Chapter 1554 Methods
Lin Qianye learned a lot about the Fox Clan from Modena, so he knew very well how hidden and dangerous Modena was to the Fox Clan!In the past, Modina was able to stay safely in Bufenrui Town because the Fox Clan did not find the holy relic and could not leave the gathering place for a long time on a large scale, but the situation is different now!

Therefore, for Modena, they were willing to help connect Bufenrui Town and Qingcheng in the past, maybe just because they wanted to repay Lord Tang Ross, but now, whether they can come to Qingcheng as soon as possible is related to the interests of Modena. Your own safety is in danger!And Lin Qianye also clearly asked about Cheng, the saint of the fox tribe, who fell into the devil in Modena, and Modena also told him straightforwardly that as long as his safety was guaranteed, he could help him solve the problem in the future. The problem of not being able to use the teleportation array!
Therefore, Lin Qianye can be said to be quite positive about the matter of Medina.

"Then Qianye, what we have to do now is to protect the people in Bufenrui Town?" Xingdila pondered for a while, then looked up at Lin Qianye and asked, "In this case, why don't we go directly to Bufenrui Town?" Wouldn’t it be enough for Fenrui Town to bring him to Qingcheng? Wouldn’t it be faster?” Why must it be so troublesome to let him come to Qingcheng by himself after the teleportation formation is completed?

"I thought so too, but he didn't want to!" Lin Qianye shook her head at Xingdila and the others with a sad face, and then said, "What Modina means is that he stays in Bufenrui Town. After such a long time, it is impossible to leave them alone and leave! If he is really found by the Fox Clan, even if he wants to leave, he must ensure the safety of the entire Bufenrui Town... ..."

"So even if we all go to protect him, he is not willing to leave?" You Si asked Lin Qianye with an unhappy face, and after seeing him nodding, he curled his lips and said, "That's fine, who asked us to leave?" Asking others? Then, Qianye, shall we go and urge Director Qing Gong to prepare all the things for this teleportation array, and then send them to Bufenrui Town?"

"Director Qing Gong, I've already told him!" Lin Qianye frowned, then looked at the others and said, "Now our first priority is to find Xiaoyan!"

"Didn't Director Qing Gong say that he has asked Nimengsha to help find someone? Haven't found it yet?" Pudi frowned when she heard Lin Qianye's words, looked at him suspiciously and asked: " It's been a few days? There should be news already?"

Lin Qianye shook her head, and said to everyone: "There is no news, so we need to go out and look for it now..." At this point, Lin Qianye turned to look at Teng, and then gently touched her He turned his head and said to her: "Teng, we need to find Xiaoyan back, so if we take you halfway, it may be inconvenient for us to go to places like the teleportation array, so we can't take you with us go……"

"Well, Master Qianye, I know!" Although there was some disappointment on Cheng's face, he still nodded obediently, forced a smile on Lin Qianye, and said, "Don't worry, don't worry. , I’ll be here waiting for you to come back! As you said, Qingcheng is safe, so I don’t have to worry…”

"Hmm! Just wait here and wait for us to come back with peace of mind!" Lin Qianye smiled with satisfaction, gestured directly to Xingdila and the others, and then continued to say to Cheng: "We will get back as soon as possible." I rushed back..."

Cheng nodded obediently, suppressed the reluctance in his eyes, and watched Lin Qianye and the others leave with a smile. Then he turned back to the house with some disappointment, and planned to wait until they came back before going out, so as not to accidentally see Manager Qing Gong looked at her with fearful eyes...
After Lin Qianye brought Xing Dila and the others out of the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng smoothly, he said to them: "About Cheng's matter... in front of her just now, I am not good at talking to you guys. Say! Now that we’ve come out, I’m just going to tell you about the situation of Teng. Modina said that it should be a fallen devil, and there’s nothing wrong with it! The devil was punished by the righteous force on the teleportation array, and it is impossible to solve it in the current situation..."

"It's just that it's impossible to solve it now, right?" Pudi grasped the key words, and after seeing Lin Qianye nodding, she breathed a sigh of relief silently, and then said: "That's good, Qianye, continue talking. "

"You should already know about the fox clan occupying a town in the North Continent!" Lin Qianye suddenly changed the subject, glanced at everyone, and then continued: "As far as the current situation is concerned, the fox clan Now that the cities and towns on the mainland have already started to be invaded, the search for Cheng will soon be on the agenda, so we must dare to take Modina over before the Fox Clan finds Cheng, and find a way to solve the problem of Cheng. This punishment..."

"The matter of the fox clan, do we want to intervene?" You Si frowned, and couldn't help asking Lin Qianye.

"Us? Where do we have the ability to stop the Fox Clan?" Lin Qianye shook her head, and said to everyone: "Besides, now that the Fox Clan's sacred objects have returned to their hands, we most want to see We have also brought out Teng, and we don’t have to worry about what the fox people want to do! We just need to recover Teng, and that’s it!”

"Can Cheng really recover?" Xing Dila couldn't help but looked at Lin Qianye suspiciously and asked.

Lin Qianye nodded with certainty, and then said: "I've asked Modina, and it's definitely possible! But, now, this Teng will be swallowed up completely! This is why the Fallen Demon has become a forbidden technique." reason……."

"Then what other disadvantages does the fallen devil have?" Pudi didn't believe that this fallen devil would have no side effects!

Lin Qianye was silent for a few seconds when she heard the words, and then said: "Modina said he didn't know too well, after all, this is also a forbidden technique, and the information that everyone can know is very limited... What he knows is only There is only one point, the fallen devil will be easily attacked by the forces of justice, and will not be accepted by the forces of darkness! Speaking of which, they belong to the independent category..."

When everyone heard the words, they were silent for a while, then suddenly said with a smile: "That's okay, and we are standing with Cheng!"

Lin Qianye smiled and nodded immediately, and then said to everyone: "Modina said, we just need to fix the teleportation array now, so that the aborigines in Bufenrui Town can freely enter Qingcheng to avoid danger. Afterwards, when he arrives in Qingcheng, he will tell us how to help him... However, if Xiaoyan is not found, even if the materials for the teleportation array are prepared and everything is arranged, the teleportation array in Qingcheng and Bufenrui Town will be destroyed. There is no way to get through, this must be agreed by Xiaoyan in person!"

"Then Qianye, do you know where we are going to find Xiaoyan now?" Xing Dila asked Lin Qianye, and after seeing him frown slightly and shook his head, he said: "The general direction should be Is there any?"

"Yeah!" Lin Qianye looked solemn, and then said to Xing Dila and the others: "I have already asked Manager Qing Gong! It's just that we need to go out this time separately, and find a few more directions. If anyone finds Xiaoyan, immediately contact other people to join us! Do you have any questions?"

Everyone shook their heads, followed Lin Qianye all the way to the teleportation array in Qingcheng, and after leaving the city, they separated and ran in several directions.

But Ji Xiaoyan and the others are not feeling so well now!
I thought that after dawn, maybe those ghost-faced black crows would return to their nests to rest, and they would no longer stare at the positions they used to stand, and then they would be able to get out of this forest.As a result, Ji Xiaoyan and the others finally waited for the dawn, and then waited until the scorching sun at noon, but they still didn't see any tendency of the ghost-faced black crow in the woods to leave...

"I've already told you, give up! As long as you are being targeted by the ghost-faced black crow, there is no chance of escaping at all!" Yu Mo looked at Xi Ye specially showing them a magic barrier in despair. While facing Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Now we either wait here to starve to death, or we just rush out to try our luck!"

"According to what you said before, can we survive if we rush out?" Xi Ye immediately glared at Xuan Mo, and said to him: "Besides, in your current situation, can you run? Xuan Mo, your fault! Isn’t it just an amnesia? We’ve told you so many times about the relationship between me and Xiaoyan. We didn't pull you, we kindly told you that Panchi City was closed, and you insisted on taking Xiaoyan with you! If it wasn't for something, I wouldn't have chased you out and fought with you, resulting in the current situation !"

"Hmph!" Hearing this, Xuan Mo immediately rolled his eyes at Xi Ye.Anyway, it's already like this now, and it's useless to say anything else!
"Hey, why can't you talk anymore?" Seeing that Xuan Mo didn't intend to speak any more, Xi Ye yelled at him angrily, but only got a big white eye from Xuan Mo, and Xi Ye suddenly turned from embarrassment into anger. He yelled at him, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Xiaoyan, I think we don't need to worry about him anymore! Anyway, Yu Mo doesn't remember anything after his amnesia, and he is not the former Xuan Mo. It just so happened that he was seriously injured. , let's just throw him out to attract the attention of the ghost-faced crow, and I'll run away with you!"

As Xi Ye spoke, she peeked at Xuan Mo with her eyes, watching his reaction!I thought that he would yell at it when he heard such words, but who knows, Xuan Mo didn't even move at all, as if he didn't hear anything!
Hearing the words, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xiye, and understood what it meant to say, so he just sighed slightly, and then said to Xiye: "Xiye, don't say such angry words. Already!"

"What did I say to be angry? I'm going to do it!" Xi Ye said angrily.

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, sighed and said, "We'd better think about how to persevere until we find a way to escape...Xu Mo, you know a lot about the ghost-faced black crow, then you Do you know what the ghost-faced black crow is afraid of? As long as we know the weakness, maybe we can do something!"

"So what if you know? What can you do?" Yu Mo couldn't help but cast a blank look at Ji Xiaoyan, seeing her looking at him persistently, and after thinking for a long time, he said quietly: "Just you That's only a small fireball ability, do you think you can burn away all the ghost-faced black crows outside?"

"You mean, those ghost-faced black crows are afraid of fire?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise when he heard what Xuan Mo said.

"They are not afraid of ordinary fire! At least your fireball technique is only enough to warm them up..." Xuan Mo said to Ji Xiaoyan with a look of disdain, "You have no way to drive away those ghost-faced black Crow, I advise you not to waste your time!"

"How do you know if you can succeed if you don't persist?" Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Xuan Mo in a good mood, but after seeing him continue to roll his eyes at Ji Xiaoyan in disdain, after thinking about it, he continued in embarrassment. Asked: "Then Yu Mo, what kind of fire are those ghost-faced black crows afraid of?"

"At least five times more powerful than your current fireball technique..." Yu Mo was silent for a long time, and said to Ji Xiaoyan reluctantly, "But depending on how you are, I guess you will learn it now, you will also be able to learn it." It is impossible to drive away those ghost-faced black crows outside! Not to mention, scare them all... These ghost-faced black crows are not so easy to deal with. If you can't kill a few at once, they will be shocked and frightened If you don't, they will follow you endlessly, attacking you until they kill you..."
Ji Xiaoyan pursed her lips, thinking about the meaning of Xuan Mo's words, and then asked him: "Xu Mo, your current injury can support you to get out some of the earth-type magic cages you used to imprison me in the past." ?"

"So what if you can support it? So what if you can't? Do you still want to use my magic to escape with you? Don't even think about it!" Yu Mo snorted coldly, facing Ji Xiaoyan Said: "Those ghost-faced black crows are all-pervasive. Even if my spell can persist, it is impossible to persist for too long. Their attacks are not one by one, but groups of them... A drop of water can pierce a stone. Do you think they can't break my spell?"

"But I think if we are really trapped here, why don't we cooperate and try to escape!" Ji Xiaoyan blinked, looked at Xuan Mo firmly and said, "Although I only know how to fireball , but you also said that they are afraid of fire! My fireball is not powerful enough to repel them all, I am afraid of being injured and attacked by groups, but if you add your magic protection and Xiye's magic hiding , let’s try to walk bit by bit, maybe we can really walk out?”

(End of this chapter)

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