The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1570 is easy to say

Chapter 1570 It's easy to talk

So, when Ji Xiaoyan was carried by Xiye to meet Mayor Ni Yun and his group of aborigines, what he saw was not a look of resentment or revenge, but full of surprise and excitement...
"City Lord Ji Ji, I didn't expect it to be such a coincidence! You have come here too!" Mayor Ni Yun immediately put aside the doubtful Mayor Fei Bei and rushed to Xiye's feet, looking up Xiang Ji Xiaoyan said flatteringly to her, "Master Ji, where did you come from? Are you hungry? We happen to be here to rest and get a lot of food. I don't know if you want to stay and eat, Master Ji." a little?"

Looking down at Mayor Ni Yun, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.From what Mayor Ni Yun looks like now, there is no such situation as she is worried about, at least on the surface, there is no such situation!
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately gave Mayor Ni Yun a smiling face, then climbed off Xiye, and then said to him: "I really didn't expect to meet Mayor Ni Yun again..."

"This is fate! It's fate!" Mayor Ni Yun said quickly.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly!

"City Master Ji, why don't you sit down?" Mayor Ni Yun asked cautiously, then looked at Xi Ye and Xuan Mo, and then said: "We have a lot to eat... Although we can't let Master Xi Ye Satisfied, but thinking about it is worse than nothing..." With Xiye's body size, how much food do they have to prepare to feed it?However, Mayor Ni Yun is a little worried that a little food can't attract Ji Xiaoyan, so he will use his brain next.
"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan simply nodded to Mayor Ni Yun, and under his astonished and surprised gaze, he directly greeted Xuan Mo and Xi Ye and walked towards the group of aboriginal people!
"Mayor Feibei, Mayor Feibei..." Mayor Ni Yun shouted excitedly at Mayor Feibei, and hurried to his side in three steps at a time, and then said to him: "Quick, Come quickly, let me introduce you, City Lord Ji of Qingcheng."

Mayor Fei Bei nodded knowingly, and with a polite smile on his face, he followed Mayor Ni Yun to Ji Xiaoyan's side. Hearing Mayor Ni Yun introduce himself to Ji Xiaoyan, he began to look at it seriously. After meeting Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he thought about those people from last night...

"Master Ji, eat more..." Mayor Ni Yun looked at Ji Xiaoyan excitedly, and while calling the aborigines to bring them food, he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I really didn't expect to see you here To Ji City Master and you... we thought you were all far away... Ha ha ha ha!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Ni Yun with a clear face, and after watching Xi Ye wink at her, he sighed secretly in his heart, and said to Mayor Ni Yun: "We didn't expect that either. I will see you, Mayor Ni Yun again... I thought that when we met again, Mayor Ni Yun, you would hate us..."

"Don't dare, dare not!" Mayor Ni Yun shook his head quickly, and said to Ji Xiaoyan with determination: "Speaking of which, the situation at the beginning was also our fault! Those monsters were originally chasing us, but in the end We also asked City Lord Ji to help drive them away. Not only that, but also wanted you to take us away. There is no obligation to protect us..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Ni Yun in surprise. She thought that at most he would just put on a smirk and say something that she had thought too much, and just leave the matter behind. What didn't make her think was , Mayor Ni Yun's explanation made her really willing to believe it.
So, after looking at Mayor Ni Yun in silence for a long time, Ji Xiaoyan choked out a sentence: "Mayor Ni Yun, you are really open-minded!"

"Where, where!" Mayor Ni Yun scratched Ji Xiaoyan's head in embarrassment, and then said, "Master Ji, why did you come from behind us? Logically speaking, you should have left long ago." It's ahead of us..."

Ji Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly. She couldn't tell Mayor Ni Yun that they had been waiting in the mountain wall before setting off to catch up, right?Before Ji Xiaoyan could figure out how to answer Mayor Ni Yun, Mayor Ni Yun spoke again: "Look at me, I just ask some things that shouldn't be asked... City Lord Ji, don't mind Ah! In fact, it is a wonderful thing that we can meet..."

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan took a sip of water and listened quietly to what Mayor Ni Yun said.

"That... City Lord Ji..." Mayor Ni Yun thought for a long time, maybe he still thinks that Ji Xiaoyan is easier to talk now, and then looked at the encouraging eyes that Mayor Feibei looked at him, and then said : "Master Ji, look at our current state, there are no monsters chasing us, and there is no trouble... I wonder if you would like to take us to your city to settle down?" Speaking of this, Ni Yunzhen The chief quickly looked at Ji Xiaoyan's face carefully, and saw that there was no special change in her expression, and quickly continued: "Besides, we also have Zishui Town together now, and they can fully afford to protect the safety of our Qiyun Town. You don’t need to worry about us, City Master Ji... and we also know the general direction of the town with the teleportation array..."

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Ni Yun's cautious eyes, and then looked at Mayor Fei Bei who didn't have much expression on his face, but there was still a trace of expectation in his eyes. They said to Mayor Ni Yun: "Mayor Ni Yun, I really don't know why you, as people from the Northern Continent, must follow me to my Qingcheng? You know, our Qingcheng is not in your Northern Continent. Ah... If you really follow me, then you will really leave your hometown, and you may never come back!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we have this awareness!" Upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Mayor Ni Yun quickly pulled Mayor Fei Bei to nod at Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "Master Ji, you Don't worry, we all know about this..."

After Ji Xiaoyan carefully scanned Mayor Ni Yun and Mayor Fei Bei several times, he sighed in embarrassment, and then said: "Okay, if this is the case, then I have nothing to say The first time I didn’t agree to take you away, and I met the second time...Maybe this is the fate that Mayor Ni Yun said! If I refuse you again, maybe we will be enemies..."
"Don't dare, dare not! City Lord Ji, we won't bear any grudges against you!" Mayor Ni Yun quickly waved his hand and said.

Ji Xiaoyan smiled, and didn't say anything more, but told Mayor Ni Yun and Fei Bei that since they are going to follow her to Qingcheng, it's best for everyone to let all the aborigines know about the upcoming itinerary. Then everyone packs up and hits the road
"Master Ji, don't worry, all our aborigines know about it!" Mayor Ni Yun immediately patted his chest and said something to Ji Xiaoyan, then turned to see Mayor Fei Bei, and immediately returned Added, "Moreover, the mayor of Fabei has already made an agreement with the aborigines of Zishui Town..."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded.I understand it in my heart!Sure enough, the elders of the fox clan went to the mountain wall to look for them last night. Mayor Ni Yun and the others knew that they hadn't found the town yet, so they deliberately stayed here and waited for them.
"All the aborigines are fine now, so what about the adventurers? Do they have any opinions?" Xuan Mo had been sitting beside Ji Xiaoyan, and after listening to Mayor Ni Yun's words, he suddenly asked a question , and then seeing Mayor Ni Yun's dazed expression for a moment, he continued: "If there are people with different opinions in this team, there will be no harmony!"

"Yes, yes, yes," Mayor Ni Yun nodded and said to Ji Xiaoyan and Xuan Mo, "But Ji Xiaoyan, don't worry... Those adventurers are willing to escort us to Qingcheng. I have already communicated with them about this matter, there is no problem!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Xuan Mo and nodded indifferently, and then said: "In this case, let's leave early..."

Mayor Ni Yun nodded immediately, greeted Mayor Fei Bei, then turned to greet the aborigines of the two towns to quickly pack up their things, and looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a respectful attitude, waiting for her to give orders.
Ji Xiaoyan nodded to Mayor Ni Yun and the others with some emotion and helplessness, then climbed onto Xiye's back again, and shouted loudly, let's go.
Speaking of which, this time, Xuan Mo's amnesia somehow brought them two towns from the Northern Continent to Qingcheng. Thinking about it, I don't know whether it was a profit or a loss.
"Hey..." Xuan Mo looked at Ji Xiaoyan in a daze, and didn't know what to think, so he coughed quickly, and after drawing her attention back, he continued: "You have to remember that Fox Those people from the Fox clan... the people in those two towns now almost know that the Fox clan came to look for you last night, so you need to tell them again, if we have a chance to meet people from the Fox clan, It's best to let them be prepared, when the time comes, we will hide, and they will cover us up, so we won't be able to show our mouths..."

Ji Xiaoyan nodded suddenly, and quickly waved to Mayor Ni Yun to signal him to run to Xiye's side, then told him about Xuan Mo's worries, and then, in the shock and fear of Mayor Ni Yun, Under his gaze, he said to him: "Mayor Ni Yun, you must tell the other aborigines not to show your mouth! Otherwise, we can hide, but you can't..."

"Yes, yes..." Mayor Ni Yun nodded to Ji Xiaoyan with a pale face, then gritted his teeth and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Master Ji, is what you just said true? Yesterday Are those people who came to you at night really members of the fox clan? The one who turned Divinxi Town into what it is now? "

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, then looked at Mayor Ni Yun strangely and asked, "What's the matter? Didn't those Fox people introduce themselves to you last night?"

The mayor of Ni Yun shook his head with a bitter face, and then said: "No...they kept saying that they were looking for someone, and then they searched all the people in several towns. I just threw a box of things as compensation, and then left directly... We just guessed that they must be people from a powerful city... I didn't expect that they would be people from the Fox Clan!!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Mayor Ni Yun's anxious and uneasy expression, thought for a while, and then said to him: "Since you don't know who is from the fox clan, don't tell other aborigines Let us know, lest they be afraid... Mayor Ni Yun, you just need to tell them that if someone comes to us again, they must remember not to say the wrong thing and reveal our whereabouts! When the time comes, when everyone is gone, we I will definitely show up to take you to Qingcheng together..."

"Yes, yes, yes! It's still City Lord Ji, you are thoughtful..." Mayor Ni Yun smiled wryly, and then said: "Because of Divinxi Town, everyone is very afraid of the Fox Clan... If this Let them all know who are members of the fox clan..." Then maybe even his town won't be able to control the situation!Think about how lucky the people in these towns were last night. Which fox people didn't kill them all directly, and even sent a box of treasures...
"Mayor Ni Yun, you just need to know!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded in agreement, "You can also tell the mayor of Zishui Town!"

"Okay!" Mayor Ni Yun sorted out his mood, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, then turned around and returned to the town's team, dragged Mayor Fei Bei away from the crowd and muttered in a low voice for a long time, Only then did I tell the rest of the aborigines in the town, including Kill One to warn Wan, and they told the collated statement...

"Who are those people looking for City Master Ji? Didn't City Master Ji say anything?" Sha Yiwan looked at Mayor Ni Yun cautiously, and asked with some doubts: "Since City Master Ji and the others also want to avoid those people, It means that their strength must be very high... We were lucky last night and nothing happened. If we meet again, we may not be so lucky! Mayor, are you sure we want to help?"

"If those people really show up, what if we don't help? Hand over City Lord Ji and the others, and then we will be safe?" Mayor Ni Yun narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked Shayi as an example Said: "Now, the Lord Ji is the future guarantee of our two towns! If we can't go to Qingcheng, we may not even have a place to stay! Let's make a warning, there is something you don't know, If our Qiyun Town cannot find a new town within a month, then Qiyun Town will encounter an irreparable danger... So, Qingcheng, we must go, No matter how difficult or dangerous it is, kill one as an example, do you understand?"

 PS: Thank you "Yu Ruochen" for the monthly pass!Thank you for the "TEN" token!Thanks for the monthly pass of "Food & ADHD"!Thanks to "happyhecatd" for the peace charm!Thanks to "happyhecatd" for the monthly pass!Thanks to "Red Fish a Qiongzi" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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