The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1454 This is simply a stunt!

Chapter 1454 This is simply a stunt!
The old man Qingmi knew that the city lord Ye Shan and the city lord Yan Shan would definitely not be as ineffective as they appeared on the surface. If there were no special life-saving skills prepared, it would be impossible for the two of them to compete for Panchi City for so many years. Can still be safe and sound.However, what the old man Qingmi didn't expect at all was that, judging from the current situation, it seems that City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan valued Ji Xiaoyan far more than he imagined...
Therefore, the old man Qingmi didn't care what City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan were yelling at him, he turned his head and ran to the leader of the Fox Clan in black behind him and said: "Those of the Fox and The elders together want to stop City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan for a while, so there should be no problem, right?"

The man in black who was the leader of the fox clan nodded without hesitation, turned around and blew a strange scream with his hand, and immediately said to old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, what do you want us to do?" ?”

The old man Qingmi took a step back, stood together with the leader of the fox tribe in black in a low voice, then squinted at City Master Ye Shan and Yan Shan before humming, and said in a low voice to the leader of the man in black: "The city gate will be closed immediately!" It can be opened, and City Lord Yeshan and Citylord Yanshan will definitely not let us out easily. Therefore, this elder hopes that you masters of the fox clan can join with this elder to protect our Lord City Lord and leave first... As long as we The city lord has left from the teleportation array, and this elder promises to you that even if you cannot send your Fox clan away from the teleportation array outside Panchi City, you will definitely let you return to the Fox clan through other means!"

"Elder Qingmi, what do you mean, we can't go with the city lord?" The leader of the fox tribe in black finally understood the meaning of old man Qingmi's words, and asked him with a frown Seeing old man Qingmi nodding to him without hesitation, the leader of the fox clan's man in black frowned slightly, looked at old man Qingmi with some disapproval and asked, "Elder Qingmi, why are we Can't you leave with the city lord?"

They already knew from other people's mouths that the old teleporter that Ji Xiaoyan and the others found from Panchi City was absolutely capable of sending them all away.At least, as long as those adventurers are not counted, these aborigines can be teleported directly from the teleportation array at one time.But why did this Elder Qingmi from Qingshimen ask them not to leave with City Lord Ji Xiaoyan?Is it intentional?Is there something hidden, or is there really an objective reason?

The leader of the fox tribe in black felt a little upset!If they can't leave with City Lord Ji Xiaoyan, it means that their danger in Panchi City will be a little deeper than expected. No one can tell. Will the teleporter be directly instigated by City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan, or captured and taken away, or even killed!At that time, if the teleportation array is closed, where will the Fox Clan leave this damned Panchi City?Elder Qing Mi's words sound good, and they will definitely have a way to leave, but this kind of assurance is absolutely unbelievable to the ears of the leader of the man in black.

If they were really captured by City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan, Elder Qing Mi would not be able to save them at that time, wouldn't it be impossible to save them? Wouldn't it be over if he said "I can't do anything"?They helped the city lord of Qingcheng to leave, and if they left by themselves, wouldn't they be too stupid?

Thinking of this, the leader of the fox clan's black-clothed man suddenly had some opinions on old man Qingmi.They must not be fooled. They helped others and left themselves alone.
The old man Qingmi seemed to hear that something was wrong with the tone of the leader of the fox tribe in black, he immediately raised his eyes to look at him, and then said to him with a slight frown: "You have also seen the current situation, you Do you think that if we only rely on the guards of the city lord's mansion, or those useless adventurers, we can resist the city lord Yeshan and the city lord Lushan? At that time, we will step into the teleportation array, and the teleporters will all be there. Before they had time to teleport us away, they directly destroyed the teleportation array! At that time, none of us will be able to leave, will we?"

The leader of the man in black frowned, and looked at the old man Qingmi with a serious expression.Is this elder from Qingshimen determined to fool them into "helping others" for nothing?

The old man Qingmi watched the leader of the fox tribe in black pursed his lips, his face was obviously very reluctant, after thinking for a while, he frowned and whispered to him: "Don't worry, this elder must be It’s impossible to lie to you. Let me tell you, if we can’t leave from the teleportation array in Panchi City, we can still go to Qianhuamen not far from Panchi City... The elder Renben of Qianhuamen also has friendship Yes, plus one of these adventurers is a disciple of Qianhuamen, so if we go to Qianhuamen for help and use the teleportation array to leave, it will definitely not be a problem..."

The leader of the fox tribe in black raised his head and glanced at old man Qingmi lightly, and said with a somewhat uninterested tone: "Then according to what you said, elder, we can all go to Qianhuamen and leave, right? Then, why do we have to let the city lord go first? People say that a lot of people is powerful, since we can go to Qianhuamen, why don't we go directly together..."

When the old man Qingmi heard this, he immediately became a little annoyed.

What kind of brains do you think people from the fox clan have!He made it very clear, let them protect Ji Xiaoyan and let her go first.Afterwards, they all tried their best to protect their fox tribe, so they couldn't get away? Why is Mao, a man of the fox tribe, so stubborn!

"Elder Qingmi, I think this method is actually good." The leader of the fox tribe in black thought for a while, then suddenly smiled at old man Qingmi, and said, "Think about it, we just We need to rush out of the city gate and go directly to Qianhua Gate. At that time, City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan will definitely chase us and go together. City Lord Shan and City Lord Yan Shan did it in their sect, right? At that time, we will have a better chance of leaving..." Not sure, but they can also drag the people of Qianhuamen into the water and ask them to help Let them deal with Yeshan City Lord and Kaishan City Lord together!
But, thinking of this, the leader of the fox tribe in black immediately looked at old man Qingmi with concern, and asked nervously: "By the way, Elder Qingmi, what is the relationship between those people from Qianhuamen and City Master Yeshan?" Huh? They have been good neighbors for many years, right? At that time, those people from Qianhuamen will help Yeshan City Lord and the others, and they will not let us go, right? "

The old man Qingmi glared at the leader of the man in black, and said angrily: "If they have a good relationship, can I still take you to Qianhuamen?"

"Huhu... that's good, that's good!" The leader of the fox tribe in black smiled at the old man Qingmi with a face full of reassurance, "Since this is the case, let's make an agreement That's it. Everyone went out of the city gate together, and went directly to Qianhuamen..."

"Who..." Tell you?Before the old man Qingmi had time to say this, he heard the city gate behind him slamming, turned his face to look over, and saw that the gate of Panchi City was opened a gap, Ji Xiaoyan and the man behind him Xuanmo's Qingcheng guards stood by the door, waiting to leave the city.

On the other side, City Master Ye Shan and City Master Yan Shan saw this, and it was too late to chat nonsense with old man Qingmi.He greeted the guards of Panchi City and rushed towards the city gate, waved his hands and began brewing spells, preparing to stop Ji Xiaoyan and the others! !
"Quick, quick! Stop Ye Shan and the others first!" Seeing the situation, the old man Qingmi immediately said to the leader of the man in black: "If the city gate can't be opened, none of us can leave..." As long as Ji Xiaoyan steps onto the teleportation formation, he doesn't care if these fox people can go together!
The leader of the man in black of the Fox Clan naturally knew what old man Qingmi said.Therefore, he didn't need to say anything more, he directly greeted the people of the Fox Clan and rushed to the faces of City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan. The castellan and the castellan's spells.
It's just that, in the hands of senior mages, spells basically don't take too much time to brew.

So, just as old man Qingmi and the others were moving, City Master Yan Shan first threw a spell to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and then watched a large piece of rock pop out from the ground under Ji Xiaoyan's feet, followed by Seeing that her feet spread directly to her calves, she was fixed by the city gate, unable to move.

"Master City Master..." Manager Qing Gong looked at the situation, quickly grabbed Ji Xiaoyan, and pulled it aside. After finding that she could not be moved at all, he looked to the side with a bit of a bitter face, "What should I do?" ? Lord City Lord, you are locked here."

Ji Xiaoyan also did not expect this situation.She always thought that since City Lord Ye Shan and City Lord Yan Shan hadn't made any substantial attacks for such a long time, they probably only used small spells or something like melee combat.Unexpectedly, seeing that the city gate is about to open, she can be directly crucified here with a single spell...

"What should I do?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong nervously, and then asked: "Well... Manager Qing Gong, didn't you say that I am also a mage who knows magic? Help me think about it, can I do it?" Is there a way to deal with this situation?"

"I don't know!" Manager Qing Gong was so anxious that his face was sweating, he said helplessly to Ji Xiaoyan: "And, Lord City Master, even if you know this kind of magic, do you still have to learn it and sell it now? Besides, Magic is not my strong point... I'm just a commoner!" Manager Qing Gong was really speechless, since Ji Xiaoyan's spell learning after amnesia was not taught by Lord Bessa, Xuan Mo and Friesman. of it?He is a general manager who knows nothing, how could he be able to help!

"Then what should we do now?" Ji Xiaoyan moved his feet vigorously, and found that he was completely immobilized by the rocks extending from the ground to his legs. He could only look at Manager Qing Gong for help, and then asked : "Why don't you let someone knock and see if you can break all these stones?"

"Then how can it be!" Qing Gong immediately shook his head when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said, "What if I hurt you? No, no!"

"Then let me stand here like this all the time?" Ji Xiaoyan looked anxiously at Mr. Qing Gong, thought for a while, gritted his teeth and said to the Qingcheng guard who was carrying Xuan Mo on his back, "Forget it, leave me alone now ! You will protect Xuan Mo and go back to Qingcheng first...Brick, you go with them!"

Brick looked at Xuan Mo, then at Ji Xiaoyan, bit his lip and shook his head.

"Brick, be obedient!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to waste any more time, and turned to Aidi Snacks and the old teleporter and continued, "You all go out with them immediately! Grandpa teleporter, you must give them all I'll send it back to Qingcheng... Brick, you go with them, go back and take good care of Xuan Mo, and then send someone to River Water City to see if Xiye is awake. It will take it back to Qingcheng! At that time, I will ask Friesman about their whereabouts...Mr. Qing Gong, you can go together!"

"No, you are still here, City Lord, how can I leave!" Qing Gong shook his head when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said, "I want to stay with you, City Lord!"

"I'll be with you too..." Brick said sullenly, unwilling to leave.

Ji Xiaoyan suddenly rolled his eyes helplessly, and then said to them: "What's the use of you staying? You might as well save your strength and go back to Qingcheng! Besides..." Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the Aidi Snacks and the old teleporter had already stepped out of the city gate with the Qingcheng guard who was carrying Xuanmo on his back, and then whispered to Brick and Manager Qing Gong: "Besides, it really can't be done, I will go to teleport immediately!" It's fine where it is..."

Director Qing Gong looked at the rocks on Ji Xiaoyan's feet in some puzzlement, and then said to her with disbelief: "My lord, what kind of joke are you talking about! With your current state, how can you go to the teleportation array... ...." Just now he said that there is no way to solve the magic of these rocks, but now he says that he can leave, who is he lying to?
Ji Xiaoyan glared at Director Qing Gong, and then said with a slight smile: "Mr. Qing Gong, have you forgotten who I am? If I commit suicide directly, or if I am killed, what do you think will happen to me?" ?”

Manager Qing Gong and Brick glanced at each other and reacted instantly.Yes, although Miss Ji Xiaoyan is now an aboriginal like them, she still has the adventurer privileges given by the Lord God, and she can be resurrected infinitely after death!Lord Yeshan and the others still don't know that she can be resurrected, so this spell, speaking of it, just trapped Ji Xiaoyan for a while!As soon as she dies, she will immediately appear on the teleportation array in Panchi City! !
(End of this chapter)

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