The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1544 This is luck

Chapter 1544 This is luck

In fact, I thought it would be a warning to everyone. In fact, after taking a closer look at the mayor of Qiyun Town, Ni Yun's temper is still very good.Look at the black giant beast that just ignored him talking to the other woman, and didn't bother to answer Mayor Ni Yun's question. Mayor Ni Yun didn't have any worries, did he?If this matter had been placed on him, if he was talking to people, if they answered irrelevant questions or simply ignored them, he would have turned around and left, and he would never talk to those people again!
"Mayor... do they mean they don't want to answer your question?" I was the old goblin, looking in the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and Xi Ye, I couldn't help asking Mayor Ni Yun in a low voice One sentence, and then said: "Mayor, are you going to go with them?" As far as they feel, the identity of the two people and the beast in front of them doesn't know what they are. What if they try to deceive them? Where to go, that's the trouble!Of course, if this matter turns into some kind of task, I am the old goblin and they will naturally be very happy!

However, it would not be a good thing if all of them were trapped in it and could not escape
"Naturally, I have to follow them!" Mayor Ni Yun nodded to me, the old goblin, with a profound face, and after watching Sha Yi Wan, they all looked at him with some disapproval, and thought for a while , and then pulled Sha Yiwan aside, and asked him in a low voice: "Do you know who that woman is?"

Sha Yi frowned and looked in Ji Xiaoyan's direction, then shook his head at Mayor Ni Yun.There is no name on the top of her head, how does he know who that woman is?But, hearing Mayor Ni Yun's tone, does he know that woman?
"Look at her clothes, are they different from ours?" Mayor Ni Yun asked Sha Yi Wan with a smile, and after seeing him nodding, he said with a bitter face: "Kill a warning to Wan Wan!" , you are the deputy mayor of our Qiyun Town. You need to learn more about these things in the future. When you have time later, I will teach you more and gain more experience... Otherwise, if you encounter a situation like today, If you miss it, it will be too late to regret it!"

Sha Yiwan really wanted to roll his eyes at Mayor Ni Yun and reject the so-called deputy mayor again, but after hearing what Mayor Ni Yun said later, he immediately swallowed all the words!As long as he wants to stay and play in this game, there is no harm in learning more about what NPCs know. This is also a way of playing the game, isn't it?
The mayor of Ni Yun saw that Sha Yiwan did not speak, and he was overjoyed, thinking that he must have been tempted to be their deputy mayor of Qiyun Town, so he immediately opened his mouth and introduced to him in a low voice: "Just The material of her clothes must only be used by the aborigines in wealthy towns above high-end towns, and the patterns on her clothes seem to be specially made, not for ordinary aborigines to use! So, from these two perspectives, she is definitely not a simple character... As long as we entangle them, no matter where their town is, we will definitely be accepted!"

"Aren't you worried that their town is also empty like Zishui Town?" Sha Yi asked worriedly.

"Impossible! They don't even know anything about Divinxi Town..." Mayor Ni Yun frowned, and then said: "Actually, it doesn't matter! Just look at their strength, even if their There is no one in the town, at least it is more powerful than ours! It can’t be too dangerous to go on the road with such a person, right?”

"To put it bluntly, mayor, you are just looking for a sense of security, right? You don't care whether there are people in their town at all, as long as they are tied up, right?" Mayor Ni Yun rolled his eyes, looked at him with a mean smile, and then curled his lips and said: "As long as you can persuade them to take us, anyway, we don't mind if everyone goes together!"

Mayor Ni Yun smiled in satisfaction, and turned his gaze to the direction of Ji Xiaoyan and Xiye. Seeing that they were finally looking for him after finishing their conversation, he quickly moved closer to him and asked Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: " Are you two looking for me?"

"Mayor Ni Yun, right?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and after seeing Mayor Ni Yun nodded, he said, "Do you know where the nearest town is?"

"The nearest town? I don't know how to go forward. The only way we are coming is Zishui Town!" Mayor Ni Yun pondered for a few seconds, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just that Zishui Town has been occupied by monsters No, there's no one in there!"

"That's it..." Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, "Then, if you don't mind, Mayor Ni Yun, we would like to follow you to the next town. Is it okay?"

"Of course it is possible!" Upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Mayor Ni Yun immediately nodded with joy, and then said, "Do you two have any other companions?"

"It's just us!" Ji Xiaoyan continued to smile and said to Mayor Ni Yun, "When are you going to leave?"

"You can do it now!" Mayor Ni Yun said immediately, "It's just, you two, I don't know how to call you?"

Xi Ye cast a glance at Mayor Ni Yun, and said calmly, "Our Xiaoyan is the Lord City Lord of Qingcheng, you can just call him Lord City Lord! But if you want to walk with us, you have to listen to Xiaoyan, you know ?"

"Master City Lord?!" Mayor Ni Yun looked shocked and pleasantly surprised. He couldn't help but look at Ji Xiaoyan carefully several times, then nodded suddenly and said, "That's natural, that's natural. City Lord We'll do what the adults say..." Just kidding, he thought it would be great if the girl in front of him could be the mayor of a high-end town, but he never expected that their luck would be like this it is good!As soon as I came here, I met a city lord!That's the city lord!As long as they entangled them, would the people in Qiyun Town worry about having nowhere to stay?As far as the remote town near them, which one can have the strength to fight against the fox clan and monsters?

Xiye didn't know what was going on in Mayor Ni Yun's mind. Instead, he nodded in satisfaction after hearing his obedient tone. He stared at him angrily while holding his breath, and said to him: "Xu Mo, if you can't hold on, don't hold on any longer. Close your eyes and have a good rest! After you wake up, we will Back to Qingcheng... When the time comes for your memory loss, we will naturally find a doctor to show you! If you still can't heal you, then you can go back when Panchi City reopens …”

"Hum..." Xuan Mo forced himself to roll his eyes at Xi Ye, and then immediately passed out.

"I know you are holding on!" Xi Ye said to Xuan Mo with some dissatisfaction, and then he still ordered to the aboriginals of Qiyun Town who were carrying Xuan Mo, "You guys will wait a while." When you take him, be careful, don't let him get hurt, you know?"

"I know, I know." The NPCs in Qiyun Town nodded quickly, looked at Xi Ye nervously, and then quickly lowered their heads.They were a little puzzled, obviously this person and beast are not the relationship between the enemy?How does it look like, this huge black beast in front of him actually has a lot to do with this child?
After Mayor Ni Yun pointed out the general direction for Ji Xiaoyan to move forward, and watched the team set off again, Mayor Ni Yun took a moment to walk over to Sha Yi Wan and the others. , and then said to Sha Yiwan proudly and proudly: "Kill a warning, remember to follow me in a while, I will seize the opportunity to introduce you to the Lord City Lord..."

"Master City Lord? Is that woman the City Lord?" Wo Xue Tingfeng froze in surprise when he heard Mayor Ni Yun's words, and then said in disbelief: "Mayor, what you said is true? She Is it the city lord of that city?"

"Of course it's true! Can this kind of thing deceive people?" Mayor Ni Yun gave Lying Xue Tingfeng a look, nodded in a good mood, and then said: "I heard what the black beast said just now, it seems to be The City Lord of Qingcheng... Do you know where Qingcheng is? Is it our city in the Northern Continent?"

"Mayor, I thought we should ask you this kind of question!" Crispy Pork Stew couldn't help but smiled and said to Mayor Ni Yun, and after avoiding his stare, he pondered for a while, A little uncertainly asked the other people: "I remember that it is impossible for ordinary cities to have the same name? The Qingcheng mentioned by the mayor, I don't know if it is the Qingcheng I thought..."

"You're talking about the Qingcheng that was very popular a while ago?" Old Ten's eyes widened instantly, and after nodding at the crispy rice stew, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan's back, and said with a slight frown : "I remember that Qingcheng is also a female city lord, right?"

"That's natural!" I was the old goblin and said with certainty.In the whole game, who doesn't know that the first player's city lord is a woman?But, the woman in front of me is that player Ji Xiaoyan?Seems a bit unlikely, right?That black monster is not a player character, it is a typical NPC monster, and it can talk... They don't think that ordinary NPCs or boss monsters will be so protective of any player!
"Mayor, do you know the name of that city lord?" I am the old goblin and couldn't help but ask Mayor Ni Yun, and seeing that he shook his head, he sighed and said, "Then what do you say?" , should we go up and ask, beautiful girl, is your name Ji Xiaoyan?"

"Why do you ask this? Are you still planning to establish a good relationship with her, and then go to Qingcheng to have a look?" Old Ten looked at me with a bit of curled lips and said, "Don't forget that we are now in the Northern Continent!"

"I said old ten, are you fucking picking up corpses and fools? That's Qingcheng! Don't you remember that we just agreed, where are you going?" I was the old goblin who couldn't help but slap When he reached Old Ten's shoulder and saw him staring at him with an angry face, he continued, "Slaying the Dragon! Don't you remember?"

The old ten was stunned for a moment, and he reacted instantly!That's right, wasn't Qingcheng the one who slaughtered the dragon?In other words, if the girl in front is really Ji Xiaoyan, the city lord of Qingcheng, then they are not very lucky?Go back and hook up first, saying that you may not be able to occupy such a little favorable terrain and information when you slay the dragon!

Thinking of this, Lao Shi immediately rubbed his hands, and then asked the crowd excitedly: "Then do you need me to hook up now?"

"Go, go, go... Zhuang's key point!" The rice crust stewed meat couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Lao Shi, and then said, "Let's add up the total first and then talk..."

Mayor Ni Yun looked at Old Ten and nodded honestly, then looked at them a little dizzy, and asked suspiciously: "What do you mean? Do you know the Lord City Lord? Do you know where his city is? How, how, is that city powerful? Is it far from us? And you just talked about slaying dragons? Are you going to slay dragons? How powerful are you?"

"Ahem, cough, mayor, we are all guessing..." I am the old goblin who couldn't help shaking the corners of my lips, and said awkwardly to Mayor Ni Yun: "What strength do we have? The thing about the dragon is just talking... just talking!"

The mayor of Ni Yun looked at the few people suspiciously, then snorted coldly, looked directly at Sha Yiwan, and then said to him: "What they said is true? Do you really know everything?" do not know?"

"I really don't know!" I, the old goblin, shrugged my shoulders, looked helpless at Mayor Ni Yun, and said, "Mayor, I told you that we are just guessing, when will we confirm?" I will definitely tell you the news! It’s just... Lord Mayor, when can we get to know the Lord City Lord?”

The mayor of Ni Yun looked at me, the old goblin, dissatisfiedly, and finally snorted coldly: "You must remember what you said, if there is any news about the city lord and the city, you must first Tell me right away!" After seeing that I was the old goblin and they nodded tacitly, Mayor Ni Yun looked directly in front of the team and said to Sha Yi and them: "Okay! , anyway, bring one with you, and it shouldn’t be a big deal to bring you all there... But you have to remember, killing a warning is our deputy mayor of Qiyun Town, and you are just ordinary adventurers. That city lord wants to talk to Sha Yi as an example, so don't interrupt him to steal his limelight, you understand?!"

"Yes, yes, Lord Mayor, don't worry, we all understand!" Wo Xue Tingfeng nodded quickly, then looked at Mayor Ni Yun cautiously and asked: "Master Mayor, we will go there now Yet?"

 PS: Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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