Chapter 1469
Speaking of which, Miss Ji Xiaoyan is still very smart.

After discovering that the city lord Yan Shan felt that he was hiding behind the guards of Qingcheng, Ji Xiaoyan thought about it!Anyway, she has already drank the night vision potion from Brick now, and she can see the surrounding environment clearly without torches, so she has no problem going anywhere.Therefore, in order to avoid being caught by the city lord Yan Shan in the end, Ji Xiaoyan directly pulled two or three guards of the Qing city together, quietly moved from the crowd to the other side, and then sneaked into the high wall of the Qianhua sect in a forest.

Therefore, no matter what kind of spells the city lord Yan Shan used to check out the guards of the Qing city, he still couldn't find Ji Xiaoyan.

"Impossible, impossible! It is absolutely impossible for Ji Xiaoyan to enter the Qianhua Gate!" After confirming again and again, the city lord Yan Shan, after still not seeing Ji Xiaoyan, couldn't help murmuring with red eyes: "That guy Qianyun knows Knowing that she and Qing Mi went to steal his treasure house together, it is impossible to let her in again!"

"Hmph, how is it impossible!" Elder Qingmi swung his fist and directly broke a rock pillar blocking him, took a step forward, and then sneered at City Lord Yanshan: "What do you think our Xiaoyan girl is now? Identity? She is the city lord of Qingcheng! Do you think she is still the same as before? Even if Qianyun doesn't look at the face of the monk, he also wants to see the face of the Buddha. Welcome her in... Hahahaha, Ye Shan, you and Ye Shan, go back to your Panchi City honestly, and stop trying to trick our girl..."

Hearing the words, the city lord Yan Shan immediately glanced at the old man Qingmi with a sharp eye, and then said to him with sharp eyes: "I won't believe you, Qingmi! I will definitely catch Ji Xiaoyan... " After finishing speaking, City Lord Yan Shan didn't let old man Qingmi get out of trouble, he waved his hand and erected a lot of rock pillars around him to block old man Qingmi, and said to the guards of Panchi City: "You all come back!"

The old man Qingmi looked nervously at City Lord Yan Shan, not knowing what he wanted to do.

However, after seeing the only few guards of Panchi City retreating to the side of the city lord, the old man Qingmi saw the mouth of the city lord slowly opening and closing, and after a while, a line of about two meters The high rock wall came out of nowhere, surrounding all the guards of Qingcheng.

"Since Ji Xiaoyan didn't hide among these guards, he must have run away! Hmph!" City Lord Yan Shan took a deep breath, as if unable to bear the huge consumption of mana, stretched out his hand to cover his chest, and then pointed at the A few guards of Panchi City said: "Let's go, make the fire the brightest for the city lord, let's go around and look for the city lord of our Qing city..."

Seeing the situation, the old man Qingmi became a little anxious in an instant: "Xu Shan, I have already told you that you can't find Xiaoyan girl..."

"Can't find it? Hmph, if you can't find it, just pretend to be the owner of the city and go out for a walk at night..." The city owner Yan Shan gave old man Qingmi a sideways look, with a strange and unpredictable smile on his face, then he raised his foot and started walking The guards of Qingcheng walked behind, and couldn't help but said to the old man Qingmi: "However, if City Master Ji is not careful and is found by this City Master... Hehehe, Qingmi, when the time comes, you can come back again." I can't see Ji Xiaoyan anymore..."

The old man Qingmi was startled when he heard the words, and couldn't help shouting at the city lord Yan Shan: "Ji Shan, what do you mean by that? What do you want to talk about?"

City Lord Yan Shan stopped in his tracks, turned his head and smiled slightly, with the same amorous expression on his face as City Lord Ye Shan, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Qing Mi, you don't think that Ye Shan and I have such a little ability to save our lives. With no effort, can Panchi City not be coveted by other city lords under such civil strife for so many years? To prevent a person from appearing again, I also have a way..." After finishing speaking In an instant, the city lord Yan Shan laughed maniacally twice, and then turned his head and left regardless of how the old man Qingmi was yelling behind him.

"Xu Shan...Ji Shan... You come back to me! Come back!!" Old man Qingmi was really flustered at this moment.

Although it is said that Miss Ji Xiaoyan has the same characteristics as those adventurers, she can be resurrected after death, but who knows what is the method of making people disappear?In case, in case Miss Ji Xiaoyan really disappeared in front of City Lord Shang Lushan, then there is no medicine for regret.

Thinking of this, the old man Qingya hated those rock pillars in front of him.Throwing punches, attacking, and breaking those rock pillars bit by bit... For the first time, old man Qingya felt that time passed so slowly!

At this moment, the old Hess had just led a few guards from River Water City, and led the strangers through the steps on the top of the mountain, and saw the somewhat messy Qianhua Gate, and the old man Qingmi who was locked in the middle by stone pillars .

"Elder Qingmi? Are you..." Old Hess looked at old man Qingmi in surprise, and couldn't help asking.

"It's you? Hurry up, hurry up, save Xiaoyan girl..." The old man Qingmi immediately said to Director Hess when he saw him: "Where is the Lord Bessa? Where is he? Let him hurry up and rescue Save Xiaoyan girl! That guy is going crazy..."

The strangers who had never met before heard the old man Qingmi's words, immediately leaned in front of him, and asked him: "Elder Qingmi, where is Xiaoyan? City Lord Besa is fighting with City Lord Yeshan on the mountainside... "

The old man Qingmi frowned when he heard the stranger's words, "Then what should we do? You guys won't be able to resist that guy Lu Shan..."

The strangers thought about it for a while, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Elder Qingmi, I will immediately go to Qianhuamen for help. I am a disciple of Qianhuamen, and now there are other cities outside our sect. If the city lord of the city comes to commit the crime, the head will definitely send someone out to help..."

"Yes, yes, yes! Go find Qianyun!" The old man Qingmi's eyes lit up instantly, and he said excitedly to the stranger: "Adventurer, hurry up, hurry up. The safety of Xiaoyan girl depends on you ... You have to hurry up and bring all the people from Qianhuamen to that guy, you know, before that guy can find Xiaoyan, you know? You will definitely not let Xiaoyan go this time..."
The strangers nodded immediately, and after saying something to the old man Qingmi and old Hess, they immediately turned around and rushed directly to the barrier of the Qianhua Gate.It's very strange that the old man Qingmi and the people in black from the fox tribe all used the barrier of the mountain gate that it had no way to do, rushed over without knowing each other, passed through as if there was no obstacle, and then directly entered the gate of Qianhuamen. Inside the sect's resident...
"As expected, the enchantment of Qianhuamen still needs the disciples of their sect to lead it in!" Qingmi old man said aloud, and then looked at old Hess who was standing there in a daze, and then turned to He said: "Mr. Hess, what are you still doing here? Hurry up and take your guards to find that guy, and help Xiaoyan girl! I don't know if she has guards with her... .”

"Oh oh oh..." Old Hess hurried back to his senses, couldn't help looking at old man Qingmi and asked, "Then we're leaving, Elder Qingmi, what are you doing here? Do you need our help?"

"I'm just trapped, and I'm not disabled or disabled. I just need a little time to get out, and I don't need your help!" Qing Mi said to Old Hess with a stare, "Hurry up and find Xiaoyan...... She was caught by that guy, Lu Shan..."
Old Hess nodded, and after taking a deep look at old man Qingya, he chased after him in the direction he was pointing.

Speaking of which, although Qianhuamen is said to be built on the top of a mountain, surrounded by cliffs, Qianhuamen still occupies a large area. Apart from the buildings of the sect, there are many forests and small peaks around it.Ji Xiaoyan originally thought that the vicinity of Qianhuamen was really like what the old man Qingmi said, hiding in it would be easy to find, but after she got into the woods, she realized that the woods are still so vast.

The five guards of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion who followed Ji Xiaoyan, because they wanted to protect Ji Xiaoyan, they were all the ones who got the night vision potion back then, so even if they didn't need to light torches, they would walk in the woods at night without any problems. stress free.

"My lord, why don't we go along the road?" A Qingcheng guard couldn't help but remind Ji Xiaoyan after running for a while: "You see, we are following the forest all the way. If someone chases us back, they will also follow the trail, and they will definitely catch up to us soon... Shall we choose some remote places to go?"

"Somewhere out of the way?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, looked around, and couldn't help but said, "But if we drill into a bush or something, wouldn't we leave traces?"

"Master City Lord, don't worry about this, we are here!" Several guards of Qingcheng said confidently to Ji Xiaoyan, patting their chests without thinking too much.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at a few people, and nodded after thinking for two seconds: "Then since you all think there is no problem, then let's do it? Tell me, which side should we go?"

"I think it's better for us to go directly in the direction of Qianhuamen!" A guard thought for a while, and suggested to Ji Xiaoyan: "No matter which sect, there is not only one gate. What if this Qianhuamen also has a gate?" What about the back door?"

"You want to say, what if there is a dog hole or something?" Another guard of the City Lord's Mansion couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the other guards, and then said: "What is the identity of our Lord City Lord? You also Figure it out!"

"Hey, hey, I don't think so! I just want to say, where can I climb over the wall in case of encounter?" The guard of the city lord's mansion who started talking hurriedly said, "Don't say too much, our city lord The ability to climb over the wall is not bad! Right, Lord City Lord!"

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at the guard of the City Lord's Mansion.It seems that things like overcoming the wall are not something to be proud of!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed, and then said to the guards of the city lord's mansion: "Go and have a look first! If we can meet someone from Qianhuamen, we may not be able to." Convince them to take us in...."

Everyone nodded immediately when they heard the words, and then looked for the general direction of the Qianhuamen sect's residence. Then a guard from Qingcheng led Ji Xiaoyan into the wildly growing grass, and the remaining four guards followed suit. Going backwards and carefully repairing the indented bushes bit by bit, until there is no sign of anyone passing by at all...
Fortunately, in the direction Ji Xiaoyan and the others chose, there are not many grasses that are easy to be crushed, and most of them are thorns and bushes with deep roots and leafy leaves, so they cover up quickly, and naturally they ran quickly. Arrived under the sect wall of Qianhuamen.

"Let's walk along the corner..." Ji Xiaoyan looked up at the wall about three or four people high, couldn't help but sighed, then turned his head and said to the guards of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Yes, Lord City Master!" Several guards also looked at the wall, responded to Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her: "It's just, Lord City Master, let's take a walk to see if there will be any changes in this wall. It’s impossible for us to walk around it all the time... If there is no place with a relatively low terrain, at this height, we will have no problem sending you in.”

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the steadfast guards of the City Lord's Mansion, sighed inwardly, and nodded after a while.If you really can't find a place to enter Qianhuamen, isn't that the only way left is to let her climb over the wall?
And just when Ji Xiaoyan and the others arrived at the wall of Qianhua Gate and turned around the wall, the strangers had already successfully rushed to Qianhua Gate and found several elders of Qianhua Gate who were drinking and chatting.

"Elders..." The stranger relieved his anxious breath, and shouted to the elders of the Qianhuamen, and saw that everyone was looking at him with puzzled faces, and then He opened his mouth and said the language that he had organized in his heart when he came: "The disciple found that several guarding brothers outside the mountain gate were beaten unconscious..."

"Stunned? What's going on?" an elder suddenly asked in surprise.

The stranger quickly shook his head, and then said: "I don't know either... I just saw Elder Qingmi of Qingshimen trapped in front of our mountain gate by some huge stone pillars that appeared at some unknown time..."

"Elder Qingmi of Qingshimen? Is it him?" An elder said with some disdain, then looked at the stranger and asked: "You just said that Elder Qingmi was trapped in front of our Qianhuamen's mountain gate ? Or by some huge stone pillars?"

The strangers nodded.

"Is there a stone pillar in front of our Qianhuamen gate?" An elder frowned, and realized instantly after two seconds: "Could it be a spell? Someone came to our Qianhuamen gate to act wild?"

 PS: Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you "TEN" for the monthly pass! .It's too bad!I uploaded the article yesterday, but forgot to post it! !Cried to death.
(End of this chapter)

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