The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 1576 Talk about cooperation!

Chapter 1576 Talk about cooperation!

With his trust in Yunteng Wanli, Yan Foil Liuli quickly logged into the game again, then turned around and left Qingcheng, left from the teleportation array outside the city, and after teleporting several towns along the way, he finally rushed to Yunteng Wanli told him the address, and when he arrived at the place called Shimu Town in the Southern Continent, he met Yunteng Wanli and others who were already waiting for him at the gate of the town...

"Brother!" Yan Foil Liuli yelled at Yunteng Wanli, watched him smile and walked to him and patted his shoulder, then walked him into the town with his arms, and then continued: "We are now Are you ready to start?"

"Don't worry, everyone hasn't arrived yet!" Yunteng Wanli chuckled twice, and then said: "I have sent people to contact people from several families, but they haven't replied yet! Here we go, let's start... This time, our Yun family will definitely be able to achieve some achievements in the game!"

"What if those people don't want to believe us at all, why don't they come?" Yan Foil Liuliu couldn't help but frowned at Yunteng Wanli, and asked him: "Now the dragon slaying event is getting closer , many players are hurrying to upgrade and prepare..."

Yun Teng Wanli waved his hand to interrupt Yan Foil's words, and then said to him: "Liai, don't worry, they will definitely come. There is still time for the Dragon Slayer, even if they won't send core members over, I will also find one or two trustworthy people to come over and see our achievements. As long as we succeed this time, in the future...hehe, then they will beg us to cooperate! So, wandering... this time, we Must succeed."

"But, brother!" Yan Foil Liuli couldn't help looking at Yunteng Wanli, and then said to him: "You also said, this is just what you heard from an NPC, and you haven't verified it! What if that NPC is Who lied to you? What if I try this and find that it doesn’t work at all after all the people you have invited are here? What if we don’t even have the chance to do it again? Haven't you considered it?"

"Don't worry, it will definitely work! That NPC won't lie to me!" Yun Teng Wanli said confidently.

"What NPCs are best at is to keep half and half!" Yan Foil Liliu frowned immediately, and persuaded Yunteng Wanli, "Brother, I think we can try it first, and if there is no problem, let people from other families Let's see..."

Yunteng Wanli sighed deeply when he heard Yan Foil's words, and then said: "Liai, it's not that I don't want to try to be safer now. It's just that this town is hard to find! Now except for Di Wen from the North Continent Xizhen, do you think the system has reported any other towns that were also robbed by Fox people? No, right? The NPC told me that the system only tells you the first town that was robbed. There will be no more reports on the possession of other towns, and there will be no more broadcasts! So, besides Divinxi Town, this is the only town we can do! Don’t tell me we have finished the experiment here, and we still have to bring such Are many people going to the Northern Continent to find that Divinci town together? We have time, and people from other families also have time, and are they willing to accompany us to Divinxi town? Impossible!"

Yan Foilu closed his lips, and in the end, he didn't entangle Yunteng Wanli about this matter anymore, but asked in a low voice: "Then where is the NPC you mentioned? Can I meet you?"

Yunteng Wanli glanced sideways at Yan Foil Liuli, and after a few seconds, he leaned into his ear and said: "You can't see him anymore, he died before I sent you a message! This matter is He told me a while ago..."

"Did you move your hand?" Yan Foil Liliu froze for a moment, looking at Yun Teng Wanli and asked in surprise.

"How is that possible!" Yunteng Wanli shook his head immediately and said, "He was seriously injured and was picked up by us. Originally, I was thinking of asking an NPC doctor to treat him, and then get his gratitude and get something Quests and the like. Who knows, I sent someone to find the doctor, but the NPC on the back grabbed me and asked me to promise him something, and then he told me a secret!" Speaking of this, Yunteng Wanli Immediately shrugged, and then continued in a low voice: "At that time, I thought that all the NPCs asked us to help were quests, and this is what we players want, right? So I agreed to him, and then he let the secret told me..."

"Then how did he know that it was in my hand?" Yan Foil Liuli frowned, looking at Yunteng Wanli and asked.If it wasn't in the game, he would almost have thought that the NPC in Yunteng Wanli's mouth was here to set a trap for him and let him jump!
"How could he know!" Yun Teng Wanli laughed suddenly, "He just told me that it was a key item, and he told me to find it and avenge him! But after the NPC died, I suddenly thought Get up, you seem to have that thing, so I sent you a message immediately! Then you gave me an affirmative answer, and I naturally started to arrange the next thing..."

Yunteng Wanli would not tell Yanpao Liaili, because that thing was given to him by Ji Xiaoyan at the beginning, and his brother remembered it specially, so the impression was so deep.
After listening to Yunteng Wanli's words, Yan Foil Liliu nodded silently, expressing his reluctant acceptance, and then asked: "Then, that NPC asked you to help..."

"It's just to help him get revenge!" Yun Teng Wanli said with a smile, "It's not difficult. According to our process, as long as we succeed in the end, the revenge will naturally be completed! It's just that wandering, I didn't tell anyone about the NPC's death..." Having said that, Yunteng Wanli lowered his voice again, "I told everyone that he left after giving us a mission!"

"Why?" Nightmare Foil Liuli asked a little puzzled.

"Because we can't get any mission rewards from this NPC for our final mission!" Yunteng Wanli said with a cold expression, "Besides, if this NPC is gone, then I will If there is any decision, others will find thousands of reasons to deal with me and not listen to my command. As long as this NPC is alive in their minds, then I can use one sentence to solve all the problems in the future. send them away..."

Yun Teng Wanli looked at Yan Foil Liuli quite proudly, then opened his mouth and said silently to him: "It's all the NPC's orders, and I can only follow them!"

Yan Foil Liuli lowered his eyes, pondered for a while, then nodded to Yunteng Wanli, watched him smile heartily at himself, followed him into the tavern where they stayed!
Afterwards, the families that Yunteng Wanli contacted were exactly as they imagined. They didn't pay much attention to what they said, but they were also afraid of missing them, so they sent one or two trusted members of the family to Shimu Come to the tavern in the town to join Yunteng Wanli and the others.

"Master Yun, when are we going to leave? Are you all here?" After several family members exchanged a few words of greeting, a man immediately asked Yunteng Wanli with a smile.They don't have so much time to waste drinking tea here, and if they finish their work early, they have to go back and report back sooner!
Yun Teng Wanli looked calm, and after looking around at everyone, he smiled reservedly and said, "Everyone is here, we can set off at any time! But, everyone... Before leaving, I need to ask everyone again, if anyone is willing to sign a contract with our Yun family now!"

Everyone looked at Yunteng Wanli with a sneer, the expressions on their faces were self-evident!It is impossible for anyone to invest money in things without even looking at the success of the product, right?Is this Yunteng Wanli out of his mind?
The atmosphere was quiet for a while, Yunteng Wanli saw that everyone was still silent, he suddenly smiled clearly, and then said: "Since you don't have that willingness now, let's go and see the results now! It's just that I'll say something ugly first." In front, look at the cooperation conditions before and after, they will be different! At that time, everyone, don’t say that I Yunteng Wanli doesn’t give face, the asking price is too high, and then say that our Yun family is not sincere... "

"Master Yun, when you say this, we feel a little up and down in our hearts!" The members of several families looked at each other, and said to Yunteng Wanli with a hint of disdain in their eyes, "Call us Didn’t you come here just to see the results, and then we can talk about the cooperation? You came here and asked us to cooperate with your Yun family without seeing anything, otherwise we will just sit on the ground and raise the price! Let’s not talk about whether the results are ideal The question is, just because of your sincerity in cooperation, we feel that it is not enough now! We dare not use the family affairs to sell your face to the Yun Gang, so we immediately agreed to the cooperation, right?"

Yunteng Wanli just smiled hehe, and then said: "Of course I know this, I just want to see if there are one or two discerning people among you... After all, it is impossible for us to do this kind of thing." lie to you!"

"Governor Yun has already tested it?" A man squinted his eyes, stared at Yunteng Wanli and asked, then shook his head and said: "No, if you have tried it, Master Yun, then the system has already been tested. Word says you got the town...."

Yunteng Wanli continued to smile.

"Since you haven't even tried it, Master Yun, let us take the risk of this cooperation. Speaking of which, we really feel that you are a bit shameless..." Several men looked at each other and smiled, without any further To see the meaning of Yunteng Wanli.They have made it very clear that they will not do any unsure business!

Yunteng Wanli naturally understood it, so he nodded without hesitation, and then said to everyone: "It doesn't matter if you are shameless, but I will leave my words here first. If you want to believe us, you can believe it. If you don't want to, don't believe it. Yes! It’s just that if you change your mind on the road from Shimu Town to Waqi Town, we can sign a contract and cooperate at any time, but after arriving in Waqi Town, we’ll see the result! After that, if you think The cooperation proposed by our Yun Family is not sincere and we are unwilling to cooperate, so we will not force it..."

When the members of several families heard Yun Teng Wanli's words, the smiles on their faces disappeared immediately, and then they stared at him.

However, Yunteng Wanli doesn't care about these things. In his heart, they will definitely succeed this time. At that time, as long as people from these families go out to promote them, he still worries that he won't be able to get a partner?At that time, people from the real big families may not come to the door. At that time, people from their families, does he still mind?What he lacks now are just a few witnesses he saw with his own eyes, not a systematic world announcement!

"Okay, since everyone is impatient with waiting, let's go now!" Yun Teng stood up suddenly, greeted Yan Foil Liuli, and then politely handed over to several families The members of the tavern first stepped out of the tavern, then took a deep breath, and with full of expectations, said to the players of their guild guarding outside the tavern: "Let's go, Waqi Town..."

Then, Yunteng Wanli took the lead, walked directly through Shimu Town, and walked towards the green place in the distance. The current state of Waji Town is basically the same as that of Divinxi Town in the North Continent!It was all covered by a green light mask, filled with the branches of big trees with human faces growing and twisting everywhere, without any sound, just slowly expanding the range quietly...

Standing more than ten meters away from the green mask, Yunteng Wanli turned his head to look at those family members for the last time, and asked again: "Everyone, is there anyone who needs to change their minds?"

The players from several families sneered, but no one nodded at all.Speaking of which, when they received the news that they were going to come here, what they were thinking was that Yunteng Wanli might have found a certain or many powerful NPCs who were going to seize this town occupied by the Fox Clan, so they came to find Several of their families cooperated.In the end, who knows, I only heard about it after I came here, and they only rely on themselves!Just kidding, that's the Fox Clan. These players just don't know how powerful the Fox Clan is. Do the NPCs in the town where they stay know?
Just relying on Yunteng Wanli and their few players to want to take the town that the Fox clan robbed, this is simply whimsical.They even wondered if Yunteng Wanli had gone crazy, because his brain was kicked by a donkey to have such crazy ideas!It's just that the people in the family said that it was just a teleportation array, and they came to have a look with the mentality that they could not let it go or miss it, and it would not delay any time, so they were all arranged to come here!

After all, everyone is looking forward to the success of Yunteng Wanli.But when they arrived outside Waqi Town, the last trace of hope in the hearts of the players of the several families was scared away by the distorted and terrifying face on the big tree with human faces in the green light mask!It is impossible for Yunteng Wanli and the others to fight against other NPC Fox Clan!That is a powerful fox family.
 PS: Thank you for the monthly pass of "007 31st Generation Heir"!Thanks to "Little Fox灬" for the two monthly tickets!Thanks for the two monthly tickets of "AI Crying Ghost"!Thank you "Liu Zhiling" for starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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