The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1400 One is better than none

Chapter 1400 One is better than nothing
The two leading men of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan never thought that after they descended from the West Mountain in Mochen Town, there would be so few disobedient clansmen in the clan! !Moreover, it is such a sensitive moment!

Thinking of this, the man at the head of the Baizhiwu tribe suddenly felt a hot anger rushing straight to the top of his head, and said in a very cold tone to those clansmen who refused to take off their masks: "You didn't hear me! Take off the mask for me!!! Now, immediately!" After a pause for two seconds, seeing that there was no movement from those people, the men of the White Mist Clan were completely angry: "If you don't take off the mask, you will Don't blame us for leaving you all in River Water City, and left by yourself!! If anything happens to you in River Water City, we will not care about you anymore!"

However, as soon as these words were spoken, the men of the White Mist Clan immediately regretted it.When they went down the mountain to practice, their patriarch said that as the leader, he would bring the clan out to practice, and naturally he would bring the clan back intact.But at the moment, the men of the Baizhiwu tribe are very annoyed!You said that in normal circumstances, it’s fine if the people in your family are disobedient. When the time comes, educate them and send them back to the mountains. Maybe they’ll keep the accounts somewhere, and report to the patriarch when they go back, and let them be punished in the village. A little punishment and a little memory will almost be over!But what is the situation now! ?They were in other people's cities, and even the leader, he, took off his mask due to the situation, but these clansmen didn't move. Isn't this typical to cause trouble for them?

Don't these guys know their current situation?

This is the most depressing point for the leading man of the White Mist Clan!
He could imagine that if they didn't all take off their masks and accept the inspection of the Lord River Water City, all of them would never even think about leaving River Water City, and they might be subject to other punishments... ...For example, locked up and tortured?Thinking of this, the men of the Baizhiwu Clan couldn't help but shudder!They are all simple villagers, who can endure such torture?
Old Hess didn't pay attention to the expressions on the faces of the men of the White Mist tribe, but narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at the few people of the White Mist tribe and Black Mist tribe who refused to move. After thinking about it, he gave some eye contact to some guards nearby, and then he opened his mouth and said to the leader of the Baizhiwu clan: "Don't be angry, don't be angry... I think this mask in your clan belongs to your own clan." It’s a custom in China! It’s understandable that they don’t want to accept coercion for a while…”

"Master Hess..." The man of the White Mist Clan gave old Hess a slightly moved look. He really didn't expect that the old Hess who was threatening them just now could understand them in this way. !Thinking of this, the man of the White Mist Clan sighed and said to Old Hess: "Actually, Manager Hess, the masks of our White Mist Clan and Black Mist Clan have been worn since we were born. Normally, if there is no important thing, it will not be removed..."

"Oh? So that's how it is..." Old Hess replied with a careless face, his eyes kept falling on those masked people, and he said perfunctorily to the men of the White Mist Clan: "Then today It's really a little too much for you... By the way, since you all wear masks, how can you tell who is who?"

The man of the White Mist Clan smiled slightly, and then explained: "The masks of each of our clansmen have their own unique patterns... so we generally only need to recognize the patterns on the masks to tell which is the mask. Which tribe..."

"Yeah? That's really good..." Old Hess smiled, looked up at the man from the White Mist Clan, and then stretched out his hand, pointing at those who refused to take off their masks, Facing him, he asked, "Then take a look, are those people from your clan?"

The men of the White Mist Clan were stunned, and looked at Old Hess in confusion, then immediately reacted, cast their eyes on the masked clansmen, and then looked around them The rest of the clansmen were already far away from them. After exposing them all, the men of the White Mist clan squinted their eyes and looked at those people carefully...
The pattern of the mask seems to be similar, he can basically match who is who... However, the size of the mask does not match.
Thinking of this, the men of the White Mist Clan widened their eyes instantly, looked at Old Hess in disbelief, and then roared at the fastest speed: "Catch them..."

In the next second, those masked people moved slightly, and then swung their weapons... "Grab them.... Grab them..." Old Hess also had a look on his face at this moment. Excited, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "They must be those from the fox clan, everyone help catch them all..."

As a result, the small room became chaotic in an instant.
It's just that the fox clan is always the fox clan, even if someone is injured, their fighting power is by no means comparable to that of ordinary people!Therefore, whether it is the people of the White Mist Clan or the Black Mist Clan, together with the guards of River Water City, they still failed to capture all these Fox Clans, let them break out of the window, and escaped directly .
"Chasing... Hurry up and chase me!!!" Old Hess anxiously commanded the guards of River Water City with a look of dismay.

"Yes!" A few guards responded quickly, and hurriedly turned out of the window.

"That....Hess Manager..." At this moment, the man of the White Mist Clan couldn't help calling out, and seeing Old Hess turning his head to look at him with displeasure, the White Mist Clan Only then did the man wipe the blood from his face, moved his body away, revealing a man who was firmly suppressed by several people, and said to Old Hess: "Mr. Hess, we have caught a... "

When old Hess saw this situation, he was ecstatic!

He thought that those members of the fox clan had all run away, but he didn't expect that one of them would be caught by these members of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan. This is simply a surprise! !
"Is it the Fox Clan?" Old Hess looked at the man of the White Mist Clan with surprise, but couldn't help but ask.

"It should be!" The man of the White Mist Clan looked uncertain, and said to Old Hess: "We just checked, and he is not a member of our White Mist Clan... As for whether he is a Fox Clan or not." , we don't know..." After all, they have only heard a little bit about the fox race from the mouths of the older generation. As for the real person, they have never seen what he looks like. The only thing that is certain is that the person they are catching right now is not from their own clan, nor from the Black Mist clan! !
Hearing this, Old Hess nodded gratefully to the man of the White Mist Clan: "It's fine if it's not, it's fine if it's not... How is he now? Is he dead?"

"No, I just passed out!!" The man of the White Mist tribe said to old Hess, "You know, Mr. Hess, their force value is too high, we can't beat them, so we managed to catch one , we didn't dare to be careless, and directly gave him a little medicine, which made him pass out..."

"Okay, okay!" Old Hess looked satisfied, and took a deep look at the men of the White Mist tribe, and finally looked at the other people, and said to them: "I represent River. Water City, thank you all for helping to catch such a spy today... After we lock this person up in a while, we will immediately take you out of River Water City..."

At this moment, the Baizhiwu tribe was not in a happy mood, but after looking around, they frowned worriedly and said to old Hess: "Master Hess, maybe we can't leave for a while... these Since people can sneak in and pretend to be our clansmen, then our clansmen must be in danger. Now, we need to find our clansmen as soon as possible..."

Old Hess took a look at the men of the White Mist Clan, and really wanted to say something to him, since people like the Fox Clan dared to seriously injure Yu Mo and them in their river water city, it is impossible to keep their clansmen behind. He came alive.But, after thinking about it, he can't say these words to hurt the hearts of the people of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, can he?Anyway, they can be regarded as helping to catch a person!So, with this in mind, Old Hess nodded quickly, and said to the man of the White Mist tribe: "This is natural, and the first thing to do is to find the tribe's talents... Then everyone, please do me a favor. Help me lock people up first, and then I will send guards to work with you to find where your people are..."

The man of the White Mist Clan nodded sadly.

I just hope that everything will be better than they imagined.

Pushing open the door of the room, Old Hess watched the people from the White Mist Clan help drag the man out who had completely fallen into a coma, and then saw the guard who brought the Qingcheng guards to ask about the progress of the inspection.

"What's the matter? Did something happen to Brick?" Old Hess looked worried.What if the people from the Fox Clan rushed out of them and chopped or kidnapped Brick again?Looking back, Miss Ji Xiaoyan, don't you feel more resentment towards River Water City?Four of her attendants and pets came over, two were seriously injured and two are still missing!If something happened to Brick here, wouldn't they be even more unclear in River Water City?

Looking back, Master Bessa didn't scold himself to death!

Thinking of this, old Hess became even more worried.

"No, Manager Hess!" Fortunately, the guards in Qingcheng quickly waved their hands at Old Hess and said, "It's just that Master Brick asked me to ask, and the people from the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan will check How is the progress of the project... If possible, we want to leave River Water City as soon as possible..."

While talking, the guards of Qingcheng sized up the blood-stained White Mist and Black Mist people next to Old Hess, as well as the man with his head bowed and held up, and frowned slightly.

"Of course there is no problem with the inspection..." Old Hess breathed a sigh of relief, put on a smile, and said to the guard in Qingcheng: "You go back and tell Brick that they can leave at any time. I can arrange it right away... But, the people of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan, they may have to delay for a while. Some of their clansmen are missing, and it will take some time to search for them in River Water City before leaving …”

"Okay!" The guard of Qingcheng glanced at the man of the Baizhiwu tribe, nodded, and then turned to answer Brick.

And old Hess directly led the people of the White Mist Clan and the Black Mist Clan to help put the fainted man directly in a heavily guarded cell cage, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. He told the guards: "Cheer up and watch carefully! This man and his accomplices have not been caught. They will definitely come to rescue him. You must watch over me carefully. It's best to catch them all in one fell swoop when they come to save people..."

"Yes!" The guard in the cell puffed up his chest, and responded very simply.

So, old Hess breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the men of the White Mist Clan, and said, "Thank you for your help... let's go, I will take you out and arrange some people to help you in the city. Look for your clansmen here..."

The man of the White Mist Clan nodded.But in his heart, he began to think, what should they do next!
Looking for a clansman, of course, he can't leave River Water City for a while, but what about the man who was wandering away from Yanbo?Now he was asked by Qingcheng to find something, and he was about to leave immediately.If they force Yan Foil to stay with them and offend the people in Qingcheng, it will be even more troublesome if they want to find Xiao Qi'er in the future. Why don't they sell favors and let Yan Foil follow them and wait for them later? After going to Qingcheng, it will definitely be smoother to ask that Brick to help find Xiao Qier.

However, if this diaspora is let go, how will they practice in these continents full of adventurers and strangers?Someone always takes them with them and answers their questions at any time!If you just randomly catch a few adventurers on the mainland, I'm afraid it's not that safe...
Thinking of this, the men of the White Mist Clan became entangled in an instant.

Yan Foil drifted away from this man, should he let him go or not?Or, let Yan Foil drift away, and let the other stranger stay?However, those two adventurers seem to be together, and they will definitely not want to stay
Just as he was depressed, Old Hess led the people of the White Mist and Black Mist tribes past a house in the City Lord's Mansion, and heard two voices shouting: "Let us out... Let us out... We have nothing to do with those Fox clans! We even saved that little boy... How long are you going to imprison us? We didn't do anything wrong!!"

(End of this chapter)

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