Chapter 1416 Guess
After standing on a street in Panchi City for quite a while, City Lord Ye Shan brought Lord Bessa and Old Man Qingmi, and finally saw City Lord Yan Shan appear.Surprise and joy instantly appeared in the eyes of City Lord Ye Shan!He had fantasized many times that the city lord Yan Tan would bow his head to him, but he never imagined that such a day would really come true.

I thought I would ask the guard to go back and send a message to the city lord Yan Shan to come and look for them. After the city lord Jia Shan found out, he would definitely be furious and stand in a stalemate with himself.Unexpectedly, the two guards he sent out came back not long after and reported that the city lord Yan Shan is here!To be honest, at that time, Ye Shan City Lord absolutely did not believe it!
"Ye Shan!" City Lord Yan Shan still had a gentle smile on his face. He walked up to City Lord Ye Shan, and then he opened his mouth and shouted at him, then looked at Lord Bessa and old man Qingmi, and said After they nodded their heads and said hello, they said apologetically, "I'm sorry, everyone. I have some private matters with Ye Shan that I need to discuss first..."

"Please!" Master Bessa still had the same indifferent expression for thousands of years. After looking behind the city lord Xie Shan, he frowned and nodded at the city owner Xie Shan, not knowing what to weigh in his heart.

The old man Qingmi, after looking at the city masters Yan Shan and Ye Shan, said with some displeasure: "We don't care what you want to say...... But, what about Yan Shan, girl Xiaoyan? Isn't he with you? Together? Why didn't I see her?"

"City Master Ji?" City Master Yan Shan looked at Old Man Qingmi in surprise and said something, then immediately lowered his eyes, and then explained with a chuckle: "Elder Qingmi also came to find City Master Ji? This is easy to deal with." , City Lord Ji is in our Panchi City... But, Elder Qingmi, if you want to see City Lord Ji, you can wait until I finish talking with City Lord Yeshan, I hope you can wait a moment."

"Okay! Just wait!" The old man Qingmi nodded his head briskly, and then said to City Lord Yan Shan: "However, Feng Shan, you need to be faster!"

"That's natural." City Lord Yan Shan nodded unambiguously at Old Man Qingmi, and didn't look at him again, but squinted and winked at City Lord Ye Shan, watching him follow him After walking a few steps to a place where no one was around, he said, "Ye Shan...what the hell are you doing? Why did you bring them all to the city? They all came to find Ji Xiaoyan?"

City Lord Ye Shan looked indifferent, shrugged his shoulders at City Lord Yan Shan, and said, "What the hell can I do! You have come out of the City Lord's Mansion and came to the city, can't I come out? We are all like this The city lord of Panchi City, you can't just hide away by yourself and let me deal with so many of them by myself, can't you?"

Hearing the words, City Lord Yan Shan immediately frowned, and glared at City Lord Ye Shan.

"Okay, okay, don't stare at me anymore! I'm curious, what will make you willing to bow your head and come to me!" City Master Ye Shan looked at City Master Ye Shan with a smile, with a smile on his face. A slightly smug expression.

"Speaking of this..." Sure enough, after hearing the words of the city lord Ye Shan, the expression on the face of the city lord Yan Shan instantly became a little uglier, and then he said to the city lord Ye Shan in a low voice: "Ye Shan, don't you I didn’t find out, didn’t the men you sent to follow me come back?”

"What do you mean by that?" City Lord Ye Shan's face became a little colder, he looked at City Lord Yan Shan suspiciously and asked, but he muttered in his heart, could it be that those people that City Lord Yan Shan had sent him out to follow After being killed, are you willing to bow your head and come to him now, in fact, just to show off in front of him?
"What do you mean? What can I mean? Ye Shan, do you think I dealt with them all and came here to show off to you? I'm not so boring!" The expression of the city lord instantly guessed what he was thinking in his heart, so he glared at the city lord Yeshan again, and then said to the city lord Yeshan who looked a bit embarrassed: "Your men and I sent to arrest you. All of their men were captured!"

"What do you mean by that?" City Lord Ye Shan was stunned when he heard what City Lord Yan Shan said.

"What do you mean? Naturally, it means literally!" City Lord Yan Shan's face was full of hatred, and he growled at City Lord Ye Shan: "Unidentified forces have come to our Panchi City, and they took all of our people. Captured."

"It's impossible!" City Lord Ye Shan immediately denied when he heard this, "The only people who have come in from our Panchi City are the current group, and then there are Ji Xiaoyan and the others, how could there be any unknown people! "Speaking of this, City Lord Ye Shan couldn't help but look in Lord Bessa's direction, and then whispered to City Lord Yan Shan: "Could it be someone from River Water City? As the City Lord, Bessa, why? It is possible that a person came to our Panchi must be him!"

City Lord Yan Shan frowned immediately when he heard the words, but his expression was a bit disbelieving, and then he said to City Lord Ye Shan: "Whether it is Bessa or not, we have not caught anyone now, so we can't prove anything at all! My men He came back and said that he only saw a group of men in black with great strength...Ye Shan, no matter how great the conflict between us is, now it is about our Panchi City, we can only let go of our humility and let this matter come to us first. The evil forces in Panchi City have been eradicated! What do you think?"

"This is natural!" City Lord Ye Shan raised his neck, and said to City Lord Yan Shan, "Without Panchi City, what are we still fighting for?"

City Lord Yan Shan heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, nodded to City Lord Ye Shan, and then said: "Then, the most important thing for us now is to go directly to those black clothes and bring our own people back, and take a look at those Who is the man in black... If he is really from River Water City, what should we do? What should we do... It's just..." City Lord Yan Shan gestured behind him with his eyes, facing City Lord Ye Shan said: "It's just, what should they do? You brought them all here, so it's inconvenient for us to do anything! It's impossible to take them to find someone together!"

"What's wrong?" City Lord Ye Shan had an indifferent expression on his face, he smiled evilly at City Lord Yan Shan, and then said: "Since they have come to our Panchi City, they have to deal with this matter. If you help me, go back and rest in the nest! Are you right, Lu Shan... Don’t you know the great relationship between the number of people and the number of people?”

"However, they may not be willing!" City Lord Yanshan frowned and said to City Lord Yeshan, "They all came to look for Ji Xiaoyan? Where is Ji Xiaoyan now?"

"Where else can I go? Of course it's in the city lord's mansion!" Ye Shan glanced at the city lord Yan Shan lightly, and then said to him: "I let her stay in the city lord's mansion... Let me tell you, Ji Shan, I am going to marry Ji Xiaoyan, so don't mess with her... She, I have already made a decision!"

City Lord Yan Shan took a deep look at City Lord Ye Shan and did not answer, but after a few seconds of silence, he asked City Lord Ye Shan: "You left Ji Xiaoyan alone in the City Lord's mansion, did you find someone to watch? "

"That's natural, so you don't have to worry about it." City Master Ye Shan said to City Master Yan Shan, and then continued in a low voice: "As for Old Man Qingmi and the others... aren't they going to find Ji Xiaoyan? Just say we go find someone. Anyway, didn’t you just tell them that Ji Xiaoyan was in our Panchi City, and didn’t say that he was in the city lord’s mansion? Play it by ear and say that Ji Xiaoyan seems to be taken away by the man in black. Let’s all look for it together. That's it..."

After hearing the words, City Master Yan Shan glanced at City Master Ye Shan, saw him nodding to himself with certainty, and after thinking for a while, he said, "Okay, that's all it is now!"

"Then it's decided like this?" City Lord Ye Shan raised his eyebrows and said, "It's actually like this, then let's prepare to leave now... Are your people following those men in black?"

City Lord Yan Shan shook his head, and then said: "It is said that those men in black are very powerful. We only know where the people on both sides of us were captured. They probably went in that direction..."

"Oh!" City Lord Ye Shan nodded, then looked suspiciously at City Lord Yan Shan and asked, "Then, Yan Shan, why did you run out of the City Lord's Mansion?"

City Lord Yan Shan glanced at City Lord Ye Shan, but did not answer.

"What's the matter? Is there really some ulterior secret?" City Lord Ye Shan immediately raised his eyebrows to look at City Lord Yan Shan, and said with a cold gaze: "Speaking of...Ji Shan, you haven't been quite normal recently! Is this because Ji Xiaoyan got ahead of me, so you couldn't hold back and started making small moves?"

City Lord Yan Shan frowned, and after contemplating for a long time, he looked at City Lord Ye Shan, sneered at his face and said, "You and I know all these things, why waste time asking for clarification? However, Ye Shan, I also understand you, if I don't give you an explanation, you're afraid you'll have to entangle with me for a long time, right?"

"Hey, Yan Shan, look at what you said, as if I'm being unreasonable and don't know the seriousness of the trouble!" City Master Ye Shan sneered twice, and then said to City Master Yan Shan: "It doesn't matter if you say it or not, I can always found out."

Hearing the words, the city lord Yan Shan immediately smiled, then shook his head at the city lord Ye Shan, and then said: "That's all..." Afterwards, the city lord Lu Shan sealed the letter from his body and received it in the city lord's mansion. He took out the unnamed letter and handed it in front of the city lord Ye Shan. Seeing that he hesitated and glanced at him, he said, "I received this in the city lord's mansion. However, I didn't see it. There was no movement, and I didn't see who put this letter on the table for me in the few seconds when I turned around..."

City Lord Ye Shan originally had an expression of indifference, but after listening to City Lord Yan Shan's words, his expression froze immediately, he took the letter in his hand and looked at it, then looked at City Lord Lu Shan and asked, "What did you just say?" It means that this letter appeared on your desk unconsciously? And, you are still in the room?"

The city lord Gu Tan nodded.

As a result, City Lord Ye Shan's expression darkened.

Others don't know about the ability of the city lord Yan Shan, but how can he, a brother and opponent, still not know?To be able to quietly put this letter on the table next to the city lord Yan Shan, then the person who sent the letter is not easy!Therefore, no matter whether there are any important things written in the letter, it is normal for Xi Shan to come out of the city lord's mansion to check... But, when did they come to Panchi City with such a master? Know?

"Who do you think it could be?" City Lord Ye Shan finally turned serious, and asked after returning the letter to City Lord Yan Shan.

"I don't know!" City Lord Yan Shan shook his head honestly, and then said to City Lord Ye Shan: "I brought people out and ran over there, and I didn't go far when I heard the guards come to report you I sent someone to follow us. Before I had time to think about how to get rid of you, I heard the guard come back and said that people on both sides of us had been taken away. Therefore, I was not in the mood to go to this mysterious appointment, and immediately I’m here to discuss with you.”

"Hmm!" The city lord Ye Shan accepted the explanation of the city lord Yan Shan, and after pondering for a few seconds, he said to the city lord Lu Shan: "I guess this mysterious invitation is mostly related to the black clothes who took us away." People belong to the same group. Now, should we go to find people directly, or should we also go to the place mentioned in the letter? I think that the method of chasing people that we agreed just now is still not enough..."

City Lord Yan Shan frowned, looked at City Lord Ye Shan seriously and said: "Then Ye Shan, don't chase people, if you go to the appointment, how do you think we will go? Don't worry, let me take people there? Or say , Both of us brought people there? Then, what are Besa and Qingmi going to do? Let them follow along? That's obviously unrealistic... Besides, I've also thought about it, if we don't care about those men in black , go directly to the place on the letter to make an appointment, then, if there is no one there at all, just want to lure us there to achieve some purpose? If the person who invites and those men in black are not in the same group at all, then we What should we do?"

Hearing the words, City Lord Ye Shan frowned tightly, and looked at City Lord Yan Shan with a displeased face.

"Ye Shan, our biggest problem is that we don't trust each other!" City Lord Yan Shan sighed greatly, and then said helplessly: "Whether we admit it or not, I am afraid that many people in the mainland will I know! So, I guess, most of the people who invited me and those people in black knew about our relationship, so they set up such a situation! Otherwise, it’s purely coincidental. Believe it or not, I wouldn’t believe it. Yes... So, I think, instead of waiting for a mysterious person who doesn't know if he will appear or not, we might as well go after those men in black. At least, they leave more clues! At least, my guards I saw them appear with my own eyes..."

 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "Dark Shadow"!La la la, my little devil is one year old today!So happy! !

(End of this chapter)

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