasure house or something like that, we will fill up the city after we clear the city.”

Director Qing Gong reacted very quickly, he was afraid that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would just follow City Lord Ye Shan in order to relieve the money pressure of their Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion! !
"Qing Gong!" City Lord Ye Shan looked very familiar with Manager Qing Gong, sighed faintly at him, and then said: "As a manager, you have done a good job in your duties! But there is one thing. Don't forget, what is the identity of this city lord, and what is Ji Xiaoyan's identity! No matter what Ji Xiaoyan decides, it is not something you can comment on. You are just the manager, not the city lord."

Director Qing Gong stared, quickly glanced at City Master Ye Shan, and then at Ji Xiaoyan, afraid that she would do something stupid!
To be honest, Ji Xiaoyan's heart is very contradictory at the moment.

Just as Director Qing Gong was worried about.

On the one hand, they are now in the territory of Panchi City, and they are asking for help from others. It will be impossible for them to leave for a while. If they don't follow the words of the city lord Ye Shan, they may not be saved by Xuan Mo, and they will all die directly in the city. here.She, Ji Xiaoyan, is not afraid at all, anyway, she can be resurrected, anyway, Panchi City's teleportation array is outside the city gate!But what about Chief Qing Gong, Brick, and the other guards of the City Lord's Mansion who came to Panchi City with her?

Even if she doesn't think about herself, she also has to think about them!

On the other hand, to be honest, when she heard City Lord Ye Shan said that he would open the treasure house to send things, she was really moved.Don't say she is greedy!As the lord of a city, she could see that Chief Qing Gong didn't want to sell their house in Qingcheng cheaply at all.I only gave [-] gold coins, and there are not many days to relieve it, so they are really short of money in Qingcheng. If it is imperative to marry Lord Yeshan, why doesn't she follow him by the way? How about getting some money from the treasury to go back to alleviate the money crisis in their Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion?

To put it bluntly, she, the city lord, has been taken care of by Chief Qing Gong and Master Bessa since she entered this world. She has never done anything for the Qing city or for others. Now she just has a chance. Don't you want to grasp it?
"Master City Master!" Director Qing Gong looked at Ji Xiaoyan's fugue state, and couldn't help but yelled again in worry.

Brick also looked at City Lord Ye Shan with a slight frown, and then hoped to look at Ji Xiaoyan. He wanted to persuade Ji Xiaoyan, but after thinking for a long time, he found that he had nothing to say!What can he say?Said that Ye Shan City Lord is such a bloodthirsty person, and told Ji Xiaoyan not to be with him?But, didn't they just know that Ye Shan City Lord wanted to kill her at the beginning, and they came here because of Xuan Mo?Now City Lord Ye Shan didn't kill Ji Xiaoyan, but just wanted to marry her. Although he didn't know what his purpose was, they couldn't accept this result. They would only do it if they killed Ji Xiaoyan a million times. Are you satisfied?The answer is definitely no!

So, in this situation, what else can they say?
If you don't agree, you will die!
Didn't Ji Xiaoyan's hesitation at the moment just accept the current result because he, Director Qing Gong, and other guards couldn't leave Panchi City unscathed?
What else can they say?

Brick suddenly had the idea that they were a liability
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong carefully for a while, feeling the worry in his eyes, finally just smiled slightly, and then said: "Mr. Xuan Mo will have to pay the corresponding price! The current result is much better than what we expected, right? In fact, you see, the Yeshan City Lord and I are paired together. In other words, I made money. Other things , you don’t have to worry! After all, I am different from before.”

As long as she is not driven out of Qingcheng and occupied by others, as long as she stands on the boundary of Qingcheng for a day, she will always be the lord of Qingcheng.What City Lord Ye Shan said to Yan Shan when he proposed marriage, she could hear a little bit of meaning. It was nothing more than thinking that if City Lord Ye Shan failed in the battle for Panchi City, would she still have her Qingcheng in the future?
With the guarantee of light, Qingcheng, she is not afraid of being taken away! !
 PS: Thanks to "▂Grade☆Student" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks to "TEN" for the two monthly tickets! !
(End of this chapter)

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