The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1398 Good!let you go!

Chapter 1398 Good!let you go!
Because he clearly knew the exact location of the strangers and Diaobuliai in River Water City, Brick took several guards from the Lord's Mansion to River Water City, and reported his name from the city gate. The city guards of River Water City allowed to enter River Water City and ran directly to the post station, and then saw a large number of NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan outside the post station.

For the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, Brick basically never appeared in their sights in the Xishan area.Therefore, when they saw Brick, the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan didn't know that Brick actually went to their West Mountain and knew them.What they saw was just a man in civilian clothes hurrying along with a group of guards
And Brick recognized who the two groups of people were in the first place.At the beginning, he was directly taken to the top of the mountain by the heart of eternity. Through the spell, he basically watched all the people in the white mist area seriously. No matter what they did, he basically knew it!Therefore, for the people of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, although Brick has never really communicated with them face to face, he will not fail to know them.

Therefore, when Brick passed in front of those people from the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, he couldn't help but look at them strangely, wondering why these people from the West Mountain of Mochen Town would appear in River River water city.It wasn't until later that Brick finally understood a little when he heard that the strangers and Nightmare Foil were going to take the people from the White Mist and Black Mist tribes with him.
"You mean, they are with you?" Brick frowned, looked at Yan Foil Liuliu and the strangers with disbelief, and asked them.Why did he come to River Water City this time?Isn't it just to take You Yanbo away, so that he can go out of the city to find his brother, and bring back Ji Xiaoyan's bellyband?It's just that it doesn't matter if there is one more stranger.

However, now that there are so many people from the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, that would be bad!

Nightmare foil glanced at the NPCs of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan who collectively focused their attention on them, still couldn't help but sighed softly, nodded to Brick and said: "Yes Yes, Brick! They are with us..." Seeing Brick frowned, Yan Foil drifted away and continued: "Brick, we were trapped in Mochen Town, thanks to They can only come out... Moreover, they came here to follow us only to find their people, if we leave them alone, it would be really bad..."

Yan Foil Liuli wanted to say the word treachery, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it.
Brick frowned, turned his head and glanced at the people of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, thinking about the scene where they tossed Ji Xiaoyan and the others in the White Mist Area on the west mountain of Mochen Town, he suddenly felt a little upset point.But seeing Yan Foil drifting away, Brick felt helpless again!If he didn't bring these people with him, if Yan Foil drifted away and this kid made some kind of moth, it would be even worse!Forget it!Brick shook his head in his heart, finally sighed, looked up at Yan Foil Wandering and said: "Forget it, Ning Foil Wandering, I'm not sure I can take you out, let's go, let's meet at the City Lord's Mansion first." See Manager Hess! If we can't go out, we have to think of other ways, and we must send the bellyband to Xiaoyan!"

Yan Foil Liuli nodded quickly, heaved a sigh of relief to the stranger, and then said to Brick: "Okay, no, we'll think of a way when the time comes..."

"Yeah!" Brick nodded, turned around and greeted the guards to walk directly towards the City Lord's Mansion in River Water City.

In fact, both Brick and Diablo Liuliu who were present knew very well that the apron in Yunteng Wanli's hand could be sent directly to Ji Xiaoyan even if they couldn't get out of River Water City.It's just that everyone has their own selfishness, and no one wants to settle the matter until the last step.

It has always been difficult for Yan Foil and the strangers to meet Ji Xiaoyan. Now that they finally have such an opportunity, they naturally have to grasp it well. Otherwise, they will find opportunities to meet Ji Xiaoyan in the future. is more difficult.Therefore, it would be good for everyone if Yunteng Wanli could not directly hand over the apron to Ji Xiaoyan, but through them! !
This point is actually very important to Diao Foil Displacement.

Ever since Ji Xiaoyan met the mutated beast, he violated Yunteng Wanli's order, spent a lot of effort, wasted a lot of family resources and failed to find Ji Xiaoyan, Yunteng Wanli issued a letter to him. There was a big fire.Later, Yunteng Wanli also lost a lot because he had to explain to the family... Therefore, Yunteng Wanli was somewhat resistant to Yan Foil's wandering about getting involved with Ji Xiaoyan.Therefore, regarding the matter of Dudou, Yan Foil Liuliu dared to tell him that the things were what Flying Leaves wanted, not Ji Xiaoyan.
If it is possible, Yan Foil hopes that Yunteng Wanli will never have face-to-face contact with Ji Xiaoyan again, otherwise, there will be no hope for him and Ji Xiaoyan in the future.
Thinking of this, Yan Foil Liuliu couldn't help pursing his lips.These things, he can't tell anyone, can't let anyone know these things!
Brick was also frowning at this moment, with a look of sadness on his face. With the nightmare and strangers, they went all the way to the Santo's Mansion in River Water City, and then several NPC guards from the Santo's Mansion led them all the way into the Santo's Mansion. In the central palace of the palace, I saw the old butler Hess with a sad face.

"Brick? Why do you have time to come here?" Old Hess was still very surprised when he saw Brick, immediately put down what he was doing, ran to Brick with a smile, and then Looking at him with concern, he asked, "What's the matter? Is there something to do here? Or is it that City Master Ji wants something?"

Brick opened his mouth to Old Hess, but finally held back, looked around, then walked up to Old Hess, and whispered to him, "Boss Hess, I'm here this time , I want to ask for your help..."

"Help? That's okay! What's the matter, Brick, you can just say it!" Old Hess was surprised, but his face was full of smiles, and he said to Brick, looking into his eyes. There was also a little bit of anticipation.If someone else asked old Hess to help, he naturally couldn't always have such an attitude.But who is Brick?That is Miss Ji Xiaoyan's attendant. To put it bluntly, she is someone who is very close to Miss Ji Xiaoyan. My Lord City Master wishes to be closer to Miss Ji Xiaoyan. Naturally, he hopes to have a better relationship with everyone around her. !Therefore, when Brick finally came to River Water City to ask for help, Old Hess would not refuse!
If you can help, you must actively help; if you can't help, Old Hess also has a firm belief in your heart that if you can't help, you have to create conditions to help.
Brick looked at the attitude and smile of old Hess, and finally heaved a sigh of relief secretly, and then said to him: "Mr. Hess, that's it. I heard that River Water City is now closed The city is closed, and you can only enter but not exit... just to catch those vicious foxes. But I have some situations here, and I have to take some people out of River Water City..." Brick looked at Old He with some caution Looking at Si's expression, he said to him: "I don't know Mr. Hess, can you accommodate me and let us go?"

"Take someone away?" The smile on Old Hess's face instantly softened a little, and then he looked behind Brick for a while, and when he saw the strangers and Yan Foil drifting away from them, he felt a little bit in his heart understand.These people couldn't get out of their River Water City, and even found Brick who was far away in Qingcheng. But, how can these adventurers mobilize Brick?
Seeing the change of old Hess's face, Brick quickly opened his mouth and said to him: "Mr. Hess, you also know that Xiaoyan went to Panchi City just to save Xuan Mo! However, the night between Xiaoyan and Panchi City City Lord Shan had such small grievances in the past! After the past, we were very unlucky to meet City Lord Ye Shan, and then he made things difficult for him... Xiaoyan's situation in Panchi City is not very good now, Ye City Lord Shan now needs Xiaoyan to find something of his, so that Xiaoyan can live better in Panchi City..." Seeing that Old Hess's expression seemed less unhappy than before, Brick continued: "It's just, We searched for a long time before we found it. The item was in the hands of an adventurer. And that adventurer happened to be the adventurer behind me, the wandering brother of Nightmare..."

As he said that, Brick moved his body to the side, and after exposing the Nightmare Foil, he said to Old Hess: "The brother of this adventurer promised to give us things to use, but This adventurer needs to go and get it by himself... But they have come to River Water City and now they can't leave at all... So, Manager Hess, we are very anxious, there is nothing we can do, so we came here quickly..."

"Brick, what do you mean, you want this adventurer to leave our River Water City to find his brother to get things, and then go to Panchi City to find City Lord Ji?" Old Hess glanced at Nightmare Foil, and just looked at Brick asked.

As a result, I watched Brick look at him with some embarrassment, sighed after a while and said, "Master Hess, if I might take them away, I will take all of them..."

"Isn't this the only adventurer you need?" Old Hess stared at Nightmare Foil Drifter and said.

In fact, he also understood Brick's difficulties!These adventurers are basically, wherever you go, you have to take me, take my friends, and then take a large group of people to stroll around together!Therefore, looking at the current situation behind Brick, Old Hess also understood in his heart that these people would follow Brick to the Santo's Mansion, and naturally they had made up their minds to leave with them!
Just kidding, it's no wonder they didn't seize such a good opportunity! !
There is one more important point.

It would be more convenient if there were people from the fox clan among them.The people of the Fox Clan are worried about not being able to leave their river water city. Now such a good opportunity, if they don't sneak in and leave, it won't be too wasteful! !
Thinking of this, old Hess' eyes suddenly lit up.

Brick didn't see what was going on in old Hess's mind at all, but after hearing his question, he looked at him with some distress, and said to him helplessly: "Mr. Hess... this... ...They all want to leave together...." Otherwise, these adventurers probably wouldn't agree to their conditions and went to find their bellybands.
Thinking of this, Brick couldn't help but let out a deep sigh...

Hearing the words, old Hess immediately changed his face, and instantly put on a smile on his face, and then said to Brick: "Okay, okay, I understand all the difficulties you said, Brick. You Needless to say, you finally opened your mouth, I will help you no matter what? If I can’t help, I will try my best to help you, right? But, Brick, there is one thing we still need to make clear first of."

"Boss Hess, tell me!" Brick looked surprised, and he didn't realize why the old Hess' face changed so quickly!
"Brick, you also know about our current situation in River Water City." Old Hess said to Brick with a smile, "So, it's okay for you to leave. It's just that it's impossible because of your sentence." In other words, if you guarantee these adventurers, let them go immediately, right? In the middle, we still have to perform some procedures..."

"Hmm! That's right, that's right, Manager Hess, tell me! What are we going to do?" Brick breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this, and then asked Old Hess with a smile.

Old Hess squinted his eyes, and after glancing at Nightmare Foil and the strangers, he immediately shifted his gaze to the people of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan. After a while, he turned to Bree Ke smiled and said in a low voice: "There is nothing wrong with the two adventurers you brought. If you want to take the other two to drive our River Water City, then they need to be taken care of by our River Water City people." They can only be released after a thorough inspection... You also know the situation, Brick, what do you think? They won't have any objections, right? If there is no objection, then we will start inspections now and get them out of here as soon as possible?"

(End of this chapter)

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