Chapter 1526 is gone!
For other people in the game continent, it has nothing to do with them whether a little-known city like Panchi City is sealed or not. If you get the news, just be curious about the reason. The news of the city has basically not been spread, only a few city lords inside have told each other!Therefore, those who are a little uneasy when they hear that Panchi City is going to be closed, probably there is really no one else except Ji Xiaoyan!

As for the head of Qianyun of Qianhuamen?Maybe they can't do it right, and they can't wait for the closure of Panchi City!At least Panchi City has a letter to prevent people from entering and leaving, and their Qianhuamen can also have a chance to breathe. Doesn’t the Lord Yeshan have to take good care of their elders and disciples of Qianhuamen?As for the thing that City Lord Ye Shan said about being drugged, Sect Leader Qian Yun had already thought about it!If he finds that the strength of his parents and elders has declined when he collects enough gold coins to redeem people, then he will have to talk to City Lord Yeshan!This is not a matter of his Qianyun not actively collecting gold coins, but a problem of their Panchi City!Think about it, your panchi city is closed, even if I collect enough gold coins, there is no way to send them for replacement, right?
Therefore, when the head of Qianyun received the news, he immediately ordered his disciples to close the mountain gate, and announced to the outside world that there were some internal matters in Qianhuamen that needed to be resolved, so they closed their doors to recuperate for the time being. There are no foreigners.
As for Ji Xiaoyan, she is not as optimistic as the head of Qianyun.

"Panchi City hasn't even set a time to re-open the city?" Ji Xiaoyan had a bitter face, and couldn't help asking Xiye. Di frowned and said: "Then what should we do now? Only the city lord Yan Shan can know what happened to Xuan Mo's state! It is impossible for us to leave Xuan Mo in such a coma..."

Xi Ye also frowned, then shook his head at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, now we just have to wait... If Xuan Mo really can't wake up, then there's nothing we can do! After all, his current state is If you have been sleeping all this time, you should be able to wait until Panchi City reopens."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xi Ye silently, but didn't say anything.The only thing she worries about now is whether Xuan Mo will be the same as the vegetable in the real world!If he didn't wake up all the time, would he just fall asleep one day and starve to death?After all, in reality, people can still take a drip to maintain it, but Xuan Mo fell asleep as soon as he fell asleep.
"Xiaoyan?" Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan didn't speak, Xi Ye couldn't help but yelled at her cautiously. After seeing her come back to her senses, she thought about it, and then continued: "You still don't want to go to the matter of Xuan Mo. Come to think of it, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge! Didn’t you say that for a long time? I think what we need to think about now is the things about the fox clan..."

"What's there to think about about the fox clan?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xi Ye suspiciously and asked.

"There are so many things that the fox family needs to think about!" Xi Ye couldn't help but rolled her eyes at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said to her, "I heard from Manager Qing Gong that you met a lot when you were in Panchi City. Moreover, we also met people from the Fox tribe in River Water City... So we discussed and thought about whether these Fox tribe people would also be in the cities near Panchi City and River Water City. They all have accomplices? In addition, our Qingcheng is an alliance with River Water City, Xiaoyan, do you think there is a possibility that the Fox Clan from River Water City may come to our Qing City?"

"No way?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, unwilling to believe it.

"We're all guessing!" Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan solemnly: "That's why Xiaoyan is needed. Think about it, should we send someone to investigate all of them in Qingcheng? These foxes are not good people..."

"Are you hinting at Cheng?" Ji Xiaoyan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and couldn't help but look sideways at Xi Ye and asked.

"Ying? She has already left the Fox Clan!" Xi Ye glanced at Ji Xiaoyan immediately after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then said, "Besides, she is not considered a Fox Clan! Just an ordinary little girl in the village where the clan lives..."

"Didn't you say she was the former saint of the fox clan?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little confused!Sure enough, amnesia is a very depressing thing!It feels like she's asking questions like an idiot about what others say.
"What is the former saint!" Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan speechlessly, "The former saint left something special on her body, and by the way, she also left her saint's name... ...Well, it means successor!"

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan looked confused, "So it's still possible! It's amazing!"

Xiye shook his ears, and said indifferently to Ji Xiaoyan: "It is said that this is the case, but I don't know what the truth is anyway... But, Xiaoyan, we are not the ones to investigate the matter of the fox clan." It really needs to be done!"

Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan lowered his head and thought for a long time, then nodded to Xiye, and then said: "You are right! It's good to check it out, safety first, otherwise if people from the Fox clan enter our Qingcheng , who knows what problems will arise! However, I am afraid that how to investigate this needs to be carefully planned!"

"That's natural!" Xi Ye smiled and nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Anyway, Xiaoyan, you are fine now, why don't we go to Director Qing Gong and them to discuss it?"

Ji Xiaoyan paused for two seconds, then turned to look at the room behind Xuan Mo, finally sighed, then nodded and left with Xi Ye.

And not long after Ji Xiaoyan left with Xi Ye, Xuan Mo, who had been lying on the bed without moving, suddenly moved his eyelashes.
When the night was covering the entire Qingcheng and most people had already entered their dreams, Xuan Mo, who had been unconscious all this time, opened his eyes for a moment, stared coldly at the top of the bed for a long time, and this Turned over and sat up directly, then looked around indifferently, then stood up slowly, walked to the door, and closed the door with his hand.
That night, no one knew that Xuan Mo, who they all thought would be in a coma, woke up
And when the maids in the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion who routinely went to check on the situation of Xuan Mo every day suddenly found that Xuan Mo was missing, the entire Qing City City Lord's Mansion became lively in an instant!
"When did this person disappear? Has no one seen it?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the maids angrily, and then asked loudly. Manager Qing Gong said: "Director Qing Gong, you should send someone to quickly search for the City Lord's Mansion and the city to see if you can find Xuan Mo!"

"Yes!" Manager Qing Gong nodded immediately, turned around and left the room.

"Xiye, Freesman, you guys also take some people to look around!" Ji Xiaoyan rubbed his forehead wearily, and said to them: "Now I only know that Xuan Mo is missing, who took him away?" We don't know where we left, so if you encounter any suspicious people, don't run to follow them like before..."

What Ji Xiaoyan is most worried about now is that things will be the same as what Xi Ye was worried about. Someone from the Fox clan came to their Qingcheng, and if everyone didn't know at night, they would take Xuan Mo away!After all, a comatose Xuan Mo is quite easy to get rid of!However, Ji Xiaoyan's only doubt is, a comatose Xuan Mo, who would take such a big risk to take him away, and it succeeded!
After arranging all the people to go out to look for Xuan Mo, Ji Xiaoyan took a closer look in the room where Xuan Mo slept, and after finding nothing suspicious, Ji Xiaoyan brought the guards to join him in the city lord's mansion. The team looking for someone here...

However, after searching for a whole day, Ji Xiaoyan and the others did not find any clues about Xuan Mo.

"Impossible! If Xuan Mo is taken away, there will be no clues left behind! If those people want to leave Qingcheng, they must go out through the city gate and leave through the teleportation array! How could there be no news at all? No!?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked them, seeing that they all shook their heads to express their confusion, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know what to do next!

"My lord, we have asked about all the teleportation formations! There is no such thing as Xuan Mo or any other suspicious person teleporting away!" Qing Gong was also a little puzzled, "My lord, do you think that will take away Xuan?" Mo’s person, is he still in our Qing city? We didn’t find him, just because we didn’t search carefully enough?”

"Boss Qing Gong, what do you mean, let's send more people to continue searching?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Chief Qing Gong and asked.

"We must be looking for it, it's just a matter of manpower..." Manager Qing Gong was silent for a second, then suddenly smiled and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Actually, my lord, we don't need to send more manpower, we only need to send Jiajia and Senari Master Ao, I believe we will find someone soon..."

"Jajia and Cenarion?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Manager Qing Gong in puzzlement.Not to mention Cenarion, a giant dragon flies directly into the sky, and it is still very fast to find someone. As for the effect, then she doesn't know; but Gaga?Can Gaga help?
"My lord, you may not remember, but the sense of smell is quite good!" Qing Gong said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile on his face, "You told me about this at the beginning. As for Master Cenarion, since it As the guardian beast of our Qing city, someone sneaked into our city lord's mansion and took away Xuan Mo, but it didn't know. Look for Xuanmo...with it in the line, even if you encounter any danger, you don't have to be afraid!"

Ji Xiaoyan pondered for a while, and immediately nodded his head to agree with Chief Qing Gong's statement, and then went directly to the tower where Cenarion was staying, and said all the words that Chief Qing Gong said, and sure enough, Cenarion Give it to Huyou, just spray the dragon breath and agree to follow Ji Xiaoyan to find Xuan Mo!

So Ji Xiaoyan, who had prepared his manpower, followed Chief Qing Gong again, and asked Gaga to sniff in Xuan Mo's room for a long time. After confirming the smell, he immediately went out of the room, and then began to search for it.However, after walking around the city lord's mansion, Jiajia stopped, then turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan with a frown, and said to them: " can't smell the smell of ink here... . . . "

"Lord Cenarion, what about you?" Director Qing Gong immediately looked at Cenarion anxiously.

"Boss Qing Gong, what do you mean by that? What do you mean by being a dragon?" Cenarion was about to show off his dragon skills, but when he heard the words of Boss Qing Gong, he immediately said angrily. Looking at Manager Qing Gong, he asked, "What kind of creature do you think this dragon is?"

"No, no, no, Master Cenarion, don't get me wrong!" Manager Qing Gong immediately noticed something was wrong, and quickly waved his hand to Cenarion to apologize: "I just want to say, Master Cenarion, your The ability must be much better than Jiajia... Now that Jiajia has nothing to do, you must have something to do!"

"Hmph!" Cenarion breathed directly at Manager Qing Gong, and after seeing his ridiculous appearance with his hair and beard sprayed up, he finally felt a little more comfortable, then moved his nose, slightly Frowning, he looked for the direction in the air, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Xiaoyan, you said that Xuan Mo was taken away by someone? But why did Benlong only find the smell of Xuan Mo alone? I didn't find other people's smell either! Jiajia, have you smelled other people's smell?"

When Jiajia heard Cenarion's words, he said innocently: "Jiajia only pays attention to the smell of ink..."

Cenarion couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Jiajia, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, are you sure that Jiajia was taken away? I won't say much about other places, and there are not many people here. The place where he came from, if other people have been here, Benlong must be able to smell it. But now, there is only the smell of Xuan Mo here... This situation does not look like he was taken away by someone, but rather like He came here by himself!"

"How is that possible!?" Ji Xiaoyan froze for a moment, and immediately said to Cenarion: "Cenario, it's not like you don't know! When Xi Mo was brought back by us, he was always unconscious. How could it be possible to come here alone? Besides, even if he really came here by himself, it can only mean that he is awake! However, if Xuan Mo really woke up from a coma, how could he inexplicably How about running all the way here instead of looking for me or Chief Qing Gong to take care of them? It doesn't make sense!"

 PS: Thank you for the starting point of "Rain, Sunny"!Thank you for the two monthly tickets of "Little Turtle Drinking Porridge"!

(End of this chapter)

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