Chapter 1548 Results
In fact, none of the people present knew what exactly Xiye and Antler Wulong had exchanged. Everyone judged and guessed based on what they saw!So after seeing the Antler Wurm retreating with the other monsters, everyone couldn't help but feel happy, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they could get rid of these monsters in this way!
However, just when several players heard the words of killing a warning, before they had time to verify whether the antler dragon was the same as what he said, everyone realized that the situation on the scene was a little out of control.
The arc of the mouth of the stag-horned dragon slowly expanded, and then in the fastest time, after a low snort, the legs were pushed down, and it rushed out with a push of power. In a few seconds Li directly bumped into the crispy rice stew, the old ten and Sha Yiwan who were facing it, and then watched the monsters behind them swarm up over it and rushed directly to the aborigines in Qiyun Town. The staghorn dragon stopped its momentum, rubbed its paws on the ground to stop its body, turned around and ran straight to kill them as a warning, and they went back.

Mayor Ni Yun yelled for help to Ji Xiaoyan and Xi Ye loudly, and at the same time called the aborigines in Qiyun Town to hide behind the carriage, while he stared wide-eyed, watching Sha Yiwan as a warning to them. The situation around them, and then shouted at them: "Kill one as an example... Come and protect us..."

To kill thousands of people after they were knocked down by the sudden attack of staghorn dragon and other monsters, they immediately thought of what might happen next.Therefore, as soon as Sha Yiwan stood firm, he saw the antler Wurm rushing back towards them again, and quickly drew out his dagger to meet them; as the only mage present, he quickly took out his staff and ignored them. Immediately, Sanqi 21 threw a powerful wind spell at the aborigines in Qiyun Town, hoping to draw down the hatred of some monsters, and then quickly took out a bottle of red medicine to nibble on. down.
As for the old ten and I are the old goblins, they hurriedly entered the fighting state, pulled out their swords and ran towards the antler dragon
Ji Xiaoyan sat high on Xiye's back. To be honest, she basically couldn't hear anything except the sound, so although she couldn't see it, she could still imagine how the scene was going. To be honest, if Ni Yun The mayor didn't say those things. In fact, she might still soft-heartedly persuade Xiye to help out. But, thinking that if she helped, she would end up with a reputation of being greedy for money, and she might not be right in one aspect. If the mayor of Ni Yun wants it, Ji Xiaoyan is not willing to go into this muddy water if he might be blamed if he doesn't do it right.
"Have you made an agreement with that stag-horned dragon?" Ji Xiaoyan heard the screams at the scene, and after a while, he still couldn't bear to ask Xi Ye.

"Xiaoyan, don't worry about it!" Xiye said to Ji Xiaoyan with certainty, "They will take Xuanmo back to us as quickly as possible, and they won't kill those people in Qiyun Town. You can rest assured..."

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and said with a sigh: "There is only so much we can help!"

"It means you are soft-hearted..." Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan with some disapproval, "If it were me, I would just kill those aborigines holding Xuan Mo and snatch him back and take him away." Whether they live or die after that, I don't care!" After saying this, Xi Ye heard that Ji Xiaoyan didn't say a word, thought for a while, and then said: "Of course, Xiaoyan, you are the Lord of the city, and you have to do things Sometimes, you will definitely have more concerns than us, and you need to consider the reputation... So I think you are doing the right thing! Otherwise, we will save these people later, and they will spread the propaganda everywhere, saying that only one A few gold coins can buy you, the city lord of Qingcheng, so how can you hang around on the mainland in the future? Right?"

"You also think I did nothing wrong?" Ji Xiaoyan asked Xi Ye in a low voice.

"Of course you are right! You are the city lord of Qingcheng, even if you help, it can't be so cheap!" Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan with a face of course, "Even if you want to help voluntarily, you must be willing to do it." People like these are still thinking of threatening you for help, you didn’t ask me to kill them all, it’s already very benevolent! What’s more, you can be regarded as helping them..."

"Well... I just don't want to watch them get killed in front of me!" Ji Xiaoyan frowned slightly, and said something to Xi Ye with a sigh, and then pursed his lips and said to it: "Since everyone Alright, let's go further away..."

"Okay! Anyway, I think their voice is too ugly....It's not like they want to kill them..." Xi Ye curled her lips and walked away while talking to Ji Xiaoyan.

Mayor Ni Yun originally held a glimmer of hope for Ji Xiaoyan and the others, but after seeing Xi Ye's actions, he instantly understood a lot!Even if the action of the antler dragon was not instigated by the city lord, it was their acquiescence.
However, Mayor Ni Yun couldn't figure out why?
That city lord is also an adventurer! ?Aren't all adventurers interested in the gold coins of their natives?Didn't they try their best to find opportunities for them to help from the hands of their aborigines?Now he puts the gold coins and the opportunity to help in front of the city lord, why didn't she help the lord them as he imagined, but instead let the antler dragon attack, and hid herself far away gone?

"My lord... why? Why?" Mayor Ni Yun couldn't help but yelled at Ji Xiaoyan before a monster swung its claws at him...
Ji Xiaoyan bit her lip and resisted the urge to turn around to take a look. After hearing Xiye tell her that Xuan Mo had been brought over by a gray leopard, she sighed deeply and turned to Xiye. Ye said: "Bring Xuan Mo, let's go find the town..."

Xi Ye nodded silently, took the ink directly from the gray leopard's back, asked Ji Xiaoyan to help put it on his back, and then said to the gray leopard: "It's almost scary. , that’s enough, got it?”

Gray Leopard nodded to Xi Ye with a confused face, not knowing whether he understood or not.

Thinking of this, Xi Ye couldn't help grinning his teeth in displeasure, and after watching the gray leopard turn around and run away, he took the roll of paper Ji Xiaoyan handed to it, and threw it in the direction of Mayor Ni Yun. In the past, Xiye and Ji Xiaoyan glanced in their direction after watching the NPCs in Qiyun Town quickly help Mayor Ni Yun put away the paper after being stunned by the monster's claws. , and then left.
For Ji Xiaoyan and the others now, returning to Qingcheng is the most important thing, and the NPCs and players in Qiyun Town are just passers-by. Ji Xiaoyan and Xiye can actually guess their ending!Ji Xiaoyan also thoughtfully helped Antler Wurm and Mayor Ni Yun think about their communication issues, so he left a note for Mayor Ni Yun, telling him what Antler Wurm really wanted What is it? The final result is nothing more than two kinds: one is that Mayor Ni Yun abandoned the town stone of Qiyun Town and handed it over to the Antler Wurm, and then they left with satisfaction; Then the Antler Wurm waited for them to leave, directly killed all the people, and then slowly found the town stone...
It's just that if you can find it, if you can't find it, then you don't know!

Of course, these things are not what Ji Xiaoyan imagined, and what they will become
People like passers-by may one day become a deep memory in the course of life again!

I thought that according to Mayor Ni Yun and the others, Ji Xiaoyan and the others would find a town within a short distance and return to Qingcheng.As a result, after Xiye drove Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo away for a long time, they were still wandering around in the large forest, and they didn't look like they were going to encounter a town at all...

"Bah, it's a good thing we didn't go with those people from Qiyun Town!" Xiye couldn't help complaining to Ji Xiaoyan, then stood by a few trees, sat down on the ground and let Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo go. After getting down, he continued: "I knew those people were unreliable! They said that they can't go far to reach the next town! Look at our current situation? How far have we all traveled? Huh? I didn’t see any signs of human habitation... They must have lied to us!”

Ji Xiaoyan sighed, and after putting Xuan Mo away, he asked Xi Ye, "Is it that Xuan Mo was seriously injured? Logically speaking, after such a long time, there should be some signs of waking up." what?"

"Who knows!" Xi Ye rolled his lips and glanced at Xuan Mo, and then said, "If he sleeps for another month or two, then suddenly wakes up and his memory comes back, that would be great..."

"Xiye, that's not the way to daydream!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Xiye, and after finding a place to sit down, he looked at the surrounding environment and looked at Xiye. Ye asked, "Shall we go?"

"I've run out of strength!" Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan with some displeasure, "I haven't rested since I met those people until now! It's getting late now, and I think it's pretty good here." , let's spend the night here today..."

"Here?" Ji Xiaoyan looked into the dense forest, frowning a little: "Xiye, I remember that there are more monsters inhabiting ordinary forests, right? Is it unsafe for us to spend the night here? "

"What are you afraid of, Xiaoyan! Don't you have me?" Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan with a relaxed face, "We stay here for the night, do you really think that I just let you sleep on the ground? If you want to sleep, you have to sleep in my magic enchantment!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately reacted, and said with a smile on his face, "It's also... I didn't think of it for a while!"

Xi Ye pouted at Ji Xiaoyan indifferently, then leaned over to smell all over Xuan Mo's body, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xu Mo is like this, he probably won't wake up for a while. Xiaoyan, you watch him here, I'll get some food nearby..."

"Is there any danger?" Ji Xiaoyan asked worriedly.

"As far as my strength is concerned, what danger can there be? That antler dragon is not bad, isn't it afraid of me?" Hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Xi Ye immediately said with some pride: "I know how to do it just like you guys." Those who speak, in essence, must be a level higher than them! Even if they are stronger than me, they are still afraid of me! Xiaoyan, you can rest assured that nothing will happen to me..."

"Xiye, I'm talking about me and Xuanmo... Where are you thinking?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but rolled his eyes at Xiye when he heard Xiye's words, and said, "It's not like you don't know my current situation. The situation... plus Xuan Mo is in a coma, if something happens to him, it will be bad! Not to mention, if Xuan Mo wakes up, the unlucky one will still be me..."

"Got it, got it, Xiaoyan, don't worry, I won't go too far!" Xi Ye said to Ji Xiaoyan with a helpless look: "If there is a situation, you can yell, and I will immediately Just use spells to gallop back!"

"Can't we just hide us in the spell first? Isn't that safer?" Ji Xiaoyan suggested to Xiye with some trepidation.

"Let me talk about Xiaoyan, you are the Lord of Qingcheng, can you not be so timid? You can still be resurrected infinitely, what do you mean by being afraid of death?" Xi Ye immediately felt very uncomfortable when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words. He said to her, "According to the logic, the most fearless person in the whole continent should be you, Xiaoyan... Now you are even afraid of some monsters. If it spreads in the future, how can you be a good city lord?" Your Excellency?"

"Every time I die, it's very painful, okay? I'm not a fool, I have nothing to go to torture!" Ji Xiaoyan kept rolling his eyes at Xi Ye, and then said: "You really think this is infinite. Is there any feeling of being resurrected?"

"Then I don't know anyway!" Xi Ye tilted his head and shrugged at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said, "Anyway, I have never died, and it is impossible for me to be resurrected after death, so... I don't have the same chance as you, Xiaoyan. Experience that feeling, hahahahaha!"

"Hmph, you've got to be fooled!" Ji Xiaoyan stared at Xi Ye and said, "I've heard from Director Qing Gong that there is a resurrection gate on the mainland that can revive anyone... If you want to try it later... Try, I don't mind saving you some resurrection fees!"

"Go, go, you wish I could die?" Xi Ye widened his eyes at Ji Xiaoyan, and said something angrily, seeing Ji Xiaoyan covering his mouth and giggling at himself, he was upset Turning around abruptly, she said to her, "Forget it, I won't waste time with you here anymore! Just wait here with Xuan Mo, and shout if you have something to do, and I will definitely come back! You put it into the magic enchantment, you just make do with it..."

 PS: Thanks to "gong" for the monthly pass!Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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