Chapter 1566 Ripped Face

Ji Xiaoyan and the others didn't know what happened to the mountain wall under their feet after that.After watching the elders surnamed Teng and the others leave, they packed up and continued to rest, waiting for the next morning to follow the aborigines in the mountain wall on the road early!

However, after dawn, Ji Xiaoyan and the others found that the aborigines in the mountain wall had no intention of leaving at all!This point is obviously very strange!

"Why don't you guys wait here, I'll go down and have a look?" Xi Ye thought for a long time, then asked Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, and after seeing them nodding without hesitation, she curled her lips and said to Xuan Mo : "Then I'll go, Xuan Mo, you have to be more honest! Don't think about doing anything to Xiaoyan!"

Hearing this, Xuan Mo rolled his big eyes at Xi Ye, then waved to it and said, "Can you go quickly? I'm still waiting to return to Panchi City soon! Do you think that in my current state, What can you do to her? Can you not warn me all the time?"

"Hmph, I don't warn you, who knows what you will do when you are fine?" Xiye looked worriedly at Xuan Mo whose injury was gradually improving, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, what do you want to do?" Be careful! Xuan Mo has always been the most thoughtful, even if he loses his memory, his nature will not change... I will come back as soon as I go!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and after watching Xiye disappear into the magic barrier, he talked to Xuan Mo curiously: "Xu Mo, why don't you think those aborigines have left yet? Is it the fox tribe from hi last night?" What was done to them?"

"I don't know! You will know when Xiye comes back!" Yu Mo still had a stinky cool face, then raised his eyes to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and asked her: "I remember you told me back then, Said that I was injured by the people of the fox clan, and then you went to Panchi City to save me?"

"Well, you were injured by the fox people in River Water City! Xiye was also injured..." Ji Xiaoyan nodded and said to Xuan Mo.

"Then since you said I belonged to you, why did you not seem to have any grudge against the fox people who injured me?" Xuan Mo asked Ji Xiaoyan suspiciously.

"Chou Yuan, who are you talking about? The Chiliu elder we met before?" Ji Xiaoyan blinked and asked Xuan Mo, and after seeing him nodding, he sighed and turned to him Said: "The fox clan who injured you has now been arrested by Master Bessa of River Water City. If you want revenge, we can go to River Water City later! As for the Chiliu elder, we will not Maybe it's because someone from the fox clan injured you, so you hate the whole race? It's probably not appropriate to vent your anger... What's more, in our current state, it seems that we can't beat others!"

"I think you just think you can't beat him, so that's why you say that?" Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan with contempt and said.

"You mean, if you were able to beat them, you would fight them desperately?" Ji Xiaoyan gave him a dissatisfied look when he heard what Xuan Mo said. After seeing that Xuan Mo didn't say a word, Ji Xiaoyan continued. Said: "If I have the strength, as strong as you, then I will also want to do whatever I want, and live in the world with my sword! But I have self-knowledge, I know what I have and what I don't! , It is irresponsible to compensate yourself or others!"

"Hmph!" Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Xuan Mo couldn't help but snorted coldly with a bit of embarrassment on his face.

"Don't you agree?" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help asking with a hint of disappointment when he saw Xuan Mo's appearance.

"So what about approval?" Xuan Mo raised his eyes to look at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said, "Don't you feel aggrieved by being trampled under your feet all day long? Come to a day when just anyone can bully you, I'm afraid it won't be a good time, right?"

"That's why I'm studying hard!" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, then suddenly smiled at Xuan Mo: "No one is born invincible, right? Everyone has a growth process, and I think I will be invincible now." In the process..."

"Just because of your low-level fireball technique?" Xuan Mo asked with disdain.

"Take your time! I heard that I knew a lot before!" Ji Xiaoyan said to Xuan Mo without hesitation, "It's just that I don't know anything after I lost my memory. The me before should still be very good. Otherwise, look at Xiye, Jiajia, Friesman and you, why are you willing to follow me? Besides, I have become the lord of Qingcheng, and I heard that I am the deputy lord of Shacheng! What do you think if I am not powerful? , how can there be so many achievements?"

"Hmph, who knows!" Xuan Mo continued to cast a disdainful glance at Ji Xiaoyan, then saw her pouted with displeasure, and then said, "It seems that you have treated me pretty well these days. For the sake of this, I will teach you a few small spells when I have time later! I just don’t know if you can learn them with your aptitude...By the way, what department are you a mage? Could it be the fire department?”

"I'm not sure about this!" Ji Xiaoyan was ecstatic at first when he heard what Xuan Mo said, then immediately shook his head a little discouraged, and said to him: "Boss Qing Gong didn't tell me, just said Let's learn the most basic spells first..."

"Then wait for Xiye to come back and ask it!" Xuan Mo nodded to Ji Xiaoyan with an air of masterful arrogance.

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Xuan Mo with a smile, and then asked cautiously: "Xu Mo, you are willing to teach me spells, does it mean that you have recovered some memories?"

"To teach you spells, you must recover your memory? Do you think that I am like you, that once I lose my memory, I can't do anything? I'm not that stupid!" Yan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan with contempt, and then said: "Let's talk , Whether you will learn it or not will depend on your aptitude! But if you study for a long time like this, you will only have one aptitude for fireball. I guess no matter how good I teach you, you will not be able to learn anything... ..."

Ji Xiaoyan glared at Xuan Mo, angrily stopped talking to him.

After Xiye left Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he hid directly in the shadows and quickly ran into the mountain wall, and then observed the places where the aborigines were staying in each town for a while, and then it was finally Walked to the core position of the whole team, the small cave in the mountain wall, and saw those mayors with tired faces!
"Mayor of Sipo Town, since you are willing to leave our team, you do not belong to us, and you are not qualified to share with us. You have been arguing with us all night about this issue." Tang Mayor Wen rubbed his eyebrows impatiently, and said to the mayor of Sipo Town, "You should pack up your things and take your people with you immediately, and get out of here! We don't have much energy to entangle you anymore! If you If you don't know the fun, don't blame us for driving people away, and the aborigines in Sipo Town will lose face when the time comes, so don't blame us..."

"No matter what, I will never take anyone away!" The mayor of Sipo Town sat on the ground with a sneer on his face, and said forcefully to Mayor Tangwen.After all, it's all embarrassing, so why does he want to take advantage of others?He should get what he deserves!If it wasn't for the concern that other mayors would not take his side and support him, he would have directly summoned someone to use force!
The mayor of Tangwen frowned, glared at the mayor of Sipo Town angrily, and then said directly to the other mayors: "Mayors, we have wasted all night! Since Sipo Town The mayor of Po Town can't listen to our opinions at all, so we can only rely on everyone to invite everyone out of their Sipo Town..."

"There is no problem with this!" The mayor of Wangju Town, who was standing next to the mayor of Sipo Town, yawned, then smiled slightly, looked at Mayor Tangwen and asked, "It's just, Mayor Tangwen, there is a We still need to figure things out first. If we drive away Sipo Town, will we be able to share things immediately? And Qiyun Town, do they really want a share?"

When the mayor of Tangwen heard the words, he suddenly became angry.Why wasted one night, these mercenary people in front of me are still entangled with this question, and he must give a satisfactory answer?
"When it comes to things, we can discuss it later! Now let's get rid of Sipo Town first!" Mayor Tang Wen watched several mayors look at him relentlessly, and insisted on giving him an answer. Finally, he finally had to sigh, and then said: "As long as you drive away the people from Sipo Town, we will discuss these things when you come back, how about it?"

"I think it's better to discuss these matters before we talk about it!" The mayor of Wangju Town took a deep breath, stretched his waist slightly, and then said calmly: "Speaking of which, Mayor Tangwen It's been a night, you have been going around in circles with us, but you don't want to give us an accurate statement, whether the things should be divided or not, and if you want to divide, will it be distributed to Qiyun Town! In fact, your plan, the few of us have no idea in our hearts. Quite a few! At first, I thought that if you must drive away Sipo Town, we don’t care, as long as things are divided, one more town or one less, it’s all the same to us! It’s just one night..."

The mayor of Sipo Town looked at the mayor of Wangju Town in surprise, and couldn't help feeling a little joy in his heart!From this tone, does he have an alliance?
"Mayor Tangwen, we have given you a lot of time! But you still haven't given us a satisfactory answer!" The mayor of Wangju Town sighed faintly, and then said: "So, if you still don't know things, then we have to take other measures!"

"What do you want to do? Don't forget that only I can take you to a new city!" When the mayor of Tangwen heard what the mayor of Wangju said, he suddenly felt bad, and quickly sat up straight, facing him After looking at it twice, he said, "Are you Wangju Town planning to go with Sipo Town?"

"Going is not guaranteed!" The mayor of Wangju Town couldn't help hooking his lips, said something to Mayor Tangwen, then ignored him, turned to look at Mayor Fei Bei of Zishui Town, and looked at him Said: "Mayor Feibei, we would like to ask your opinion? Which side are you on? Mayor Tangwen, or us?"

Mayor Fei Bei glanced at everyone, then lowered his eyes and said, "Whoever wants to bring Qiyun Town together, I will stand by their side!"

"Mayor Feibei!" Mayor Tangwen originally thought that the people in Zishui Town would be on his side, but he didn't expect that Mayor Feibei would say that, so Mayor Tangwen immediately stared They glanced at the mayor of Wangju Town, and then said directly to Mayor Ni Yun: "Mayor Ni Yun, you should know how I treat you, right? Come quickly and stand by my side !"

Mayor Ni Yun never imagined that there would be such an important day for their Qiyun Town to show their faces.

"That...Mayor Tangwen, it's better for me to stand with Mayor Feibei!" Mayor Ni Yun is very clear about the current situation, without moving his feet, he put on a smiling face and said to Mayor Tangwen: "Mayor Fabe's opinion is our opinion!"

"Mayor Fei Bei!" Mayor Tang Wen immediately looked at Mayor Fei Bei when he heard the words, but he looked at him with lowered eyes, as if he didn't hear anything.

"Hehe," the mayor of Wangju Town couldn't help smiling when he saw this, and then looked at each other with the other mayors, and then said to Mayor Tangwen: "Since everyone has nothing Other opinions. Then mayor Tangwen, we still respect everyone’s opinions and divide things up! As for whether our team can act together after the division is over, then we can discuss it again? How do you think? ?”

"Are you asking for my opinion?" Mayor Tangwen gritted his teeth, stood up from his seat with red eyes, and said to Mayor Wangju and the others: "I agree or disagree, don't you also want to share things?" ?"

"Hehe, at any rate, Mayor Tangwen, you are also the most respected mayor here! We still have to ask your opinion?" Mayor Wangju looked at Tangwen Town with a fake smile on his face. Chang said: "But it's good now, since Mayor Tang Wen has no objections, then let's share things!"

Saying that, Mayor Wangju walked towards the box in front of Mayor Tangwen with salivating eyes.

However, before Mayor Wangju could get close to the box, Mayor Tangwen hugged the box in his arms with red eyes, then widened his eyes, and said to him viciously: "I want to rob the mayor!" My dear, you are dreaming! Let me tell you, it is too late to regret it now, as long as you are obedient and obedient, the mayor of this town can pretend that nothing happened today and take you to a new city! Otherwise, hehe! Who of you will come later It is useless to ask the mayor of the town!"

"Mayor Tangwen, as long as we have these treasures, don't we worry about finding a good city?" Mayor Wangju said to Mayor Tangwen with a sneer on his face, and then approached him step by step, looking at him He backed vigorously, directly behind the wall of the cave, and then said to the other mayors behind him: "Several mayors, it's all for this, don't you come to help?"

 PS: Thank you for the sachet of "Wuhu"!Thank you for the "TEN" token!
(End of this chapter)

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