Chapter 1529 Missing
Xi Ye didn't know how surprised Xuan Mo was at its strength at this moment. It only knew that when it hit so hard, a pain like a needle prick spread from the top of its head in an instant, mixed with traces of scorching heat. The feeling is starting to get stronger and stronger
Xi Ye couldn't help but let out a muffled sound, then with red eyes, gritted his teeth, he raised his head and looked in the direction of Xuan Mo. He didn't know whether it was because Xuan Mo Fei was far away, or because his pain affected him. Visually, Xiye found that it couldn't see Xuan Mo's expression at all!But Xi Ye felt that Xuan Mo must be looking at her with mockery and disdain.
Therefore, Xiye grinned to hold back the pain in his body, pawed the ground twice with his paws, then charged up and rushed towards the stone wall again, hitting the stone wall over and over again. It doesn't stop when it crashes.

"Crazy! Crazy!" Seeing that Xi Ye didn't seem to feel any pain at all, he slammed into the stone wall unwillingly, and the dirt on the stone wall began to shake off. He couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, what if If the stone wall can't stop the big black beast in front of him, then when the stone wall collapses, his situation will not be too good, and it is very likely that he will be killed by the black beast in front of him what!For the sake of his own life, Xuan Mo thought about it for two seconds, and decided decisively not to get entangled with Xi Ye any more!He directly took away the city lord of Qingcheng, let's go back to Panchi City first!

So, thinking of Ji Xiaoyan, Xuan Mo immediately shifted his gaze to Ji Xiaoyan, only to find that Jiajia had just climbed onto the roof clumsily, and with a dazed expression, he realized that he had already seen his movements!
"Want to save her? Hmph!" Xuan Mo couldn't help but glance at Ji Xiaoyan, seeing her grinning as if she wanted to force a smile to face him, she immediately waved her staff and moved Ji Xiaoyan away from Jiajia After finding some positions, he immediately turned around and flew towards Ji Xiaoyan.

"Xi Ye, Xi Ye..." Seeing this, Jia Jia hurriedly shouted in Xi Ye's direction: "Don't hit the wall again, Xuan Mo is here..."

Xi Ye heard the voice of Jia Jia in a trance, turned her head to look in the direction of Jia Jia with red eyes, seemed to wake up after a few seconds, and immediately shouted loudly in the direction of Xuan Mo: "Xu Mo, are you scared? ?”

"I don't want to compete with you, a lunatic!" Yu Mo turned his head and said to Xi Ye, and flew directly to Ji Xiaoyan's side and after settling down, he stretched out his hand to stroke the cage, watching the cracks in the cage change. Even smaller, after completely wrapping Ji Xiaoyan inside, he sneered at Xiye and Jiajia and said, "I won't play with you anymore, I'm going back to Panchi City..." After finishing speaking, Xuan Mo immediately pulled the cage Jumping directly to the side, he flew into the air with Ji Xiaoyan easily.
"Wow, Xuan Mo's strength is so great..." Jiajia was stunned and surprised, and then realized that Ji Xiaoyan was taken away, so he quickly shouted at Xi Ye: "Xi Ye, Xi Ye, Xiao Yan was captured..."

Xiye's gaze has been chasing after Xuan Mo, and seeing him take Ji Xiaoyan into the air, he immediately shook his head, trying to wake himself up, and then immediately said to Jiajia: "Follow us..." After that, Xi Ye took two steps back, then leaned over and jumped directly to the nearby roof, and started to chase after Xuan Mo while jumping.

Jiajia jumped up on the roof a few times in a daze, and stood on the edge of the roof with some fear and kept circling around. He didn't look like he was going to chase after him. Instead, he said anxiously to himself: "What should I do? Jiajia can't fly ...How to chase after..."

At this moment, Chief Qing Gong has rushed to the high tower where Cenarion usually stays. After calling out loudly for a long time under the high tower, he found that Cenarion had no intention of answering him at all. A large number of Qingcheng guards came, and asked them to hurry to find the Lusi'er people who were staying in the city lord's mansion in case of emergency. They were going to ride directly on a three-winged and quadruped bird to find another giant dragon in Qingcheng, Nimengsha. !
The guards and the people of the Lusi'er tribe were very fast. Chief Qing Gong didn't have to wait long to see the three-winged and quadruped bird, and then the Lusi'er tribe led a few nimensas in Qingcheng. The place where she might stay, successfully found Nimengsha.After Manager Qing Gong told Nimengsha everything as quickly as possible, she saw that Nimengsha nodded bluntly, and immediately flew to the city lord's mansion.

But Chief Qing Gong and the members of the Lusi'er tribe could only stand in place, waiting for the three-winged and four-legged bird to stop trembling from the coercion of Nimensa's giant dragon before riding on it. , and returned to the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng.However, when Director Qing Gong returned to the place where Ji Xiaoyan was captured, he only saw Ni Mengsha comforting Jiajia who was staying on the roof and was unwilling to move...

"Miss Nimengsha, where is our city master?" Chief Qing Gong widened his eyes and looked around twice. After making sure that he didn't see Ji Xiaoyan, Xuan Mo, and Xi Ye, he quickly turned to Ni Mengsha. Monsa asked.

"Let's go!" Ni Mengsha turned her head and glanced at Chief Qing Gong, her paws were still patting Jiajia, and while comforting it, she said to Chief Qing Gong: "When Benlong came, he only saw Jiajia ...Xu Mo took Xiaoyan away, and Xiye went after him! Jiajia didn't dare to jump off the roof, so he didn't go up..."

Director Qing Gong was stunned, couldn't help but glanced at Jiajia several times, then looked at Nimengsha and asked, "Master Nimengsha, aren't you going to chase after Xuanmo and the others?"

"What's there to chase after! Didn't Xiye chase after you?" Ni Mengsha also looked at Manager Qing Gong with a cute face, and said to him: "Boss Qing Gong, don't worry, wait a while After Xiye catches up with Xuan Mo, they will definitely fight again. I will definitely find out their movements at that time, and then we can fly directly to find them! Otherwise, we will go after them now, don’t worry if we go wrong What? You say yes?"

Manager Qing Gong stared blankly at Ni Mengsha several times, and couldn't help but burst into tears.Nimensha-sama, can you stop talking about your laziness so glamorously?

Manager Qing Gong suddenly had the feeling that he could only rely on himself for this matter. He stood there and thought about it for a few seconds. Manager Qing Gong decisively turned around and led a large number of Qingcheng guards to find someone by himself.
"Hey, hello, Manager Qing Gong, where are you going?" Seeing Manager Qing Gong gone, Ni Mengsha couldn't help shouting at him, but when she didn't get a response, she suddenly said unhappily: "Whatever?" You need to keep some people here, just get Jiajia down..." Afterwards, Ni Mengsha could only sigh inwardly, and then said to Jiajia: "Jiajia, they are all gone, I will take you send it down?"

Jiajia looked at Nimengsha pitifully, and then asked: "Nimengsha, do you think Xiaoyan and Xiye will blame Jiajia for not chasing after him?"

"No, no, Xiaoyan is not such a stingy person!" Ni Mengsha said to Gaga with a confident face, "Come on, Gaga, I will throw you down, and then we will go find Xiaoyan and Xiye and them?"

Jiajia looked at the ground under the roof with some fear, thought for a long time, then gritted his teeth and nodded.Speaking of it, considering its size, the roof is actually not high for it, but Jiajia just doesn't know why he feels so scared!Thinking back when Ji Xiaoyan and Ji Xiaoyan rode Nimengsha in the sky, Jiajia didn't feel it, because it knew that with Nimengsha around, it was impossible for it to fall, but standing on this roof, Jiajia knew it for sure , if it falls, it will definitely hurt
Ni Mengsha didn't know what was going on in Jiajia's heart. After seeing it nodding, she immediately grabbed it with two paws and jumped down to the ground. After shaking the ground several times, she gently released Jiajia. After landing on the ground, he happily said to Jiajia: "Okay, Jiajia, we're coming down! Let's go, let's find Xiaoyan..."

Jiajia carefully opened his eyes, stretched out his paws and patted the ground slowly several times, he was relieved, then he returned to normal and smiled at Ni Mengsha and nodded, "Well, Let's go, Nimensha! We have to find Xiaoyan and the others quickly, and we can't let Xiye and Xuanmo fight too hard! If they get injured again, it will be difficult!"

Nimengsha grinned, flapped her wings a few times and flew into the sky, then said to Jiajia: "That Jiajia, I'll wait for you outside the city lord's mansion!" After that, Nimengsha flew out directly. City Lord's Mansion!

However, Nimengsha and Jiajia here, Chief Qing Gong and many Qingcheng guards and a large number of Lusier people searched in the sky and underground for several times, only to find that Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo , Xiye and the others seem to have disappeared.
"Impossible, how could Xiaoyan and the others disappear?" Friesman only got the news after Manager Qing Gong and the others returned to the City Lord's Mansion.He didn't believe that there would be a disappearance at all, so after hearing Manager Qing Gong's conclusion, he immediately shook his head and said, "Isn't Xuan Mo going back to Panchi City? Did he bring Xiaoyan from the teleportation array?" Gone, and then Xiye chased after him? Did you go to Panchi City to look for it?"

Manager Qing Gong said to Friesman worriedly with a bitter face: "We have searched for all the teleportation formations in Qingcheng, and none of the guards have ever seen Xuan Mo and the others. Moreover, I have all the transmission formations in Qingcheng." I have asked them all, and no one has sent them for Xuan Mo!"

"That's Xuan Mo flying out of Qingcheng with Xiao Yan!" Friesman said without hesitation, "Everyone knows that Xuan Mo can fly!"

Manager Qing Gong continued to shake his head: "Friesman, it's broad daylight, not night. If Xuan Mo and the city lord were flying in the air, how could no one see it? Besides, where is the city wall outside our Qing Dynasty?" But there are enchanted ones! How could they fly out so easily?"

"How can it be impossible! Isn't Xuan Mo holding onto Xiaoyan?" Friesman said without hesitation.Speaking of the enchantment in Qingcheng, as long as Ji Xiaoyan said it, it could not be opened directly.But, after thinking about it carefully, Friesman reacted instantly!Ji Xiaoyan was caught by Xuan Mo and locked in a stone cage. Even if they flew to the edge of the barrier, it would be the best situation if Xuan Mo couldn't get out. Ji Xiaoyan couldn't possibly open the barrier on purpose. Fang Yumo took her to leave Qingcheng together!

Director Qing Gong was about to refute Friesman, but saw that his expression was a bit wrong, and he knew instantly that it was impossible for him to think of the enchantment.So he sighed deeply, and then said worriedly: "Jajia only remembers that Xuanmo flew into the air with the city lord, and then Xiye chased after him. Others, it doesn't know anything, and we don't even know what to do now." Where did I start looking for it! I don’t know what’s going on with the city lord now... How could they disappear in broad daylight?”

"It doesn't matter, even if they disappear, we have to find them! I don't care what the fight between Xuan Mo and Xi Ye will be like, as long as Xiao Yan can come back safely!" Friesman said without hesitation. Manager Qing Gong said, "Let's go, Manager Qing Gong, let's continue to organize people to search! Call more people from the Lusi'er tribe and ask them to bring more three-winged and four-legged birds. We can't let them go anywhere in the sky and on the earth. , even if you search Qingcheng a few times, you still have to find Xiaoyan..."

Manager Qing Gong gritted his teeth and nodded, turned around and prepared to arrange people.

As a result, when they turned around, they saw a familiar face appearing in front of them with a little surprise, and then looked at Manager Qing Gong and Friesman with a little surprise, and asked, "What did you just say to find that girl Xiaoyan? What's the matter? Where did she go?"

"Elder Qing Mi." Director Qing Gong was stunned for a moment, feeling like he was about to cry, he quickly grabbed old man Qing Mi, and said to him: "Director Qing Gong, you came back just in time! Our city lord is missing..."

"What does it mean to be missing?" Manager Qing Gong froze for a moment, looked at Manager Qing Gong and asked, then seemed to think of something, and then asked Manager Qing Gong: "Boss Qing Gong, did the girl Xiaoyan get killed?" The Lord God called you away? Couldn’t those adventurers disappear from our sight for a while without incident? Can Xiaoyan girl have this special ability like those adventurers again? Where did she disappear? Say We don't have to wait, she will come back! Don't make a fuss!"

"No, no!" Director Qing Gong immediately shook his head at old man Qingmi and said, "It was Xuan Mo, it was Xuan Mo who took away the city lord! Xi Ye went after him and disappeared!"

"Xu Mo took Xiao Yan away? Why?" Old Man Qing Mi froze for a moment.

"Didn't Xuan Mo not wake up after coming back from Panchi City? He didn't know what happened last night, but he suddenly woke up!" Friesman frowned, and said to the old man Qingmi: "It turned out that he was awake, but Amnesia! I only remember Panchi City and Yeshan City Lord, who said they want to go back..."

 PS: Thanks for the starting coin of "Several Misty Rainの渡^Qingcheng"!Thank you for the "Who is the Goblin" peace talisman!Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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