The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1536 Purple Water Town

Chapter 1536 Purple Water Town

Sha Yiwan frowned, looking thoughtfully at Mayor Ni Yun and many NPCs of Qiyun Town who were looking at him expectantly in the carriage circle, and remained silent for a long time until Mayor Ni Yun anxiously looked at him. After he asked what was going on in Zishui Town, he said to them, "Mayor, there is no one in Zishui Town..."

"What do you mean? What do you mean there is no one?" Mayor Ni Yun was stunned, looked at Sha Yiwan and asked in disbelief: "Adventurer, you haven't walked around the town carefully, have you? Zishui Town But it is two or three times larger than our Qiyun Town, not to mention the usual number of aborigines, there are also a lot of adventurers! How could there be no one?"

"No one, Lord Mayor!" Sha Yiwan frowned tightly, and said to Mayor Ni Yun, "I have roughly seen the streets of Zishui Town, and there is no way there is anyone in the town. In Zishui Town There was no other sound at all, it was all pitch black, and there was no light in any room... I even went to the teleportation array in Zishui Town! The teleportation array was also turned off...."

"How is it possible..." Mayor Ni Yun staggered a step, still disbelieving: "There are so many people in Zishui Town, where are they going?"

Sha Yiwan looked around, couldn't help sighing, and then said to Mayor Ni Yun: "Mayor, I guess that the people in Zishui Town may have abandoned the town just like us. I went to a nearby town to seek protection..." Or in other words, to prevent the danger of being swallowed up by the green mask of Divinxi Town in advance, I fled here!
"There are no traces of fighting in Zishui Town?" Mayor Ni Yun frowned and asked Shayi to warn others.

"No, everything is in order." Sha Yiwan nodded, and continued: "I randomly found a few houses and looked at them. Everything has been cleaned up. It is similar to us. It should be the mayor of Zishui Town. The people were organized, and everyone left in an orderly manner.” After a pause, he continued to say to Mayor Ni Yun: “It’s just, mayor, it’s going to be dark soon, if we stay outside If not, it would be very dangerous. There is no one in Zishui Town now, so we might as well stay there for one night, and continue to set off after dawn..."

"Spending the night in Zishui Town?!" Mayor Ni Yun shook his head as soon as he heard the suggestion of killing one to warn others, and said to him: "There is no one in Zishui Town now, let's not say that we are uninvited." And entering, something is wrong... The most important question is, will we be safe even if we enter Zishui Town? There is no barrier, no guards, and Zishui Town is already a semi-abandoned town just like Qiyun Town. It’s a town, and if the beasts of the night want to enter, it’s a breeze... Whether we can enter or not, the degree of danger is actually the same!"

After hearing this, I turned my head to look in Zishui Town, then looked at other NPCs in Qiyun Town and asked, "What about you? Do you want to go in or just stay here overnight? I'll tell you, Even if Zishui Town is not protected by enchantments and guards, it is much safer than staying in the middle of these carriages!"

"How do you say that?" Several NPC aborigines glanced at each other, and couldn't help but ask Shayi as an example.

"Although we don't know when the people in Zishui Town left, how long have they lived here? Naturally, the beasts around don't know that there is no one inside, and there is no enchantment! As long as we go in and turn on the lights If it is lit, those wild beasts must be scruples and dare not attack, right?"

"Your words are not safe!" Several NPCs shook their heads and said, "What if there are wild beasts coming to try to attack the town?"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be the same as you guys staying here now?" Sha Yiwan couldn't help but rolled his eyes towards those NPC doors, and then had an expression that you can do whatever you like , "You are here, that is to tell those beasts, let them attack you quickly... If you go to Zishui Town to stay, not to mention it will be much warmer, at least you will have everything to eat and live in, and you will be more comfortable! "

When the NPCs in Qiyun Town heard the news, they hesitated and muttered to each other for a while, then looked at Mayor Ni Yun, and asked him in a low voice, "Mayor... see what we are going to do!"

The mayor of Ni Yun frowned tightly, and glanced at Sha Yi Wan, seeing his unwillingness to express his opinion, he pondered for a while, then turned his head and said to the NPC aborigines behind him: "In this case , then let's go to Zishui Town to rest for a night! Even if we are going to die, we have to die more comfortably...just!" Mayor Ni Yun turned his head and suddenly looked at Sha Yi as a warning, and said: " Kill one to warn others, just in case, you should watch for us at night!"

"Night watch?!" Sha Yi was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Mayor Ni Yun with wide eyes.

"You also know that we people are not strong enough..." Mayor Ni Yun smiled awkwardly at Sha Yiwan, "There are no enchantments and guards in Zishui Town. After we go in, we must not be able to sleep. Peace of mind! If you help us watch the night, we will definitely sleep well, and we will have the energy to rush to other towns tomorrow! Are you right?"

Sha Yi cast a sideways glance at Mayor Ni Yun, showing reluctance on his face.

"Don't worry, let's make a warning. You have kept vigil for us at night. When you are on the road tomorrow, you can take a good rest in the car. If you have nothing to do, we will never disturb you. Let you catch up on sleep..." Mayor Ni Yun continued to smile and said to Sha Yi Wan.

"Then what if I don't want to?" Sha Yiwan couldn't help but asked Mayor Ni Yun.He promised to protect them, this group of NPCs is already very good!Now there is a vigil for them!The mayor of Qiyun Town really knows how to order people to do things!
"Don't, kill a warning, you promised to protect us, how can you ignore us on the first day?" Mayor Ni Yun smiled greedily, and kept saying good things to kill a warning , until he agreed to his request a little impatiently after he said "kill one to warn everyone", then happily praised "kill one to warn others", then turned his head and hurriedly said to the other NPCs: "Hurry up, everyone!" , quickly pull the carriage away, line up, and let's go into Zishui Town..."

Killing a warning to everyone watching the NPCs in Qiyun Town happily step into Zishui Town one by one, and then followed them in.Then watching those NPC aborigines in Qiyun Town choose their own houses, and after making meals for him to eat together, they turned over and climbed onto the roof of a house, feeling a little depressed. lie down
I don't know if anyone has received his flying pigeon letters?

Just when Sha Yi Wan was lying on the roof and was about to die of boredom, there was a slight movement under the house, and Sha Yi Wan hurriedly leaned over to look in the direction of the sound.
"Lord mayor? What are you doing here without sleeping?" The person who came was Mayor Ni Yun. At this moment, he was lying on a ladder moved from nowhere, climbing up the roof.

"Hey!" Mayor Ni Yun smiled awkwardly at Sha Yiwan, and after climbing up to the roof, he patted his clothes lightly, and walked to Sha Yiwan's side in a few steps, watching him lying on the roof After thinking about it, he also sat down on the tile, looked up at the starry sky, and said, "Isn't it boring to be here alone..."

Sha Yi warned Wan Wan without saying a word.Isn't it boring that he, the mayor of Qiyun Town, asked to come to watch the night?
"Kill a warning, I forgot to ask you what profession you are practicing?" Mayor Ni Yun looked at Kill a warning with some curiosity, and asked him.

"Killer!" Sha Yi Wan said to Mayor Ni Yun with gritted teeth, "Mayor, didn't you say that there is murderous intent in my name?"

"Hehe, isn't that a joke?" Mayor Ni Yun sneered a little, then took a serious look at killing a warning, and then continued after a few seconds: "Killing a warning, why are you always Are you all staying in Qiyun Town? Is there anything in our town that attracts you?"
Sha Yiwan looked at Mayor Ni Yun strangely, and asked after a while, "Mayor Ni Yun, you didn't sleep in the middle of the night, and you climbed onto this roof just to ask me these things?"

Mayor Ni Yun smiled, dug out two bottles of wine and a roast chicken from somewhere, handed them to Sha Yiwan, and said to him, "As the mayor of Qiyun Town, , I can’t just let you watch the night here alone, and go to sleep peacefully, can I? Well, I’ll let someone bake it, eat something?”

Killing a warning glanced at Mayor Ni Yun with some vigilance, seeing him holding up the wine bottle and roast chicken, thinking for a while before taking the things over, tearing open half of the killing chicken and handing it back to the Mayor Ni Yun took a big sip of wine: "I really didn't realize that you are still so considerate, mayor!"

"I'm the mayor, and I have to think about the aborigines in our town!" Mayor Ni Yun gulped down a couple of sips of wine, then looked at Sha Yi Wan and said: "Kill a warning to everyone!" , You said that we ran out of Qiyun Town this time, did we do something wrong?"

"Why do you say that? Just because you were going to seek refuge in Zishui Town, all the family members left?" Sha Yiwan raised his eyebrows and asked Mayor Ni Yun. He said: "I said Lord Mayor, think about it from another angle! You come to join Zishui Town, you think they are stronger. But look at the current situation? Everyone in Zishui Town has escaped. If we still If you stay in Qiyun Town, isn't that a dead end? You did the right thing by bringing everyone out!"

"Hearing what you said, it seems that it really is the same thing!" Mayor Ni Yun was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed.

"That's the way it is, okay!" Sha Yiwan rolled his eyes at Mayor Ni Yun, and then said to him, "I really don't know whether you are smart or stupid for a day!"

"What are you talking about, adventurer!" Mayor Ni Yun raised his face and yelled at him in a low voice when he heard Sha Yi's warning, and then said: "I will show you a good face, and you will Are you outraged? You even spoke ill of the mayor in front of your face!"

"Isn't what I'm telling the truth?" Killing a warning didn't look like he was afraid at all, and continued to roll his eyes at Mayor Ni Yun and said, "Mayor, if you just want to climb up to me and tell me I'm sorry about that." Sha Yiwan stretched out his hand, pointed in the direction Mayor Ni Yun came from, and said, "Here, your ladder is over there, hurry down and sleep!"

Mayor Ni Yun glared at him as a warning, and then said in a muffled voice after a while: "Want to chase the mayor away? Huh, I won't fall for your adventurer's plan! Don't worry, I am willing to come to thank you To protect the safety of the aborigines in Qiyun Town, the mayor of this town will stay here with you to watch the night!"

"Accompany me? That's still not necessary!" Sha Yi shook his head immediately and said, "I think it's more comfortable for me to stay here alone."

Mayor Ni Yun was unmoved.

Killing Wan Wan frowned, and asked him, "Mayor, are you serious?"

"That's natural!" Mayor Ni Yun said with a smile.

"Then if you are willing to keep watch at night, you can watch it. I'm going to go down and find a more comfortable bed to sleep in first!" After hearing Mayor Ni Yun's words, Sha Yi immediately stood up and faced He said something, and handed him the wine bottle and roast chicken, and said, "Here, mayor, keep the roast chicken and wine for yourself!"

"Hey, hey, kill a warning, you can't leave!" Mayor Ni Yun grabbed him and said to him: "The mayor is just here to accompany you! You are the real vigil people!"

"I don't like people next to me!" Sha Yi said immediately, taking the opportunity to warn Wan.

The mayor of Ni Yun frowned, staring at the moonlight with a resolute face to warn others, thought for a while, then sighed faintly for a while, stood up, looked at him and said: "Okay, okay Yes, the mayor of this town knows!"

Sha Yi crossed his arms to make a warning, watching Mayor Ni Yun put the roast chicken and wine on the roof.

"Then let's kill one to warn others, is the mayor going down?" Mayor Ni Yun said.

"Well, let's go!" Sha Yiwan nodded, watched Mayor Ni Yun slowly climb down the ladder with a look of reluctance, stood under the house and looked at him, and then said: "Okay, Mayor My lord, you should hurry up and rest. Since I promised you to protect you, I will work hard and not sleep here secretly!"

When Mayor Ni Yun heard the words, he seemed to have got the satisfactory answer he wanted, and immediately smiled at Sha Yi as an example, before turning around and leaving.

It's just that outside Zishui Town at this moment, it's not as quiet as they saw.

What they don't know is that the people of Zishui Town let their mayor decide not long after the accident in Divinxi Town. Everyone packed up their things and went to seek protection from a stronger town. .So Zishui Town had been deserted for several days before they came here...
And the wild beasts who have been living around Zishui Town are ready to occupy this town they have always coveted after discovering that Zishui Town has no lights and human voices for several days and nights
(End of this chapter)

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