The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1385 City Lord?Ah

Chapter 1385 City Lord?Ah
Brick couldn't make up his mind.

Should I just go back and discuss with Ji Xiaoyan and the others?Or continue to stand in front of the palace stupidly?He thinks that both options have advantages and disadvantages.
"Master Brick?" The guard of the City Lord's Mansion frowned, looked at Brick's urging, and saw that he couldn't make a decision, gritted his teeth, and suggested to Brick: "Master Brick , why don't we just go back and find the Lord City Lord and Chief Qing Gong to take care of it."

Brick looked at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion suspiciously, with a look of seeking solutions.

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion bluntly said to Brick: "Panchi City is not the same as what we heard at the beginning. There may be many things in it that we don't know. These secrets, I don't think we, Panchi City The outsiders of Chicheng can know. And because Master Xuan Mo was injured, the Lord Lord of the city had to come to Panchi City. Maybe he has wade into such a puddle of muddy water. What we need to do now is to be wise and safe in Panchi City. Heal Lord Xuanmo, and let the Lord City Lord return to Qingcheng safely. But judging from the situation we have discovered now, if we don’t tell the Lord City Lord, there may be some things that the City Lord will not be able to judge properly! If Because if something happens to the city lord in the future, Mr. Brick, we will all be sinners."

When Brick heard this, he frowned immediately, and looked seriously at the two guards of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion who followed him in a big circle. After thinking about it, he gritted his teeth and nodded, and said to them: " I know. But, if we all leave now to find Xiaoyan, what will happen to the City Lord? What if the guard didn't see us when he came out just now? It's very likely that he will be angry. Changing City Lord's "At that time, they may really do something wrong!

"Master Brick, you can rest assured!" A guard of the City Lord's Mansion smiled slightly, and said to Brick: "I will stay here and wait for news, you go to Lord City Lord! After all, the city is mainly about If you agree to let us go out of the city, you don’t need Master Brick to go in and ask questions, right? I’ll just wait here.”

Brick thought about it, and it seemed to be the truth.So, after taking a look at the direction of the palace of the city lord Yan Shan, he took another guard of the city lord's mansion and left directly, planning to find Ji Xiaoyan.

And just a while after Brick and the others left, the guard who entered the palace to help them communicate slowly walked out of the palace, and after looking around in the open space in front of the main hall, he saw the The remaining guards of Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion.

"Hey, the one from Qingcheng!" The guard in front of the palace gate frowned in displeasure, and shouted loudly at the guard of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion, and when he saw him, he immediately ran in front of him with an expectant expression on his face. After looking at himself, he slightly hooked the corners of his mouth, and asked him with a little pride: "Why are you alone? What about the two people who were with you just now?"

The guard of the city lord's mansion smiled, and quickly said: "They followed the people sent by my city lord. Just now, my city lord sent someone to say that there is still something to explain, so I called them back and left me here Waiting for the news from the city lord, I just don't know what the city lord will say?"

The guard in front of the palace gate frowned suspiciously, and after a while, he seemed to accept the reason given by the guard of the City Lord's Mansion, and said to him: "I have helped you go in and ask, but our Lord City Lord I don’t have time right now, I’m trying my best to help you save people, so I don’t have time to reply. So, if you want to leave the city today, it’s not impossible! If you’re not in a hurry, wait until tomorrow when the gate of our Panchi city opens, Let’s go out of town again.”

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion looked at the guard, glanced at the surrounding guards and maids from the corner of his eye, and saw that there was a trace of unexplained smile in their eyes. After thinking about it, he nodded honestly, yes He thanked the guard at the palace gate, turned and left.
This result is basically within their expectations, so there is no need to waste any more time here! !It's better to go back quickly to find Ji Xiaoyan and the others, and see how the city lord of their family made a decision after knowing the situation.
The guard in front of the palace gate looked at the guard in Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion without hesitation, turned around and disappeared in the square in front of the main hall, and hadn't recovered for a while.After looking at the other guards and maids around, he asked with some doubts: "What's the matter with these Qingcheng people? Aren't they in a hurry to leave the city today? Why didn't you get the consent of the city lord?" , They left without even fighting for it? What do they think?"

The surrounding guards and maids did not speak, but stood quietly in front of the main hall.

So, the guard at the gate of the palace shook his head slightly, finally hummed twice, and stood where he stood before.
After Brick and another guard of the City Lord's Mansion wandered around the City Lord's Mansion in Panchi City for a while, they finally came to the treasure house of the City Lord Yeshan, ready to see if Ji Xiaoyan and the others were still there. in.It was only after they arrived that they were told that the city lord Ye Shan had already left. Naturally, it was impossible for Ji Xiaoyan and the others to stay here again!So, for a while, Brick and the others didn't know where they were going to find Ji Xiaoyan and the others.
"Why don't you? Lord Brick, let's go to the bedroom of Lord Yeshan again? Maybe Lord Lord and the others have gone there again?" The guard of the Lord's Mansion thought for a while and suggested to Brick.Then, after seeing that Brick had no objection, he immediately took him straight to the bedroom of the night change city lord.
It's just that Brick and the others met the rightful lord before they reached the bedroom of the Lord Yeshan.
"Why are you still in the city lord's mansion?" The night change city lord saw Brick from a distance, saw them scurrying around like flies without them, and immediately said to Brick and them with some displeasure: " Aren't you going back to Qing City to bring back the things of the city lord? Why are you still here now? Is this a violation of the yin and yang of the city lord?"

Brick didn't expect that they would meet the City Lord Yeshan at all.Therefore, Brick couldn't help being stunned when he heard the question from the city lord Ye Shan.

"My city lord is asking you something!" Ye Shan's face slowly sank, he looked at Brick and said, "What? Do I need my city lord to give you some time to make up a lie in your heart? "

Brick was startled immediately when he heard the words, and quickly shook his head and said to Lord Yeshan: "No, it's not. Lord Yeshan, we have to go out of the city to go back to Qingcheng, but the guard at the gate said we have to go back to Qingcheng. If you want to go out, you must have the permission of you and the Lord of the City. We just went to the Lord of the City." If I knew that they were going to meet the Lord of the Night, I would wait until the Lord of the City has a result. Come here Yes!He had already said this, if City Lord Ye Shan agreed with them to leave the city, how could they explain to City Lord Ye Shan?

Thinking of this, Brick couldn't help feeling annoyed.

"Where are you going?" The city lord Ye Shan didn't intend to listen to Brick's continuation at all. When he heard his voice go down, he sneered a few times with his lips curled up, and then said: "Ji Shan Ken agrees to open the city gate for you, that's weird! Hmph"

Brick didn't respond, but just lowered his head silently.

After the city lord Ye Shan finished speaking, he paused for a while before he spoke again: "You just said, where did you go to the city gate, and the guards at the city gate won't let you go out?"

Brick nodded.

"They must ask you to come back to find Yan Shan?" City Lord Ye Shan frowned and asked again.Then after seeing Brick nodding, he snorted twice angrily, and said, "This is really pervasive! How long has it been since the city lord came back from the city gate? I changed!! Good, good, good!!"

Brick didn't know what to say, but raised his eyes slightly to see the expression of Lord Yeshan at the moment.

"He won't let you out of the city, and the city lord wants you to leave now!" City lord Ye Shan didn't know what he was thinking of, and said something to Brick and the others with a sneer, and then he shook his robe, Passing over Brick, they said: "Let's go, the city lord will personally take you out of the city. It just so happens that the city lord hasn't killed anyone for a long time. This can be regarded as getting some people to train the city lord."

Brick was surprised to see the city master Ye Shan passing him, leaving only a back, and he was stunned.What did City Lord Yeshan say just now?He was going to take them out of town himself?Did he hear wrong?As far as Ye Shan City Lord's personality and way of doing things are concerned, he doesn't seem like someone who would do such a thing?
"What's the matter? Are you still leaving? Are you reluctant to part with our Panchi City's City Lord's Mansion?" Ye Shan City Lord walked a few steps, listening to Brick and the others, they didn't move at all, and immediately turned to look at Brick and asked. .

"No, no." Brick quickly shook his head, walked up to the back of City Lord Ye Shan in small steps, stood with lowered eyebrows, and then said, "Master Ye Shan City, let's go now."

City Lord Ye Shan snorted coldly, glanced at Brick unhappily, then turned around and continued to walk outside the City Lord's Mansion.

But at this moment, Brick doesn't know how to find Ji Xiaoyan!If they followed City Lord Ye Shan directly to the city gate, and then went back to Qing City smoothly, how would they tell Ji Xiaoyan about the strange things about the City Lord's Mansion of Panchi City?If something really happened to Ji Xiaoyan in the City Lord's Mansion, what would he do?

The guard who followed Brick saw the embarrassment on his face, thought for a while, and persuaded in a low voice: "Master Brick, don't worry. It doesn't matter if we go back to Qingcheng, there are still people who will look for the city lord."

Brick glanced at the guard of the city lord's mansion as if waking up from a dream, and instantly understood.That's right, they're gone, isn't there a guard from the City Lord's Mansion still behind?They met City Lord Yeshan, that is to say, the guards of the other City Lord's Mansion will not meet City Lord Yeshan!At that time, if City Lord Ye Shan didn't let them go out of the city as City Lord Ye Shan said, the guard of the City Lord's Mansion would definitely come to find them, Ji Xiaoyan after getting the news!By the time.
Brick couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.
so far so good!
Seeing that Brick's face had improved a little, the guards of the City Lord's Mansion breathed a sigh of relief, followed behind the team obediently, and passed in the direction of the city gate again.

The gate of Panchi City.

As City Lord Yeshan said, basically all the guards here were replaced by the subordinates of City Lord Yanshan, so when Brick and the others were about to leave the city, these guards directly carried out City Lord Yanshan and took Bushan Rick and the others stopped them all.

And when the city lord Ye Chang took Brick and the others to the city gate aggressively, the guards were instantly dumbfounded!If only City Lord Yeshan came, they didn't think there was anything unusual, as long as City Lord Yeshan ordered, open the door when he said open, close the door when he said close, everything, there is no problem, everyone just do business!
However, the difficulty lies in the fact that the guards at the gate of the city noticed with keen eyes that two of the people who had been driven back to the city by them not long ago were following the team of Lord Yeshan. Looking up, it seems that the city lord Ye Shan was hired as the backstage, which is a bit unsightly
"Open the city gate to the city lord!!" The city lord Ye Shan still had an incomparably enchanting look, walked directly to the city gate, and said something indifferently.

The city gate guards looked at each other in panic, and instantly lowered their heads in unison, not daring to speak.

"What's the matter? We don't even have a goalkeeper at the gate of Panchi City?" City Lord Ye Shan narrowed his eyes and looked at all the guards under the gate, and said in an obviously displeased tone.

The general guarding the city couldn't help shivering when he heard the words of the city master Ye Shan. After a few seconds, he walked out from behind a group of guards with a smile on his face, and stood at Ye Shan. City Lord Shan was seven or eight steps away, and said carefully, "Master City Lord."

"The City Lord?" The City Lord Ye Shan didn't intend to let the general finish his sentence at all, and interrupted directly: "I heard that the City Lord in your mind is probably not the City Lord? This opening is called the City Lord, what are you? Who is it called?"

"Of course it's you, City Lord!" The corner of the guard's eyes twitched, and he hurriedly bowed his head and said respectfully, "Both the City Master and the City Master are the City Masters of our Panchi City."

"Yeah..." City Lord Ye Shan looked at his palm boredly, then touched his nails with his fingers, and continued calmly: "Since you are all City Lords, why are you still standing there? The city lord opens"

(End of this chapter)

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