Chapter 1559 Secret
To be honest, these NPCs in Qiyun Town are lucky enough!
Seeing that all the people were subdued by the monsters brought by the antler dragon, they were waiting to force Mayor Ni Yun to hand over the town stone of Qiyun Town, but who knows, they killed a few people over there The players are also tenacious enough. They dragged their progress and did not let the group of monsters suppress them all. Afterwards, the Antler Wurm couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to go out to deal with them and kill them.
But at this time, the legendary NPCs from Zishui Town suddenly rushed out from nowhere, and grabbed the mayor Ni Yun, who was about to faint from fright, into the team first, and then started to make a big splash A huge monster-killing operation is in progress!Speaking of this, I have to say something, no wonder Mayor Ni Yun had to go to Zishui Town when he was so far away. The strength of his NPC is indeed much higher than their Qiyun Town!
At least, in a short period of time, many of the monsters brought by the Antler Wurm were killed by the NPCs in Zishui Town, and even in the end, those NPCs in Zishui Town managed to fight against them Drive off the antler drake
To be honest, the Antler Wurm should be very broken hearted!

For the first time, he didn't know the strength of killing them as a warning, so he retreated first for no reason, and then caused the people in Qiyun Town to run away once.Finally, some monsters were summoned to catch up with the people of Qiyun Town, and successfully captured the mayor of Ni Yun. What happened?And because he didn't start the robbery in time, he was beaten away by those people from Zishui Town!The Antler Wurm ran with tears all over his face, full of unwillingness!

If he had known earlier, when it caught Mayor Ni Yun, it should have sent him back to the west with a paw, and then taken the body away and slowly looked for the town stone!Unfortunately, it's too late to regret now!
With its tail between its legs, it glanced resentfully in Mayor Ni Yun's direction again, and then the Antler Wurm roared loudly, turned around and left with his men, and was going to look around to see if he could find any other fish that slipped through the net. to a town.
As for why these monsters must rob a town where humans live, probably only Xi Ye knows!
On the other side, the mayor of Ni Yun, on the other side, immediately stuck his nose and tears to the mayor of Zishui Town after being rescued. Fortunately, the relationship between the two towns was good before, so Mayor Fei Bei of Zishui Town also Without saying anything, he directly supported Mayor Ni Yun and led them all the way to the hiding places of many towns, ready to see if the large team could accept these people from Qiyun Town...
However, when we arrived at the place, Mayor Fei Bei contacted other mayors, but Mayor Ni Yun and his party waited for a long time, but they didn't see any movement...
Although everyone knows in their hearts that it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, as long as they keep up with the teams from other towns, even if monsters come, they don't have to suffer or be afraid, but there is one biggest problem What is in front of Mayor Ni Yun and the others—that is, the aborigines in Qiyun Town do not have any force!
This is what Ni Yunzhenzi is most worried about.

That's why Mayor Ni Yun's attitude is so resolute when it comes to the matter of giving Sha Yi Wan the post of deputy mayor. At any time, his eyes will fall on Sha Yi Wan.

Seeing that Sha Yiwan walked up to him and stood still with some displeasure, Mayor Ni Yun immediately put on a look of teardrops, grasped Sha Yiwan's hand, and then pointed at him. He said: "Kill me to warn you, I don't need to emphasize the situation in Qiyun Town, you know it in your heart! If the mayors of other towns don't want to accept us later, you must help We can't just follow them and leave us here..."

Killing a warning to Wan Wan looked at Mayor Ni Yun with some dark lines: "No."

"That's good, that's good!" Mayor Ni Yun looked relieved, and looked deep into the mountain wall on tiptoe, and then whispered to Sha Yiwan and said: "I saw those other towns in a while. The town mayors, you follow me and give them all the gold coins you prepared, we just need to follow them to find a suitable town to settle down!"

"Don't you have to follow them all the time?" Sha Yiwan looked at Mayor Ni Yun curiously and asked.

"Of course I want to go with them! But if they are not willing to accept us, even if we give gold coins, they will not be able to take us a long way! Just think about the abilities of the people in Qiyun Town. None, even if we follow them to the destination, will that town be willing to accept us?" Mayor Ni Yun said to Sha Yiwan with a self-knowledge, "Look at how many people there are here. ?It is impossible for an ordinary town to accommodate so many people... So, I guess their purpose is to be a city! But, how could a big city want us to have dozens of waste? So, we are destined to still Those who are abandoned, rather than follow them to the place and be abandoned, it is better for us to find a place to live earlier!"

Killing Wan gave a hum, thought carefully, nodded in agreement with Mayor Ni Yun, and then asked him with some confusion: "It's just, Mayor, there is one thing I don't understand, I don't know Can you solve the puzzle?"

"Let's hear it!" Mayor Ni Yun nodded and looked at Sha Yi as an example.

"I've been in Qiyun Town for a long time, and I really didn't see what you guys are capable of! Apart from finding something for us adventurers to do every day, it seems that there are no guards with high force values ​​in the town. The whole town relies on The protection of the barrier!" Sha Yiwan blinked his eyes, looked at Mayor Ni Yun seriously and asked, "If you think about it this way, under normal circumstances, your Qiyun Town should not exist alone! But you live It's very good, if it wasn't for Divinxi Town, you can still continue to live in Qiyun Town without any worries... There seems to be something wrong with this!"

"What's wrong with this!" Mayor Ni Yun said with an unnatural expression when he heard the words of killing a warning.

"Of course something is wrong!" Sha Yi's warning eyes became slightly sharper, he stared closely at Mayor Ni Yun, and then continued: "How can the weak and the strong prey on the few continents? Why can Qiyun Town live in such a safe way? The most important thing is that you Qiyun Town has no force value, and everyone knows nothing! From this point of view, it is very strange!"

"What's so strange, we are just a group of people who know nothing!" Mayor Ni Yun said with twinkling eyes when he heard the words of Sha Yi as a warning.

"There must be something special about Qiyun Town, mayor, you didn't tell me!" Sha Yi stared at Mayor Ni Yun with certainty as an example.He has thought about this problem before. It is a bit strange that the NPCs in a town can live peacefully in the North Continent without any problems. It's just that he didn't have so much curiosity before, so he was lazy. to explore.But now that mayor Ni Yun insists on handing over the position of deputy mayor to him, he still needs to learn more about the situation in this town!
"No... no... Kill a warning, you think too much!" Mayor Ni Yun looked at Sha a warning with some guilt, and said something to him with a smirk, but in the end he looked at Kill a warning When he looked at himself in disbelief, with a hint of sharpness in his eyes, Mayor Ni Yun suddenly panicked!
"If you really don't want to tell the mayor, then forget it!" Sha Yiwan was silent for a long time, then suddenly said, seeing Mayor Ni Yun heaved a sigh of relief, and then continued: "Then I don't need to take care of the affairs of Qiyun Town. Don't you have a good relationship with the mayor of Zishui Town, Feibei? I happened to find them too. From now on, you can go with the people of Zishui Town. I believe they will definitely Take yours, we adventurers, it is better to do our own things earlier..."

"Kill a warning, what are you talking about? You are our deputy mayor of Qiyun Town!" Mayor Ni Yun panicked when he heard the words of killing a warning.

"Anyway, there are no formal appointments, so it doesn't matter if they are inappropriate or not!" Sha Yi raised his eyebrows and said to Mayor Ni Yun with a shrug.

"You can't do this, you can't do this!" Upon hearing this, Mayor Ni Yun quickly tightened his grip on Sha Yi Wan Wan, and then he thought to himself for a long time, then gritted his teeth and looked up. Xiang Shayi warned Wan Wan, and then said to him: "Kill Yi Wan, is it because I told you the secret of our Qiyun Town, that you are willing to guard us forever?"

"The meaning of the mayor's words seems to be telling me that you only planned to let me protect you for a while before you can leave?" Sha Yiwan carefully considered Mayor Ni Yun's words, and asked a question immediately Seeing that Mayor Ni Yun did not respond, he said: "If this is the case, then I don't need to know! Mayor, I am an adventurer, and I can't stay by the side of you aborigines all the time. I don't care about everything. Don't do it!" He is just a player, and he came to the game just to pass the time, how could he put all his energy in an NPC town, and then guard these NPCs every day?
"I just want you to promise to be a member of our Qiyun Town forever. We all know that you are an adventurer. If you want to run all over the mainland, we can't stop you. I just ask you, our Qiyun Town needs you, you must come back immediately to help The mayor of Ni Yun said to Sha Yi Wan with a serious face, "I have seen many adventurers, but you are the only one who has no desires and desires in our Qiyun Town for a day... and it happens that we take the other adventurers When you were all driven away, you just appeared again, maybe this is the will of the Lord God, and he is willing to let you protect our Qiyun Town!"

Sha Yiwan looked at Mayor Ni Yun with a frown, the more he said that, the more he felt that Qiyun Town really had some secrets.

"How about it, let's make a warning. As long as you agree to be there on call in the future, I will tell you the secrets of our Qiyun Town, and soon you will become the official deputy mayor of our Qiyun Town!" Mayor Ni Yun Looking expectantly at Sha Yi Wan, he asked him.

"I thought about it, let's forget it!" Sha Yiwan was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head at Mayor Ni Yun and said, "I can't be there on call! So, Ni Yunzhen Chief, while nothing has been decided yet, you'd better find someone else..." After finishing speaking, he immediately started to break free from Mayor Ni Yun's hand.

However, this time, Mayor Ni Yun is not as delicate as before. He is extremely firm in holding his hand to make a warning.

"Kill a warning!" Mayor Ni Yun seemed to be a different person for the first time, with seriousness and earnestness in his eyes, and then whispered to kill a warning: "Don't put us in Qiyun Town The position of deputy mayor is a trifling matter! This mayor has already given it to you, so there is no chance for you to regret it! Don’t you want to know the secret of our Qiyun Town? I’ll tell you right away! Come with me ..."

As he said that, the mayor of Ni Yun asked several aborigines of Qiyun Town to move out of a small path with a dark face, and pulled Sha Yiwan into the middle of the aborigines, separating me as the old goblin After the few players stood in the middle of the crowd of aboriginals in Qiyun Town, they carefully looked around, and whispered to Shayi as an example: "Every aborigine in Qiyun Town is a must-have!" Indispensable! We don't know anything, we don't know spells, we don't know martial arts, and we can only do one or two ordinary attacks. It seems that we should be the most useless people on several continents! However, we There are other missions and tasks!"

Killing Wan Wan frowned, looking at Mayor Ni Yun, he had the feeling that he had somehow found some hidden mission and clues.

The mayor of Ni Yun didn't care about the expression on Sha Yiwan's face, he just casually pulled over an aborigine from Qiyun Town, and then watched the aborigine consciously pull off his collar to reveal the skin inside.Killing one to warn everyone clearly saw a section of complicated black pattern exposed under the collarbone of the NPC aborigine
And Mayor Ni Yun pointed to the faintly flickering black pattern on the skin of the NPC aborigine, and asked Sha Yi as an example, "Did you see it?"

Sha Yiwan nodded honestly, looked at the NPC in Qiyun Town strangely, and then looked at Mayor Ni Yun!Although the pattern exposed by the NPC is only a corner, he can also feel that the pattern should be a very important and mysterious thing, because the black pattern seems to flash on the surface of the skin like flowing water, as if alive. the general.
"Do you know what that is?" Mayor Ni Yun asked Sha Yiwan with some pride, and after signaling the aborigine to tidy up his clothes with his eyes, he said to Sha Yiwan: "Then It is the secret of our Qiyun Town! It is our innate pride and mission...."

 PS: Thank you for the "First Kiss to Yu" amulet!Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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