The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 15 The mission is being dispatched

Chapter 15 The mission is being dispatched
In other words, a day in the game time, it still passes quite quickly!So, someone who was messing around with Dillock in the Consul Hall soon came to an end.

So, at night in Buffinrui, many players with "family" were waiting for the mysterious NPC who posted the notice at the entrance of the trading hall together with gang members!But at this moment, Sweeping the World with One Sword and Meteor Over There are still struggling with the task in hand!They saw the exchange of materials for tasks on the forum, but because of the large quantity and strong competition, they thought they did not have the financial resources to compete.Let the God of Wealth-like characters like the gang leaders worry about this kind of thing!They just need to do the task at hand well. After all, there is only one known opponent. Relatively speaking, it is much easier.

As for the circle of soot and the white horse Qingchen, they were all sharpening their knives at the entrance of the trading hall, staring at a lot of competitors in front of them!
The scene is spectacular!This was Ji Xiaoyan's first feeling when he saw this group of people!What if the situation is out of control for a while?After thinking about it, she felt that the city guards had to be brought out to suppress the situation!By the way, pull the wind and pull the wind!Of course, Ji Xiaoyan never admits that his ultimate goal is the latter one!
After taking out the Bufenrui town troop dispatch order and summoning 100 city guards, Ji Xiaoyan slowly appeared in front of many players.All the players at the gate of the exchange collectively turned their gazes around the moment the city guards appeared.

Ji Xiaoyan is very satisfied with the scene in front of him, there is no other way!Please forgive the little vanity that everyone has.

"I believe everyone is here to redeem the task?" Ji Xiaoyan felt that what he said had a unique sense of leadership!
"Yes, yes!" The players said neatly.

"I believe everyone knows the rules, so I won't repeat them. Don't ask me if you have any questions, just read the notice yourself." After speaking, Ji Xiaoyan pointed to the wall at the entrance of the exchange. "Now, please consciously line up. Of course, as for who can change the task, it depends on who has enough things in their hands."

"Girl, can I ask if you really have a hidden mission in your hand? Of course, I'm not saying you're lying, but everyone wants to know, can you be more at ease in your heart?" Qingfeng infinitely looked at Ji with a leader Xiaoyan said.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at him, and said: "There must be tasks, but you may not be able to get them." A little disdainful, she can't understand this kind of person.Of course, the most important thing is that this man's gesture was aimed at her just now.

Qingfeng choked infinitely, the current intelligent NPC is too powerful, look at the appearance and tone of this NPC in front of him, he is just like a real person, and he still hates him!However, who is Qingfeng Wuwu? He is a rich young man of the same level as Baima Qingchen. He has plenty of money, and he thinks he has collected quite a lot of materials.He cast the net widely, summoned many younger brothers to buy them in many towns, and sent them to Buffinrui.He believed that after spending so much money, the task would definitely come to him.Regardless of whether the NPC girl in front of her is unhappy with him or not, the rules of the game govern her, so she doesn't dare to open her eyes and talk nonsense, secretly tripping him up and giving the task to others!

"Okay, there is not much time, please line up and start the exchange." Ji Xiaoyan directed the city guards to line up in two lines, one on the left and one on the right, leaving only one or two people in the middle to pass through.As soon as the players heard it, they were ready to grab positions. Of course, those big bosses didn't bother to do such a thing.Even without waving, the younger brother will solve it.

So, there was confusion for a while, and finally, with the intervention of the city guards, the line was sorted out.People like Qingfengwuwu and Baima Qingchen, based on the principle of having something to talk about in the future, are basically pretending to be modest, and they are randomly ranked.Everyone knows how to be a human being, and they have been exposed to some previous games.Anyway, in the end, whoever has more materials can win.

After reading the materials handed over by the first player, Ji Xiaoyan nodded and asked him to stand aside, and then received the second player.Then, with five players standing beside him, Ji Xiaoyan started to eliminate.If the material is more than the one next to it, replace the one next to it with less material, and then return half of the materials that were eliminated.Don't think that Ji Xiaoyan's memory is very good, remember how much information the player has.In her hand, there is a recording tool like a calculator.That was borrowed from her by his grandpa Diloc!
Items: Recorder for Classics Officials (Limited to personnel) (Exclusive items for Aboriginal people)
Item introduction: The exclusive recorder of the Dillock classics officer in Buffinrui Town.

Item status: Authorized player Ji Xiaoyan is using it.Use time game time 1 day.

Access is restricted.

Ji Xiaoyan can use this recorder to automatically record the number of players' materials that pass through her hands.Then she eliminated the players one by one according to the recorder's records, and then returned half of the other people's materials to delete the player's record.Continue to the next round.For Ji Xiaoyan, if she didn't have this thing, she wouldn't know how to solve this matter.After all, she only thought about posting the task at the beginning, and didn't consider the trouble of collecting materials at all!Fortunately, she has a super think tank NPC grandfather. After hearing what Ji Xiaoyan did, Dilloch gave her a solution to the follow-up troubles.It has to be said that Ji Xiaoyan's most successful thing was calling him "Grandpa" in Xinshou Village.

With a smile that was sure to win, Qingfeng infinitely handed Ji Xiaoyan his materials.He was still thinking that the NPC would probably be surprised by his inventory.In the end he was disappointed!Who is this in front of him? There are tens of thousands of sets of materials in his hands, and the more than 10,000 sets he gave, really can't arouse Ji Xiaoyan's surprise.

Calmly glanced at Qingfeng Wuxian, Ji Xiaoyan put the materials into the package, and then asked him to replace an eliminated player, and stood aside.The next one is an old acquaintance—a circle of soot.

The soot circled around and saw that the NPC who redeemed the task earlier was the girl who sent the serial person a few days ago.At that time, he had two thoughts in his mind. One was that the girl definitely had hidden missions.The second is that the task of exchanging materials is the one rewarded by the chain task, or another new hidden task that I have never heard of.However, he and Tang Shi Song Ci exchanged glances, and they lined up silently without saying a word, preparing to have a relationship in front of that girl, and ask again!
"Girl, do you have two hidden missions in hand?" Yan Ash asked Ji Xiaoyan in circles.

When Ji Xiaoyan heard it, he carefully looked around at the soot, and finally felt that the player in front of him seemed familiar.Please forgive this girl for her lack of memory!However, she still replied, "Yes."

The heart that was circled by soot suddenly jumped up. 2 hidden missions, if I get this mission and win the competition with Meteor, then their guild will have 2 hidden missions.This is a great impetus for the development of the gang!He immediately decided that later, he would send some more people to help a meteor over there win the mission.

Ji Xiaoyan didn't care about these things, so he accepted the materials again, eliminated the personnel, and let the soot stand beside him.When the line behind was halfway down, Ji Xiaoyan saw the fat sheep in her friend list.I looked at my 500-square package, although it was only half filled, but I thought about the huge pile of materials I sold to Fat Sheep.Ji Xiaoyan still announced that she would stop for a while, take the materials and store them in the warehouse, and then accept the materials she sold to Fei Yang.

In the end, standing next to Ji Xiaoyan, there were only circles of soot left, the breeze was boundless, the white horse was in the morning, the sword light of Mingmen and Taishan of Wumen. , There is no way, only rich gang bosses like them have so much money to collect materials.Ji Xiaoyan cleared her throat and said, "Follow me first!" Her NPC grandfather explained that after the candidate is finally determined, it is best not to release the task in front of many players, just find a hut and do it quietly.Now she is taking them to the temporary hut that his grandfather rented for her, which is on the street next to the exchange.

After entering the room, Ji Xiaoyan consciously sat on the chair in the middle of the room.As for those few, where they sat was not her concern.

"Right now, I only have one hidden mission for the one with the most materials among you. The other four can be exchanged for four other B-level missions. I believe everyone knows that there are still very few B-level missions at this stage. .Of course, if you don’t want to switch to a mission, I can return half of the materials to you.”

All five said, change!They are crazy so they don't change. If they change, they have tasks. The B-level ones are relatively good.If he didn't change it, wouldn't he eat half of the materials he gave this NPC for nothing?

"Okay, then I will announce the winner." Ji Xiaoyan looked at the expressions of the five people.The soot was very nervous; Qingfeng Wuwu looked smug, as if the task had been accomplished; Baima Qingchen looked a little sad, probably thinking that if he didn't win, he would lose a lot this time; Mingmen Jianguang looked around. People, look a little uncertain; as for Wumen Taishan, his face is solemn, just like a serious uncle.

"The winner this time is Baima Qingchen." Ji Xiaoyan said while giving him the task.

As a result, the expressions of everyone changed again.Soot circled around with a disappointed face, Qingfeng was infinitely surprised and then stared at Ji Xiaoyan with a bit of hatred, Baima Qingchen was overjoyed, Mingmen Jianguang looked a little as expected, Wumen Taishan just talked.

"How much material did he give?" Qingfeng Wuwu felt that this NPC girl must have eaten his material for personal gain and deliberately refused to give him the task.

Before Ji Xiaoyan could speak, Baima answered him with a smile on his face in Qingchen: "more than 30,000 groups."

This time he is inferior to others!Qingfeng Wuwu stopped talking and stared at Ji Xiaoyan, waiting for the B-level mission.He reckoned that according to the amount of materials he had, he would definitely have more than the other three. At least one of the B-level missions would be relatively good.

However, he was wrong again.Ji Xiaoyan thinks that these people in front of her have worked so hard to support her work. Based on the principle of fairness, this girl only said one sentence, and completely shattered Qingfeng's infinite fantasy.

"The four of you decide the order of fist guessing, and then choose one of the four tasks."

(End of this chapter)

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